Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1978, p. 5

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Corridor Capers .ianuary snow seems to be ingerlng. Sure wish the works department Weren.t so efficient. Il. would be heavenly, just for' once, to be snowed in for a week at ieast. How about it fellas? MANNING MEWS The meeting iast Tuesday at Westminster Church was exceptlonally well attended. Rev. McIlwain opened with a. brief history' of the founding of the church. -The original plan to enlarge the present building has been postponed, and as a resuit the property adjacent to the church remains unused. The suggested use for the property is currently to build 24 apartments units for retirees at approxiniately 18 to 20 persons per acre. The one-bedroomn apartments 1 WHITBV would rent for $1 70.00 to $1 80.00 per month, while the bachelor apartments would be $1 20.00 to $1 30.00 per month. The rentai fee would include heat, hydro etc. Telephone or cable T. V. would be extra. There were no objections to the-proposal. Some con- cern was expresseci regarding water drainage. If the project, when completed, accomodates residents within the area first, then I'm ail for it. Sometimes we get so carried away trying to help iower income people, that our retired neighbours are completely forgotten. 'There are ploneer families living in our immediate surroundings, who may have to give up their home for health reasons. These persons are not in any financial difficuty, but wouid prefer to live in- this areq. Many are founders of Westnmster Church and it is these persons I would like to see have the firet choice of therentai accomodations. It is certalnly a worthwhile projects and. the monthly payments look attractive. Thanks to ail the Board members of the Church for their dedication, time and effort. It is a big job weii done. > OSHAWA WHITBY P.C. ASSOCIATION (Womens) The Oshawa Whitby Womens P.C. Association will hold, their annual meeting on, Wednesday January 25 at the P.C. Office,Alger Building, Oshawa. George Ashe, Durham West FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1978, PAGE 5 -M.V.P. will be guest speakcer. The meeting wilI begin at 6.-30 with a pot iuck supper. OSHAWA General Hospital Auxilliaw Dance The dance wifl be held at Jubilee Pavillon on Saturday, January .28, 1978, with dancing to the Eddie Grof Orchestra. Tickets are $1 5.00 per couple. Lunch,prizpr,, refreshments. Contact Elizabeth Hatter for tickets, at 576-8218. CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE The sixth semni annuâl Corridor Capers dance will be, held at Heydenshore Pavilion on Saturday February 18 at 8:30 p.m.ý Tickets are $8.00 per couple and are available from any member of the executive. Prizes, lunch and re- freshmnents. Tickets are alre'ady goingfast. Cali for reserva- tionis to-day. Weicome home to Ary Szarka from Ary's Gallery in, Whiùtby. She deserted our fair town and snowy climnate for the beaches of Jamaica. Congratulations to Dot and Ev. Coddy who becamne grandparents to a bouncing baby girl. Have a good week. M.* McEachern 725-8967 Report firom Queen ' s Park 'AGvrioAnk M'.' Social Assistance Any one of us mnay -face temporary financial'setbacks because of illness, unempioyment, disability or the loss of a spouse. In Ontario, there aie basically fîve types of pro- grains to help, people through'such Ïdfficuit times, i.'e.' Gen- e rai Assistance, Family Benefits, Speciai Assistance, Sup- plenientary Aid and Guaranteed Annual Income System Genierai Assistance is administered by the Region of Durham 'Social Services Department, and is designed to pay for short termn basic ncsiis aiyBnft is a Pro- vincial Governmnent programý to'meet needs extending over longer perlods'of tir-e. -It is- available through ,the Ministry pf Commninity and.Social -Services. Both *Genera1 Assis- tance and Faniily Benefits ýare set up to take care of ordi- nary living expenses. As wéll, people ini fnancial need may apply for Special Assistance and/or Suppiementary Aid, aise through the Durham Region Social Services." Both of these provide for special items and services beyond basic nee4s. The General Assistance allowance is often referred to as- etwelfare", and can be issued imn mediately, when necessary. Any resident of Ontario is eligibie to appiy if lie or she is in one 'of the foliôwing categories: -A\person, 16 Or over, who is unemployed and actively seekcing a fuli-time job. -A foster parent on behaîf of a foËter child, if 