WHITBy FREIE pRESS, wEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 197 8, PAGE.C13 1 SET of downhill skiis, bindings, and potes, 6 ft., branci naw, nover used $50. Cati 576-8573 after 6 p.m. SET of golfclubs, Wilson Medailst 1 yr. otd., 3 woods, 9 irons, head covers. and bag. $150. Cati 666-1419. Goid Broadloom 108"x 34". New $10. Television table. New $20. Power Drill variable speed. 3/8". New $45., Elecrohmne T.V. 21" Black & Nhite. Like New $50. R.C.A. combo unit ideal for parts, cabinet, tube, radio, ptayer, $25. T.V. Electronic-gamne. Hockey Tennis, Squash1 etc. New $25. Hannimex 35m.m. slide projector Remnote control. New $75. 'Speectsetter' Hair Setter. New $15. Dual/Norosco stereo record player consoiette and speakers $85. portable etectric compressor Idel for model mraker. New -& unused $75.. Antique tin travel trunk $1 5. Stainless steel klichen >sink $5. Patio table White, Metai 30" diameter $20. Cali 668-5276 after 7 p.m. Antique 'armnchair and matching rocker over 100 yrs. aid asking $850. for the pair. 655-3523. BLACK persian iamb coat, very good cond. , size 36 $45. Cali 668-8747. C04rEMAN Trailer Furnaoe with blowar, 24" x 14%" X 141," ikenew. $75. .655-4337 DRAPERY double traverse rod, single pulley, 22 ft., can be cut toany tength. Brand new $25. Projection screen, 5' X 5'. De- Lite, as new $20. Cali 668-2291 GENDRON - foid up strolie r, wvith weatherguard, adj. bock rest & foot rest, used 1 mth., was $45 asklng $30. 6684631 0OIL SPACE heeter sjU x 22,x 39" high $35.Colt 683-6516. Feb. 8/78 FOR SALE 1 Poiaroid Square Shooter camera $15. 1 - 23 chan- nai ReaIistic mobile CB radio with base station accessories $95. or best offer. Muext soli 668-2314. after 6 p.m. and ask for Scott. Feb. _8/78 2 snowtiras, $15. each, 2 machintst vises. $15. each, 100 amp. eiectric service for house, nearly new $85., V4 horsepower electric- mrotor, variable spaed, $90. kitchen cabinet with drewers for camper van. $125., Antique brass steam whistle $100., Antique 1 cvi. gasolin boat Antique 1 cyi. gasoline boat angine $100. Antique out- board motor. $75., Portable camping kitchen. '10. Cali 668-4423, Feb.1178 2 twin beds $50. each in good >cond. white with gold teim on heodboards colt 668-8595. Feb. 1/78 BABY CARRIAGE - Gendron deluxa matai pram, navy W/ white trim., excellant cond. $45. oeil 668:01 37. Feb. 1/78 1 pr. of boys CCM'skates size 1, 1 pr. of girls figure skates size 2 in good cond. $5. each oeil 668-9280.., 7 1974 - 440 FREE AIR Skadno, Best Offer. Cati 668-3174 after 6 p.m. 1975 monte Caria, Auto, P/S, & Brakes, Tape Decl, Swiftl sts centre console, defo:'gger, radials "ed with white vinyl top. pinvte Île c ertified $3300-00 668-2923 or 668-6607. 1973 Buiclc Century Station Wagon, V/8, ail POwer, options, rof rack, mnowtires, state sale, excellent condition $1600. 683- 6136. 1972 yoga - 10w (milage snowtires, best offer COUI TerrY et 668-7225. FOR SALE - an outstandiflg dining room Set- Canadian Classic f its in largo dir'ing roomn 679-7344. MENS RING - Btack Alaskan tWuito <Cermo, with smlil disqflOfd, size9. Br3nd new. Cali 728-2828. .PT UPPOU$ Aquarium 15 pal. with stjsnc, lights & Miler $50._668-4495. 'Hampater cage $5. cati! 728-8259 Hampater cage, wheel, feeder, food &, bedding $8. 725-8162. Irish Setter, Maie, Reg., Tatooed and, shots $150. cati after,6ý p.m. 68 3-1410. 1 Reg'. Paint Filly. 9 mths. oid $190. quiet. Seil - 655-4541. si &ONS Day Care on,,Farm Large PlaY- room, Other chldren (Kinsale Area).pbone 'after 6p.m. 683-2290 BABYSITTING in My home Mon. to Fni. days only. cait 666-16~98 for further infor- mation. EANTED Babysïtter needed for 2 boys in My own home. 3 days a week. Donevan St. school area. Whitby. 668-5932. Child Care needed for 1 chiid 7:55 a.m.- - 4:30 p.m. 5 deys a weok. Whitby area. oel 668-7848 efter 4:30 p.m., HELP WANTED <Tuesday to Friday 1lp.m. -6 p.m. Some knowledge of the Dutch language d esirable WHITBY HOME BAKERY 141 Brock St. S. 668-3586. COUPLES or individuels neecting more lincome from interesting part-tima work.