PAGE 10, WFfTTBY FREEPRSS, WEDNBSDAY, JÂNUARY 18, 1978 Comm sniy Cr seavolun tee rs Whtby's senior --citizons rnunity Care programi is to provide the supportive prac- nlty and SocialS wil find 1f- -a -littie casier -give- seniors 'hclpwhlch is not tical, help older people nced adrnlnistcred int startlpg ,Pcb. 11, whcn the -otherwise available ither to enable thern to maintain Reglon by the So, town's-new Çommumity Care through another lagency' in and to remnain in their own Advisory Group service goe into operation. the communiity or privately. homes. Many jobs can be glon. It is flot, The purpose of the Côm- The. ptograrn's aim 1$ to donc regularly by Community project of the reg, ___________________________________________- ~iro vtntr.wbile nthevça ment. It 15 one *260. OSE MILK LISTERINE IAnts.ptk d Mrntwosh 7 en all 1ulSmi will be in response to emer- gency situations. opcned ah offic on thc second floor ôt a white huuse at 10 1 Mary Street West. The program's co-ordinator, Mis. Marie Brooks wlll bc oiiduty frorn 9 a.n. to noon wcek- days. IIer phone number is 668-6223. Community Care la a two- year .project fundc'd by ýthe Ontario Ministry of Commu- 2-PLY MI TISSUE th oc! gc nate care pîoposlas ministcrcd by thc govermcent, and ii one in the provii reglon-widc basis. Each municipal Durham Region, w ception of Uxbriè volunteer board to its Comrnunity Car The Whltby boa up of16 to.1l8 pe of whom are repi of various agencie RoDN Il Ronson -I -I L~DISPOSABLE LIMNER TWO ROLLS White Only VAP-AIR COOL VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER 0 120 vek $120A114 1 1/4 Gallon «V1wý capodty WNITE , PETROLÊUM JELLY' 9 9*ý 4" Ulm Baby Scott DISPUSABLE DIAPERS Regular30"s ITYLENOL Polu Relief... , If Aoef. C ois - M I to help sernor Tce and sociations-presently working ie Durham with senior citizens i the ai Planning to'wr. Df the Re- The chairman is Margaret however, a Hart; vice-chairman, Jim )nal govern- Speers;and secretary-treasureî )f 18 alter- Mandy Crawford. The volun- ýs being ad-_ teer board acts as an advisory Sprovincial and guidence comniittee, set- s the only tmng the guidefines for the ince on a prograni and working closely with Mis. Brooks, thic co- ity i the ordinator. vith the ex- The first priority to get cige, has a the Community Carc Pro- )administer gram going la setting up a list ,re prograni. of volunteers. arc ist macde te :s"e'as many volun- oPl" many Rein Co-ordinator Richard 'esentatives Johnston. "Ajax lias over 125 és and as- volunteers, and they are in needpfniore. The main duties of the volunteers will be to provide. dylving servioes>soinc repairs and niaintenanêe, visiting, financial advlce, anid referral to other agencies where re- quired. A srnall fée is charged for the transportation and home repairs and maintenance,with W. R*serve the mnney going directly to ta Limit th Con munity Care c'an provide a Ssubsidy tothe client.: S The fée for transportaion ~ "~§~is a $1 minimum for a round ~ trip of 10 miles, and 10 cents' for each additional mile. The fee for home repairs and maintenance is $2 for the- first hour.and $1 .50 per hour thereafter. Home repairs and main- tenance includes house clean- ing, changing windows, grass cutting and other suchjobs. Y Whitby should have a good roads construction and main- tenance program in 1978, Ma'yor Ji Gatshretold the inaugural. ,meeting .,of 'the Whitby ChamberofCommeêrce for 1978. He told the Chamber members that the provincial subsidy for road construction and maintenance has been. inçreased appreaciably for this year. "There is a tremendous ainount of work needed on roads,ý but we need MTC subsidies to do it," he said. Des Newman, one of the founders of Whitby Arts Incorporated, was elected Iast wcek as president of the organization. Mi. Newman, a former mayor of Whitby, joined the bôard of Whitby Arts List year as vice-president. He succeeds Nigel Schilling as president. Members of the executive for 1978 are: Des Newman, president; Nigel Schilling, past-president, Tom Fitzsim- mons, vi.