Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1978, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1978- PAGE 7 Brian Winter's ~h Wiby WILLIAM MCCABE.n", Sornernonths ago in tbis column we told the story of a famous Canadian educator, Thomas Kirkland, who started bis career as the head master of the Whitby Grammar School, and went on to reach the top of bis field as princi- pal of the Toronto Normal School. This week we look at another man who started out as head master of the Whitby Grammar School, and ended up at the top of bis field in the insurance business. His name was William McCabe, born of Irish Protestant parents on June 12, 1835 at Picton in Prince Edward County. His father fought in theRebellion of 1837 and died of exposure as a resuIt, leaving a widow and four child- ren, William being the oldest. Williarn became interested in teachiniz and frorn 1858 to 1863 hie was principal of the Grammar School in Whitby,. which was the equivalent of today's high. schools. At this time lie was president of the Provincial Teacher's Associa- tion. An arnbitious young man, he studied law in. bis spare time at Toronto University and received a degree of LLB. In 1863, Mr. McCabe left Whitby and turned his atten- tion to life insurance work. Having excelled in Mathematics at: the University of Toronto, he was well suited for the insurance business, and took a position with a large coni- pany in New York. In 1870, he returned to Canada and- becarne the first General Manager of the Confederati on Life Association in Toronto. -The death of bis wife in 1873 brought about bis nesgntinbut Mr. McCabe'did, considerableý travelling,, and acquired' large land interests in Florida. I Bv 1881 Mr. MtCabe was a fFellow of the Institue of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland and a 'Fellow 6f the Statistical Society of Great;Britainà. 1In that year, he was appointed Managinig Director of the North American Life Assurance Company, whose president was Alexander Mackenzie, Canada's Primne Minister fnom 1873 to 1878. Mr. McCabe built the cornpany into one of the leading 'life insurance companies in Canada by the 1890S. Othet positions held by this energetiîsmai weïe: charter member of the Actuarial Society of Arnerica and Fellow of theý Chartered Accountant.s of Ontarlo. He was consulting actuary for the Commercial TravelIlers' Association of Canada,,and attained the 32nd Degree in the Masonic Lodge, the highest position that can be achieved in that organization . Mr. McCabe also served the Masons as District -Deputy Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of Canada. On 'April 23, 1903, Mn. McCabe died at Toronto, leaving a1 considerable void in the commercial life of that city. Although bis years in Whitby were only a smallpart of bis life, lie married here, Miss Leonora Dow, daugliter of Thornas Dow, Manager of the Ontario Bank at Whitby. The Dows were a prominent pioneer famiîly ýwhose hornestead stili, stands on Rossland Road east of Garden Street. Mr. McCabe had only oneý child, a daughter who neyer married, so no descendents remain today. His mother' was stilil iving at the tirnie of bhis deathhaving nearly reached the age- of 90. .As,,in the case of many people, Mr. McCabe spent bis early years ini Whitby, got bis first job here,and went on to bigger and better-things. It.is Worthwhile for us to nemember the people,, famous in. their timewho5 in some sînail way were part'of thie Town of Witby at, one time in their lives. Hello Everyone! Today 1 thought, I would start with a poem. Soft and gentiethe willow doth stand, Watching, woefullywith saddened eyes Touching the sweet softness of her dying limbs Asý the white powder from heaven falis on the land. The ari tranquili under this tree Safety cornes, as she buries you with shadow Birds don't sing with her anymore Winter has corne, now she is free. She has be corne naked to. the cold Facing the hard wînter, with littie hope The willow stand quiet with desair Changes of time-, àre once jnore old. Somne of you may Ibe wondering why I put in a poem; Well, because there is littie news and 1 feel that this colurnn should be long enough, to be worthwhile I hope you en- joy themr frorn tirne to tirne. Tonight, Wednesday February 22, the Brooklin Horticul- tural Society will be featuring, Ken Brown, in the Brooklin United Church at 7:30 p.m. The subject of Mr. Brown's discussion wil be ,'Tropical.Propagation'. A stide show wil be on the program to help Mr. Brown with his talk. Later in the, eveéning there will be a plant acution. Everyone is in- vited to attend. The Rebeccas will be holdin g their reguiart meeting on Tuesday February 28. The