PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS DUNE BUGGY - runniflb condition, fibre glass body, Pekng $600. Cal 655-4479, ask for Henry. 19177Yamaha 125YZ Motocross Like New used only two monthsr must senl $900. 655-3022. r Peanut'Travel Trûller by Rambler sleeps 4, 3 way fridge, complote witb hitch, eleotric brakes, mirai 2 glass botties uised 6 tfhs . $2,800 668-8432 Dune Buggies comptete with rol cage & lots of extras $150. each. also parts and access.. 655-3481_ reePee tent traiter, sleeps 4,jgood cond. brand new canopy & cover $600. 623-5715. 3 r.cipaet -vacuum eleaner $150. 683-0184 MOFF AT GOURMET Stove, Gold colour like new $350. customn mrade antique white couch'brand new. $450. Melo-sonic organ No. 465 & stool $350.,hardly used 668-9234 or 683-9521. 0QIL SPACE H EATER - large $75; 2 heat dispenser, for fan, f Or f ireplace. $125. Cal 579-0757. REFRIGERATOR -. single' door, old style, $40; stove, in good working condition, $36; dryer, automatic, ail temrperature, $75. Caîl 668-3889. 1970 Ski-ioule Snowmobile S300 G.E. electric white STOV jsingle $350 or best offer.655-3575. 2 yrs. old, excellent conditlion - 4. - .- " A %A ýy $175. Cal 668-3853 after 5 p.m. -motor. $250. or best offer. caîl 655-3583. AUTOPAT Steel Dise Mag Wheels for Chev. Set of 4 Tornada Belted Tires G 70 14 New $360. Sei for $200. or best offer 668-2886. Webber CARBURETOR - ter MG.B., tunable for economy, Iý200. Cal 725-4339. EDELROCK TORKER ALUMINUM HIGHRISER - $1 00; 600 ho 1ey 4-barreI carburetor, $90; crane race cam for Ford 289, $70; ail new parts. Çaî11655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. q.9 OUTBOARD MOTOR - used one season, including gas tank, cost $700 seil for $350 firm. Cal 668-3112. 14" rinos, sumrmen tires $6. ecd 668-0427 after 6. BATTER Y - 12 volt tor VW, one ydar old, $25. Caîl 655-4995. E78xl4 new TIRE - on à Ford rim, $20; storm windows, 20% x 461/4, $10; 21 1/8 x 414 $10; 42Y/? x 46Y2, $15; casernent windows, 20% x 46%, 6 et $10 each; poloroid camera, square shooter 2, like new. $20. Cal 728-f;414. 1283 CHEV ENGINE - 3,000 ,miles, complete with carburetor, $1 20. -Caîl 655-3006. ELECTRONIO BREAK CONTROL - for trailer breaks, asking $50. Caîl 668-9260. Snowtires pair mounted on uinis good eond. Dunlop fibreglass belîed G 78 15 $30. pr. Bnooklin aiea 6554365 evenings only. 1 pi. good ycan tires, 815 x 15" four-ply $ on rims. 668-5321 3 radial tires $25. apiece like new 655-3523 j-DR-70-14 Generai Steel Radials Like New. Spare Neyer Used White naised letters. Mounted on Sharp Sport Rims. $250.00 cali after 6 p.m. 668-2455 Reese-type trailer Hitch, Heav) Duty-H lFiarme good for 3500 tbs. towirig, will fit Coronet and Satel- lite from 68 and up. 1 yr. old has 1 7/ & 2 in. ball, each on it own inserting bar. $80. 668-5060 after 5 p.m. 2 - D781 3 - tubeless snowtires like new, white walls, $25. cati 668-2335 2 - E7814 snowtires like new $40. 666-1232. 1 pi. snowtires with rims E7814 less than 1,000 miles $45. 668-9900 E.PLAN CE S 1 fridgedair refridgerator A-1 cond. $200. 655-3972 after 6 29 Cubîc Foot Freezer $140. cali 655-4721. 1 natural gas space heater 85,000 B.T.U.'s cao be converted to propane $75. 668-2528 or 668-1 730. Kerirnore Gas Steve 30" very gaod cond. $95. caîl 728-8956, Upright humidifier for sale $40. cali - 666 - 1828. Freezer, 22 cu. ft. Gibson Chest type, $150. cati ater 7 p.m.. 839-5944[ ,AutomTatie washing machine $150 reorri divider, bîass & amber. Brand new, double size $35. Green iiving noomn armnctuir $65. 