Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1977, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7,1977, PAGE 17 FORSL 1Ayear old hens suitable for freezer. phone 668-3855. Winter Coats, childrens, mens, womens. We have alsizes & styles, casuals to furs, at a price range of $8.0() & up at the Nearly New Shop. 131 Brock St. s. Whitby - Shop 'daily - 9:30 -5:30 668-4100 TOOLS Brand new, neyer used, ail riare brand,' Westward Gray IC etc. on Snap On, professional guaranteed' by mahutacturer, clear1ng out at less than haif j pce. Hydraulic floor jacks, bottle jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wrench sets (metric and standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, impact tools, dril presses and many other hand tools for plumbers, carpenters and handymen. Cail 683-1753. CANDLES OPEN HOUSE - MARIE FERGUSON'S R. R. No. 1 BROOKLIN PHONE 655-4751. DECEMBER 8TH. 2-5 P.M. & 7-9 P.M. 72 Dodge Demon, 318 with headers, 3 spd.stick, bucket seats, tack & C.B. many extras. - 2 croîne siot rimis, 2 Cragar. style ris3 spd.trans. with shifts, 4 spd. trans with Bell Howsing & Fly-Wheel, seil separate or lot for $1600. or best offer. Ask for Ed at 655-3481 or leave message. Brazil Competes As recently as 1973, the U.S. contributed 73 per cent of the world's soybean crop. That. share has already shrurik to less than two- thirds anid will further weaken to less than 60 per cent- by 1985, due mnainly to intense comrpetition fromn Brazil. AUO IOS AUCTION SALE Sat. Dec. lOth. il a.m. The Broughiam lCommuflity Hall ,Piano Pressback chairs, 6 upholstered >chairs, copper kettle & boiler, old tea cans. number of crocks. coal oil lamp, number of dishes. Terms ,Cash, No Reserve, Auctiofleers, Earl Gauulln--and Norîn Faulkner. PEG'S FLEA MARKET Sat's. and Sun's. 9 - 6 OPENING SPECIALS COUNTRY JAMBOREE Sunday, Dec. 11lth 1 - 6p.m. Fresh homemade baked goods Hot meat pies & breads etc. Vendors welcome on No. 7 and 12 Hwy's. 1I'h miles north of Brooldin, Cail 655-3815 or 655-4117 for further info. 2lst West Lynde Brownies and Guides are holding a Christmnas Bazzar on Thursday Dec. 8 From 6-30' to 8 p.m. at West Lynde Public School. Items for sale, include: tsaked goods, cratts, plants, X-Mas decoratiofls& White Elephant. Corne and support your girls. Oily Reply While resting in bed late one morning, the harried husbajid was greeted with THE MANAGEMENT Of IVAN"S HAIRSTYLING 1400 Dundos St-, E. Whitby would like to welcome bock Morlene to our professionol stoff Dec-lst OPEN Mon. Sot. & Evenings Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 668-4321 WANTED - Old Decoys, Wooden or otherwise cali 655-3158 after 5 ýRICES HIGHEST PRICE Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, -dcocks, jewelry, 4ishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and seàlers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa -LEARN TU % UaiV: CARPE14TRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 TRACTORTRAILE S Snail quilts, doli bedding and CALL clothing and other small items TORONTOdone at reasonable rates. Samples TORONTOavalable. caîl 668-5497. 416-864-9381 Mature woman will care for child Wehv3008tckapsi in mny home by day or week. ehv 008taktpsi Mary & Pine district Whitby, stock used variety, Jazz, Rock & Reasonabie phone 668-0620. Roil, modern, country & western yourpickl .cmachcat in i q The most powerful colu.ni around ore *0i Fre Press CluasIfed enud Emporiums 668-6111l HEL NTED i Part-time co-ordiflator needed, to organize volun- teer-delîvered outreach services for the elderly in Whitby. Experience in vol- unteer management pre- ferred. Salary level S6,000 per annum, 19 mionth, contract, starting January 3. 