Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1977, p. 23

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The following is a round- up of recent action in the, Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association! PEE WEE 4NO. 2 Dec. 10 at Brooklin Arena, Mercury Auto Body walloped Uxbridge 9-1 with three goals by John Schiell, and one each by Chris Williamis, Steve, Goodchild, Gary Cliaszewski, Tomi Platt, Kevin Tushinghami and Jerry Vallier. MINOR PEE WEE Dec. Il at Brooklin Arena the Ladies Auxiliary teani trounced Markham 12-3 with three goals by Joey Nieuwandyk, two eachi by Dave Sachko and John Allan, and one each by Raymond, Ryanjoey McCullough, Billy Callan, Dave Westcott, and Dave Donaldson. MAJOR PEE WEE In an exhibition gaine, Dec. 10 at Chesswood Arena, Toronto, the LASCO Steelers edged Thornhill 4-3 with goals by John Byberg, Andre Cadieux, Jeff Hanley and Terry Dupuis. Thornhill was undefeated in its league after 13 starts. Dec. i12 at Stouffville, the LASCO Steelers defeated Stouffville 5-2 with two goals each by Richard Daley- and Andre Cadieux, and one by Brian Hunter. In another exhibition game -Dec. 13 at Brooklin Arena, the S teelers defeated the Don Milîs North Starts 8-4 with three goals by Andre Cadieux two by Brian Hunter,and one each by Jeff Hanley, Richard Daley and Terry Dupuis. MINOR BANTAM Dec. 13 at the Brooklin Arena, the Optimist Beavers defeated Markhiam 6-1, withi two goals by Jeff Donaldson, and one each by Paul Rich, Ed Svetek, Mike Wells, andi Derek Kotyluk. MAJOR BANTAM Dec. .10 at Iroquois Park, Couly Town Fuels shut ou t Port Hope 11-0 with îlrcec goals by Bob Middleton, two by Warren Subject, and one eachi by Erick Wells, Stu Catteraîl, Johin Fusco, Randly Taylor,Doni DeMille and Jimi Forbes. Goalie Scott Stone- mian got the shut-out. Dec. 1 1 at Cobourg, County Town Fuels defeated Cobourg 8-5, with twvo goals eachi by Bob Middleton and Jouhn Fusco, and one each by Warren Subject,Greg Platt, Lorne Bruce and Don Perkins. BANTAM NO. 2 Dec. 10 at Brooklin Arena the Brooklin-Whitby team shut out Stouffville 4-0 with two goals by Mike Hanley, and one each by Steve Cole and Scott Dezan. Goalie Marty Ladbrooke got the shut-out. MAJOR MIDGET Dec. 10 at lroquois Park, Bowmanville defeated Ferrco Minor hockey round-up Jcottieckicke-nViffcL OVR10LOCATIONS IN ONTAR!O-SEE VOUA PHONE BO0K FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU. ]Free AUTOMOBILES I FOR SALE 75 Mercury Wagon Marquis - well equipped with extras, ini good cond.certif ied. $4,000 -725-3637. 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - low mileage, rustproofed, will certify, $3,000 or best offer. Cai 723-9180. For Sale 1 hall' ton truck cap A-1 cond. insulated, aluminium, $300 or best offer 668-3776 or 649-5204. 1974 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE - nevu radiais, starter motor, tape deck. and radio, tuned up and ready to go, engine A-i. $1,250; chrome 14" magi, $50 for four. Ca!! 723-7405. 1974 Vega - Good Condition $650. - cal 666-1 255. 1973 Dodge Swinger 318 A-i Condition $1500. or best ofier 683-8634. 973 FORD CORTINA - GT - 4 speed, AM/FM, radial tires, good condition, $1,100 Caîl 668-6319. 7 3 Plymouth Fury P/S P/B good :ond. will certify $7 50. 668-5 318 72 Volkswagen, gas heater, electric defroster, radiais, asking $550. 668;O0640between 9:30 a.mn. - 1I pm.n 1972 Toyota for parts, engine good running cond. $140. or best. offer. can be seen at 1087 Venus Cres. Oshawa or cail 5794,97" 72 Pontiac, Station Wagon, 350, P/S,P/B.