725-1211 Coîdspot 10,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER" - extended warranty, . $b30; Grolier Grov% case bookshelf, 4 shetves, walnut, $35; walnut bookease, 6 shelves, $35. Cali 668-2164. RANGETTE - good condi- tion, $15. C311 668--r450 WESTINGHOUSE WA L OVEN - in good conditiorf, $100); G.E. SURFACE UNIT & FAN COMBINATION, four elements. 2-8", 2-6", in goooi condition, $100. Cal 294-1383 JL i - l%' VIKING CLOTHES DRYER $80. Cali 668-9269, B & W TV - $150 or of fer; Portabel TV $50. 668-0744. best Cali B & W TV - 33", in good condition, $60. Caîl 723-9068. Stereo Console wvth Garrard Turn- table AM FM Radio in good cond. $85.00 668-8634. Stereo Silvertone FM ANI $60. Cal 668-4042 CONýSOLE TV - 13 & W. good condition, $7 5; tuvo alumninum doors, f ive basernent screen & storm windowvs, $5C. Cal 668-5596. FOR SALE - Built in aven anîd counter top Burners (elernent.) with a hood, crome coloured in excellent condition $15 728-6719. Hi-Fi R.C.A. good for rec room I or cottage $40. ;Brown patterned rug 10'6" x 8'6" $35. 655-3607. G.E. FLOOR POLISIIER - including brushes. and amb's wooî pads, $1 5; Clairol Kiodness instant harsetter, includinçi 20 roîlers, 20 roller clips, lightwteight compact case, ideal for travel. like new, $15. Caîl 725-9575. E'lectric LawnrnoWer with gras- catcher hardly used $483. cal 655-4627 after 7 )-mn- Electric Rangette Call 655 - 3768 $6.00 Fridgedair Dryei $100;, Larg,. maple wagon wheel baby crib comnplete & high chair $70. Telephone Stand $8; Steel WAidrobe. $8. 579-6786 Pizza aven Bakers Pride andi shovel 21" x 211/2" x 17" $22' or best offer; Pinc wash stand $75.; Figure skates girls size 13 good cond. $5; garage door stee 8' x8' $70. 655-4822 R EFR I GERATOR STOVE - excellent condition Asking $175. Cail 668-9165. ncýpe Recorder - Reel type $5,ý complete wine making kit, $35 Floor polisher $12. cati 668-6779 Air Conditiener G.S.W. 5,000 BTU's used one summer $1.-'O Freezer - General I-larvest Gold colour, 11icu. ft. like brand new %200. 668-3810. Alj1 CONDITIONIER - une summer oîd, fits waIl or window, 8,000 BTU, $225. Cal 6168-0050 af ter 6 p. m. Sears Beattie Bar Deluxe VACUUM CLEANER - ane year oId, $150. CaII.668-1819. Moffat built in oven & cooking surface unit, goid, like ncw $200. 576-6592. Propane gas full range steve 24" $100- ai best offen, wringer washing machine $50. or best offer. 668-1995 30" Westinghouse stove with windoW for sale good cond. $25. 655-3222. ,MI SE L LA NEOUSA Dlums, thone hghat mos5 nrms stnds, exicod. alue newo $ asking $250. 655-3540 Infants clothing streteli terry sîcepers, ahl sizes, sweaters, tshlrts slack s, many other items for girls and boys very reasonaîbe. $25,., (for the lot) 655-3006 bôid maple chest ot* drawers $55. caîl afternoons and evenings 668- 7415. Weddlng Dress for sale size 14-16 ,Long sîceves $40. 655-4289. One Pair gold velvet lined CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - Vry good condition size 112 x92, $145. caîl 666-1958. Fleetwood console STER EO - $75; display cabinet. with glass sliding doors, $75; '.hallway x-minister carpet, 27"w x 451l, with padding. $100; ail items in excellent condition. Cali 666-1847. la dies fail or winter coat, green with fur trim arouncl cuffs & collai size 18-20 asking $35 . or best offer. Chanille bedspread single, bTand new asking $12. 