Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1978, p. 13

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Single Divan Bed & Headhoard $40.; Red Bedspread & Short Lined Drapes $25.;, Lined Base- ment Window drapes 30"x40" 1$5. pair; stainless steel single sink Î$8.; White Range Hood & Fan, vented $10., Snow Tires 14" rimis f$25.; 30" x 78" Cedar Door & gls ok ane 4. 482" Mahogany slab ext.Door $20. Cai668-4686 1 blonde wig $15. triple dresser with mnirror & matching single dresser $75. 3 -size 9 uniforms- $20. chesterfield & chair $50.. 576-1394. GAS FURNACE -biand new, 100,000 BTU, nover been used,$250. Cail 668-8950. S1 snare drum, stand, sticks, brushes and key. very good cond. $45.-' alBnlan 655-3411 Steel hampster cage exer cise wheel 4& drinking bottle, $7T30. Boy's Ybicycle good cond. $30. caIl Brian 655-3411 For S ale:, Girls skates, size il $. r; girls white ram boots size 6 & 7 '$2. each; plnk ballet slippers, size 1,3/ $4. single hed' sped& drapes yelîow with white ktes$15. Ta shoes size 10' $9. 'caîl 668-7614ýf Inf,%ts bunting hag, 2 pink pile, ISghtly used 1 new, 1 new ý uilted nylon $4 & $5 each. 55-3006. Furnace 'duct-work and fittings for sale 4 x- 10 'floor defusers $1,00 each, 4 x 10 angle floor boots $.80 each, Se length of 5"' pipe $2., ach, side take off $.50 45 degree elbows $.50 each, Galvanlzed chain-link fencing 42" x.50' for $10. 655-4423. Sklis, 170 centimeters, buckle hoots&bindings $60. 683-6638. ANTIQUE CHESTEFRFIELD' SUITE - 4 pce., newly upholstered, green and rust brocacle, $250 or best offer. Cati 728-4943. New Brass Bed 39", $210, one four poster hrass knoh hed metal bed 36" $120. 668-6330. Galanti X300, 1 year old full console keyboards & floor bas controls, magic cord & rhythm section, headphones, stool and bookds. $775. 666-1372. Mfen's Lang buckle boots, size 6 and carrying rack, Arlberg 185 centimeters skiis and Beesher hinddings. $45. 728-1291. School desk, 1 pieco $10. White sowing machinje $35. wooden storm door $35.- T. V. game BUc. & White new $20. Block Plane Antique$14. Antique phone $95. call 728-2327. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitable for ighting patio or pool area, $30 each. Cali 668-2832 after 5 o.m. 51. pce. set mikasa - oven'to tableware - detergent proof, in good cond. Bahai pattern $39. 668-7246. l'or sale- 3 long dresses nover worn, size 18, $20. each. Red velvet coat, sizo 18. newv $45. Suede Coat size, 18, $30.Portable Dishwasher $25. Bodyshirts $5. Ladies Alphine Skiis 72" ex. cond. $40. and ski boots ciao 9 Cresta $25. Torcan 20" electrie heater new $15. Remington 8 cup Electric perculator $5. Minolta camnera with honeywell ftashbulbs $15. 668-2400 Girls riigcîte CCM skates, size 4 worn 3 or 4 tures $30. 668-9817. Ladies coat - black iiimitation ceai sire 14 - 16 cleane'1 as new. $45. or bcst offer. call 668-0136. Captains youth bcd 62" extra good mattress 6 lg. White vinyl head-board 668-6527. POOL TABLE - Buri Watts, 4'A x 8'. Cii6G before 12 noon. x 31" - drawers 1 $70. rrougt ~& 368-2426 Comfortable chesterfield iar rec- rooru or cottageslip covered $20. 668-1063. Rug and pad $35. Childs uphol- stered rocker $9.Mens now skates $15. green occasional chair $6. wooden round dropleaf table (old) $25. Rokeer $10. Wooden Chair $6.50 Duncan Phyfe end tables svvivel -top $45. squae parlor table $15. elec trcfypan $3. 