Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1978, p. 4

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.PzAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice Of the County Town Michael L <The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and opel SERVINO OVER 28,000 READERSr lan Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor rated by Whitby residents for Whitby resiclents. Published every, WednesdaY 0by M.B.M. PublishIngý I and Photography i c Phone 668-6111 c The Free Press Bulding, 121 Brock Street North, P.O. Box, 206, Whtby,_Ont. Communitv Editor Contributflg Edlitor production Manager print & Promotionat Mianager Ciassifîed Ad Manager Circulation Manager -Brian WifltOr ~-Jim Quail - Marie Burges -Robin Lyon -S. van Deelen' -Sharon Lyonl Mailirng Permît No. 460 >Member of the:> Better Business Bureau of Toronto Whitby Chabr of Coerc flot language says DanKelly Dear Sir: WhiIe Canadians face a $14 billion deficit this year on top of a $66.3 billion debt the Trudeau government is dishing out 4$ i billion for' Frencli language to the provinces. Ottawa calis it "second angugge" learning. I cali it' stupidity of the worst kind! No amount of Frenchi is going to hait the- separation of Quebec -Levesque lias- said that hinseif but no one seems, to listen. The billion could buid 50,000 hous- ing units for low income Canadians' and suppiy thousands of jobs.* & The frightening state- ment by one of Canada's top executives, Robt. Scrivener of Bell Canada's Telcom divisio n that 300,000, more Canadians face losing their jobs by 1980 points out the serious> malaise facing Canadians. Prior to this statement, Peter, New- man, keen politicai ob-, server, former editor of the Star and now at Mac- Leans magazine says it will take 30 years to get the country back in shape. JOBS are the issue. not language. In the words of Carl Sandburg- "Idie men are living dynamiîte". Our whoie democratic survival as -a nation is at stake. Karl Marx the father of Com- munism said that capital- ist societies collapse when faced with inflation, high taxes,and high unemploy- ment . We have ,al THREE. France and Italy are on the verge of take- over by the conimunists. Pressure is being put on the Premiers and edu- cators by some powerful segments of the press (Toronto Star) for more and more Frenich. The Assc. Canadienne Fran- caise de ' Ontario was given $300,000 to Pres- sure the Ont. government and no doubt the other provinces likewise were funded by Trudeau. Last year Canada wrote off $254 million in bad debts from 10 countries it Ioaned money to. We aire now being pressured lion MUU million to other countries while in the previous year Canada bor- rowed 9 billion outside the country (mostly from U.S.) the. largest amount of anv country in the entire world. paying a premium in interest. -Meanwhile Ottawa gives money away like it grows on trees,'mucli of it to countriesthat vote _against the West in-the U.N. in favor of the Soviet block. Sucli idiotic economic policies are wrecking the country. CHARITY STARTS AT HOME! This year Trudieau is giving away $1 'billion 100 million in foreign aid-to countries like Cuba, -Algeria, -Niger,, Tunisia, and even $11, million to- Jamaica-a country where ' hostility to whites is alarming many Canadians. This expenditure could build appx. 55,000 additional low income housing units. and more jobs for Cana- dians. Instead of pushing Fren ch why not introduce ESPERANTO the, simple second language designed for ail the pe9pies of the world?* George Bernard- Shaw left a legacy for the teaching of the language, created by Dr. L. Zamen- hof of Poland and taught in a number of Canadian colleges, including Dur- ham, at a cost of about $1 dollar an hour. With 41 percent of the world's people unable to read or write, Canada's contribution to the illiter- ate could be a major one to world understanding especially in the 3rd world nations. Speaking, to each other in 'a language com- mon t'o ail the world's H n rt eCXeo l pepl ,woldfe o norhe C greatest gift to mankind. m X e j l Shooting« only starts when people stop talking. Respectfully,. Dean J. Kelly President Association of Dedicated Canadians Box 1000 Port Perry, Ontario. *5 year expenditure **based 'on $20,000 apt. units. but don'thonor thewar about by some best sel- ling novels, including "A Man Called Intrepid", show the importance of Camp "X", as a spy train- ing base, over thirty years ago. There is even talk of spending some six million dollars to rebuild Camp "X" as a war museum. Before we sppndsix mil- lioni dollars I hope we stop and use a littie com- mon sense. To begin with it was not the location of the camp or the camp itself that was important,it was the people, the people who unselfish and dedi- cated, who were impor- tant. Winning the war was probably the greatest monument they could ever receive. There are somne who are hoping to collect on the glory now being Éiven to the ones who lived so dangerousely and bravely. Il is neither becoming, nor will it be lasting. When the best sellers are no longer best sellers we may have oui- selves a six million dollar museum,which is alsoflot a best seller. Over the past thirty years people froin bothi sides, who lived through the war, have imnugrated to tItis aiea. They are weli awarc tint war is not a thing of beauty, and we are continually reminded of its' horrors by the neyer ending parade ofwar movies on T.V. 1 fait to see how we can hope and pray for peace, on one hand, and build war museums on the other. This must be the classic case where you shouldn't let one hand lknow what the, other hand's doine.,' I I believe that the people involved were imn- portant and shouid be given recognition, but they were hoping for peace NOT WAR and a war museum would be nothing short of a inockery. 1 would think if we wish to honor them,their purpose would be far bet- ter served if the six mil- lion were spent to im- prove the future rather than rememnber the past. Delores Hofllday 121 Nortliview Ave., Whitby, Ont. Dear Sir, Recently there lias been. much attention given to a vacant piece of land, stripped of it's buildings years ago; that piece of land is called Camp "X"ý. The revelation s brought Thnanks from Uýnited Way Dear Robin: Please accept my thanks for your support 'ni caerage of the 1977 Oshawa-Whitby United Way campaign in the Whitbv Free Press. Your news releases and coverage of events provided people in Whitby an opportunity of keeping informed of campaign happenings'from a local newspaper. Yours truly, A. F. Stachel, Publicîty Chairman Letters to the Editor Box 206 Whtby' e.rn% Iare't1issIuIefl **4azEd,wdowaL4ez- tLE DO/w& oN0oc? VIEr7 c c Pl

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