PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY JANUARY Il1,1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby Public Utilities Commission MONTHLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective on Maillus for the peried affer ianuary 1, 1978 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Ciasa of Energy Stocke c per kwh serice - - - - Minimum F.R.W.H. First fext Ail No.dul 250 200' uddi kWh kwh tional Regular 4.9 - 2.45 $4.50 No.1 .42 No. Applicable, ta existing Installations only.. NON-R ESIQENTIAL, SERVICE kcw 0emand En.rgy Blocks-& c per kiwh lass of Stock Charge Firt Noxt Ne iddl Sriepar k 250 9750 2,270,0001kwh Sriekwh kWh kwh Generai 50-5000 0-5000 kW) $2.40 5.0 2.95 1.75 1 .02' General, <over 5000 &vr Il kW ail energy at i .02c par kwh kW) 500 555ý minimum bill - under 50 kw - $4.50 over 50 kw - $0.25 per kW for ail kw applicable to the maximum biliing demand during the previaus il months or the contracted amount whlchever la the greater. transformation ailowance - rates are based upon service at utîl- zation voltage. Where the customer provides transformation facilties, the foilowing aliowances Mil appiy - for stepdôwn f rom transmission voltage'- 400 per kW of bilinhg demand *per month. fQr stepdown from subtransmission voltage 25$ per, kw" ot billi*ng denand. per mpnth. for stepdown f rom distribution voltage - 1 50 per kW of biliing jemand per month. FLAT-RATE WATER HEATING SCHEOULE NO. 142 400-watt element 450-watt Gement 500-att element 550-watt etement ~00-watt element 650-watt e<toment 700-watt elernent 750-watt elemnent' 800-watt element 850-watt element 900-vatt element 950-watt <toment 1,000-watt etement 1,00013,000-watt otements 1,500/4,500-watt elements $ 5.11 per month 5.77-per month 6.39 per nionth 7.03 per mnonth 7.67 per month 8.12 per month 8.55 per month 9.05 per mnonth 9.49 per month 9.90 par month 10.42per month i O93per month 1l .36per rnonth I 2.O7per manth 18.11 per month An additionai amiounf'bf 5% shail appiy toalal bis flot paid on or before the due date., 128 BROCK ST. SOUTH - WHITBY - 668-5878 OFf ICE HOURS - 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday ta Friday bue ta <the hi"he cost of providing service this utility f inds it necesuary ta increase retai rates effective January 1,* 1978 in accardarice with the scheduies in this notice. As a resuit of the better thon expected operations of Ontario Hydro in 1977, this utiiity wili be receiving an anti-inflation discount on buik power purchased from Ontario Hydro ciuring 1978. The exact amnount of thisdîscount wfitt not b. knovwn until Srly in 1978, but it is currently estimnated that it witt reduce aur total revenue requîrement by approxinutety 4.7%. Your bis during'l1978 based on metered consumptian wiit, refltact this speciat anti-inf lation discount. The amount owving as indioeted on your bitl witt ha catcutatod by apptying the applcable rates to your energy use and subtracting the anti-inf lation discount. The net off ect wiii be an overail average increase in rates of approxi- metely 3.2% rather thon 7.99% whkch woutd normoity have been required. "The rates, as approved, compty with the intent of the AntîItnflation Guidetines which have been appied by- Onario Hydre in occordonce with the provisions of the Anti Inflation Act and the agreemrent b>etwveen Canada and Ontario. mode on .tanuary 13, 1976, respecting the. appl ication of the guidelines in Ontario." Effetive onait bits fer the perWd aiter Jan. t, 1978. H.C. SI MPSON SECRETARYIMANAGER R.W. CAWKER CH-AIRMAN Park postponed The Whitby Rotary Club's ,plans ta develop Centennial Park have been postponed .until the town clears Up legal teclinicaliies regarding re- construction of Burns Street through the park. Mayor Jim Gartsha' re said at the first meeting of the Rotary Club this year that coundil, had voted last year ta, keep Burns Street open, but this will have ta be designated' thrpugh 'an amendrrent ta the'official plan. :They mayor also said lie liopes that money will be set 335 KMN ST. E. OS4AWA, aside i the 1978 budget ta relocate the two tbaseball diamonds in the park, which will be removec ii orader to faciitate the Rotary Çlub's development plans. 