Bylaw says owners must clear sidewalks of snow withmn 12 hours! Street from Winchester to Queen Street and Casseils Road, west side to 1-eber Down Crescent. The bylaw states that if. there is ice on sidewalks in front of an owner's property, he is responsible for strewing the sidewalk with ashes, sand or any other suitable sub- stance for removing the ice. The bylaw also states that no occupant or owner may place snow or ice on the road allowance of any street,when clearing the snow fromn the sidewalks. Bylaw enforcement officei Joe Haney expressed concern that many of the town's side- walks were flot clcired after the recent heavy snowfalls, and remninds Whitby citizens of the provisions of the snow remnoval bylaw. to semin ar part of Durham Region'stwo- year industrial promotion programn, will be held in Basel, Switzerland, May 23 to May 26. Mayor Gartshore was chosen as one of three mnayors to attend the seminar because Whitby is one of the municipalities with the majority of the serviced in- dustrial land in the region. The cost of the trip to the semninar is estimated at $9,000. The provincial governrnent lias provided $1 65,000 of the total $250,000 cost of the region's industrial promotion project on Saturday night tbis 'jolfly old gentIemi-1 wilI be niaking his yearly rounds to ail homes in Whitby. RecentIy he. made an early trip to West Lynde- with helpers Uisa Uintner and Kim Hnff-m-an, courtesy of the West Lynde Community Association. Santa Claus toured the streets of West Lynde behind a car witb a Iou.d speaker announcing his arrivai, and bis helpers handed out candy canes to the cbildren. Free Press Photo By Brian Winter child druggig case heard sed yesterday (too late for press time) in the case of a 23-year-old Whitby mother who is charged with giving her infant daugliter three powerful drugs with the in- tent to endanger lier life. A county court in Toronto was gold last week that in February 1977, Robin Vain Ast, then 16 mnonths old, was given three powerful drugs and lapsed into a comna for seven hours. The child's mother, Shelly Marie Van Ast, pleaded not ging her daughter. Stephen Leggett, deputy Crown Attorney said that Mrs. Van Ast, a registered nurse, had access to the drug and believed her daugliter wa« dying of a brain tumnor. Mrs., VAn Ast testifiec that another nurse at the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto might have put the drugs in the cliild's food Robin Van Ast had been. brouglit to the hospital after suftering bfrckous ana tail. ing to gain weight. to start on time Recent spending cuts by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario will not affect the construction of the $40 mil- lion LCBO warehouse at Whitby, Durham West MPP George Ashe said last week. Construction is expected to start on target, in 1978, said Mr. Ashe, The warchiouse is expected to ernploy about 300 workers. SHowever, cutbacks fil tie form of shortcr Ihours' of LCBO outiets across the pro vince, resulting, in a saving o: $500,000. Mr. Ashe says the Whitb) warehouse will accommodatE tliree million cases of wine spirits and imported beer anid is needed by early 198( atl the Iatest. The I 4-acre. building xvil be located irn tlicIndustria Park east, of Ti .'son. Roac and south of HIliway 401 SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN Whitby residents had better dust off the old snow shovel, for they are being re- minded by the bylaw enforce- ment officer that they must clear their sidewalks of snow within 12 hours of every snowfall. The town's snow removal bylaw, passed in 1969, states that snow must be removed by residents from the side- walks in front of their homes within the first 12 hours of every fait of snow. If this is not done, the town may at the expense of the owner, cause snow and ice to be re- moved. Any person convicted of a breach of this bylaw may pay a penalty ot up to a maximum of $1 ,000. The Town of Whitby is responsible for clearing Brock and Dundas Streets in the old part of Vhitby, and in Br ook- Mayor goes Whitby Mayor Jim Gart- shore is one of three Durham mnayors picked last week by Regional Council to attend an industrial seminar in Switzerland in 1978. Those attending the serninar, in addition toMayor Gartshore, will be Regional Chairmian Walter Beath, Pickering Mayor Jack Ander- son, Oshawa Mayor Jim Pot- tcary, Chief Administrative Officer Bob Richiardson, De- velopment Director Dr. Mofeed Michael and Indus- trial Development Officer Bob Nicol. The industrial seminar, which is-being attended as E)EI PIRESS