1978. Apply with resume, includ- ing 2 references, no later than Wednesday,Decemnber 7, 1977 to: Community Care, Personnel Commit- tee, 801 Brock Street S., Whitby, Ontario. hurry, I heard a mouse squeak. "Well, ariswered Stew, " what do you want me t.odo, get up andoil it? " CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS: Hand made doils, knitting, crocheting, etc. for sale oel 655-361;l or cail 655-3488. Perry St. Whitby. GUITAR LESSONS Learn what YOU want to learn beginners - intermediate - children & aduits welco me. Cali 666-1119 HELAATED IEXPANDING CANA- DIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable person who can work without supervision. Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus. EXPERIENCED MACIIINIST General machinist or turner miinimumn 10 years experiefice, al benef its paid.To p rates, day shift Markhafl & 401 area phonle 98167. Babysitter wvanted to comc into my home. John St. W. Whitby cali 668-0678 Contact -custormers around Wliitby. We trai'n Write A. C. Dick, Pres., Southwesterfl Petroleui Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. LONG DRESSES (ALL SIZES - ALL STYLES) for the Holiday Season also Unusuai things for your Christmas Shopping.. toys-.. to ... antiques.. THE NEARL Y NEW SHOP ýp131 Brock St. S., Whtby, Ontario 668-4100 9:30 - 5:30 daiiy titi Christmas - Thursday.& Friday titi 9 p.m. I SELBY, MADGETT, BOLER& HAAR W.A.D.Selby (XA.,M.C.A.B.V. C.J.Roberts, C.A. B.K.Madgett C.A. Offices 17 1 King Street East, Oshawa il18 Walton Street Sheridan'Maîl, Pickerinlg BUY AT REASONABILE PRICES GAS- DIESEL FUEL MOTOR D'IL Prompt Delivery Oui of town please Calil colieci <lt]C>WHITBY 668-3381 ~ng&v se C FOR AL VOUR PRINTING NEEDS M.S.M. Publishlng& Photograuihv Inc. 121 Brock St. N. 668-6111 Rural America In 1970, rural America had 2per cent of the population rnand 60 per cent of the sub- STUDEwirstandard housing. In that DRIVER same year, 3.4 million rural families in this country had icornes of less than $3,000. CHEAS PPN/ PETS& SPLE fflORK. Ean xta uoue. 1w -sur The OshaaObeience Associa- exciting lime of Christmas cards tion. Dog traininig classes startiiig end gfl te frinsis.noighbeurs, Jan. 11. Advanced registrationi reltivs.No xpeieci eedd. only 623-5686. or 576-1167. Ou, big, coiourfuily ilustratedl catalogue nuates it easy end IRISH WOLFHOUND profitable. Start now. Write PIJPS- 9 wks. Family Dogs today for free Christmas catalogue From Champions. H.D. end inf ormation. Monarcli Clear and Replacemnent Groeting Cards, Dept. 201, 21" Guarantees. $350.00. Cannon, Hamilton, LSN 3K3 or SANGPUR KENNEL phone (416) 527-3891. REG'D. 613-332-2024. FOR RENT AJAX APARTMENTS 2 AND 3 B-LDROOM WITH DEN, 2 BATH, BROADLOOM THROUGHOUT,,RECREATIONAL FACILITIESTENNIS PARKING, IMMEDIATE POSSISION, eOR MORE INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MISS LAPORTE 1-416- 965-1698. BRANTON CUSTOM HOMES REC. ROOMS. GARAGES & RENOVATIONS. FREE JIM BRANTON - 668-7629. Oxford Park Towers, 822 Glen 1asemneft apt. for rent, south Street, 2 bdmn $230. + hydro Nhitby, Private entrance phone 3 bdrmn $265. + hydro. CloseI 668-9910 after 6 p.m. to G.M. Schools, and shopping.I 5763739.I 7V4 fr Pegel/ge hli9 C e7AAV-' W/T/-IIVAP 0O/JL/NtI M 77/ PlziligePW17-1 compo/a4v2- 1AM5-eMP, GOA,<' 71lre t.ACQt/Ffe 7FWNNFRVFeAIR?- PRY 7F/LFMiANVP ,?l'A/r,4.L SAVE ENERGY NOW' Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter.. INSULATE NOW RAPCO FOAAg to your. milis and cavities or by adding cellulose fibre to your attic. KMP INSULATIONS. Wtby, Ont.66 1-1877 Chartered Accountants R.W.Boîer C.A. C.W.Marîowe C.A. T.Haar' C.A. A .D.Chapmnan,-c.A. ielephories 579-5531 885-2335 839-0153 r_- 1 TO $345.00 PER MONTH. $325.00 FROM UNDERGROUND COURTS. AIR CONDITIONING, PHONE WITHOUT OBLIGATION ESTIMATE

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