Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1978, p. 7

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LAWYER'S LETTERS Old letters often provide a fascinating insight into life of years ago. Las 't week, we jublished in this column a letter by a rinister of the Congregational Church in Whitby in 1851; outlining the ,problems he faced in operating his, church. This wee k we look-at the correspoôndence of a Whitby lawyer, John Vandel Ham. Mr. Ham was clerk ofthe Onltario County CQurt. Fie was born near Bath in Lepnox and addington County ini 1814. Hie first studied niedicine at Michilgan and McGill Colleges, and practised as a physician in Trenton. Later he changed bis profession tolaw, and studied at the office of John A. Macdonald in Kingston. Macdonald went on to becomne Canada's first prime minister. Mr. Ham's father was Mrs. Peter Perry's brother, and when Peter Perry diec I n Augtust 1851, Mr. Ham came to Whitby to settle the Perry estate, a econsiderable job as. Mr. Perry was the oWyner of' à large quantity of :real èsta7te. M~r.- Han remined 1h? Whitby tintil Jus death ini 1865, devoting bis law practice mâîirly to reil estate transactions. In those days, the barter systemn prevailed over cash in many cases, as can be seen by this letter to Mr. Ham, dated April 23, 1853: Dear Sir: "If you would like to selI your'acre, lot of land on this point I will give you for it twvo good curled hair matresses, weighing forty pounds each, warrented ail good curled hair, that is one to be sent you in June iiext and the other a year -after. "I should want possession of- it as soon as the first rnatress was dellvqred if you could give me a bond for the deed."- Bes-ides offers for land, Mr'. Ham had to deal with legal. squabbles in the ' courts. On Oct. 29, 1852, a farmer wiote to him about a prob.lern invoiving fences. Since education was-not as widespread as it is today his grammar left some- -thing to be desired. -So did. hîs honesty. - Dear Sir: * "I take the oppertunity of writing to you to le-t you know about the land you got from mny father. "We went on and put up a fence across the land. Fie rame over and threw down the fence and forbid us coming on the premises at ail and says you will not git il in that kind of style. "He will not give it up tili he is put off by law and then he will le-ave it before the writ of possession- comnes and TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25,1978, PAGE 7 theri you will have to pay the cost. "My father wants to knowv wheather. a manwouid have to pay bis Owrr cost ini.such a cast- as that. Will youplease > look at a s'ummons on the next page that was served on me granted by Richard Williams. "My father went to the place appointed for trial, paîd the cost and agreed to fix the fence that 1. had-stole as good as it was before.... "I sawed 160 of these rails and fixed the re.st of the same line fence. Nathan A. Brisco gave in evidence that 1 stole thein rails and he was not near the place nor did flot see me take the rails away. "»William and Asseline was agoing to fine me five pounds for stealing. I want to kaiow whether thay can makestealing of that or flot and I want to know wheéther I can do any- thing with Brisco or not for swearing that. "I forgot to tell you all about Ebenezer. He is agolng to draw all the fence o.ff the land *you got frorixny father. "I Want you to write me an answer as soon as you git this, ind tell me what to do with Ebenezer and teIl me whetherj1 can do anytiig with Brisco or hiot. "And. I wait- you to write pliin &à somebody can read it. It would puzzle the Devil to read the lease." AIaàwyer's life wras certainly not an easy one. Th"e fol- lowing is a letter, Mr. Harn received from bis wife when he was away on a business trip: "I think it is about turne you got home, that la if you have not forgot that you'have one. Winter is coming along and notfing is prepared for it." Yours affectionately, Eliz. Tîai." Byines Good Day! Tonight, Wednesday/January 25, the Brooklin H-orticul- tural Society wil be holding their regular meeting. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m, and will be held inthe Brooklin United Church Hall. A special guest speaker, Kený Brown, will be speaking about Tropical Propa.gation. An added treat will be a film called 'The Flower Show'. It proves to' be an exciting meeting. Everyone is invited! As a remninder, the Brooklin Horticultural' Society hold their regular meetings the fourth Wedriesday of every month. Carl Sedore is having a Hunting Safety Instructor Course on Tue sday, February. 7 and Thursday February 9. The Course will be held at the Lake Vista Club House.in Oshawa and starts at 7 p.m. For more "information please contact Carl Sedore at 655-325. The members of St. Thomas Anglican'Church are re- minded of the Annuar-Pot LuckDinner. The date to re- member is Monday January 30 at 6 p.m. sharp. Get a taste of the unusual corne to the dinner. Also, following the din- ner at 8 p.m. there will be a vestry service. Ail members of the Anglican congregation are- welcome. Representatives froni the staff of Anderson and Harwood High Schools will be speaking to the graduating students, and their parents, of Meadowcrest School. The purpose of the visit iý to discuss what is available to the students at these schools. This is a preparation for.themn. It helps them to decide what they.need to take certain coursesand which course is right for them. This prograrn was planned