- We wili traint you. Phone 725-9424. Wed - Fri. after 6 p.m.i for appointment. << ~EWT 2 bachçIor apts. for rent. $199. per month phone 728-5890. BOWMANVILLE - Basement Office Space for rent. 2 rooms, approx. 250 sq. ft . each $5. per sq. fe. including ail utilities. Leasee ta pay business taxes only, availa- ble now. Cali 723-075. or 6234172. BOWMANVILLE - New Com- mercial Space for rent. Prime downtown location. Aiea of 500 ta 5,000 qq. ft. total of 15,000 sq.ft. available telephone 723-0575 or 623-4172. TO RIENT 2 Bedroamn, Living Roomn, Dining Room, KitcheniApartment opposite Miracle Mart phono 668-3729 or 1-705-324-1640. WHTBY - 4 beclrom home, separate living room and dining rooms Ig. lot, Centrally Iocated, $400. Ser month. ai 668-6336 or 723-5281 sk for Patty- BODY WORK & PAINTIN Free Estimates, 1»w Prices! MIKE TULL 6554101 PaId for Gold and Siver coels, 'l P ,. ws ecwefrY, 4is, fimurt crocks, ol pawnhss w malUL FrWMily flou Market Do it yourseif Cellulose fibre High R. Factor blown or Hand poured CASH & CARRY $2.50 par bag. ffl-('412 CARPENTY HOME REPAIR METRO MiC. No. B-2554 Kitchens, Cenaunlc Tilin Drywali, Rec. Ropmsâ, Cedar Ueeks and 1atio FREE ESTIMATES- Cali 668-68f THE 1ST BROOKLIN Scouts need camp equip- ment and canoes. If you can donate any of these itemis,. please contact: Scout Master Jan Stewart 655-3252. L UCINS PEGS FLEA HOUSE Every Fn: Set. & Sun. Country Jamboree Sun. after- noon. Privete self contained rooms aveiteble, plus goods on consignment. Hot rneat pies and home baked goods. On Highway 7 just wast of Brock Road, PickeringTwnshp. Cali 655-411 7 eventings. Weekendis oeil683-1057. SWIMM1NG WOOLS - Leading. swimmning. pool rmanufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 models. FuUly warranted, corn- plete with pump, suotor, filter, fencing, walkway and deck. Sug- 4ested retail price $2350. Available at pre-season special of $1322. Cail no* for early installation. Lonig term finan- cing available. CaIl coilect any- time 1416-663-9503. SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT- Will lase 'and' installfor boxrie oer faýIly size aý lutini swimu pools with ptio., flnclg régulationis on a ône, two, or t re yep r: ntal basis 'âith optiônT-fo own. TrybeforéYo'iî. buy! Cali collect anytiire 1:416663-9508. QUICK SALE!! 71 Ford Capri, best offer,, one baby crib with matftres a i Whitby Free 1 Press news carrier,, 1cati the Free Press circulation depa rtment at 668-611il WHUlTBY PUBLIC LIBRARY CLOSING Wbiby Public Uibrsry w%,b. closed for re..vîtlent end moving frsm F.b. 2Mt te Morcb l2th - ro@peim Monday Murcb13178. Coe t. thse Mm#lbrmy l we.k ef .F.b. 13th end bemmw u s.mny books es yo. moy .eed'for the priod we ore dbi.d. PUBLIC RELATION VOWNTEERiS NEEDED - To be trained as a team ta iniorm the, public about mental retardatian. - D)urham Centre for the Developrmntally H1andicapped, Whitby. - Cali 668-7745, ext. 435 between 8:30 to, 4:30 p.m. - Elizabeth Gones. DATME VOLUNTEERS NEEDED . To help with teaching programs for the mentally retarded. . Durham Centre for the Developrnentally Handicapped ~'668-7745, ext. 435, cail between 8:30 a.ni. and 4-0P.rn . Day Care provided at iegistered nurseries, Monday- friday. tomorrow, Make -sure. now that you'll have adequate income to enjoy your retirement years. The littie you save nwon a re gular basis, will Mean a lot when you'r pay day years are over. Put your savirigs:into a Victoria and Grey Registered Retirement Savirigs Plani. Now paying 9%- Serving more and more people sînce 1889 VICTRIAand GREY TRUST COMPANY KEITH LAWES Manager 308 Dundas St. W., Whitt>y 668-9324 Take the uncertainty out of Preparing Your 1INCOME TAX RETURN E; mouy estDX Ph... 8S33S1 DX FUEL ONL 1517 DUNDA8 8T. EAST WH swviS mwýý FOR SALE