1The mayor said the townj estimates it will cost $3,000 a year'to inaintain the park as the Rotary Club lias plan- ned it. Plans cail for gardens, a play area and an amphi- theatre. The Rotary Club during 1977 held a Trip,, of the Month draw ta raise funds for the- park praject, but has discontinued -the draw tem-. porarily until the legal mat- ters regarding Burns Street can be cleared up. 728-9448 Boutique F'- Househ-old Ite ms- 'Starts Thursday Jan. 2, 1978î ~ See Our New Arrivais THE NEARL Y NEW SHOP 131 Brock St. S-, Wltby, Ontario 668.4100 upen iy Y:~U - Go where the businesses are TVWe znust go where the blisinesses are."" Mayor Jim Gartshore said last week as lie told the Rotary Club af ýthe region's plans ta partici- pate at an industrial expos- tion in Europe this year. Mayor Gartshore said that the Region of D-urhamn will be' represented flot at an indus- trial fair, or exposition in England, Germany and Switzerland. He said that if even one industry cornes ta the region as a resuit of the promotion in Europe, the trip will have paid for itself. Mayor Gart- shore is one of three mavors in the Region who will attend the exposition. The mayor pointed out that in the Whitby area there are 1,000O acres of servlced industrial land, and if federal restrictions cause prôblemns tfai Canadian companies ta, locate there, then the regiéh- must go toEurope where the businesses are. He told the Rotary members that the Hamilton- Wentworth and, Niagara Regions- had been successful lu this approach ta industrial developnient and he expected the effort would be well worthwvhile for the Durham - Kegion. COCA wenterprgm feature 's skatina &,skiing The Central Lake Ontario niskilen and will continue Conservation Authority's through the winter on Sunf" (C.L.O.C.A.) winter pro- day and same Saturday after- gramme is off ta a good staît. noons. The charge is 50c a Skating at the Lynde ride. ShoreS, Hampton and Ennis- skillen Conservation Areas lias. already begun and the cross-country ski trails at the Ennïiskillen and Heber Down Conservation Areas are open.. T he bain at the Enniskillen is now open on the weekends for people ta change IÂito their skates and skis a-id get warm. The concessîi, stand, selling hot dogshot cliacolate, etc.ý*is also îa. operition on the weekends. Horse drawn sleigh rides started on January 7,,qt En- Admission tôalal C.L.O.C.A conservation areas is free of charge. For additional in-_ forniation an the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author- ity's winter programme please telephone thie Information anc Education Co-ordinator at 579-0411 -or drap in or write ta the CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTI-ORITY 1650 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontaria LIN2MK8 . Shore protection is completed Installation of more than $250,000' worth of shore protection at the, Whitby Yacht Club is expected ta be completed tItis week. Dean Construction of Windsor is the contractar for SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH, US TOMORROW. AND FINI)' OUT WHAT IS, GOING ON IN DURHAM!, Morning Reports 6:020 & 7:020 Weather 1350 ,Sports -and News THE OSHAWA STATION the work, and lias -received prise for its efforts froni Yacht Club Commondore Phil Finkle. The shore protection was severely damnaged a starm last September, and about 100 boats were dam- aged at a cost of $150,000. The club's docking system was also severely, damnaged, resulting lu repair costs af about $ 15,000. The yacht club lias asked the Federal Ministry of Public Works ta take measures ta protect the harbor from future wind storms. Beath owns top bull A Main Anjou bull owned by Brian Beath ai Brookliri, showed top performance recently at the Guelphi Bull Performance Testing Station. Th& bull gained an average ai 4.9 pounds per day over the 140 day test, This gain was indexed at 142, which is 42% above the average for the base group. Buls are performance tested under the supervision of the Ontario Ministry ai Agriculture and Food. Buils whicli have luh igrowth indexes have shown their ability ta produce fast gaining ave. Beef cowmen cari increase growtli rate, weaning weights and profits through the use of high îndexing bulîs. Mre. Beath' attended Aniderson Collegiate, Whîtby, and graduated from the University of Guelph in 1975, with a B.Sc.A.,specialîzing in ,animal liusbandry. At the present tîme lie is assistant agicultural repre- sentative for the Ontario Ministry ai Agriculture and Food lu Wellingtoni County. His hobbies are sheep and cattle. is bull bas been purchased by 4 prominent t'armrer in western Ontario, and la belng used as a bord sire lI a coin- NowhouS'ss,flts CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS