Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1978, p. 10

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.PJAGE 10, WEDNESDAy, FEJ3RUARY 8, 1 978 WH1TBY FREE PRESS I Whitbyý Arts offers workshopS A wide variety of are class- es land workshops gets under way this month at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery., A new program called Gallery Docents provides training sessions through, a variety of lectures on the visual arts. Upcoming events in this program are: Feb. 9, a docent program with guest panel speakers; Feb. 16, Canadian crafts with -Paul Bennett; Feb.-23, lectures by Docents; and Mardi 2, a lecture by printmaker David Blackwood. AU programs ýSAVI begin at 7:30 p.m. The Docents (guides) mill be involved in conducting tours at the Station, and future plans are to extend this program into other areas in the community. Drawing classes will be conducted on Mondays from 7:30 p.m.to 10 p.m. Feb. 27 to May 8 by artist Jim Paget. This is a popular prograru conducted in past years. An unstructured painting group will be meeting on Tuesdays fromn 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This program began Jan. 10 but there is still GS UP TO> 75% F r ~Ai MURR'S MAI> MEANM4ARE A DEM' FOR 1QIJUMYFURNIURE aT L<MESPRICSI 1 mo~ murru' 11 i o Wn uAt a .. m v IgS~m tu~RL * I ~ Uh~sm. - - U3.1OSI VId roomn for anyone interested. Japanese brush painting will be tauglit by Sue Tabuchi on Tuesdays from 8 pm. to 10 p.m. Fe b. 28 to May 9, with no classes March 21 during the school break. Nick Novak will be con- ducting printmnaking ses sions in the box car print shop with basic classes on Tuesdays, Feb. 28 to Ma>ý 9, and, advanced classes, March 1 to May 10 on Wednesdays. limes are 7:30. p.mn. to 10 p.m. March 1 to May.24.- The program includes discussions, films and slides of û~rious artists and schools of paint- ing. Nancy Steele will be teach., ing jewellery making with sterling silver, brass and cop- per Thursdays from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. March 2 to May Pat Bullock, Nick Novak, Irja Ketola and Nancy Steele will conduct a program for children aged seven tQ 13 on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon, Mardi 4 to May 20, fauigdrawing, painting, printma king,metal design and pottery.'* OUR INSURANCE COMPANY WANT US TO. CLEAR OUTI $80,000 WORTH 0 F BRAND NAME, FURNITURE. 0el 0 Life drawing sessions will be held at the Station Feb. 15 and 22 from 7:30 p.m. to 10Op.M. Those wishing to partici- pate in the classes and, work- shops are asked to register by qs>nding in the registration Music and A "Music and Movement" program for pre-schoolers aged three to fiye is being of- fered by the Durham Region YMCA. Tie prograru will be tiold every Wednesday for eight weeks, starting Mardi 8 a t Palmerston Public School. lie time *of the pçogram is 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. lie Music and Movemient program is being taugit by Mary Dean Samanski, wio lias worked with music and children for about five years. Last year she obtained a diploma in Early Cliildhood Educa.tion from Centennial CollegeA n Scarborough, and bas conducted Music and Movement workshops, for Early Childhood Education and Recreation Leadership students at the college. She lias also tauglit the music component of a ohild- rene s art, literature and, music forms available at the Station with a cheque or money order for fees'. For further information on programs, classes and workshops, cali the Station at 668-4185. Pre-mSehool Program Offered by Durham Y.M.C.A.ý course at Centennial, and operated a children's -music programn at the college's day' care centre. Last year Mrs. Samanski spent two montis in Kings- ton Jamaica under the spont- sorship of CentennialCollege and the Canadian Interna- tional Development Agency. Her assignment in Jamaica was to teach Early Child- iood Education subjects to graduates of AIl Age Schcols to prepare theru for work in day care centres. Mrs. Samanski is a mem- ber of the Orff Music for Children Society of Canada, and was the director of the children's choir at St. Mark's United Churcli in Whitby for three years. Her Music and Movement prograru features songs and dances with enjoyment and fun being the object. For registration cail the YMCA at 668-6868. George Heath is C arnival Ch*aitrman The structure of the Whitby County Town Carni- val Committee for 1978 lias changed slightly, with a fe w members changing positions. George Heath lias moved up to the position of General Chairman, succeeding John Mclvor. Assistant General Chairmen are Ken Corner and Robin Lyon. Mr. Corner was an assistant general chair- man hast year, and Mr. Lyon is moving up to this position from being a director in 1977. Employmet and I m + miga= n Canada Jack Woodward remains as executive director, and hNs wife Mildred as secretary- treasurer. 'Directors are: Dorothy Heath, Brian Winter, Gord Hanna, Margaret Boyce, Elizabeth Moore, Bull Soir- chetti, Allan Gaddis, Margaret Young, Ken Bird and Johin Jefferies. Five more positions are expected to be filled at the next meet- ing, March 7 at the municipal building. Tbis year's carnival dates are July 26 to Aug. 7. Emploi et Immigration Canada A STUDENT EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM FOR TOUR COMM UNITY YOUNG CANADA WOIkS Amy esmbllshed orgonhz.tlw, «a pply fer a pr.I.ctwklM creteset hemsth tie sumer lois md less six t. eighte pst~Ip.t sd beufi t ticcoum.. FER RUARI17r 1I7 A n" u edé.fie WATER DAMAGED etc, ri un fuoffl r

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