Kinsrn0n are holding a special draw. Why is it special? Because your chances of winning are a lot better than in rnost draws. Your chances are about 36 to one. Those are great odds. There are only 250 tickets going to be sold and a lot are gone, so hurry. The price of the ticket is $120. each. Now 1 know that sounds like a lot of money but the first prize isa trip for two for up to $1200. What a way to get a trip cheap. Now there are two ways in which you can pay for your tickets. The first; in one lumnp sum. LIFE SAVER \00' Fre & SmokeDetector Several 'types in Stock $3,.50 MITcHfELL OHR , FUI EL Rid buldn By doin g this yourtickets is put into a special, draw for $500. cash; second way is to pay by instalîments. $10. down and 11, post dated cheques, dated the 1 Sth of every month. Another prize available is a weekend trip for 2, for $100. There are twelve draws altogether, but only one trip per person. The first draw is Mardi '26, so hurry and get your tickets. Tickets can be bought frorn any Kinsman. Don't fret if his tickets are gone; ýhe'll find someone who has ine -for you. Good Luck to everyone with a ticket. For more detailed information please caîl any Kinsmen. .The Kinsmen's next, regular meeting will be held on Monday Febnuary 27. If you ever wondered, what a Kinsmanî was on w'hat he did - corne to a meeting and find out. New members are always needed and welcome. Làst week I mentioned that I1rnight have a better way to get the news to me., Well, Fred Brown, of Brown's Food- master has said that I could put an envelope on bis bulletin board. Tis will be where you could take your news and/or comments. Just put themn in the envelope. Now there is no way that Mr. Brown or bis employees can be held respon- sible for a ny news that has been lost. As you should know by now what I write in tis column is my own thoughits,it does not rnean that what 1 say and believe is that of othens, The oà~ly thing that Mn. Brown can be blamed for is being a good person, with 'cornmunity spirit and the want to see tbings happen. Thank you Mn. Brown!1 .Have you ordered your Girl Guide cookies yet? Another n ote about the drop envelope, Saturday at noon will be the cut-off time. If you don'tget it in by then, you can still phone me. I will take calîs until 2 p.m., Sunday afternoon only. Rernember you can phone or go to the drop off box. Please put your narne (first name is okay) and phone number on any information. That way if some- tbing is not dlean I can find out in tirne to be put in the paper. If you help me, I can do better to help you. Happenings Wednesday February 22, 7:30 p.m. - Brooklin United Chut-ch - Brooklin Horticultural 19ociety's regular meetin g. Tuesday February 27,' Kinsmen regular meeting. Wednesday February 28 - Rebeccas Regular meeting. Sunday March 26 - Kinsmen lst Lottery Draw. Chantof weather is the discourse of fools. Manie 655-3061 FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE, Authorized AMANA Dernier Save energy with high efficiency central air conditioning sales and installations Repairs to ailma s of freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers. We clean & service residentiol and commercial air conditioners Repeirs to Ail Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning 20 $1T91ET Caspelil eaves Bob Caspeil, supervisor of prograrn and community ser- vices for the Whitby Recrea- tion' Departrnent, left the rec- reation department Friday to take a position at the Univer- sity of Waterloo. 1In his riew job, Mr. Caspell w ill be wo rking for the- un- versitv's deppa'trnent- of co- ordinator in charge of career counselling and job place- for Waterloo ment. He wilI be serving Toronto and eastenn Ontario, moinly doing work in' the field with students and employers.. >Mn. Caspell joined the Whitby Recre6ation Depart- mnent on Oct. 20, 1975 and worked closely with coin- munity groups. He said lie enjoyed bis, work in Whitbv TOUR KEYTTo SA TISFA CT A T I s F A c T I o N u A R Br~kin BROOKLIN T.V. N RADIO SSERVICE OIPENINO MARCH'lst TO SERVE' BRQOKLIN & SURROUN DING AREA. 22YEARS IN TV SER VICE LOCATED IN R. HERONOS- FORMER PREMISES 9 CAMPBELL ST- ecar fromMuya c Fortid ca fEmMDnlFord O AP40RECIEIVE A SEVEN DAY MONEY-BACK WARRANTY end if vo,,'re Wot atlified for amy reaiom reivra Ou car you purchasd for a FULL REFUND 75 MGR Convetible. Only 29,000 miles. $2988. Lic. JWA 399 76 GREMLIN X, 6 cyl., auto, radio,' Low miles. Lic. KHH 528 $2688. FREE, 50 GALLONS 0F4 WITH EVERY CERTIFIED4 USED CAR PURCHASED FOOM FES. 2217810O F B-. 25/78 6 PJ. MakeYour best deaLt then present this ker for your FREE gasolîne sis7LN1ST* W a L'kt 1

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