Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1978, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS 75 Mercury Wagon Marquis - wett equipped with extras, in good condition, certif ied. $4,000 Cati 725-3637 1974 Plymouth Duster, V/8, auto $1700 certîi ed. Colt 655-4611, or 839-3025 af ter 6 pm. 1974 Pinto, 3'cdr., Runabout, A speed, 4 cyl1, $1200.' 668-9805 1973 Plymouth Fury - P/S P/8 good cond. Wilitoertify. $750. 668-531 8 1S?3 Dodge Swinger,- 318, A-i condition. $1500. or best offer 683-8634 C 1972 Toyota for parts, engine good running cond. $140. -or best offer. Can be seen at 1087 Venus Cres. Oshawa or cati 579-4977 1972 International % Ton Truck. Little needed for safety. $575. or beet offer. Phone, 655-4058., 1972 Volkswagon Super Beete - $700. certîied, gas heater and radio, rear window defogger. Cati 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 1971 Renault - good condition,' $270. Cati 668-0744. 1970 Maverick, good cond. very economical, new plates, must sett $500. or best offer 668-1013ý. Feb. 22/78 1969 Mèeury Marquis Brougham Lic. No. BF.J 990, 8 cyl. stili in use. $250. Cati 655-4337 1969 Torino Conv., factory mags, V/8 auto., good interior, radio, as is $300. Calit 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 1969 Mustang - mag wheets,& tires, $250. stereo. New brakes, body haî just been done. Must be seen to betieve $950. or best offer. 668-5432,, cati and ask for Rob, 1969 Pontiac, 9 passenger wagon, V/8 auto., with options, fair condition, as is $300. Cali 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 1969 Buick Skyîark -good cond. well kept, snows and rims In- ctuded, $850 or best offer. Must saI. Cati 668-7028 1969 Ambassador - P/S P/B, motor & body in very good shape not used for 2 years. $400 as is 728-0096 1969 Chevy Station Wagon - P/S, P/B, 283 auto., crome rims, ex. cond., certif ied $500. Cai655-3481 1969 Ford Gallaxie - 2 dr. hrtp. 302 motor, P/IB, P/S, good body and traiter'hitch. As lis. $400. 668-4009l 1968 GMC Haif ton pick-up. ?4ew cap, 283.' V/8 auto, $700 or - best offer. Skidcoo sleigh' $50 CatI 576-8573 after 6 p.m. 1968 Pontiac. Pariesienne, new tires, on front, snow tires *- good for parts' $200. 668-2677 1968 Ford Montego $275 or best offer. Must salit. Fair cond. 655-47261 Press Empriu méCalii 668-6111_____ 1938 Dodge Coach, 2 dr., engine runs $650. as is >. 655-4611, or 839-3025 after 6 p.m. REA RAIr0NAL VELES 1976 - 20' PROWLER ïTravet Traiter, fuliy equipped, 3 pce. bath, double oxte, 12' canopy, towing packets, brand1 new cond. $4,800. or best offer. catI 668-6110. SFeb. 8/78 1972 - 398 Mercury Snowmobile goodi cond. electric start, $500. 197 2 - Sno-Prince 30 h.p. rebuiit engine $300. catI 655-3245. FEb. 8/78 Tee Pee tent traiter, sleeps 4, good cond. Brand new canopy & cover. $600.« Cati 623-57I15ý 1971 Skidoo Nordic, with new motor and new hood,.$450. or *best offer. 668-0723. Feb. 8/78 For Sale - 1 haif ton truck cap A-i cond. insulated, atuminumn. $300 or best. offer. 668-3776 or 649-5204. .1969 Haif ton Camper, $800.. cati 579-6144. 1970 Ski-roule snowmobile S300, single. $250 or best offer. Cati 655-3575 Suzuki Motorcycle - good cond. 150 c.c. asking $175. or best offer. Cati 655-3411 Dune Buggy - runnlnq condition, fibre glass body, asking $400. 655-4479, ask for, Henry. 1972 Honda CB 350- excellent condition, $550 certif ied. Must sali- Cati Peter 655-3253 after 4:30> p.m. 1977- Vamaha 1 25YZ Motocross. Like new, used on ly two months. Must seil $900. 655-3022 Suzuki - 350 - new tires, new electrical systemn. $400. Cali and ask for Rob. 668-5432 FORID'4 spd. transmission In- cueaiuminum bell housing, pressure plate, lin kage end reverse tockout shifter $200. 