725-6045. Brown Chesterfield Chaii - Good shape $40. caîl 668-7145 vVhîte with gold trim 24" BATHROOM VANITY - with countertop, $70. Cali 725-5753. Gîis ceat size I10-12 aqua bluie with sheeps wool trini. \orn Twice $60. 668-3101 SWIMMING POOL FILTRE - with spare cartridge, $60; over the waIl skimmer. $10; new ladder for 4' pool, $35; pool vacuum, $5. ,ýalI 668-4804. BIICE TIRES - 26" x 1%"', $1 each; Scalectrix racing set, rnany extras, t1.5. Cali 668-5060. 3 pce. chesterfield ste. price $225. wiought iron tea wagon, price$25. L.otnge exerci.ser price $25. 668-4780 1/ ct. diamond ring - white gold solitare setting, appraised value $650. will sacrifice at $500. 579-3094. t'ersian caripet 9'8" x 1 3' 7" slightly worn $400. or best offer. Chess set ivory carved show piece only $200. or best offer cal after 6 at 655-4194. Mediumn size Oak Desk - 1 large drawer,S4;9, lazy boy $25. Viking wringer washer, $49. 72-5-1211. Single STUDENT DESK - $12. Cal 725-1211. Star drumn set, 4 pce. good cond. $60. 725-2243. R tg 9x12, off whiite excellent condition, wiîth underpad $60 caîl 668-8273 after 6 p.n Ghrome KITCHEN SET - 5 pieoe, $45; Chesterfield chair, $10; both ideal for cottage. Cal668-8267. Italian Provincial 4 seater chestei- field and chair, Green Brocade $50. 668-6144. Wedding Dress, Size 17 excellent Condition $75. Baby Buggy $25. 725-4646. Piano, Mason & Risch upright, ith mnirror inset, price $650. phone between 7 & 9 p.mný 668-1045. Baby changing table with drawers $15; I-ligh Chair $15; vcry good cond. lg.rocking horse.$l5. 655-4917 Long.suiede winter coat, size 16 $40. 668-3469. Girls, white skates, size 1,3, & 6 $1 2 caci pair. Cal! 655-4948. Off white rug 17' x 15' (approx.) $200; coffee table & end tables arborite toppcd. trimmcd withi brass $1 00. eall anytinie 728-901 7 2 GARAGEi)OORS, used 8'1 '/" x 7'(hit) $25.; 9'11/,."x 7'(ht) $25.; ail hardware Anci. I aluminium sceen door 331/2" x 813/4" $25. MIi hardware incl. 668-942ý Baby Carniages, $25. & $40.; Baby Swing, $12.; Jolly Jumper $5.; Iligh Chair, $7.; 2 Bathtubs $2. each; Bottle sterilizer, $3.;training chair,$5.;walker,$ 683-8467 2 Night Tables(-nlot rmatching)$lO each; 1 maris blue suit size 42 (new) $ 35; 1 Pr. new ladies shocs siZe 5/2 $8; table model hair- drycr $18; ladies suede jacket size 14 $8; mans homemade pull- over sweater size L $20; home- made afghans $25.each 683-9048. Large & sinali slzed spanish pictures - $75. & $25, Spanish, coffee table & 2 end tables (solid wood) $450.00 cl 666-1 372. PEG POOL GAME - 4 cule, $45; blue French Provincial chair $25; off ice desk, excellent condition, $75; single bed, $5; bing.pong table, 1 yr. oId, $50; corner arm chair, dark brown, $10; 4 drawer dresser, $15; exercise bike, $40; 21/ hp lawn- mower, $35; 2 matching arm- chairs, beige, $55. Cal 683-7788. CHILDS POOL TABLE 3' x 6', good condition, $7.50; also many assorted jigsaw puzzles, 50 cents each. Cal 655-3411. 1 stereo - buiît in 8 track tape, record player, wooden cabinet with door for storing records and tapes with lock. Approx. 1 year old.$200,whirl-a-way dishwasher -$25; 1l blk. & white 23" T.V., console model $100.Call 668-3195 Almost new pale green & pale yellow mixed shag, approx. 10x 1 21/; plus hcavy bubble foani underpad $190; 666-1851. Antique oak dinner - wagon 42" long 18" wide 36" high $150.Antique MahoganY What Not 50" high 30" wide $150. 725-8226. Wringer-washer $65. ipi. rnen'! skates size 9 $10. kitchen set. $40. 