YAGF 10, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1977, WHITBY FREE, each new day be eterand brighter! ~~ INC I 360 Brock St. S. safeway Centre INTEREST FREE .HOLIDAY INSTALLMENT PLAN January 1 & 8,1978 2 Weeks- at Long. Beach Apartnients $35n25 per person, per month for 12 months with a down payment of $105.80. SlcyLark's low January price: '529. Sunday departures via Wardair 747 jet. Other Interest FREE Holiday Instlilment Plans Available Contact RUSSELL TRAVE L 116 ««XC ST. Se. WHITSY 668-SM0 HOURS Mon. - Set. 9-5 p.m. HOLIDAY S Closed Dec. 24, Dec. 26, Dec. 31 &Jan.2 PRESS Man~ acomplshnietS inpast year saysmar Many apcins,"snsays the'mayor. JIM GARTSHORE He points out that the town has been able 10 keep control over devehoprneft by insisting thiat ail development should be phased in over a period of lime. The major housing deveopentsstarted thiis year wiil take up to five years to finish, he says. One of the town's most successfuh programs was its minimum standards bylaw, which enabled the munici- pality to obtain $135,000 from the provincial govern- ment under ils Home Re- newah Program. Happe New Year!f DEA Mo DISCOUNT p/s,wlw, road wheel, defogger etc. Lic. LMM 304 Reïail $4636. ""Sale" $3889.00 77 Cougar 4 Dr. H. T. vinyl roof, w/sw radial tires,bumper protection groupe electrie defroster, r/c mirror, deluxe w/c, AM/FM radio, 8 cyl., auto, p/s, p/b. Lic. LYB 730 Retail $6251. ""Sale" $467200 77 Cougar XR7, w/s/w tires, day night dlock, lectric de- frost, FM radio, XR7,decour grou :p appearance protection group, light group vinyl top, 8 cyl. auto, p/s, p/b, etc. Lic. LSA 718 Retail $7041. ""Sale" $ 5531.00 683-5541 683-5540 1 KINgiffoN B. L.PCKI GUARANTEED USED CARS 73 Dodge Club Cab, 8 cyl. auto. f ully powered box cover. Imnmaculate throuizhout. Lic.A30738 'i 74 Meteor Rideau 500 HI.T. Fully re-conditioned - Must bc seein. Lic.HFXY 944 $2395 73 Ford Ltd. liroughian 4 Dr., ll.T. Fully cquipped, 2 yr. warrant ce. Li. ATB 528 $1 295 683-5840 -Hwy Nc, 2 iKingslOm Md) TAXE40 O CNURC$IST, N I. Mayor Gartshore says this money aided about 40 senior citizens and people with low incomes to improve theii homes though grants with no interest or loans at a very low interest. The minimum standards bylaw has worked very ef- fectively,says the mayor, and about a dozen buildings which were beyond repair were demolished. Another major achieve- ment of 1977, according to Mayor Gartshore, was the receipt of funds froni the federal and provincial govern- ments and the Canadian Pacific Railway to construct an underpass at the Brock Street CPR crossing. In 1977, Brock Street was widened 10 four hanes from Mary Street 10 Maple Street as part of* this project, and a obtained where the underpass wihl be hocated. Also, a imber of storm sewers were installed frorn Brock Street to Ash Creek wliere they will join with t,'he Ash Creek en- closure, to be started in 197.. Mayor Gartshore says construction of the underpass is expected to start in the spring of 1978, and it will be a two-year project. At the regional level,1 977 has been a year when the regionai council and ahl its members l)egan to recognize that the hopes some had of trernendous growth are not what they anticipated, says Mayor Gartshore. The region will 'have to look seriously at its' financial capabilities, and has aready backed down on some of its 4mamrnoth public works situation which caused so much uproar iast spring has settled down, ' and Whitby peopie are recognizing that they are paying Iess than be- fore for the total package, he says. The coming year could be a difficuit one firnincially as the past year has been says the niayor, and there could be some minor difficuities with the budget. The town is presently waiting for the assessinent reports frorn the province and aiso a report on what pro- vincial grants it will get, be- fore drawing up the budget. "Nothing is îsloated unto itself," says Mayor Gartshore and therefore 1978 will be a year of carrying on what was started in 1977 on every level. C ont'd From P. 1 be completed early in 1978. Already the town is close to finalizing details on wilere the cornunity will grow and what type of devclop- nient will be there, hie says. "The big question