-e-president: Peter Eberlee, treasurer; and Mandy Crawford, secretary. miiens, Anyoné% from teen-agers to senior citizens may be- corne volunteers, says Mr. Johnston. Ini Newcastle, 30 per cent of the 60 volunteers are seniors, and one is 90 years old, hie said. Volunteers- who want to work for Community Care may cafl Mis. Brooks at 668- 6223, and thcy will be asked to f111 in a form stating whcn they are available and what, they are willing to do. Seniors who wish help from Comnmunity Carc> may also register with Mis. Brooks by calling the sanie nuniber. Mr.* Johnston says thereïs a continulng nced for drivers, .and people who will do houso cleaning and homne care. Also, teeniagers are requirçd in tbe sumnier for grass cutting and gardening work. TÈrà nsportà tiôn ',réquests will' be limnited to special needs suèh'as,,iedical trips and shopping, rather than recreational trips. According to Mr. Johnston, Ontario has'the highest ratio of senior citizens institution- alized in the Western Hei- sphere (r per cent),compared to 2 per cent in Britain. The main aim of the Com- munity Care, programn is to keep people I in their own homes so they will flot have to go to nursing* homes, he says. The provincial governmenit is providing $9,000 this year to inn the Community- Care, programi in Whitby and hopes at the ellid of two years to evaluate, if it is neededand can provide the service it is intended to give. >The mayor reported' that a reorganization of the fic departmnent- was carried out ain Jan. i1 to'mfeet the prob- lemns'that will be created by the building of the Brock Street CPR undeipass this- yeaî. He said an arrangemnent *was made for some fuli-timfe fic fighters fromthe down- town fice hall to be stationed in the hall on Thickson Road to provide better service from that station and-,avoid the detours at the underpass site. IS jMinistry courseofed -j1 ' I IFINAL NET. 341 mni I frmC2Io CDe-TeTIJFEVER THERMOMETER *OA" I *BAV ;99 *~9A ai. ativasa ~mmain mu--------- THIS ONE VOUE I1.0A. M4 FOR 9FER! COUPON. Young people who -are Edufcatiori thinking about' joining te Living and iistry are invited to 't ake Livinga part in a "Thinking About experiss v Miistry" program siponsored -the C"&T by St. Maîk's United Church. Ministry"9) The pîogîam arranges'for , Applicai a young aduit, 16 years or made by1 older to be teamed up for J.M. Srmithi two weeks with a congrega- Church, W] tional minister, a Director of Des Newman i or a parish worker. à transportation and transportation will be covered by rhinking About commnittee. tions should be M.arch 15 to, Rev. k, St. Mark's United Iiitby. 1978 neli, Lois Daw and Sidney Lng.. Directors serving for their first year are:- Jan Bishop, Dr. George Balake, Pat Bullock, Karen Caspeli, and Nancy Steele. Whitby Arts came back fiorn a difficuit financial situation in 1977 to end the year bîeaking even, and paid back at $l10,000Oloan . Memnbership fees have been increased foi 1978. Student fees are $2. single memnber- ships are $7 and famuily mcmr- beiships are $1 0. This repre- sents an increase of $1 for DENTURE TRfERAPY CLINIC 668 «1464 o "WeII Worth.Looking For"' ToMWop 's 240DZ, LIQUID FOR' MQre money for.roads AYDS ~ c _ ~ -~ IL '2mR 1 ENI ISpawklino S" x7- g0 IYevr Fv.wlt.Ns,. in h. 01.n Studio Moi Wlitby Arts fresident FOR TWO *Oéýy L COLGATE' TOOTHPASTE 7 7ý 100 mi NE cüp OUTA» mmum MAM',