Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1978, p. 11

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WITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JIANUARY 4,1978, PAGE Ji1 PAPRIL Rotary club plans to develop Centeuniàl Park-. The Whitby Rotary Club and the Town's recreation departrnent are working on a joint projeet to develop Centennial Park. 1Landscape architects have be en invited to subrnit propo- saIs, for the, develop-nent of the Park, a major cornmunity project to be paid 'for by the Rotary Club. Tentative proposais are to crea te a park comning a high per ceritage passive area with ci low pereentage children'play area. Facilities to be considered are water supply, sprinking and lighiting. a si-all band sheli witb ashrooms. change roorns and practi ce, facilities, a srnall creative play area for children possihly including 'a wading pool or spray pad, formai and informa] gardens, walkways, signs an d fencing, a greenhouse and other innovation iandscaping ideas. 1The' arcliitects are being, asked luo provide estimates of consultant cosýts, construction and installation costs, and, anticipated maintenance cost s.1 LCBOWarehouse is announced for Whitby 1Whitby's industrial economy got a real' boost Thursday when Ontario Consumer and Commercial Relations Minister Sydney Handieman announced that a, $40 million storagze and distribution warehouse wil be buiîti thîs town by the Uquor Control Board. Tefirst 'stage of the LCBO development wiI1 consist of a building occupy- ing 600,000 square feet with a value. of $40 million,, in the Thickson Road Industrial Park, south of Highway 401. The building will he lonented on a 51-acre site west ofthte Oshawa boundary and south of Wentworth Street. Construction of the build- Whitby's B lock' Parents received a civilian citation fromi the Durham Reegion -Board of Police Commission- ers at a special cerernony Friday evening. Th e. citation, for "contri- butions with respect to the safety and. well-bei ngýofthe commnuity", w,ýas accepted by Judy' Taylor, Whiitby Central Conmmittee Chiairnian for Block Parents. The awarding, of the citation took. place at the Policeilnat, of the Y'ear (inner., hcld by the Oshawa Central Lions Club at the Red Barni Auditoriuiii i Oshawa. ing, which wiIl service 320 stores in-eastern Ontario, will begin in 1978 and is expected to be completed by 1980. Mr. Handlenman' office reportcd the'LCBO warehouse would provide 100 jobs,, but Durham' Region Chairman, Walter 'Beath expects -the work force to reach 300. Pilkingt>on dies at 58' Funeral services werc hield Monday at St. Leonard',% ,Anglican Church, 'Toronto, for William Gray Pilkigton, Whtby's police 'chief from 1968 tw 1973. 1Mr. Pilkington died April 14, at the age of 58, at Sunnybrook Mediçal »Centre, after beiing iii with cancer for, six monthis. Mayor Jin Gartshore, Couincillor Toni Edwards, Clerk-Admiini stfatoi, Bill Wallace and other town officiais attemdcd the ftineral. liy order of tlie town comncil., flags in Witlhy flew ai half rnast -utntil Tucsday as a tri- bute to Mr. Pilkington. SINGERS CELEBRATE 10'YEARS A happy grotup of honored guests--at the County Town Singers' I Oth anniversary reurion, shows off the gifts they received at the Genosha Hotel Saturday. Froni left to Tigbt- are President Ian Forbes, with a gave]; Pianist Marg Webber with a framned color iphoto of hersdlf; and Director J'lm Ashiey witb a replica of *an I 8th century musi1c stand. About 130 niembers and former nmenbers of the choir atteilded the reunion. Free Press Photo New.lights for downtown The uperatiois committee of council is awaiting approval by the counicil as a whole to instaîl new ornamiental street lights ini downtowb Whitby.- -The three-globed lamps, selected by the Downtown Action Comi-nittee will replace the existing ornamnen- taI lights, which wvere installed in 1939. These have deter- i<rated and replacement parts Public Works Director Dick Kuwahara. The council bas budgeted, $ 10,000 this year for the new lights on Brock Street betweefl Dunlop and Mary Streets. The second stage wilI provide the sanie lights for Dundas Street in the down- -town next year. Whithy Currently has 970 Block Parep!ts, whichi repre- sents one third of ail the Block Parents in the Durham Region. Block Parents were estab- lished iin Whitby ini the spring of 1976 to provide assistancp to children in difficulties. Block Parents have signs in their windows; 'indicating that their home is a place a chîld can corne to in case oe, einergency. The Block Parent Prograrn is credited with saving the life of a, heart attack victimn in Oshawa recentlv. New Royal, Bank