Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1978, p. 7

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BDriain Winter's I Fl"st orji 01:Whitby cal CAMPX,. PART 3 EDITOR'S NOTE The. fôlowing is -the third part of a hîstory of Camp X, prepared by the project team in charge of planning a memnorial museumn at the site of the World War Two Spy 1amuCh of the material is not found in the bestý-selling book about British se curity operations, "A Man Called Intrepid," and was obtained by two Whitby residents, Alan Longfiïeld and Lynn Hodgson. RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING One recruit who survived both the training and his subsequent mission describedhis commando instruction as, "the most'bloody minded thing I'd ever seen. The N.C.O. inclirge always wore bis kilt no matter what the exercise Br~kin Hello Again!l To. start off this week's column 1 have a correction to report. Last week in the 'Happenings' section 1 said that, 'Pancake Tuesday', was Tuesday February 14. It was actually February 7. 1 hope ev'eryone knew the'real date. I was just a wveek ahead of myseif. The Ladies Auxilliary Local Association will be having their Annual Sale of Easter Eggs and Bunnies. The choco- late is of a well.known brand. They will be taking orders from Wednesday February 15 tili Friday March 3. To place your orders please caîl either Mrs. Hill at 655-4822 or Mrs. Lawson at 655-4168. These ladies will be able ta tell yau pricesand delivery dates. Your rep's will cal the mother's with ail the important information. There will also be, an open meeting for al Guides and Brownies mothers an Thursday February 16 at 1 p.m. tili ': 30 P .ffi- The med ing will be held at Mrs. Marie Lawson's home at 28 Cassels Road West. The Girl Guides and Brownies will be taking orders for Girl Guide Cookies starting tomorrow, Thursday, February 16. Thegirls will be going door ta door and orders will only be taken for a few weeks - se be sure ta, order riglit away. On Sunday February 19 at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, World Development Sunday will be in progress.> World Development Sunday means that one day,(usually a Sunday) is set aside ta remember those that are less for- tunate than us. It gives us a chance ta sympathize with those of the third world. As a special gesture following the .11 a.m service a bread and cheese lunch will be served as a "token' act of sympathy of the hungry of the world". 'Al are welcome and ail are asked ta cantribute the cost of one normal family meal- for the Church Relief Fund. Each Wednesday evening during Lent, St. Thomas' wil be having a special service at 8 p.m. Immediately following the service, at 8:30 p.m. a discussion group will be put ta- gether ta discuss the Christian faith and others. Again al are welcome ta join in the worship as well as the discussion. From what I could see on Saturday morning the' Cubs and Scouts paper drive was a successful one. It seemed as AtIoriz» MANA Derner Save energy wiÎth high eff iciency central afr condiltioning sales and installations Ropairs to ail mokes of freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehum idifiers. W. ctean & service residential and commercial air conditioners R.p.oirs to Ail Makes Freezers - Refrigengtors - Air Conditionrs W. ReChalge Autotnobile Air Conditiornng though evèry house 1 Passed there was a huge bundie of papers. That's what 1 cali community spirit. Since there has been few cails again this wieek, the column is very short. There has got to be a better way. Perhaps next week l'il have an answer. That's ail the news this week. No Happening's cause, nothing is happening! Or no one wants anyone else to know what's happening. A snow year - A rich year Marie 655-3061 a new yeare a ANEW YOIJ! LA CONTESSA IJEAUTY LOUNGIE wb 119 Gr eq St e.*9 FREE PRES$, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1978, PAGE 7 was nursing her new-bomn child. Not a lîttie difficulty was experienced by the Camp's provosts due to the fact that this was a 'mixed' military establishmient and the standing orders for the Camp declared Whitby to be out of bounds, the reason it has been stated having somne connection with the Ontario Ladies College. The Camp was, as well, mnuch more than just a base for the training of agents. The facility was also used by BSC as a proving ground and as a research facility for the diverse requiremnents of espionage activity. cont'd on P. a WHITBY or the weather and nearly killed us with his crazy schernes... We had to be 'on' night and day...They neyer let up trying to catch usout on sone detail. 1 don't know how often we blew up (ini simulation) trains with (mock) plastique on the Toronto-Montreal line. After a few timeès the poor engineers would spot us lyiing ini the long grass by the tracks and throw up) their hands. 1 guess they thought we were local patriots, getting ready for the invasion, or subversive nuts'...It "paid off though...I got through my mission and managed to avoid the concentration camnp." Detailed accounts of the missions, undertaken by well- trained and highly successfu graduates of Camp X are only gradually coming to light. Some are now part of the public domain (iLe.) Madelaine, Tircylcle, Brutus, Cynthia. The stories of many -wl probably neyer be known. The experien ce of'the Project Team has been oneof having such stories unfold very lowly. Most of the operatives trained at Camp X prefer anononiity and -for almost, al silence bas been the rule and the law for the past thirty-five years., Froni what is known it is clear that these operatives were singularly dedicated, exhibited bravery far and above the calLof duty and that many, too many, neyer returned from their missions. The story of C amp X was not however without its iighter side. A neighbourinig farmer complained that many, of the explosive charges wereý planted on bis farm off Camp praperty by m"istake and that the frequency of the .explosions was -creating difficulties for Ms daughter who ROYAL COMMISSION 0F INQUIRY INTO THE Confidentiality of Health Records, in Ontario By ' Order-in-Council dated the 21st day of December, 1977, The Honourable Mr. Justice Horace Krever was appointed pursuant ta The Public Inquiries Act, 1971, ta: 1. reviewai legîslation administered by the, >Minister of Heatth (for example, The Public Hospitals Act, The Health Disciplines Act, The Health Insurance Act and The Mental Health Act), together with any otherrelevant> legislation administered by other Ministers, and any Regulations passed the.reunder, ta determine ,whether proper protection is ienta the rights of persans who have received, or who moy receive, he(ath service§, ta preserve the confidentiality of information respecting them collected under that legisiation;, 2. to review the legaliiy of the administrative processes under the above Acts; and 3. ta report thereon ta the Minister of Health with any recommendations for necessary amendments ta the legislation and the Regulations passed thereunder. NOTICE 0F HEARING The first session of the Çommission will be convened on Monday, the 2Oth day of February 1978, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Sutton Place Hotel, 955 Boy Street at Wellesley, Toronto, Ontariao, for the purpose of establishing procedures and granting status ta interested individuals and organization s. Any- one intending ta participate in the Commission's hearings is invited ta, attend and may make submissions at the above noted time. The dates, times and'places of public heor- ings will be announced at a later lime. The Commission is asking for opinions, com- ments and information from ail interested in- dividuals and organizations. Anyone wishiné to make a written submission or deliver relevant information t0 the Commission may do so, addressing if f0: ROYA ACOM ISS O 0F&, I% tnQUIRà, M/T 1 OMP jýcentre

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