Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1978, p. 12

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AGE 1 2, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS___ ]Free j AUTOMOBILES ¶Mercury Wagon Marquis - well uipped with axtras, iu good' ndcertr0ied. $4,000 -725-3637. 19756 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE- N mileage, rustproofod, wiII <rtify, $3,000 or "'~ offar. 411 723-9180. 1974 VOLKSWAGO'N f :ETLE - newv radiais, starter )tor, tape. deck, and radio, nad up and ready, te go, en'ine 1, $1 ,250; chrome 14" mags, 0 for four. Ca Il 723-7405. )74 Vega - Good' Condition ;50. -cal 666-1255. )73 Dod e Swinger 318 A-i Condition $1500. or best offer 683-8684. 1973 FORD CORTINA T - 4 speed, AM/FM, radial ras, good condition, $1 ,100 ill 668-6319. Plymouth Fury P/S P/B good ad. wlll certify $750. 668-5318 )72 Toyota for parts, angine va)od rung coud. $140. or bast Ot'fer. can esean at 1087 Venus. (res., Oshwa or oeil 579-4977.', 72 Volkswagen, gas heater, A~ectric dafroster, radiais, sking $550. 668-O640batween )30 a.m. ý-1 p.m. 1972 HONDA CB 350'- excelent condition, . $550, certifiad, must sallI. Cali Peter 655-3253 after 4: 30 p.m. 72 Volkswagen, gas heater, elptrlc, defroster, radiais,' $785. '3-0640 batween 9:,30.m.-lp.mn 1971 RENAULT - Good ndition, $270. Cali1668-0744. 1971 VAU4*ALL - 43,000' les, new parts, $450 or best fer. Calil 668-5704. 1971 MAVERICK - p/L',C ,?chanicalIy sound, naw tires, is 2 snaývs, needs new fenÏder, ne. body wvork, $200 as lis; 69 CHEV IMPALA, p/s,-.p/b, .0O as is. Cali 668-8698. 1971 PONTIACCATELINA - ioor hardtop, runnîng condi- -1, $750 or hast offaer; 1971 YOTA, running condition, ,:)0 or hast offer. Caîl 668-7279. 1970 FORD TRUCK ý-.e red, Ncab, f air conidtioiteat 9aga,. $600 as Cali~: ;-3545. 1970 CADI LLAC - needs. ne work, good buy, $.1200; 57 CHEV,6cêyI., auto, $150; Il 579-5451. 70 Chevelle SS 396,4 spd.with gs, FM. stareo, 8 track, wde is, sonma front end damnage, ing $1200. or best offer. 1974 GMC heavy duty %a ton, h cap, 35,000 orlg. miles I certify for $2500. or best er. 655-3280. 1969 BUICK SKYLARK- id condition, weiI kept, >ws ahd rims includad, $850 hast cffer. Must salI. Cali 3-7028. )69 TOYOTA - unregistered, -al fou spare parts, $100 o1 ,st offer oeil 668-3675. 1969 FORD CORTINA - a 1969 DODGE BELVEDEREË 'ATION WAGON - rebuilt itor, (easy te certifyl, $500. il 66"-124. 196MUSTANG FASTBACK - 2,~ automnatic, headers, chroma P)réss Emp oriumi ciii 6886111 68 PONTIAC PARISIENE, 2 dr. Hrtp. tilt steering wheel 352.$100., .68 BUICK WILDCAT 4dYx. ilp. 'Top, Mechanical Condition $5 00 affer <6 il 666-1665 198Coronet 500, 318', 2 dr. hrtp., auto, p/s, radio, $200. as lu or best offer 668-5060 oeil after 5 68 Ford-Montage $275. or best offer. Must sali, Fair cond& 665-4726 68 Volkswagen Station -Wagon 160metor, radio, gas heater $250.00 668-4962. 1968 Ford Fatura 2 di., 6 cyl, auto. radio, good cond. $350. or bastoffer uncartlfied 655-4498. 1967 VW 8600 FASTBACK- $250; also 1500 VW 'ehgine, $150; eîectric brass firepîea, $50. Cali 668-0010. 1967- FORD STATION- WAGON - 4 du., 8 cyl.,, $300. or best offer.' Cali 655-4441 after 6 p.m. 1~967 Plymouth Fury II, 20,000 miles on new metor,%naedst'ody ,work,uncertifiéd $300, 576-M~92. 1967 Ford Falcon standard, Wii good uunnlng cond. asking $20P. or best offer. 1967 Ford Galaxie 500, auto. aslcing $100. or best offer. 725-6045. 1967 MUSTANG - 289 wvith three speed f beor shiftj good clean condition, $400 or hast. offer. -raIi 668-3889. 69 Ambassador P/S P/Bý motoî *& body in very good shape, net ile for 2 yean. $40. As ais 728-0096. 1966. -*Mustang - showroomnd automatic consele, Regnegde Balted tires, white whaels, 289 angine - FIRM $1,300. Cal 579-9236. 65 Chevy Impala, P/S, PIB, 283, ortified$ 350.00 655-4479. 