2 pictures .$3 each, 723-2426. evenin,8s or weekends. Hockey equipment for 7-10 yr.old-. shoulder pads, elhow & knee pads. and hockey pants, will seil on bloc (or $12. skates also availahie $5.* Electric racing car set, made by SCALECTRIC'4 lap couniter, CI-ICANESET, straight & corners 2 cars many extras $14. firm caIl after 5 - 668-5060 One slot car 'set with extras $20. Rocking Horse $12. Hanipster cage $5. 728-8259. ~Wedding Dress sire 10,ful iength head piece new $300.asking $100. caîl 668-0429 SKATES - 2 pair Bouwer, size 11, nearly now, $20; CCM Junilor Pro Bize 12, $20 or best offer. Cati655.3117. Electronic Piano -as'new, 5 tfull octaves $500. or host offer. white hirch gas fireplace logs, used one ewi.uer $80. orbest .offçr 668-6319 Steroo/quadra phonic system. Pioneer QM800A pre-amphlifier Pioneer QC800A power amphlifier (240 watts).Dual 1219 turntable with audial-techaica CD4cartridge Koss quadraphones. 2/4 channel earphones. Must be sold as com- plote package $800. 668-9805. White zig-zag sewing machine $70. 1 fur fabric, short jacket size 12-14 $20. one floor length red raincoat size 12-14 $10.Dresses made iii England size 10, 12, 14 $3. each. 1 pr. black suede shoes siz 7/2-Î, $4. 1 pr. tan leather &. suede wedge heeishoossize 5 $10. One pale blue ski jacket size 10- 12 $7. caîl after 5 at 576-0308. Mesh plâypen $20. Swing-o-rnatic $12. Jolly jumper $6. G. M. Loveseat $25. Baby (arriage $15. Bottle Steritîzer with* bottles $5. Baby Scales $10. Cribý Bumper pad $3. 'Infants 3-in-one snow- suit $20. Electrahome humidifie, $50. caîl - 668-1 326. Wedding Dress size 7 $70. Bidca- maid dress (Orange) size 9. $50. 668-0638. Top Quality Teak Dining Room Ste. Dining table 4 high hack chairs, buffet and hutch, owner must seil due to redecorating $1 ,000 or hest offer. Boîta Vista hy Collin coffoo table & end table $75. or hest offer oeil - 683-7609. Telescope for sale, féatures incluce:* 3 inch mirrorlong focal length (700 mm) racinpinion fusing,3oy ieces, 5, 12.5 & 23c mzon lense, sun filter and finder scope, A~ling $140. 668-4948« Super Chiristmas uift fuît sized pin-hall machine in perfect work- ing order. new $1800.> asking $350. 728 - 2484. 9 pce. antique colid walnut dining room suite, very good cond. $950. or best offer. White baby crib $50. Stroltcr $10. Baby ctothing size 12 mths. -size 2. Royal Blue snowsuit size 2, $8. 668-9739. Two prs. of boys skates - sizes 8 and 10 for sale $5. each like ncw. Two boy's winter coat outfits for good - one grey wool material - 3 piece size 3X $15. - one camiel - colored wool materialt trin med with dark brown suede - 2 piece - sizc 4 $15. A Phiico television set - colour - 23" good condition $100. 668-8967 Singer Sewing Machine Oak Cabinet stand $200. or best offer 655-4238. CONTENTS OF HOME FOR SALE ['URNISHINGS: Chesterfield suitc. Newly covered 'Scotcèhgard'"fa bric. Burnit Orip.$1 75. Giold Broadloon'i 108" x 34". New $10. Teal; Stereo Coniponient unit. New. $85. Plate Glass Mirror. Ncw 48" x 14". $15. Teak Desk. Extendable. Mtatching chair. $95. Teak Disptay Cabinet. Stiding Glass Doors. 30" x 14" New. $30. Television tabilp. New $20. .Teak Bureau/Dicsk. new condition $85. Occasionai chair. $35. POWE'R TOOLS: Bench ginder. $35. Met Sander. New. $65. Power Drill. Variable spped. 