'needs can- flot be met by natural, parents. . A woman- with dependent children 'who is separated, divorced, widowed or unwed, if she is'in financial need. . Any person, 16 or over, who is sick or'disabled. . Any elderly person who has a low income. - A single person, maie head of a farn ily under 21, or fe- maie head of a fainily, who- are unemployed because they are'attending school. As defined in thÏe Iegslation,a person is in financial need when hie or she- does flot.have enough money for necessary expenses. The Famxily Benefits allowances provide funds for or- dinary living expenses over an extended ,period of time. The programn helps to support mothers bringing, up children alone, the permanently unemployable, the disabled, the elcierly and the blirid. A single. person, of, the head'of a family living in ýOntaârlo, may appiy for Family Benefits. The amount of the allowance is the Idifference between ini- corne'and theamount required for basic items such as shelter and fuel. The re. are aiso provisions available for ex- traordinary needs such as special diets for people with cer- tain medicai problems. Special Assistance is issued to those flot on weifare or Faniily -Benefits, for certain extraordinary living expenses such-as prescribed drugs, dental services,, moving expenses, surgical'supplies and dressings.,Supplementary Ai4 provides extra money for people who -are already receiving Family Sad Reply A housewlfe left -home for the day. She locked up the, bouse-tightly, leavi kg a note on the door for the grocer: .Nobody home. Don't leave anything, l'Il cali tomor- row."1 When she returned home, the house had been, burglarized, and al ber valuables stolen. On the note to the grocer. were the, Words: "lThanks, we haven't left much." Benefits, or the Guaranteed* Annual Income Sy.stem. It covers the items listed above under Special Assistance, and may also include such-additiônai payments as unusually high shelter costs., The 'G uaranteed Annuai Income System (GAINS) pro- vidés incomne for the elderly, the disabied and the blind i Ontario.. There are two classes of programs, both of wvhich are administred through the Ministry of Community and Social Services. GAINS-A is for the aged. People aged 65 or over who are eligible for old age security qualify for GAINS-A, and automatically become eligible ,for the, Ontario Drug Benefit plan entitlinïg them to receive. free prescription drugs. GAINS-D is for the disabled'andthe blind. People who quaiify for Family Benefits- and. Who *are certified by the Medical Advisory Board as- disabled- or -bind "are eligible. to receive GAINS-D pay ments. The amounts paid depends upon the size oi'the family and the ages of the dependent chikiren. 1 Space does not permit me to elaborate fuiiy on the above five programs, or on additionai special services, availabie such, as loW-cost day care, or dursing and homemaker's services in the home. I would suggest that if you would like further information on social assistance available, who is eligible and' the proper jurisdiction to contact, please telephone niy Riding Office at 683-6707 to obtain a com- plete brochure.; Buy one at the regul ar price of sl1.59 The Ontacio Ladies' Col-,' Slege AiumnaeReunion hse Sby the Coilege Alumnae SCowridil was held aI the OId SMiII, Toronto, recently. A- -mong the. 50 Alumnnae rnmembers who attended the Annual Reunion- Luncheon were 15-representatives from the Ajax-Oshawa-Whitby area. SPient wrre MY. Russel B SColins, president of . the e4 Bru- tn prù&nw of Sthe. Centennial Chapter, Mrs. Reginald C. Davis, ail of Whitby and Mrs. Stanley'L. Osbome, of Oshawa the SAiumnae Couricil ersna tive. The guest speakers in- cluded Dr. John -B. Davies, of Whltby Vhairman of the Ontario Ladles'CoJlge Bord of Directors. Ie spoke of the. Board's Function and its litcem t ithefuture deveiop- m-sent of tihe College. Dr. RevIimIld C. Davis. principal ~oR CARR ItÇc0 106 PA1 Proudly anriounces another care and skill given to aur ari now avaliable for vour late m I CANk4A LIN 4ma5 service-. The same tique restorations is ARI CARIT Art Carty bas joli ed our staff, and wili tiandile ail work from tune ups to, major repaira on' tate models. Cati Art for an appointrmnt at 668-4446. lo* '-s Colonel Sar.ders' boys and girls mak iget ~Icicin' gOC!ý ANY KENTUCKY FRECH TA E1T 34-M leI WHIEN IFR DUYAÀ-THIRFrY DINNER, THIS SPEC1AL OFFER EXPIRES' tEGULAR PuICE OF5159 V, JANUARY 31.1978 L 1 -e , t

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