1963 International truckc, 3 ton 'modal No. 150. $350.; 1969 Nordic Skideo, 1971 Skidco, double trailer,$650.655-4776. -~ 1962 FORD FALCON 289 - 62,000 miles, factury body and pain% , hst offar, $200. Cali 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. 1957 CHEV - 2 dr. hdtp., Kentucky car, complètaîy rebuilt 327, 300 hp motor, 3 sp. auto, transmission, naw -brakes, tires, shocks, exhaust, new carpet, custom seats, ne rust, certif iad, asking $2,600 must sali. ' Cali 668-1139 aftar, 5:30 weakdays. For Sale i haif ton truck cap A-i co-nd.-'insulated, aluminium, $300 or bast offer 668-3776 or 649-5204. 1966 Chev %ton truck. 6 cylinder good motor running condition $175. Phone 728-4849. 318 motor, 18,000 miles & parts for 67 Plymouth Fury. $300. 576-6592. 69 Ford GalLaxie, 2 du. 302 m9tor, p/b, p/s, Good and tiailer hitch. As is 6684009. hrtp. body $400 E RCR-IONAL 1970 Ski-roule snowmobile S300 single $250 or best offer. cati 655-3575. Suzuki Motorcycle - gcod cond. 150 c.c. asking $17,5. or bast offer 655-3411 15# MOLOED PLYWOOL, BOAT - with staering wheal, needi few rapairs, $75. Cal 668-9860. MaIe 10 SPWEED TOURmÀ-N, BIKE - 20" frama, ganerator lights, pack racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA, naw Parts and paint, certif ied, $0.Cal 668-187. POWans Parts in gond cond. ex mwoe. $250. or best effar. oeil 6S5-3583. EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TOýTHE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: ' Advertise FREE in the FREE P>RESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sali! There willflot be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is solci. When the advertised item is sold, *youpay a commission based on THE ADVER11SED PRICE as il1ustraýed below, regardlis if price is stated with best offer. Ail advertisernents mnust be placed on an exclusive busis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and mun at lsast one month if flot sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400-00 2% of balance over $400-00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 -commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is M.~50) Private adverising only!' Please notify us if you find a retailer liter! as a private adveriser. ,' Please notify the Whitby Free Ptess immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from the following issûes. Ail ads flot f ittingý the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as reguLar classified ads on a pre-paid basis sËuch as: services, help wanted, dlothing, real estate, -cnd personal message type ads, or ads flot quoting price >or quantity. Private classffed ads may appear in the Empru eto under appropriate headings. moin eto If in doubt, cail 668-6111l MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby L114 5S1. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AD)SIS THEý FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1DUNE BUGGY - runniný' condition, fibre glass body,ý :miking $600. Cal 655-4479, ask for Henrv. 1975 Yamnaba motocrosser, 400 C.C.'s just rabuilt, many axtras, $800. 655-4733. 1977 Yanaha 12SYZ Motocross Lika New used only two mouths Must selU $900..655-3022. Dune Buggies complata with rol cage & lots of extras $150. each. alse parts and access. 655-3481 TeaPea tant trallar, uleeps 4, gooù cond. brand naw oenopy & cover $600. 623-5715. 1977 BE 250- in A-i' condition, 1500 miles, askinr, $1 ,l 00. Cal 655-4238. A-i l4ft. aluminium van wt roll up door, side door and' 2,000 pound tail gate loader. Lika niew. $2,000. Cal 683-0141 betwean 8 am & 5pm. Webber CARBURETOR - for M43.B., tunabla for economy, tM200 Cali 7254339. EDELROCK TORKER ALUMINUM HIGHRISER' - ;$100; 600 heliey 4-barrai carbureor, $90; crana race cam for Ford 289, $70; ail newv parts., Cali 655-3972 after 6 p.m. Snowtires on ries 78 X 14C $30. Cail 668-3811. BATTERY - 12 volt for VW, oe year old, $25. Cali 655&4995. 