3/8". New $45- 1-ILE(TRICAL APPLIANCES: El-*ectrohome T. V. 21 % Black & White. Like New $50. R. C. A. combO unit. Ideal for parts, cabinet, tube, radio, player. $25. ITennis, Squash etc. New. $25. IWet &,!Dry Vacuum. 8 Gallon. I$25. Portable Black and White IT. V. 10" New. $60. Electric IFry Pan. $10. Toaster. Chromel TShihaeep ltieed an. Nte.* $5.ib Deepi Fryer.$5. Nte.5 $25. Hannimex 35m.m. slide projector. Rernote control. New. $75 . Sunheaca coffee percoiater Chriome. $10. Digital 'Alarm Clock. $10. .'Speedsettor' Hair Setter. New. $15. Dual/Nk>cescc stereo record player consolotte. Speakers. $85.Plortable electric compressor. Ideal for model maker. New & unused. $75. MIS'CELLANEOUS ITEMS:, Metal sled. 36". $3. Wooden sled. 72". $5. Po Go stick. $3. Fisherman's thigh waders. Sîze 9. $6. Fish -Tank & equipment. 12 gallon. Witii fish $15. Antique tin travet trunik $15. Stainless steel kitchen sink $5. Patio table. White, Metal. 30" diameter. $20. Call 668-5276 after 7 p.m. PES&SUPPLIES Irish Setter, Maie, Reg., Tatooeci and shots $150. oeIl after 6 p.m.. 683-1410., Horse for Sale - 5 year mare', half apalosa haîf quarter hur 'se, excellent riding, likes to junip. Asking $500. or hest offer. Moving, must selI 6554163. Hamnpster cage, wheel, feeder, food & hedding $8. 725-8162. IRTSH 'WOLFHOUND PUPS- 9 wks. Famiîly Dogs Fromi Champioris. H.D. Clear and Replacemnent Guarantees. $350.00. SANGPUR KENNEL REG'D. 613-332-20214. PEG'S FLEA MARKET OPF'NING OF OUR NEW LOCATION - Fri. evcning Jan. 6 and evcry Sat. and Sun. Vendors wecine. Somcething l'or cvcry- orne. Watchi for future develop- mients! On Hwy. 7, just xvest of Broughani Museumi. Cali 655-411 7 anytinie. NIGHEST PRICI Paid for' GoId. and Si coins, oldgpas, do, jewefry, dishes, furniti crocks,' ou paintings sealers. WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 4,1978, PAGE 1I.. HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO HADASSAH JEANS OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS & UPOLSTREY SALE' Here is an opportunity weil Brartd namne jeans. Ail sir.: I worth investigating. Local couple Fabric by the yard. Good expanding prosperous business. selecion of niearly new items. Part-timne or ful time, please Wednesday, January 1 lth. 'EotcS6582 fo pt 9a-m. - 9p.m. TIS THE SEASON FOR EXTRA 144 King St. E., Oshawa ilver MONEY. - Piyah Chapter of Hadassali ýcks,, A profitable and interesting c/o Mrs. C . Horwich tr, opportunity can be. yours. 255 Simcoe St. N., Apt. 807 --Ae Phone- 655-4576 Wed., Thurs., Oshawa and Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywall,- Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES- Cali 668-4686 Ministry ~ of Ontario Revenue Fr, after 6 n.rn. 1 SWIMMING POOLS -Leading swimming pool Manufacturer nlqst dispose of brand new 1978 models. Fully warranted, corn- plete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, walkway and deck. Sug- gested retaîl price $2350'. Available at pre-iseason special of $1322. Call now for early installation. Long term finan- cing available.' Cali collect azhy- time 1-416-663-9508. SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT - 'Will lease and'instaîll for homhe ow=s family size alumlinum swmpig pools with ' patio'. ÇChoice of stylesr;.:meeting. al fiàcing regulations on a one,, two, or three year r entai hasis -with option to own. 