buit 'K1ffe youngStuet of Kathleen Rowe School rpe setsacli0o theschool's 10 classes at the ceremonial panting of a silver maple tree Friday in honor of Qucen lElizabeth's SiIver Jubilee. In the back row are Principal Tom Park and Monica Webb. In the front row, from left to right, ýare Tricia Marple, Ricky Knoester, Mona Gibney, David Jepma, Stephen Guy, Cindy Vipond, Joan Gibson, and John Brouwer. Sîlver mapie trees were planted at severalWbithy sehools in lionor of the Queen's Jubilee. Free Press Photo Godfreydefeated by George Ashe Picke ring Mayor George Ashe upset incumiîent New Dérmocrat Dr. Charte s Godfrey in Durhîam West riding Thursday by 649 votes. The finai vote totals placed Mr. Ashe on top with 12,712, Dr. Godfrey second with 12,063, Lîberal Joe Bugelli third mith 5,122, and Independent Cdinservative BiI. Leslie last with 843. Whitby voters determined Mr. Ashe's wirm, as he took two thirds of the town'spolIs, comnpared to one third for Dr. Godfrey. In Ajax, Mr. Ashe won 'by a nanrow margin, and iii bis home town of Pickering he lost by about 200 votes. Suirprisingly, the Pickering mayor .lost his own neigjibourhood poil in Bay leading Mr. Ashe by 2100 votes, but 10 minutes later, Mr. Ashe had taken the lead hy 600 votes, witlî 46 out of 17() polIs having reportcd. For the remainder of the evcning Mr. Aslîe was between i,00 and I1,000 votes 'alîead- of Dr. Godfrey. In the 1975 provincial election in Durham West. Dr. Godfrey polled 11I,356 for the New Denîocratic Party, former Whitby Mayor Des Npwmna, came second with 10,042 for the Liberals, and, the Progressive Conserva- ives uinder Bill Pilkington pollIed o nly 7,5 79 vo te s. For George Asle and the Progressive Conservatives, 1977 represented an impressive comeback, and athougli thme upset of Dr. Godfrey came Io soins as a surprise, muany agreed it would be a close race. Co'nstrtiction began lasi week on a new branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, which iill open at the corner of Dundas and Anderson Streets in July. The 2,500 square foot barmk is being built by CDS Construction, of Whitby, and designed by Royal Bank architects. Cost is estimated at $300,000 not including interior furnishings. The building will be pre- fabricated, with the outer walls made of pre-formed çomcrete slabs 10 by- 14 féeet that ýwill be trucked in and ifted into place by crne. I ,Whitby's regional council- lors have lost the battle to keep the Whitby police station, open 24 hours a day, but they may have won the war for an increased police presence in the town, says Mayor Jim Gartshore. After a one-hour debate 1'hursday on a motion by Mayor Gartshiore tu put $45,666 back into' the police budget tu keep the station open 24 hiours a day, the Durhâni -Regîinal Council voted 1 4 to 1 3 to defeat bis miotion. The niavor said after the meeting he was surprised at the arnount of support lie got, 1L JUN SENoIRS' APARTMENTSARE RISIG istruction is proceeding rapidly on. the new wsenior citi'ecns* apormnt'er.t building cti e of the cid Ctbibtirne Street Schnoo. The work vvilI continnie thirotighouit this yemr lx-.itorey. 105-ut building. which will open ln hune I1978. This is uhe wecond tnnuev senior ciien%' anartannt coniplex to. bic built in lYhlîby by Ontarlu and that he lost by only one vote. Councillors Gerry Enîm and JOY Thuinpsun put forth a nmotion to reconsider the original motion, at the end. of thein eeting, bùUt they were defeated by a vote of 17 tu 10. "Tliat's the end of the baIl garne" said Mayor Gartshiore Saturday. He stat- ed that lie understood steps are being taken iinmediatel3ý to bave the Whitby Police open troni 9 a.ni. 10 àp.iii.., but pointea out triiaL an, office r froni the youth bureau will be in the building week nights until 9 p.mn. Hupfield Retires Nearly 100 people gather- cd at the Centennial Building last Wedniesday to honor Ron Hupfiïel d' Executive Director 'of the Durhami Region Fagnuly YMCA, -as he retired after 40 years of service with the Y.- Mayor JîM Gartshore presented Mr. I'îipfield with the Mayor's Medal , a rare honor, reserved for only the most special occasions. "I1 know the extraordinary success and growth of the Y (in Whitby and Durhami Region) in the past 10 years is the result of your work an& ambition", said Mayor Gart- shore to Mr. Hupfield. We are, sir, indebted to you flot only for your work in the Y, but for your woîk in many comununîty affairs- This town is a much better î lace, for you having been ere for the past 10 years*" Said the Mayor. d ' - e - --- MAYJ Block Parents honored Station is open 9 to a

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