Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1977, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7,1977, PAGE 19 CHRISTMAS SHOW The Whitby Garden Cli will hold its annual Christu show and meeting Thursd; Dec. 8 at King Street Scho There will be entertainnv and refreshmeflts and evei one is welcomne. Commng Events Cenre.AIlmebers are in- Sie n otr hwn pany Youth Group will pre- 8:30 p.in tO msdnight. To reserve tickets cail uàsa [ub vited to bring along their the work of the Durhami sent three one-act.plays Dec.8 Tee il bef S ttive n, at 668-4159,ort. nas children and grandchildren to Centre for the Developmental- and 9 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec- punches and assorted cheeses.Sttoa68-15 Iay rneet Santa Claus. Special ly Handicapped will be on 10 at 1 p.m. at theCentennial __________________________ o01. entertaininent is arranged for display beside the tree. Building. Senior citizens are ~ ',, okn o à <ueJIe, , tuay- ry- CHRISTMAS PARTY The Mayor and Town Council invite ail Whitby resi- dents to attend an OldeTymne Christmas Party at the Muni- cipal Building Dec. il fraya 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. There will be refreshments and enter- tainrnent, and Santa Claus will be present. CANDLELIGHT CHORAL SERVICE St. Mark's United Church choir and youth choir will present a candlelit choral ser- vice at 4 p.mn. Dec. 18 at the church. There will be music also by violinist John Beaton, accompanied byDoris Beaton, and congregational singing of Christmnas carols. CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby will hold its an- nual candlelight carol service Dec. il at 7 p.m. There will be special Christmnas mnusic by the senior choir and the newly organized junior choir. Lessons will be read by mern-1 bers of the congregation ap d the beautiful 1 31 .year-old church will be decorated for the Christrnas festival. the kiddies. Dec. 31 froin 9 prn. to 1 a.m. the centre will be having a New Year's Party, the first since it opened last year. There will be refresh- ments and music by a disc jockey. Everyone is welcorne. Registration for New Year's Eve will be Dec. 12 froin 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. As only 90 tickets are available ,early reg- istration is required. CHRISTMAS DONATIONS The Volunteer Association of the Durham Qntre for the Developinentally Handicapped is setting up a Christrnas tree at the Oshawa Centre Friday Dec. 9 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for donations fromthepUblic. Shoppers are invited to take a card, write a personal greeting on it, pin it to the tree and make a donation to the association. The muney collected will be used by the association to purchase a pool table and gaines for the resi- dents of the centre. OLDE TYME CONCERT The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Whitby District Girl Guides will hold an Oldg Tyrne Christmnas Concert atE. A. Fairman Public School Dec. 9 at 7 p.m.1 A small admission féee AI be charged at the door. CEREAL SEMINAR A seminar on cereal pro- ducts will be hield Dec. 17 at 1: 15 p.m . at the Brooklin United Church by th1e 4-H H-omnemaking Club. Public exhibits, demonstrations and skitswill be presented. YOUTH PLAYS The Whitby Theatre Coin- r JUNGLE FILM A color film based on Rudyard Kiplin's JungIe,Book will be shown free at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery Dec.l10 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ROCK CONCERT A rock concert by Max Mouse and the Gorillas will be held at the Brock Theatre tonight at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at the door. CHRISTMAS PARTY Sister Giselle Pilon and her singing group, Les Tournesols, fromn Corpus Christi School in Oshawa will be performing at the Wlitby Arts Station Cliristrgas Party Dec. 16 D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 21 4 Dundis St.1 668-.71 Hours Mon--Sat. & Evenings 197 by Appointmellt Oniy GRET ALL RESTAU RANT SENIORS' ACTIVITIES There are plenty of Christ- mas activities at the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre on Brock Street south this month Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. there will be an evening of organ music at the centre withRalph Cutting. Mr. Cutting will be remnembered by many for his Christmas concert at the centre last year. On Thursday Dec. 15 froin 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. the centre will hold its annual Christmas birthday party. Luncheon will be served from 1i p.m. to 2 pan., fdllowed by entertain. ment by thé centre's Jubilee Choir and Stephen Potter. Members and guests are wel- corne.- Dec. 17 at 7:30 pam. there will be a Christmnas Dance Party at the centre, with Bert Heaver acting as miaster of ceremonies for a prograrn of entertainment. Dec- 28 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.mn. is Family Day at the ffl. 709 dui*4S FIE! DELIVIRy »" lwrsdy. .......I......ip s FMIY sud StufdaY ...........I........... . -3 8.0. aýow open Tua.,daI'm 116 Dwidait. W.st Whitby GUIDA & DINO on your own,? We'll cut your hair according to its type and natural tendency for best body and manageability., Cail us. today for naturally beauti- fui, healthy hair. SPECIALIZING IN PERMS, COLOURING, CLLTTING & Computeried Perms 668-3621 109 BYRON St. 668-6031 Vour Money in Fertlle Ground Strong growth w ith safety is what you get when you buy V and G guaranteed investment certificates..We pay you high enough interest to double your money in less than eight years. Act today -- at Victoria and Grey. ~ Serving more and more people sînce 1889 VICTRi nd GREY TRUST COMPANY KEITH LAWES Manager 308 DundaS St. W., Whitby 668-9324 Whitby Community Bingo 2 $500 ~aycees Kiwanis JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT FIRST JACKPOT AT 56 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 51 NUMBERS No AMISIOnNdCHRE!amitex BEY DENSHORE PAVILION (corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby) Lie. No. 235419. NO ADMISSION CHARGE! 16 Monday, Dec. 12 .0 7:15 p.me

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