'Try beltre you huy! Cail colleet anytime 1-41 6-663-9508. Assessment Region No. 13 To AI] Owners or. Tenants in Durham Region: Take Notice that pursuant to Section 40 of the Assessrnent Act, Chapter 32, (as'ameilded) RSO,'1970, 1 have on the 4th day of January, 1 978 delivercd or caused to be dclivered ASSESSMENT NOTICES to all owners or tenants in this'region. The last day for appealing the Assessmient Notice is February 9th, 1978 and the Assessiment Roll nay beex- arnined at the Munficipal Office during regular business hours comniencing Jan uary 20th, 1978. W. H. Parnell', gegional Assessmcnt Commissioner, DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC il11 Dundps St. W. Whitby 668 ý 1464 LET U S H E LPf-YOU 'TO STOP SMOKING Countdown on Smoking Smoker's lVithdî'awal C(unie at R. S. McLauglhlin Collegiate Stevenson Rd. N. and Ruossland Rd. W. Oshawa I3eginnirig Janiuary l5th cat 7: 30 p.rm. (.&-evcjen enirgjs~;ios Jan. 18,19.,2Oth; Jan. 23, 26thi; Jan. 30t, & Feb. 27thl. Spono;ore.1 by the L) har Rgo L.urv A'ociat ic)r l1aeiviail ta: Duxac Region Lurig Association, Rooma I 164-~6, Os:-hai-a (ieneral IIosp. 211, Alma Street, 0C)-,awa, LP],G 2B9 COUNTDOWN ON SMOKING Narne ............. -................ Address........................... Telephone ....... Postal Code. Registration Fee Enclosed $5.O I Students and Senior Citizens FreL. I arn a Senior CitizenJ 1 amn a Student Li FOUND Dec. 27th. Vîcinity ofCocbrane St., Rossland"Rd. and creek area. White highland terrier, has tags on. She's a very friendly-dog and if lost wouîd make ber home with any nice family. If you have her please '/return. Sadly missed. Reward. Phono 668-2923 or 668-6607 Ontarîo W Hydro LATHING AND PLASTERING PICKERING <3ENERATING STATION "B" Ontario Hydro invites contractors to submit tenders for the Iathing and plastering of approximately ,22,600 square feet of walls and and ceilings' at the Pickering Generating Station "B"', located on Brock Road South in the Town of Pickering. Work* is to be completed by April 15, 1978. 'Tenders will be received up to 2 PM loc al time, Friday, January 20, 1978. Tendering documents may be oh- tained From: 700 University Avenue, Toronto, i 3th Floor Reception Desk (or for inspection only). Write: Ontario Hydro Attn: G. B. Stephenson H13 ES 700 University Avenue Torornto, Ontario M5G 1 X6. Phone: (416) 592-3593 A deposit of $50, payable to Ontario Hydro, is required for a set of tendering documents. The deposit will be refunded if the documents are returned in good condition within 15 days of the tender validity expiration date. Tendering documents may also be'inspected at the offices of the Toronto, Oshawa and Hamilton Construction Associations. The successful tenderer may ho requited to furnish a performance bond. Further details are con- tained in the, tendering docu- ments. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily ho accepted. FOR RENT - AJAX APARTMENTS FROM $295.00 PER MONTH 2 AND 3 BEDROOMSI, BROADLOOM THROUGHOUT'i SOMEWITHDEN AND 2 BATHS, RECREATIONAL FACILITIESTENNI.q COURTS, AIR CONDITIONING, UNDERGROUND PARKING, FOR MORE- INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MISS LAPORTE 1-416-965-1698 Dit LOV BLOOD DONOR NOW US THE TIME! To Order Vour WINTER Pions 668- 33#1 DX FUEL1 011 Cl Us Tuo Day For Prompt Couiteous Smioe Bea. RED CROSS SOME WITH IMMEDIATE POSSISION,

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