668-2147. Feb. 15/78 1 HOLLEY 735 <CFM> Dual- Feed Carburotor, inciuded, Chrome Feed Lines, Adapter for Stock oued Manifold. $100. or best offer phone 668-4868. . Feb.1 /78 Showtires - pair mounted on rims. Good cond. Dunlop fiberglass belted. G 78 15 $30. pr. Brooklin areo. 655-4365 evanings onty 14" rirns, summer tires $6. aach 668-0427 after 6. 5-Dr-70-1 4 Generat Steel Radiais. Liîke naw. Spare neyer used. White raised lettet-s. Mounted on sharp sport 'rims. $250. Coli af ter 6 p.m. 668-2455 318 motor," 18,000 mites & parts for 67 Plymouth Fury, $300. 576-6592 Reese-type traiter hitch, heavy duty-H frame gond for 3500 lbs. towing, will fit Coronet and Satellite from 68 and up. 1 yr. old bas 1 7/8 & 2 in. baIl, each on its own inserting bar. $80. 668- 5060 af ter 5 p. m. 3 radial tires $25 apiece tike new 655-3523 2 - E7814 snowxires like naw.- $40. 666-1232 Traiter Hitcti for VW Beette - $20 EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE.ACCEPTED' SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: When the advertised item is sold, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatevar reasonthe item wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission wîi be charged based onTHEADVERTISED PRICE as itiustrated below, regardtess if price is stated with 'bast offer'. If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad witi be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will appty. Ail advertisements must ba ptavad on an exclusive basis with the WVHITBY FREE PRESS and run at teast one month if not sotd. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over.$400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $60.00 -commission due $3.00 (minimum charge is $3.00) Private adveriising ontyt Please notify us if you find aretailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediatety when item is sold so that wve ray delete it from the fottowying issues. Att ads not f itting the 'Emporium guidetines wiit be treated and pcar edpr week as regutar ctassified ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, hetp wanted, ctothing, reat astate, and personat message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity., Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If in doubt, cai 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St. N. ,Whîtby.- THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 390 Motor & transmission for sale. 10,000 miles $250. or best offe.-. 668-5432 ask for Rob. PIONEER OL-600A 4 channel decoder amp. $150. Two Pioneer Speakers $150/pr., Concord 2/4 Channel 8 Track $75. 668-3821. Feb. 22/78 Hi-Fi R.C.A. good for rec -roomn or cottage $40.; brown patterned rug i10'6" )s 8'6" $35. 655-3607 Pizza oven Bakers Pride end shovet 21" x,21.%"~ x 17". $220 or best offer; Pine wash stand, $75.; Figure skates, girls site 13,- good cond. $5; garage door steel» 8'x8' $70. '655-4822 " Eiectric Rangette $600. Cati - 655-3768 Automatic washing machine $150 Room divider, brasa & amber, brand new, double size $35. Green living room armchair $65. 725-12111 HEATALATOR new $45. Cati 655-3476. Stereo - Webcor, tape deck - turntable, A/M, F/M, - 20 w. $99.99 Colt 668-9108 Stareo Silvertone FM AM $60. Cati 668-4042 Freezer, 22 cu. ft. Gibson chest type, $150. Cati after 7 p.m. 839-5944 3 yr. compact vacuum cleaner $150. Colt 683-0184 Kenmore gas stove - 30" very good cond. $95. Colt 728-8956 1 naturai gos space heoter - 85,000 B.T.U.'s can be convertad to propane $75. 668-2528 or 668-1730. Eiectric Lawnmower with grass catcher, hardly used. $48. Calt 655-4627 after 7 p.m. Air conditioner G.S.W. 5,)00 BTU's used one summer $150 Freezer - General Eiectric, harvest gold colour, il eu. ft., like brand naw. $200. 