WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMJBER 7,1977 PAGE 13 Lynde Creek mars h plan cornes to counCil in January be nodange-ofte are Somne changes in the land- scape at Victoria Street and Lynde Creek are proposed in a master plan for thé' Lynde Shores Conservation Author- iyOne of the proposais is to fi in part of Storey's Marsh along the south side of Victoria Street. Conceril may be aroused over this proposal because it is a pop-. uilar fishing area. The report approved by Corridor opposes seve rances Councillor Joe Drumm has been doing bis homework, finding out the opinion of Corridor area residents on lot severances , but Councillor Tom Edwards says Councillor Drumm's work is redundant. According to Councillor Edwards, such a survey has already been undertaken by council's administrative corn- mittee. Councillor Drumm recent- ly reported he had talked to 122 people on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, spendjng some 30 hours and ècovering four streets. He found 68 people were against lot severances, 46 in favor and eight had no opin- ion. Most stated that they lived in a planned subdivision which did not cati for lot severances at a later date, he said. CLOCA states that the, area directly south of Victoria Street rnay have to be filled in to encourage the growth of marsh vegetation and thereby discourage the launching of canioes - which currentlY occurs along this busy road. CLOCA General Manager Bil Campbell says that since Some said they wouldagree to two lot owners forming one lot out of their property, he said. Councillor Edwards told Councillor Drumnrn that a sur- vey had been taken a yearago by the town, and the public opinions had not changed much. However, it was good to have the views reaffirmed, he said. i)ogs attack van Everyorie has heard of dogs chasing cars, but last Wednesday two Gernian Shepherd dogs literalty at- tacked a van in Whitby. Durhamn Regïonal Police say Joseph Camnenzuli of 87 Thicksofl Road North *was driving a 1977 Ford van on Water Street about 4 p.m. and as he turned onto Brock Street,two German Shepherds ran out froni a nearby comn- pound and attacked his van. Mr. Canefizuli told police the dogs tore off the right rear fender skirt and then ran away. Damnage amounted to about $80. The Town of Whitby by- law enforcemnent officer bas been asked to invertigate. the plan is approved only in principte, there is stili tiîne for public input on the sub- ject. CLOCA Chairman John Goodwin intends to present the master plan to Whitby Council on fan. *16 in order to receive.' comments from council and the public. Mr.uCdmell witesub-OC missiwlons by mi from the puicpio yr to the an.t16 meeting. of Natural Resources streamn inventory, there are Il species of hardier types of fish in, the Lynde Creek. These include types of bass, suckers, minnows, darters, shiners, chub and panfish. The inventory does not mnen- tion catflish and perch which* are favorite catches for area- fishermen. The master plan dlaims the creek is about one to three feet deep ini the area con- sidered for filling. The maser plan also Pe- commends thai muskrat trapping be discontinued in the marsh. According to the master plan, muskrat lodges provide nesting sites for birds. 'Ihe Cranberry Marsh, which is located in the Lynde Shores Conservation Area is a well- known bird sanctuary and CLOCA want to protect it as a breeding area. The master plan states that mnuskrats stabalize their populations, so there would CHINIESt F0O-0 TAVERN4' GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT AND TAVERN cmi<N01& CANA#DIAN FO0D IOS107 MSYK. S. WMIT@y <Juts 5011OF 4 CORNERS) W&W xt e DINE 114 OPEN GATEWAY TO CARIE. Mon-""i' f INE CUISINE WOIC t~ii2 A. m f'WE - ff titi 3 A.M WH'SYAAND eAL 832OU1SRV being over-run with muskrats if trapping ceases. The master plan catis for thie eventual expansion of the tLynde Shores Conservation to 1.00f)' acres, north and- south of Victoria Street, from Hall's Road to Jeffrey Street. Since 1972, CLOCA lias acquired 366- acres of land, which includes' the Cranberry Marsh and part of Storey's marsh at the mouth W~PA ail the cottages remaining at the Eastbourne Beach. Somne of these cottages are still occupied *as -year-round- homes. The master plans cails for 610 acres south of Victoria Street, 40 per cent of which is taken up by the two marshes and- Lynde Creek. The northern' sector would have 390 acres, of which 120 acres are forest .covered. about you Tell us what you are today and what you want ta, be tomorlOW. Ask us if we cn offe' opportufities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations onl sither side. We'B be glad ta tatk. And we rnay have just what you re looking for. But you'It never know until you asic. Visît our Mobile iRecruiting Unit. Canada Manpower Centre OSHAWA 14 DEC. '77 1:OOa.m. - 3:00 p.m. ARMED [SANTrA PARADE WINNERS Santa Claus Parade winners pictured here are (back row, left to right) Stu Drew of 7th Whitby A Cubs, overali winner for Star Wars Float; Judge Tom Edwards with trophy for best band, Whitby Brass Band; Susan Woolsey of Block Parents, best private entry; and iudge Amnie Ceslie of CKLB with best service organization trophy for Whitby Lions Club. ln front row are: Committee Chairman Murray Thompson, Mayor iim Gartshore, Carrne Hicks and Cathy Smith, Woodview Majorettes, Oshawa, best majorette group:and Whitby Jaycees President Mike Bu!gess. The Whitby Jaycees woul d like to thank ail the etat and spectators who came ouf and contributed to the success of our annual Santa Claus Parade Don't forget fa visif Santa Claus at the Whitby Jaycees Santa House Senteil hoI b.thore ,Fr dey .venigos end mli'day Satmardmy THEe CMIINE GIFT SHOP 1 1 ML