Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1977, p. 7

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1977, PAGE 7 H isorical SWhitby REBELLION 0F 1837 One hundred and forty ycars ago this mnonth, Caînada xvas convulsed by the Rebellion of 1 837. Whitby did nul play. a very large part ini William Lyon3 Mackenzie's Rebellion, but the effects of that rebellion were fclt here, 30 mniles away froni Toronto where Mackenzie and is band of rebels wcre dispersed by île forces of t1he governinenclt. One of the reasons that Whiîby was 1301 pruî3inently associated with the Rebellion of 1 837 was îl3at ils popula- tion consisted rnostly of Tory supporters an3d tl3eReformiers were flot as strong as tley were north of Toron3to. On Sept. 14. 1837, nearly ihree nuntl3s befure his rebellion, Mackcenzie passed out notices tlIa i 1e as goougto hold a î3eeting at t1he Baptist Cl3urcl3 in Whitby Township (tle site is now mrarked by a cairn ai the K MarI Plaza on Dundas Street aI Kéî3dalwood Road). The adveriisements called for tle people of 113e township to corne armed, and a large number showed up aI 1t3e builcl- ing. However, the local Tories threatcned 10 tear tle church down if Mackenzie showed up, and no one as allowed admission 10 113e building. With such tîreats facing them, the Reformners of Whitby Township adjourned 10 Peter Perry's store ai 11he Four Corners, and waited rnore than an hour. Mackenzie, un- doubtedly warned of the hostility in the area,failed to show ~: Byines Hi AIl! Hope no one was seriously hurt or stock by last week's snow. One tling is for sure, the kids just love it: and il looks more like Christmas. Speaking of Christmas the town is putling on her Christ- mas best.' The streets are lighting up with colours. Decora- tions adorn the street larnps downtown and windows are filled with happy things to look at. Christmnaý is in the ail. Mrs. Ruth Sonley would like to express 1ier îhanks lu alI of you who sent flowers, gifts and cards and to those who helped her cèélebrate her 8th birthday. A Mpecial thank you to lier daughter and the Friendship Unit (of the Brookîni United Church for making it ail happe n. The. Brooklin 1ublic Library are having a repeat of the jelly bean contesl. This lime il is a "Christmas Candy Wreaih Coniest." The .way 10 in the \vreath is for anyone taking out children's books to fill out a slip of paper witl their library card number and place il in a box. On Fridav Dec 23 the winning number will bc draw.n. To add to the Christmas spirit the library is laving a Christmas parly. t starîs at 2:30 p.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m., Their will be gamnes, stories, treats and carol siî3ging. For a special treat there will be a- puppet show. The theme is "A Nîght Before Chrismas". It sounds like il vi1I be lots of fun. Some more information about Group '74's Olde Tyme Christmas is that caroling will be oulside around t13e mec- (with weather permitting). Therc ill be hayrides for 113e kicis and cîdar for the grownups and cookies n3ade by FISHER REFR16ERATION SERVICE Authorized AMANA dealer Wae energy wth high efficiency entral air con<Itlogsalsen <dintlao' Repàs to no mukes of freeers, refrigerutors, air condimnrs, debmMIdfs. r y#@ dm a £service resideuitalmd comme r ce à-foube' ReOp&Irsto Ai l Mkes Fr - R.rlgefBtOV - Ait CofldItIonoT W Recluruo Auto moile Ah'Conditioflifl 2) QUEEN STREET S"3233 Meanwhile, the Torics ut' the district called a meeting at Bennett's Tavern (stili standing at the north cast corner of Dundas and Eucelid Streets), and hutng a Union Jack flag from omie of the upper windows. Williami Dow , a Scottish Presbyterian farmier of some note in the community was called to be chairman, and Alexander McPherson, the postmnaster was secretary. A number of Conservative supporters ýrose and in lengthy speeches. condemined Mackenzie and his policy of calling meetings for political purpose durinig the harvest season. They said that Mvackcnzie's followcrs,evcn t houghi they xvere armed only with hickory stavcs, should be (leait with by the local magistrates, and Mackcnzie and his associates should not be permit ted "so long andf.s50 utten to annoy by their pernicious fooleries and rank sedition an cnligbitened and loyal people." A series of resolutions was drafted by the Conservatives, proclaiming Mackenzie and hiis supporters to be "commun enermies of social order," and a "public nuisance." The meeting went on to 'express îoyafty tu the goverfi- ment ani Qucen Victoria, and closcd with threc cheers for the Queen, the British Constitution and Sir Francis Bond 1ltead, the Goveriior of the Province. The Refonîners were nul without