668-3810 F.M. Stereca 8 track undardash mount only $30.00 U.H.F. Antenna $5.00. Moutded ski boots ini site 5 onty $8.00 Portable A.M. radio record ployer $1 0.00 Cati 668-2478 after 6 p.m. White chest freezer, 7.8 cubic ft., 2 yrs. otd. New ffls $230 Milt seI for $185. Cal 668-5774 after 4 p.m. Wrngrwnsher $33. oel 668-7014. Feb. 22178 Black &r White. T.V. - 33"'»in good condition. $50. 723-9068 White McCiary 10 cu. ft. fridge 4 yrs. oid $150. IG.E. self cteaning oven, harvest goid $350. Generai freezer,-19 cu. f t., cheat type, 2 yrs. old $220. Compactor harvest gotd $1 50. Cati 655-48-71 THOR Contempra 30" Stova in good cond. $48. Colt .668-4525 batween 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Feb. 1/78 Viking Portable Di'shWashor, new mnotor $75. Double box spring & mattress, good cond. $20. cati 668-0584. Feb. 8/78 IMISCELLANEOUS Blk. & White 24" T. V. good cond.* $50. -Kitchen table $50 Refridgerator in good cond. $30. Picnic table $30. double bed with mattress and nighttable $100. Freezer in good cond. $200. cati 668-2806. Feb. 15/78 Double bed $60. single bed $10, telephone table $10. highcha ir $8, coff ee table $15. 60716. Feb.1/78 BLACK persian iamb coat in good cond., plus snail hat. $75. Please cati after 6 p.m. 576-0714 Feb. 1/78 Carriage $35. Joity jumper $10. Carbed $5. Infant seat $1. Um- brella strolaer $10. catil 579-2791. Feb. 15/78 ELECTRiC racing car set, made by Scalectric, lap counter, Chicaneset, stiaight & corners, 2 cars rmny extras $14. f irm Calt after 5. 668-5060, STEREO AM FM receiver wîth rmetching speakers $60. Cati Greg 668-790. -GIRLS ringette CCM skates, site 4, wolrn 3 or 4 tinm. $30. 668-9817 SCHOOL deskl, i piece $10. White sewing machine $35. Wooden storm door $35. T.V. gam black & white new $20. Btock plane antique $14. Antique phone $95. Cati 728-2327. MEN'S Long buckla boots, site 6 and carrying rack, Arlberg 185 centimers skiis and Beeshar bindings. $45. 728-1291.- Baby bassinet, askinq $20. Carbed new $12, 1 old fridge in working coed. $25. oetil725-8872. .Jan 11/78 1 Baby crib for sole, smatl rip in mattrass otherwuse in good cond. asking $25, phoen 668-6387 ask for Mim Maxwell. F.b. 22/78 AUTOMOBILES FOR $AUE BKE tires -26ox 1'/"'$1 each Scalectrix racîng set, many extras $1 2.50 Cati 668-5060 MEDIUM site oak desk - 1 drawer, $49, tazy boy Viking wrînge.- wasber, 725-1211. large $25. $49. GAL.ANTI X300, 1 year old, fuit console keyboards &. f loor, bass controis, magic cord & rhythm section, headphones, stoot and bookds. $775. 666-1372. NEW brass bed -, 39", $210. One four poster brass knob bed metai bed, 36", $120. 668-6330 FOR sale i 3 long dresses neyer worni, size 18, $20. each. Red veivet coat, size 18, new $45. Suede coat size 18, $30. ýPort- able dishwasher $25 Bodyshiirts $5. each size large. Cali 668-6078. White zig-zag sewing machine - $70. 1 fur fabric short jacket, size 12-14,$20. One f loor iength red raincoat size 12-14 $10. Dresses made in England, size 10, 12, 14, $3. each. 1 pr. black suede shoes size 7%-B $4. 1 pr. tan teather & suede wedge heel shoes size 5 $10. One paie biue ski jacket size 10-12 $7. Cati after 5 at 576-0308. Aimost new pale green & paie yeitow mixed shag, approx. 10x 121/2, plus heavy bubbte foamn underpad. $190. 666-1851. Wedding dress, size 17, excellent condition $75. Baby buggy $25' Cati 725-4646 LADIES coat - black immitation seai, size 14-16, cieaned as new. $45. or best off er. Cali1668-0136 GI RLS coat size 10-12, aqua blue with sheeps Mol trim. Worn twice. $60. 668-3101 FURNACE 'duct-woôrk 'and f it- tings for sale, 4 x 10 f loor defusers $1. each, 4 x 10 angle f loor boots $.80 each, 5' iength of 5" pipa $2. Each, side take,ôff $50..