by Mr. Batten, the President of the Meadowcrest School. The Meadowcrest Parent Group is having a visit from Uoyd Whte, Physical Education. Consultant. The topic of discussion will be values. The film "You Are What You Were When". An exciting film on values will be shown. FISHER -REFRIGERATION' SERVI CE Auborizod AM"ANA Dealer Save energy with high eff iciency central air conditioning sales and "installations Repairs to ail makes of freezers, refrîgerators, air conditioners, dehum iiffiers. We dlean & service residential and commercial air conditianers FieLpa if to Ail %lais Freezers Refrigerators - Air ConlditiorerS W. Recharge Automobile Air Conditionig The meeting will be held on Tuesday February 7 at 8,,p.m. in the Meadowcrest. School gym. This evening is open to everyone, whiether you are a parent or not. Maybe every- one can learn- a lesson from the film., Would you believe thatright now plans are underway for 'this year's Spring Fair. This year the fair wiJl be ýsixtyseven years old. The Brooklin Pair Board is in their second year on being members -of the 'Ontarîo Association of Agricul. tural Societies'. Through, this gr oup the fair was given financial support, instead of relying totally on it's own re- sources or the town itself. In so -doing the fair has extended to four days-unlike the two or even one-day fairs of yester- year. Due to ail the mix up last year in regards to the entry forins - these forms will be circulated'by mail. This enables everyone to receive a forin and make their entries". Forms will be mailed around the middle of February. Entry forms for; arts and crafts, baking, agr iculture, and floraculture to naine a few; will be available (by mail) as weIl as rules and regulations., ,Just1 think if it wasn't for groups and orgarizations in town, such as; Kinsmen and Group ' 74, the fair might flot be. With their help and support. They mnade it gre-at. If anyone has any questions about the fair, please feel free to eall Mrs. laleen Crawford at 655-4287.. Don't forget that on Februaty 10 at 8 p.m. you could begin a career of gambling., Monte Carlo Night is your chance to make those bes - Three to one odds! Think of the winnings !' Remember we ail can't go to Monte Carlo- so' the Kinsmen brough Mcsnte Carlo, to us. Tickets are $5.00 per couple or $3.00 ,per person. On Saturday February Il at 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. the Brooklin Public Library is planning a Valentine Surprise. It is going to be a Puppet show. This puppet show isn't just any everyday puppet show - it, is about a 'Valentine Story'. Be sure tocorne kids! This one is golng to be fun!! Try and get there early, to get a better seat. Finally, after several months there is going to 'be a Counicil Meeting -'for. the Brooklin Secondary Plan Study. It wiIl be held on Wednesday February i at 7:30 p.m.in theý Whitby Municipal Buildings on, Rc5.slandRoad East. This meeting is of the greatest importance to'tus, the people of Brooklin. The meeting wiIl deal, with topics such as, densities', housing - What type o f homes will be built; sizing of Brooklin - How many people cani we digest and how fast; PAN ELLI MG Adds a warm inviting look -to any room. Easy to apply w ith nails or ad hes ive. Mony Dmemit Nools m Sto" IL6 4X 8 MASONITE PANEL Isttlerut, or Blemchsd El. -$4.80 Per'shoot - MITCHELL 0M. 1 15 BEOGLIN timing-When wîll tbis be done? Three years or ten? Finally what will the services be for. the future Brooklin? . If you can't answer these questions! Or maybe you have others come out. to the meeting and see that you get the answer you want to hear. Be sure to be there!! >On Friday February 10 at 8 p.m. the Oddfellows are holding their Annual Eucre Party ' in the Oddfellows Hall. The admission is -$1 .50 per person. There wiIl be prizes given and lunch served. Ail proceeds wilI be donated to the Eye Research Program. The Oddfellows hold their regular meetings on, the lst and 3rd Monday of every month. .The Rebeccah's have their regular meetings on the' 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. For any information regarding the Oddfellows please cal Mrs. Downey at 576-3655. Happenings! ,Wednesday January 25 - 7:30 p.m. - Brooklin United Church- Horticultural Society Meeting - Ken Brown is guest speaker. Monday January 30 - 6:00, p.m. St. Thomas' Anglican Church Annual Pot Luck Dinner - 8:00 p.m. vestry service. Wednesday February 1 - 7:30 p.m. ' Whitby Municipal, Buildings - Council Meeting - Re - Secondary' Brooklin Study.. Be sure to be there! Tihis is- a vi tal, meeting!! Tuesday February 71-7:00 p.m. Lake Vista Club House (Oshawa) - I-unting Safety Instructor Course - Carl Sedore 655-3250 for information. Tuesday February 7 - 8:00 p.m. Meadowcrest Parent. Group - Present - Uoyd White to speak on values - Meadow- crest Sehool Gym - Also a film 'You Are What You Were When! Thursday February 9 - 7:00 p.m. - Another Hunting Safety Instructor Course with Carl Se-dore. Friday February 10.- 8:00 p.m. - Brooklin Community Centre - Monte Carlo Night - Tickets $5.00 per couple or $3.00 per person. Friday February 10,-8:00 p.m. - OddfellowHall - Annual Oddfellows Euce -Party. Saturday February 11, 10:30 -' 11:30 a.m. - Brooklin Public Ubrary - Valentîne Story Puppet Show. Ali are flot friends, that speak us fair. Marie - 655-3061. a new year,...0 ANEW LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE Green St. 1 leix

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