* needs some minor work to certîfy, as is $450. or best offer 055-3481' 72Volkswagen, , gus heater, ýeiectric delfroster, radiais, $785. 668-0640 between 9:30a.m.-lp.ni. PressIEmp orium Cali 668-6111 16 odLTD tto ao 93ItrainltUK o 1972 HONDA CB 350 - e xcel1lent condition, $550, certified, must sel!. Cal! Peter 655-3253 af ter 4:30 p.m. 1971 MAVERICK - pli mechanically sound, new tires, plus 2 snows, needs new fender, some body work, $200 as is; 1969 CHEV IMPALA, p/s, p/b, $200 as is. Cali 668-8698. 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,00(j' miles, new parts, $450 or best offer. Cal11668-5704.1 1971 PONTIACCATELINA - 2 door hardtop, running condi- tion, $750 or best offer; 1971 TOYOTA, running condition, $300 or best offer. Cal! 668-7279. 1971 RENAULT - Gooci condition, $270. Cal!1668-0744. 1970 FORD TRUCK - red, crewcab, fair condition, great mileage, $600 as is. Ca: 655-3545. 1970 CADI LLAC - needs somne work, good buy, $1200; 1967 CHEV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; Cal579-5451. 1970 Chevelie SS 396,4 spd.with mags, FM stereo, 8 track, wide tires, some front end damage, asking $1200. or best offer. - 1974 GMC heavy duty / ton, with cap, 35,000 orig. miles will certify for $2500. or best of fer. 655-3280. 1969 TOYOTA - unregistered, deal for spare ars9100 or best offer cali 668-3675. 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - good condition, vue!! kept, snows and rims included, $E50 or best offer. Must seil. 'Cati 1969 FORD CORTINA - a is,$110. Caîl 668-6216. EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: Advertîsc FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you seli! There wilI flot bc any charge to advcrtisers in the FRIT PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is soid. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless if price is stated with best offer. Ail advrtiscmnents must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WI-ITBY FREE PRESS and run at loast one month if not soid. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1,50) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a fetai1er llsted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Frec Press immediately wlhen item is sold so that we may deicte il from the foilowing issues. Ail ads not fflting the Emporium guidelines wilI be treated and charged per week as regular classificd ads on a pre-paid basis su ch asg services, help wanted, clothirig, real estate, n-nd personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby LI N SSI THE DEADLINE FOfR, EMPORIUM ADS 15 THEF FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 65 Chevy Im pala, P/S, P/B, 283, c-ertîfied $35 0.00 655-4479. 69 Chevy Station Wagon P/S,P/B 283 auto. crome rims. ex. cond. certified $500. 655-3481. l-'or Sale -1 -1969 Dod1ge Dari 340. Engine completely rebuilt with Bis to show,4 barre!, accel. ignit ion, iess than 1 ,200 miles on it. 450 or b-cst offer.668-i 196. 69 Amnbassador P/S P/11 inotor & body in very good shape, not uised for 2 years. .$400. As Is 728-096 302, automatic, headers, chrome' trac bars, magr., tinted windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, 1900. Cal! 668-4654. 68 Volkswagen Beetie good cond. necds 2 tires for certification $300. cal] 668-1174. 68 Pont ia c'Pariesienne, new tires, on front, snow tires - good for parts $200. 668-2677. 1968PONTIAC PARISIENNE 327, 2 dr. hrtp. $400 Cal! 655-3006. p/s, p/brdieV-8satom agicn Good /bribeVransportatio. $400. uncertified 655-3607. 1968 Ford Fetura 2 dr., 6 cyl, auto. radio, good cond. $350. or best offer uncertîfied 655-4498. o8 PONTIAC PARISIENE, 2 dr. Hrtp. tilt steering wheel 5S2.