683-4675. $40.;lRcD ivaed&readbSort Lin; ed raesp5;ead aSe-r Lndaent Wi5.oW drae 3Base- $5.n parîsnlessdrstesingle sin $8. p; Whte angte llsingl& n, $8enhte10Rangwiesl 14" riFn, $25.; 3$0.xo78TiCea"riaoors glass &30" x,78ained $40.; 34"& 82"s laogk anlbext$4.;)e3r4$20 Caîl 668-4686 POOL TABLE -- Burrougl Watts, 4'/ x 8' Caîl 668-2425 bef are 12 n000. 1 blonde wig $15. triple dresser with mirror & niatching single dresser $75. 3 -size 9 uniforms $20. chcsterfield & chair $50. 576-1 394. cali 668-5471 Stereo AM FiM receiver wlth matching spoakers $60. cali Greg 668-6790. 51 pce. set mikasa - oven to tableware - detergent proof, in good eond. Bahai pattern $39. 668-7246. For sale - 3 long dresses nver worn, size 18, $20. each. Red velvet coat, size 18. new $45. Suede Coat size, 18, $30.Portable Dishwasher $25. Bodyshiits $5. each size lg. caîl - 668-6078. 'Vorens Dark Grey Ring collar, fur trimmed coat, size 14, worn twice.$50; 1 Auto Clave sterilizer for contact lenses $15;Girls Figure Skates size 3,4,&5. $5.pi; Black, tap shoes worn twice size 3 $ Veadboard, white for 30"' bed $5.; Bookease 3 shelves white suitable for childs îoom $10; Royal Ironstone bcd chamber, Wheatston pattern $15.668-8432. extra good mattress 6 lg.c white vinyl head-boaid 668-6527. dîawer 5 $70. Ladies Alphine Skiis 72" ex. cond. $40. and ski boots size 9 Cresta $25. Torcan 20" electric heater new $15. Remington 8 cup Electrie perculator $5. Minolta camera with honeywell flashbulbs $15. 668-2400 Girls ringette CCM skutes, size 4 worn 3 or 4 times $30. 668-9817. For Sale: Girls skates, size 1l $5.; girls white rain boots size 6 & 7 $2. eachi; pink ballet slippers, size 1 31/ $4. single bed & drapes yellow with white kittens $15. Tap shoes size 10 $9. 6687614. Furnace duct-work and fittings for sale 4 x 10 floor defusers i (in 4 x 10 angle floor GAS FURNACE - brand new, 100,000 BTU, neyer been used, $250. Caîl 668-6950. SKATES - 2 pair Bc.uwer, size 11, nearîy new, $20; CCM Junior Pro Size 12, $20 or best offer. Caîl 655-31 17. Hlockey equipnient for 7-I1O yr.old. shouider pads, elbow & knee pads. and hockey pants, will seli on bloc for $12. skates aIse available $5. Electric racing car set, made by SCALECTRIC' Iap couniter, CIICANESET, straight & corners 2 cars many extras $14. firmn caîl ater 5 - 668-5060 2 Gendron carniages, one-&inone $50. one metai prarn cenveites into bassinet :îndl lias a velour hood $35. crib & mnattress $22. 683-1574. One slot car set with extras $20'. Rocking Herse $12. ilampster cage $5. 728-8259. head piece new $300.asking $100. caîl 668-0429 Rug and pad $35. Childs uphol- stered rocker $9.rnens new skates $15. green occasional chair $6. wooden round dropleaf table (old) $25. Rokceî $10. Wooden Chair $6.50 Duncan Phyfe end tables swivel top $45. square parler table $15. electric rypan $3. 2 pictures $3. encli, 723-2426. cvenings or weekends. Men's Lang buekle boots, size 6 and caiiying rack, Arlberg 185 centimeteis skiis and Beesher bindings. $45. 728-1291. School desk, 1 picce $10. white sewing machine $35. woodcn storm door $35. T. V. game Blk. & White ncw $20. Block Plane Antique$1 4. Antiqtîc phone $95. caîl 728-2327. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitable for ighting patio or pool area, $30 each. Cali 668-2832 afier 5 p.m. Comfortable chesterfield for nec- noont or cottage,slip covered $20. 