Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1978, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS They say thé answer to, your problem--s is just around the corner. ~I Why not take a walk and find out. ,rrcpauP SRROCK THEATRE 668-3618 Childrsn's Matin.. Little Ark SATURDAY. 1:30 p.rn Co-'operati've housing u nderway Whitby's second co-opera- tive housing project has been approved by council, while the, same week a crane was erected, on the site of the first project as construction got under way. .East Whitby Co-operative Homes received approval for 90 units of town houses at the corner of Anderson -Street and Manning Road. Council, with the 'excep- DEMO DUSCOUNT 77 Cougar XR7 Beautiful «rine white throughout, Trimmed in con- trauting ipstick red compon- ents. White aide wall radial tires, day/nlght dlock, FM radio, electric defrost.ý XR7 decour r PAppearance protection ~UplCht gou, etc.Lic.,*LSA 718 Retafi l 15. Sale PriLoe $5531. 77 Marquis Meteor 2 Dr . H.. White dd"ç5 wall radial tires, electric4 frost,, g/C'mirror, fendezr ts, radio, landau roof,' 4ly ide noldlngs, nâitil$6î'59. Lic. MAR 543 Sale Price $5451. 77 Cougar 4 Dr. H..T. White side wall radiais, vinyl roof, bumper group, elec. defost, R/C mirror,deluite wheel covers, FM radio, etc. Lic. LYB 7310 Retail $6251. Sale Prioe $4672. PRICES EFFECTIVE TO Feb. 8, 1978 683-5541 683-554'0 683-! t IN$TNR..PÀ&RIf 78 BOBCAT 2 Dr. S E, fully factory equipped $3'383.0 factory order5. 133 inch whael base, style side pickup, 351 engine, knitted vinyl seat, auto. trans. p/s, western mirrorsH/D shocks, front/rear step bumper, L78x 15 8 1l tires.Ser. No. Y45748 Retail 6145. Sale Price $5411. 77 Marquis Meteor 2 Dr.. H.T. Landau roof, 400 engine, elec. defrost, tinted glass, R/C znrror,rocker moidingsdeluxe wheel- covers, factory air. Scr. No. 586 192 Retail $7225. SalePrice $6302. .y Nto (Ki taxi Oto NcST. a. i M FOR ALL VOUR PRINTING NEEDS Creative design and Iayouts for newstetters, booklets and advertisements. Fast and efficient service for ail of your printirig reeds. MIM Publoshh &Pmoog.hy hnc. first co-operative housing project, .which was launched last September. The develop- ment is at the corner of Green, Athol and Dunlop Streets. tion>nof Councillor, Bob Carson,, gave its approval for 16- per cent of the units to qualify for rent supplement. councu, aeviated from its, usual policy of five per cent in. order' to meet require- ments for federal funding for the projeets. Of. the 16 per cent, five wil get total rent subsidies and 10 wil have subsidies geared to income. The council was told that Whitby area residenits will get preference for the rent suplmets and the five com letlysubsidized famni- lies will be chosen from the Dump land, i8 optionied Durhami Region's public works committeehas agreed to pay the Central, Lake Ontario Conservation >Authority $100,000 to pur- chase 34 acres of land adjacent to the old Whitby landfill site at the Heber Down Conservation Area. Purchase of the land will provide the region With about five years of dumping time. The Whitby site combined with the Liverpool Road site in Pickering subject to a deal with Metro Toronto, willgive the region '10 years of dumnp- ing timne. Works Commissioner -Bill Twelvetrees told the commit- tee the region should use the Liverpool Road site first. Ontario MI NISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The. Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wil be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL, 217 MURR.AY STREET., PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15th, 1978, atthe hour of 10:00 oclock In the. forenoon, et which timne the Board will har applications for new licences In accordance' with The Liquor Licencq Act, 1975 and Resulations thereunder. The following establishment has applied fora& licence of the class indicated, and the application will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time. Swlss Chalet Bar-B-Q festaurant 1206-08 Oundas Stret East, Whitby