ý 45 degree elbows $.50 each, Galvanized chain-Iink fencing, 42" x 50' for $10. 655-4423 2 MATCH ING Ecru head, boards - 30" $7. eich, 2 mnatchinq mattresses 30" $20. each, 1 white headboard, 39" $5. 1 box spring (like 'new) 36" $25. 1 box spring 39" $10. 1 foamn mattress 4" deep 36" $15. 1 Hi Fi corner speaker $20. 1 Hi Fi Heathkit Amplifier $20. Cali 668-8943- after 4 p.m. ELECTRONIC Pîino - as new, 6 full octaves $500. or beet offer. White birch gas f irepiace logs, used one winter $80. or best off er. 668-6319 FULL sized pin-bail machine in perfect working order. New $1800. asking $350. 728-2484. FOR SALE 1 Poiaroid Square Shooter camera $15.? - 23 chan- net Reaiistic mobile CB radio with base station acoessories $95. or best offer. Must seii 668-2314. after 6 p.m. and ask for Scott.. Feb. 8/78 WEDDING dress for sale, size 14.16. Long sieeves $40. 6554289. LONG suede -winter coat, size 16 CANON 1218. 12 to 1 power zoom wvith slow motion. Movie camnera and Eumnig Auto. Load sound projector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900 Sewing machine with daluxe cab- inet and chair, ha.-dly uwd $500 6554871. Fpree 1 Pr. boys hockey skates, Jeiinek size 9' $14. 1 Garrard record piayer with speaker and stand, $35. 668-9771 WEDDING dress, size 10, full length head< piece,1 new, $300. asking $100. 668-429 HOT Wheeis Track,<over 150# plusý accessories $8. Chest of drawers suitable for chiîds roon $18. Aiso mnany assorted Jlgsaw puzzles, SOc each. 655-3411. 1 'SNARE drum, stand, sticks, brushes and key. Very good cond. $45. Cali Brian M-341 1 STEEL hampster cage exercise wheeI & drinking botule, $7.50. Boy's bicycle good cond. $30. Cali Brian 655-3411. Skiis - Aiberg Alpine with bindings, 72". Buckie Alberg Boots size 7 with carrying case & potes. Mint cond. $75.,compiete cal11668-2183 after 4 p. m. - Feb. 8/78 9 pce. antique soiid walnut din- ing room suite, very good cond. $950. or best offer. White baby crib $50. Strolier $10. Baby clothing size 12- mths., size 2. Royal blue snowsuit size 2, $8. 668-9739 PIANO, Mason & Risch - upright, with mirror inset, price $650. Phone between 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. 668-1045 BABY changing table 'with drawers $15. High chair $15. very good cond. ig. rocking horse. $15. 655-4917 Baby Cairnage folds into car bed ex. cond. $30. Baby Strolier, Lloyds $10. High Chair, colonial ex. cond. $15. Exercise bike $40. 7 doz. grey coloured bricks 8Y2a'x 4 " $9. 668-8408. Feb. 22/78 2 NIGHT tables (flot imtchinaj $10 eëoh;, 1 manns blue suit siteý 42 <new) $35; 1 pr. new ladies shoes site 5%4 $8;' table model hairciryer $18; ladies suede jacket size 14 $8; mians home- made puitover sweater site L $20 homemade afghans $25. each. 683-9048 OFF white rug 17' x, 15' (approx.> $200; coffee table & end tables arborite topped. trim- med with brass $100. Cali anytime' 728-90)1,7. BABY carnagels, $25. & $4(); Baby swing, $12; JolIy Jumper $65; High chair $7; 2 bsthtubs $2 each; bottie, sterilizer, $3; training chair $5; iSlker $5. Cati 683-8467. LARGE & smail si7,e<l spanish pictures'- $75. & $25. Spenish coffee table & 2 end tables (soiid) wood> $450.*Cati. 686-1372.. ROLL TOP DskSolid Mahogany Bird Eye, Mapie Inlay, Wainut trimn. Condition a new.$950. 668-660. Feb. 22/78 G.M. Infant Car Seat, used 1 year. excellent condition $20. oeil 668-566 SOLID mapie chest of drawers $55. Cati aftei'noons and even- ings. 668-7415 0OIL SPACE heater 36 x 22 x 39" high $35.,ti 6836516 -1963 International truci modal No. 150. $360 MNodi Skidoo. 1971- k, 3 ton 0;1969 sdooin1

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