thecir leaders in Whiitby Township. Peter Perry, the mosl noted Reformer in the district, openly opposed Williami Lyon Mackenzie's plans for rebellion and would not take part in Ibis planned in- surrection. l-lowever, James Hunter, a doctor in Whitby Towniship, who was an enthusiaslic supporter of Mackenzie, led a small group of followers to Toronto on the day of the rebellion. Before lie reached t1he city, lie learned that Mackenzie hiad been routed at Montgomiery's Taverni,and his band dispersed. The goverrnment, however, caughit up with Dr. Hunier, and arrested hin, but released him on bail of SI 6,000. He \vas charged with treasonvand brought to trial in April 1 838, at Toronto. tin3e. And of course Santa Claus will be there Io sec aIl tlhe good boys îind girls. Su rememiber kids - be good - cause Santa's coming lu, town! It seenis that there is 11111e happening ini tuwn. 1 haven't been getting any cails. If 'ni1301 13home duning 1t3e day cal afier diî3ner. Tlhe co luin,3 this week will be really short cause there is nolhiî3g nuch 10 Write about. Maybe next wcek therc'll be more lu rite about! Knuw of anything h3appenling tl3at n3îglt be of' il3ercsl lu otl3crs, caîl. You have miy numnber - su there s nu excuse. If there is a special (lance or dinnier let utl3crs know 100. Talk 10 yuu suon! 1 hope! Only 1l days tu Christu3as an3d Santa's uon 1is way! On Saturday December 1 7 at 4 p.n. 1the Anglican Church Sunday School prescrits tl3eir Christm3as Party ind1( 0n35Sun- day Deceniber 18 tl3ey are having a Chirist mas Caruhing ser- vice with choir at Il a.111. Happenings! Friday Deceniber 16, 7:30 p.ni. - Ashburnl Comrnluity Centre A Christrmas Concert - Fun for the whole family. Saturday Decemiber 17, 4 p.mn. - Anglican Church Brooklin Christmas Party. Sunday December 18, 7:30 - Canadianl Girls in Training- present their "vespar service" - Risk of Christmnas - Brook- lin United Church. Sunday December 18, 2 p.mn. tilI 4 p.mn. - Olde Tyrne Chistînas brought to you by Group '74at Brooklin Corn- Ilunity Centre - Be There!! Wednesday December 18 6:30 pn. - Brooklin Legion - the Geileral Meeting of Brooklin and District Kimsman. Saturday December 18, 4 p.nm. - Anglican Church Br<oklin Christmas Party. Sunday December 18, 11I a.m. A caroling Service - Anglican Clîurch Brooklin. A fair day in winter, is theC 133011r of a storn3. Marie 65 5.3061 Dr. Hunter was acquitted of the charges against hlmn, and escaped the fate of Samlula Lount and Peter Matthews who were hanged. It is said that one ofthe Jurors at Dr. flunter's trial declared,"there will be no more hangings," andthus he escaped the faite of the other rebels., In spite of being acquitted, Dr. Hunter was stili a hunted man. Seeking any excuse to arrest him again, the govern- mlent forces, scarched his house shortly after his return to Whitby, and were convinced he was hicling in the attic. .The constables set a smuclge fire under the stairs to smnokc hlm out, but the doctor escaped through a window and inade his way to Whitby harbor where hiîs friends sup- plied Ilimn with a boat to ma.ýke his getaway. lie was conveyed to a coal schooner and rmade the trip to Rochester, hidden in the hold. Dr. lunter remnained in the United States until 1,841, when he mnoved back to Canada and settled at Newmarket. Hle died at Buffalo in 1850.,. Militi.a companies con tinued to patrol Whitby Township throughouit 1838, but witlh the'escape of Dr. HunIter, there was no more rebel activity in the township. Dr. Huinter's house stood on the south side of Dundas Street east of Kendalwood Road,and was demolished about 15 ycars ago. Instant office party, Theî3 \ou nced C l n lS n e s Kentucky Fried Chieken. ClnlSnes Fced grotips of 30, 50. 20)0 or miore for onîx $1.90 per person.y cafllthie m3~anagr o ot or neîrbY for details.p OVE R 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO -SEE TOUA PHONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU. INTEREST FREE HOLIDAY-' INSTALLMENT PLAN ifl À àVJ December 31 2 Weeks- Three Island Hibiscus Tour $53n26 12 months with a dowNn payment -of S159.80 * Round trip air, transfers, 7 nights Waikiki Beachcom ber Hotel, 3 nights Kauai Beach boy Hotel and 4 nights Kaanapali Beach Hotel, Maui a lnter-island flights, tour escort, beach bag and state tax. SkyLark's Iow January price: s799 per person. You pay: 1159.80 and 12 monthly instalments of $53.26 per person... Departs Toronto via WARDAIR 747 jet, non-stop to Hawaii. Other lnterest FREE Holiday Installiment Plans Avoulable- Contact RUSSELL TRAVEL -1 16 SROCK STe. . WHOTY668-500 HO Utit Mon. -Soi. 9-5 P.m. ______ 1) ,o

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