Dining Louagle Licence AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE t hat any par- son who is resident in the municipality and objects to any application May file the grounds of objection in person at the tinie ind place of the meeting or in writing (copies -if which will b. fowarded to applicant> to: Executive Director, Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, * 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, TORONTO, Ontario. M5E IA4. VALUE Bodroom Sutes from $499"< Din. Rooms from ýý 9$3,90 Also Lamps - Coffee Tables - Occ. Chairs SHOP LOCAL AND'SAVE TEAK FURNITURE WAREHNOUSE CENTRE Port WbtbyBaeLn 1614 Chorls St. £àLil&l1 1 Ontario' Housing Corpora- tion's list of needy familles in Whitby. Construction is presently proceedfrtg on Athol-Green Ç-operative Homes,Whitby's GLENN ALLIN Glenn George Alin, R. R. 1 Brooklin died Jan. 20 ai the Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital at the age of 84. Born at Ajax, June 19, 1893, he was the son of George and Sara Ailin. Mr. Allin was a carpenter and farmer and had been retired for 16 years. He was a member of St. Mark's United Church. His wife, -the former Eveline Jane Glide, and only son, Marvin, both died in 1974. Mr. Alin is survived by one sister, Mrs. Ruby Pinch, of Whitby. Thé funeral was held Jan. 23 at W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Rev. John Smith of St.Mark's Church conducting the service. Interment will be later at Groveside Cemetery,Brooklin. ROBERT BENTLEY »Robert Austin Bentley, a very active member of the Wliitby Progressive Conserva- tive Association, died at the Dr. J. O. Ruddy H-ospital Jan. 25,'at the age of 88 after a short illness.. He was a. resident of Fair- view Lodge, and formerly lived at 503 Peel Street. Mr. Bentley> was boni Sept. 12, 1889 at Forest Gate Essex County, England, and was a son of Edward and Louisa Bentley. He was single, a farmer, and had been*retired'for 23 years. Mr. Bentley was prede- ceased by three, brothers, Edward, William and Frederick. He is surived by several neices and nephews: The funeral was held at W. C. Town Funeral Chapel Jan.28, with Rev. John Smith of St. Mark's United Church conducting the service. Interment will be later in Salem Cemetery, Pickering. WILLIAM BRADY William Wallace Brady, an attendant and- supervisor for 37 vears at the Whitby hear munth OBrTUARIES $AVING$ Fs.ychiatric Hospital died.Jan. 19 at- the Ajax-Pickering Hospital at the age of 73. Mr. Brady, who lived at 400 Walnut Street, was born at Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, s'on of Alfred and Florence Brady. He carne to Whitby in July 1930. *Mr.Brady had'beien retired 11i years at the time of lis death. He wasan ac tive member of St. John's- Anglican Churcli, Port Whitby, serving as a sidesman, and Rector's Warden from '1968 to 1970. Mr. Brady w*as a member of the Quarter Century Club on Ontario, arnd was very active in the Orange Lodge. He was'a Past Worshipful Master of Vimy Ridge Loyal Orange Lodge No. 2697, Whitby, and a Past Worsnip- fui Commander of the Royal Scarlet Chapter of the County Orange L.odge of Ontario Snuth in Oshawa. Mr.,IBrady was a Past Worshipful Master of the County Orange Lodge Ontario South C78, a'Past WVorshipful Preceptor of Devitts Royal Black Perceptory No. 398 at Tyrone, and a dual member of Corornation Loyal Orang( Lodge No. 3232, Pickering. 1Mr. Brady is survived by his wife, the former Hilda Robinson, whom lie married at Iroquois Ont. Sept. 3, 1933; two daughters, Mrs. John Baker(Dianne)'and Mrs. Owen Potter (Sharon) and four grandchildren., He is also survive d by. twc brothers, Jim and Bert Brady and- two, sisters, Mrs. George McCourt (Maudie) and Miss Daisy Brady, ahl of Northern Ireland. The funeral was held Jan. 23 at W. C. Town -Funeral Chapel, with Rev. Raymond Carder officiating. Vimy Ridge Lodge No. 2697 LOL held a service the previous day. Interment will be later in St. John's Cemnetery, Port Whitby.

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