14" rias, summer tires $6. caci 668-0427 after 4 E78x14 rnew TIRE - on à Ford rim, $20; storm Windows, 20% x 464, $10; 2T ltSx8 *46Y%1 $10; 42% x 46',1, $15; casernent windows, 20%4 x 46%, 6 ai $10 aach; poloroid camnera, square shooter 2. like new, $20. Cali 728-6434. 283 CHEV ENGINE - 3,000 'miles, compl9eta with carburatcsr, $120. -oCall 655-3006. Reesa-type tiailer Hitch, Heav> Duty-H Framne gcod for 3500 ibs. towing, wiil fit Coronet and Satel- iîte from 68 and up. 1 yr. old lias 1 7/8 & 2in. bail, each on itown insarting bar. $80.-668-5060 after 5 p.m. 2 - E7814 nowtres ike ne w $40. 666-1232. Steel Disc Mag Wheels for Chté' Set of 4 Tornada Belted Tires FG 70 14 New $360. Sali for $200. or best offar 668-2886. 3 radial tiras $25. apiece ike new 655-3523 r- rI r UNÂI. .,-OR-70414 General Steel Radia)I Like New. Spara Neveu Uséd White raised -lattais. Mountad on- Sharp Sport Rimu. $250.00 il after 6p.m. 668-2455 Snowtires pair mountad on rims good cond. Dûnlop fibieglassbeltad G 78 15 $30. Pr. Brookliluarea 6.1554365 evanings onfly. 1 frîdgedair rafridgarator A-i cond. $200. 655-3972 aftar 6 1 natural gas space hmetr 85,000 B.T.U.'s can be conveuted te propane $75. 668-2528 or .668-1730. Automatic washing machina $150. room dividar, biass & amber. Brand new, doubla sizç $35.ý Green living uoom armohair $65. 725-1211 29 Cubic Foot Freezer $140. oeil 655-4721. 30" Westinghouse steve with window for sale good cond. $25. 655-3222. Kenmore Gas Stove 30" very goôd cond. $95. oeil 728-8956, Freezer, 22 cia. ft. Gibson Chest type, $150. oeil after 7 p.m. 839-5944 MOFFAT GOURMET Stove, Gold colour like new $350. custom made antique white couch brand new. $450. Malo-senic organ Ne. 465 &, stool $350.,hardly used 668-9234 or 683-9521. RfFRIGERATOR - single door, oid style, $40; stove, in good working condition, $3.5; dryer, eutormtic, ail temparature, $75. cadi 668-3889. Coldspoî 10,000Blik AIR CONDîTIONER - extended warranîy, $300; Grolier Grow casa bookshalf, 4 shelves, waînut, $35; walnut bookcase, 6 shelves, $35. Caîl 668-2164. RANGETTE - gooci condi- tion, $15. C3l1 668-5450. 1G.E. electric white S'TOVE- 2 yrs. old, excellent condition, $175. Caîl 668-3853 afier 5 p.m. 3 yr. compact vacuumn cleaner $150. 683-0184 WESTI NGHOUSE WALL~ OVEN - in good condition, $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & FAN COMBINATION. four alaunents, 248', 2-". in good con dition, $100. Caîl 294-1383. 01lL SPACE H EATER - large $75;:2 heat dlspenoel, for fan, for f iraeplace, $125. Cal 579-0757. FOR SALE - Built in oven and' counter top Burniers (elements) with a hood, crome colouied in excellent condition $105 728-6719. 2 and 4 channel stereo system 60 watt RMS 2/4channeî receiver 2/4 channel 8 track tape deck. Automiatîc turntable, walnut base Dustý cover & magnetic cartridge, 2 prs. of speakers with 8" woofers and 3" tweeters $300.00 oeil 668-3932. Pizza oven Bakers Pride and shovel 21" x. 21%" x 17" $220. or best offer; Pine wash stand, $75.; Figure skates girls size 13, good cond. $S ;garage door steel 8' x8' $70. 655-4822 REFRIGERATOR STOVE - excellent condition, Asking $175. Caîl 668-9165. Electric Ranat Cail 655 - 37I68, $6.00 Air Conditioner G.S.W. 5,000 BTU's used one summer $150. Freezer -. General Harvest Gold colour, 11icu. ft. like brand new $200. 668-3810. Electric Lawnmower with grass catcher hardly used $48-. oeil 655-4627 after 7 p.m. Stereo Console wlth Gatrard Turn- table AM FM Radio in good cond. $85-00 668-8634. Aquariumn 15, gaI. with stan, lights & filter $50. 668-4495. Hi-Fi-R.C.A. good for rec room or cottage $40.;Brown patterned Frug 10'6" x 8'6" $35. 655-3607.ý 'tape Recorder - Reel type$. complete wine makdng kit, $35.. Floor polisher $12. call 668-6779' G.E. FLOOR POLISIIER - including brushes, and lamb's wool'pads, $15; Clairol Kindness instant ha irsetter, including 20 rollers, 20 relier clips, lightweight compact- case, ideal for. travel, 1like new, $15. Caîl1 725-9575. . & W TV -- $150 or best offer; Portabel TV, $50. Co 668-0744. B & W TV - 33", Tn good condition, $60. Cali 723-9068. Stereo Silvertone FM AM ,ý$60. Call6ff8-4042 CONSOLE TV - 13 & W; good' condition, $75; m aluminumf doors, f ive basement acreen. & storm winidows, $50.. Cali 668-5596. Stereo - Webcor, tape deck- turritable A/M, F/M, - 20 w. $99 99 - 668-9108. 