Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1978, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mayor Gartshore oays: Reduced dumpintg rates couldpay for a new dump Mayor Jim Gartshore said last week that Witby and other municipalities should receive a reduced rate for dumping their garbage at the 1350 Metro-owned Pickering land- fil1 site on Liverpool Road. Durham Region, Pickering Ajax, and Metro have signed a four-party.agreemnent which B[G NIj- 108Brock St. S., Wib 668-8091 WElVE ADDED PIZZAS'& SBAIE Choose from our Iist of> 10 ITEMS on small, Med., or Large PIZZAS. SPECIAL, Big Nic Pizza with Corned Beeft, med. size (141l) $430, Eat in at our Hot Dous, etc. dining room. We also have, Hamburgers, gives the region about five years duMping time b efore it lias to find a new site. Thie agreement gives Ajax and Pickering free dumping privilepes, but other munici- palities have to pay $7.30 per ton. Mayor Gartshore and Mayor Jin Potticary of Oshawa, both members of the region's management committee, have asked for~ the matter to be tabled for further consideration, but it is expected to corne before regional council for approval today. Mayor Gartshore says he is 'not concerned about the free. dumping by Ajax and Pickering because they had agreements with Metro be- fore Durhami Region was formed, but the fee now charged to otherý municipali- ties could be used to pay for a new Durham Region dump site. The dumping fee agree- ment w-is reached Iast sum- mer, calling for Pickering.to close off part of a road to al- low more dumping capacity if the region agreed to drop an Ontario Municipal Board hearing against the town. The region contends that Picker- ing owed about $2 million in lot levies before the region was forrned. According to George Ashe, Durham West MPP and formier Pickering mayor, the dumping rights are worth about' $31,4, million to the. region. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard says the dum~ping fees are equitable, ad it would cost ail municipalities' m ore to find other dump sites. -Public Works-Commission- er Bill Twelvetrees and Chief Admninistrative Officer Bob, Richardson consider the agreement a good solution to the region's critical shortage of dumping space. Floo d control eould cost $5 nllon The cost of elimninating flooding problemns along Pringle Creek could be as much as $5 million, the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority lias told the Town of Whitby. The Pringle Creek' Engin- eering Study, prepared by CLOCA, states that a 100- year storm like 'Hurricane Hazel could flood- Skiai Fur- niture, and the, Blair Park Plaza and cause $4 million damage. <The major remedial step would require building a new, underpass at Victoria Street and the CNR, and enlarginig culverts on Brock Street South and Dundas Street East to permit a heavier flow of creek. waters, says the study. CLOCA officials said that under existing conditions,the CNR embanktnent would act as a 26-foot-high dam, flood- ing 270 acres in a 1 0O-year storm., According to engineering consultant Larry Windover, as many as 170 acres now within the 270- acre flood. plaincould be removed from the danger zone by these plans, plus a' few other smal- 1er measures. CLOCA Chairmnan John Goodwin told the towui that When using drugs, always re- member: *never mix aleohol and other drugs *neyer take drugs pros- cribedor - recommended for someone else *when your doctor' gives you a prescription, tel himâ what other arugs you are taking * always'read the labels and follow directions exactly. it would be difficult to ob- tain funds to carry out anti- flood measures,and suggested the landowners who would benefit froin them could help pay for the work. He also noted that the Victoria Streé"t undeîpass is already in the region's five- year capital budget forecast and would be paid for largely by the federal gomerment and the CNR. The cost of this project would be about $4 million. Mr. Windover sai4 the, town now bas to decide if it wants to take steps to free land now in the flood plàln for development. Councillor Bob Carson, chairman ýof thxe operations- committee, said the town would study the CLOCA report. Westmi nster Church. eleets its 1978 officers The. ,WESTMINSTER UCW Group held their first meeting of the New Year on Monday evening, when the installation of Officers tool place. opening with a Devotional period Mrs. Mary Glazier read, an interesting poem titled "MY ONLY PLAN" and Mrs. Linda Davis responded with a special meditation for the' start of the New Year, followed by President Mis. Erma Wood re. lating to the works of M.C. Hoskin, an4L. relaying the thought ,"GOD KNOWS" Mrs, M. Ferries from the Presbytery United Churci Women's Council of Oshawa then installed the foilowing Officers for the year in their various duties, with most suit. able remarks being made foi the occasion. The Officers -Slate is, as followsl. Honi. President - Mrs. Eric Mellwain. Past. Pres. -Mrs. Jean Allin President Mrs. Erma Wood lst Vice-Pres.- -- 2nd Vice-Pies. Mrs., Hazel Witeside. .1 Secretary Mrs. ýPhoebe Woodil. : Treasurer Mis. Nyla Reynolds. Other niembers on the Executive Conimittees are: Mrs. Helen Joynt Mrs. Eliza- beth Hattner, Ms-s. Vema Thaxter, Mrs. Marion Med- dings, .Mis. Jean Senko, Mrs. Hazel Whiteside, Mrs. Jean Allin, Mrs. Josie Szczur, tMis. Linda Davis, Mrs. Eileen iGreenaway, Mrs. Lâois Clarke. It was announced that a cWorkshop for Leadership a Training would be, held'at Kingsview Church hall, Feb.8 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for those persons interested. s Mrs. M. Ferries proceeded [l with the program by showing f slides and informing the pro- rcedures of ýParliament for the United. Church Conference heldin Calgary this past year, which was most lnteresting, to those present, as it per-' tained to oui Aiea. 1 The'Ladies in charge of a the evening then served at a tea hour--Mîs. Erma Wood,, r Mis. Mary Glazieri and Mrs. - Lin da Davis. r The February. Meeting will be important--try and corne! .WeTéS t Lynde Dance The West Lynde Com- munity Association will be holding a dance,, featuring the live band "Home Cookin", Feb. 4 froni 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.at Heydenshore Pavillon Tickets are aivailnble at $10. per couple from Jim Mitchell, 668-1379; Tony Bate, 668- 61-30; Alan Longfield, 668- 11l73;ý and Geriy 11111, 668- 5096. 144 M E,,MK FOOTWEAR LTD.' FINAL 3 DAYS 0F SALE TiHE 0OSHAWA STATION TBY MALL Irov STILL A MO SELECTION 0F BROKEM SIZES 0F MEN'*S, WOMEN'S,& CHILDREN'S SNOBS BROUMN SIZES 0F CHILDREN'OS SHOW BOOTS sr.sis's CHARG M OW $7" SHERIDAN MALL SP1"END 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW -AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON I]N DURIIAM! Noon, Evenings &, Night Reports 12:*20 6p.m. &llpMO' Weather, Sports and News

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