if growth occurs, is when?"says Mayor Gartshore. Why should wve jump five miles whien there is so much area to the south that hias al services in place? Regardless of whether the devehoper puts in pipes, Brooklin wil grow. The big question is when. We should perhiaps tic into specific growth pattern in the soth." Mayor Gartshiorecontetids that thie plan niilg of l3rooklin is "the nost complex question we have faced ." Besides getting a good start on the major priorilies, the îowil lis achievcd several othier goals in I 977,according to Mayor Garîshiore. to Fairview A numiber of comrnunity orgafizations in Whitby have contributed 10 niaking Christ- mas a little brighiter for the residents of Fairview Lodge. The Whitby Kinsmien Club recently entertained 30 resi- dents of the Lodge at the Legion Hall, andi anoîher group of residents attended an cvening Christrnas party for senior citizens of Durhiam Region at the Oshawa Civic Au dito r iurn. The Benevolent Rebeckahi Lodge held a bingo ini the lodge auditorium with gifts awarded 10 the lucky winners. The Caniadian Scottish Club of Whiitby provided a pub night in the lodge audi- toriurn, featuring the Ajax Pipe Band and Scottish danc- The youth group of the Whitby Theatre Conpany recentiy entertained about 30 Fairvîew hodge residents with its Christnmas skits aI the Centennial Building. Mrs. Fran Terry and her St. John Ambulance Cadets put on a Gong Show at Fairview Lodge, and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chuich invited the residents 10 ils Christmas concert and lunch. About 200 Whitby Guides and Brownies came 10 Fair- Lodge atChi view Lodge to provide an out- door serenade of carols, and the West Lynde Brownies and 6th Whitby Cubs also pro- vided carol singing on dif- ferent nights. Staff members of Fair- view Lodge have also planned a number -of Christmas pro- grams. New region works depot depends on land sale, works depot to serve Oshawa and Whitby received approval frorn the Durham Region Works Commitîe hast week. The commiltee hopes that eariy tendering for the pro- ject in 1 978 will help b ring the cost of the depot to less thani $1.5 m'illion. The site selected for the new regional works' depot consisîs of 45 acres on Garrard Road in Whitby. According to Finance Comnmittee Chairman John Aker, the key to financing the project is the sale of a I 2-acre parce] of land owned by the Region on Thornton Road in Oshawa. Before a contract is a- warded for the new works depot, an agreemnent of sale must be reached for the Thornton Road property, Heads up for the holidays! It's party lime and you'll want to look sensational! Ini a new hairstyle tht' experlly cul and shaped to suit no one but you! LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE i .8- Liq Greçfl St. The last offer for the land was $480,000, with the balance of the cost of the new depot to corne' from the gcneral.purpost lot-levy re- serve fund. Mr. Aker hopes by using this approach to financing, the depot, the region can the depot, the region can avoid a lot of debenturing. He expects that no funds wili have to be borrowed. Regionial council is ex- pected 10 approve the works depot at its next meeting,and regionai officiais say it is badly needed. The region is currently paying $90,000 in annuai rent for the present works depot on Raleigh Ave . in Oshawa, which lacks vehicle storage, parking and equip- ment repair facilities, says Mr. Aker.f He expects construction of the new depot 10 begin in the spring if it is approved by council, and it wouid be operationai by the end of 1978. No blig inaugural meeting iii 1978 a big inaugurai meeting to open the 1978 working year. Mayor Jini Gartshore saysý the new year's business wili begin with a reguhar council meeting Jan. 9 at 8 p.m., but the councillors will be given an opportunity to make their comments on the comning year, as is customnary with an inaugural meeting. .The public is invited 10 at- tend and hear the councillor's predictions for 1978. How- ever,there wihl be no inaugural ceremony-because this is not an election year and a new council is not being sworn in. 1 i Fý Many commuunity groups made visits ristmaS<tMe .ImooR.m .à mwmm 668t.92652 AV - "S mon MW go .fro