$100. 68, BUICK WILDCAT 4dr. Hrtp. Top Mechanical Condition $500 after 6 caîl 666-1665 1968 Coronet 500, 318, 2 dr. hrtp., auto, p/s, radio, $200. as is or best offer 668-5060 cail after 5 68 Ford Montego $275. or besi. offer. Must seli, Fair cond. 665-4726 68 Volkswagen Station Wagon 1600 motor, radio, gas heater $250.00 668-4962. miles on ncw niotor, needs body work,uncertified $300. 576-6592. 1967 Ford Falcon standard, h, good running cond. asking $200. or best offer. 1967 Ford Galaxie 500, auto. asking $100. or best offer. 725-6045. 1967 MUSTANG - 289 with three speed f loar shif t, good dlean condition, $400 or best offer. Caîli668-3889. 1967 VW 9600 FASTBACK- $250; also 1500 VW engine, I$1 50; electric brass fireplace,, $50. Cal! 668-0010. 1967 FORD STATION- WAGON - 4 dr., 8 cyl., $300. or best offer. Caîl 655-4441 after 6 p.m. 1966 - Mustang - showroomn cond auto.matic co nso le, Regnegade Beited tires,' white whecis, 289 engine - FIRM $1,300. Cali 579-9236. 1969 DODGE BELVEDER1- STATIONWAGON - rebuilt motor, (easy to certif y), $500. Col!l 668-9124. mod Iento na50tr$350.;1969 Nordic kio, 1971 S35.;d196 Ndubl triler,$6197155-4776 1962le FRD FALCON 289 -776 62 FOmiesFALCtr Ody28and pa2,00mies, ofectr, $200y al! 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. 1957 CHEV - 2 dir. hdtp., Kentucky car, completely rebuiît 327, 300 hp motor, 3 sp. iuto transmission, new brakes, tires, shocks, exhaust, nevu carpet, customn seats, no rust, certif ied, asking $2,600 must sel!. Cal! 668-1139 after 5:30 weekdays. REEATIONAL VELES Maie 10 SPEED TOURIN- BIKE - 20" frame, generator lights, pack racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA, new parts and paint, certif ied, $500. Cal! 668-01 87. 1970 Ski-roule snowmobiie S300 single $250 or best offer. call 655-3575. $125. cali 668-5155. Suzuki Motorcycie - good cond. 150 c.c. asking $175. or best offer 655-3411 70 Snowcruiser, lias reverse $600 or best offer 655-4741. 15' MOLDED' PLYWOOE. BOAT - wîth steering vuheel, needs fevu repairs, $75. Cal! 668-9860. A-1 l4ft. a!ùminium van w. roI! up door, side door and 2,000 pound tai! gaie loader. Like nevy. $2,000. Cali 683-0141 between 8 am & 5pm. 1975 Yminîaha motocrosser, 400 C.&.'s just rebuiît, nmany extras $800. 655-4733.' 1977 BE 250 - in A-i condition, 1500 mles, asking $1 ,350. Cali 654238. Engineering 5-1, wîth Ed Derks getting the' only Whitby goal. MIAJOR ATOM Dec. Il at Brooklin arena, Lindsay outscored Brookiu Homne Bakery 2-1 with the only Brooklin goal by Kevin llicks. MINOR ATOM Dec. Il at Brooklin Arena, Brookîlu Concrete dcfcated Ajax 6-4 with two goals by Grog DeWiIt, *and one each by Randy Walkcr, Blair Haslain, AI Curtiss and Greg Roberts. NOVICE Dec. 10 at Ajax, the OPSEU Warriors shut out Ajax 8-0 with three goals by Blair Philips, two by Robert McCullough,and one eachi by Dcrek MeCarI, Jaan Luick and Derek Middleton, Goalie Terry Sawdon got the shut- out. In an exhibition gamne, Dec il ,at the Brooklin Arena,the Warriors defeated Cobourg 5-2 with two goals by Blair Philips, and one each by Robert McCullough, Jaan Luick and Derek Middleton. JUVENILE Dec. 14 at Iroqtiois Park the CB(C team defeated Oshawa 7-2, with two goals each by Peter Lawson and Dave Seymour and one each by Greg Tushingham, Dan Ienip and Jack Cooper. DELOITTE,,HASKINS & SELIS LIMITED. Trustee in Barikruptcy Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre, Osha Phone 579-8202 F. Nlan Lawson,CA.P.O. ROX 800 Vîce-PresjdOflt Oshawa 1114 7Nl new

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