1 stereo - bufit ln 8 track tape, record player, wooden cabinet with door for storing records and tapes with lock. ApProx. 1 yeai old. $2u Cal 668-3195. VIKING CLOTHES DRYER $80. Cali 668-9269, FLAELLNEUSI Wedding Dieu for sale size 14"6, Long sleeves $40. 655-4289. One Pair gold velvet ined CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - very good condition siz 112 x92, $145. oeil 666-1958. Fleetwood console STER EO - $75; dispîay cabinet, wîth glasi siding doors, $75; ;i. lhallway x-ifinister carpet,,27"w x 45"t, with padding, $100; ail items in excellent condi'fitn. Cali 666-1847. Ladies fail or winter coat, green with fui trira around cuffs & colla, size 18-20 asking $35- or best offer. Chanill bedspread single, h1mnd new asking $12. 725-6045. Brown Chesterfield Chaï - G"o âape $40. oeil 668--7145 iNflue vwith gold trim 24#' BATrHRoom VANITV - with countertop. $70. Cal 725-5753. -Gis coat size 10-12 aqua fflue with sheeps wool tim. Worn Twice $60. 668-3101 Ski Boots, Mens size 9M Nordioe Blue $50. 655-4591. Mediumn sîze Oak DeFk - 1 large drawer,$49, Iazy boy $25. Viking wrmnger washer, $49. 725-1211. 18" COLECO CARTRIDGeÈ SWIMMING POOL FILTRE -* with spore cartridge, $60; over the vvaII skimmer, $10; new ladder for 4' pool, $35; ýpool vacuum, $5., Cali 1668-4804.' Deluxe, Coronet Drum Set, drums, throne, highhat,2 symbols on stands, ex. cond. value new *550.now qsking $250. 655-.44G Blt',.r TIRES - .26"" x l' $1 each; Scaiectrix racing Mt., many extras, 9$12.50. Caell 668-5060. Sicgli STUDENT DESK - $12. Cali 725-1211. Star drum set, 4 pèe. g9od cend. $60. 725-2243. One 3-in-one gendron carniage with crome mud guards. $35. 683-1574. Chrome KITCHEN SET - 5 pieoe, -$45; Chesterfield chair, $10; both- ideal for cottage. 'Cali 668-267. Weddlng Drees, Size 17 excellent Condition $75. Baby Buggy $25. 725-4646. Italiari provincial 4 seater chestet- fleld and chair, Green Brocade $50. 668-6144. Piano, Mason & Risch upnlght, with minror inset, price -$650. phone between 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. 668-1045. Baby changing table wlth draweis $15; High Chair $15; very good* coud. kgroclcing horow:$15. 6554917 Girls white skates, siZe 1i3g, 6 $12 each pair. Cail 655-4948. Long suède wlntar ceat, uize 16 $40. 668-3469. Aquarium. 40 gallons. Comfplete with flsh, stand,- pumnps, llghts, heater, etc. $85., For further' information oeil 668-8288 after 4 p.m. Infants clothlng stretch t=ry steepers, ail sizes, sweaters, tsbluts and boys ,very reasnalb.5. (for the lot) 655-3006 Off white rug 17' x 15' (approx.) $200; coffe table & end tables arborite topped, trimmed with brass $100. call anytime 728-9017 1 pi boys hockey skates Jelinek sie9$14. i Garrardrecoid playar wlth speaker and stand $35. 668-9771 Baby Carniages, $25. & $40.; Baby Swing, $12.; Jolly Jumper $5.; Hjgh Chair, $7.; 2 Bathtubs $2. each; Bottle sterlizar, $3.;trainit* .chair,$5.*waflker,$S.call 683-a4ý, bond maple chest of drawars $55. cli aftarnoons and avenings 668- 7415. 2 Night Tablestnot matchÏN)$10 eache i mans blue suit ine 42 (new) $3.5; 1 pi. new ladies "shs Umbrollar Stroile caIl 668-5471 $18. Large & suai sizad spaish picturas - $75. & $25. Spanluli coffee table & 2 end tables (solid wood) $450.00 oeil 666-1372. Almut new pale green & pale yeleow mixed shiag, approx. 10x 12%;- plus heavy bubble foam underpad $190;, 666-1851. HOT WIIEELS Track over 150' plus accesuories $8. Chest of drawes suitabla for cbilds moom $18. aIso many assoted jlguw puzzles, 50c aach- 655-3411.

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