668-1063.A To Qult eak Dlning Rooml Ste. Diling table lhbc chairs, buffet and hutch, oWner must seli due to redecoratlflg $1 ,000 or best offer. Bella Vista by Collin coffee table & end table $75. or best offer cail - 683-7609. Telescope for sale, features inelucle: 3 inch mirroî,loiig focal length (700 mm) racinpiriof focusing, 3 eye pieces, 5, 12.5 & 23 mm, zoon lense, Sun filter and finder scope, asking, $140. 668-4948. SuperClfistmnas tilt fuil sized pin-bail machine in perfect work- ing order. 'new $1 800. asking $350. 728 -2484. Harnpstei cage, wheel, feeder, food & bedding $8. 725-8162.' Skiis, 170 centimeters, buckle boots&bindings $60. 63-6638. 9 pce. antique solid waInut dinmhg roorn suite, very good cond. $950.. or best offer. White baby crib $50. Stroller $10. Baby clothing size 12 mths. -size 2. RoyaT-Blue snowsuit size 2, $8. 668-9739. in good condition, mnattiess Will need replacîng< $50. 728-9777. Twvo pis. of boys skates- sizes 8 and 10 for sale $5. each like new. Two boy's wintei coat outfits for good - one grey wool material - 3 piee size 3X $15. - one camnel colored wool miaterial trimnined wit'h dark brown suede - 2 piece - size 4 $15. A Phîlco television set - colour - 23" good condition $100. 668-8967 1 Childs nine drawei dresser very good cond. $20 66.8-7601 cail aftei 1 p.IT. condition $150. SnoNvtir on rim 78 x 14C $30. .00 boots $.80 ach, 5'ilength of 5" Cati 668-3811 pipe $2. ach, side take off $.50 45 degree elbows $.50 each, E L U J Galvanized chain-link fencing PETS SPLES 42" x 50' for $10. 655-4423. i snare dium., stand, sticks, Horse for. Sale - 5 year -mare, brushes and key. very good cond. 'haif apalosa half quarter'horse, $45. eall Brian 655-3411 exccllent'riîng, likes to jump. Asking $500. or best offer. Steel hiamrpster cage exercise wvheei Moving, must seUl 655-4163. & drinking botle, $7.50. Boy's , bicycle good cond. $30. caîl Bnian 655-341 1 2 male toy poodlès black>,"12 wks. len t tememnt$0.57-04 Jsigh tly used 1 new, 1 new quilted nylon $4 & $5 each. 655-3006. -Twin beds very high quality and very new, price $135. ench set. Two end table lamps $1 5.00 set., Cati 668-9009[ ANTIQUE CHESTEF FIE L D SUITE - 4 pce., newîly upholstered. green and rust brocade, $250 or best offer. Caîl 728-4943. New Brass Bed 39" $210, one four poster brass knob bcd metal bed 36" $120. 668-6330. console keyboaîds & floor bass contraIs, magie cord & rhythm section, headphones, stool and bookds. $775. 666-1372. Electronic Piano -as new, 5 ful octaves $500. or bst offer. white birch gas fireplace logs, used one ewi&ùer $80. or best offçr 668-6319 Sterco/quadraphonie system. Pioncer QMS00A pre-amphlifier Pioncer QC800A power amphlificu (240 watts).Dual 1219 tuintable with audial-techoica CD4 caîtridge Koss quadraphones. 2/4 channel caîphones- Must be sold as com- plete package $800- 668-9805. W.hite zig-zag sewing machine $70. 1 fui fabric short jacket size 12-14 $20. one floor lcngth red raincoat size 12-14 $10.Dresses made in England size 10, 12, 1 $3. each. 1 pi. black suede shoes size 71/-8 $4. 1 pr. tan leather & suede wedge heelshoessize 5 $10. One pale blue ski jacket size 10- 12 $7. cali aftcî 5 at 576-0308. Mcsh playpcn $20. Swing-a-matic $12. Jolly jumper $6. G. M. Lovescat $25. Baby Carniage $15. Bottle Sterilizen with bottles $5. Baby Scales $10. Crib Bumper pad $3. Infants 3-in-ane snow-ý suit $20. Electiahome humidifier $50. caîl - 668-1 326. Weddirtg Dness sire 7 $70. Bridese inaid dress (Orange) size 9. $50. 66R0638. Aquarium 15 gai., with stand,~ lights & filter $50. 6684495. Whitby Free 1 Press, news carrier,, coul the Free Press circulation department at 668-6111 7p bi p 4 c 4 $18.