Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1978, p. 1

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Whtby re pect an avera of just undej purposes, fol siori of the discussions Tt The budge proved the fir- to ecceed $i Averae lcal ax incraei,2 sidents can ex- residents wiil have t o await Mayor Jim Garishore. This hike of 6-3 milis, business and confident, there wilI be a year. ried on at a cc 'age tax increase deiberations by the region works out to 50 cents per residential taxes will be abouft end surplus of $1 2,000. with a revenuec ,r $27 for local and boards of education to week for an average house and 10 per cent higher, than lasi Mayor Gartç lflowing conclu- see what the total tax increase 80 cents for a more highlY *vear'Ps. The budget discussions re- sised that the town's budget wîli be for 197 8. assessed home-, he sid.Th sulîed in dropping the sumn tax increase cou hucmmieea p- aiiThease5 of maximum mcrease wouîdm e ear il fard mer playground program at a is 10 cut backa huicrdteay. IThiiceas. ii e of wiii fo m aiu nrsew idt ea ibtis year that the towfl saving of $1 0,000, but a glass services, and lie rst Iocal budWgset $1 a week. had overspent lasi year's bud- recycling program ýdescrîbed the peopie of dgtlarge Ws Lynde home, said-, With a commiercial tax jthVÇC<1 utaenw~K heîqc-nu r ar .r---A n2, eetj ~ - a~LIiM..A.~',J -v S25WO. butLUre no ;6 mîiion, 'and »st of $6,000 of about $300. tshore emplia- on1l' way the ild be reduced appreciablyon Whitby were ý,t that. 40-bed jail ddîitonis recommended SENIORS CENTRE N(YF BEHIND TUE 8 BA L I ulert Joues (left) limes p for a Shot in a pme of poola d %epumU Basim Tht Seniors Activty Cenmfxat ai & ~in the recrtly coimplted kusemest of the WhItby Senion »md rIn, Stroets opemd two ye mgo ibis moutbý md h.I Actiitv &ntmrt. W*C W-.Jones ne Richad Eaqbd one ofihe b"usisispots î owa chfumu of tht exe'~s bond of diectous. lkuoe fm*minuigFroe PrSm Photoby frim Wioe. Inquest wanus better sataffing and medi»&cal checks A cXownels j ury lnvet-SZ3 thng tht earb e a WhItbyý ftychitnic lioS~Ta1 ?patient ",uCh cerrwd I-ý I 1st T][own 5gfets 1fr Twuw0fflby, riceve 1w,00 îm h wat e ï.thit he r se NU F:IatH i foe hte~ cf Faiie- u Maxxx Jim Gxuhisore Nkuv %fiS Firat!î *oL ' *c m IX- 1 ih lan. 25a- ikf$7OGO v tht Cîiy et te 0 P» ~FUSk fkéer-wm ùmsnîwouLr - %Um àturgws boq ïh * 2m anea& fa ë> veaýr. ez-ommenndd si wk thai alcottaes ai tht liosý- tai k conednuouly staffed liv a;l ket. ow e mai aff mtymber- deat hheb an tazk of Mihaew liGrde s6~a id that if it ism Io phoe Aiihe andàcz%7paied uù a a itht W1 G»4- ar25 ho- ait tm Jxstn« Tht -%ýnuoe said ith> allenî ILhratened to kb eir. Th staIff and ýcLr patients were aaid ef him i£bc nid. Testimoci' Nreward tint Grados had wnipLne4dcf dkrepainis in 1971, buis a cul lfèci. Le éed cf a kart auzck altr fro - Ouaia xtff hlad mpem ouc o4 tht congrem rîgi 71fr inqum& of Lak 0f heerioea mànd -r cfé Lfr» 111 y atiiloteIor cwaed- tfr iG- a da sizal condition ocf us paiýntrs. hfis orona~neryblork- ages, a d&W"rtiw fra condition,.à aeth ly -"rd spken- and a nid frto of the livr. hudet Q iS- dba zit lo w l-- The Ontario government should buiid a40-bed addition to ihe Whitby jail to relieve potentially dangerous over- crowding, says Ombudsman Arthur Maloney. Mr. Maloney's recommen-' dation was in a report released Thursday by Correctional Services Mmnister Frank Drea, covering 28 provinical deten- tion and training centres. The report says the minis- try bas been severely hamper- e4 ijn,,4etaining and rehabili- tating pri-soners because of anîiquated faciiities and over-' crowding. The Whitbv lai! was buit 2-0 years ago, and althoughfl ot antiquated it lias not kept up with the populion increase in the D)urham Region.' According to Philip Pal- terson, director of correction and psychiatric serices for the omobudsman, the report contains-"no stîong! criticism"* of the Whurby lai!. Mr.-Paiter-son reports there was aàtffmnge con- flici ai the jail identif-oed ini laie 1976. but writh the hiring of eight more employVes (now loi, the Staffimg Prob- kum las been solved. At the presenit tim there are 93 maie and five femnale prisoners at the Wbitby jail which lias a capacity for only 58 men and six womnen. laul Superintendent Frank Ciii feels the overcirowding 'is toierable" provided the înmate population does not increase. If there is a popula- tion increase there would be severe overcrowding. he said. According to Ir-Mil. ithe original single ceils have been modified îohouse two people, and the corridorsý and haiiways provide more room. The ove rcrowd ing problemn is somnewaht relieved- by 15 prisoners beîng ai the jaii1's baif-way house in Oshawa. he said . Wi. CGui feels ihere is "no securiîy probkem" ai the jail with a fuli-timne correctionai staff of 40 and a sinilaî num- be of casual staff. If the recoîmeSnded ad- dition is builli i will flot corne tis year because of financial restrainîs, said W. Giii, ami it mav be two to iliree yearsbefore let wýould be ready for use- Local bus service awaits a transportation study tabk-d.unili a piriincïaitr- At its finl budet meetirq titif locl service prtd benre Cuen S5 per ptersc cioe lly,» be mzxâbe m te 1 i Ccwxb a taiimacse b n erd bus %enýrvefnnilyp CauncIkr &bC,-rion uaid te mQuid su pprxIIi cx teftsn of îýwa Transit îwMie hby because ï! weM per 'per entefie ux àn-he peferr-d brelcof Fîiday rd nd -Saz~u7rday Sc t>:it ~ edsr lad r 1frk u ona % nli:ri de e e n the 1 - - -- - - as U115uç(xnwý 13 Lmijir ýFREEl pR ýE-SS Ài preparea io acce

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