Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1978, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Free j AUTOMOBILES FOR-9AIE 75 Mercury Wagon Marquis -w equipped with axtras, in goi condition, certif iad. $4,01 Cati 725-3637 >1974 Plymouth Duster, V/8, au $1700 certif ied., Cati 655-461 or 839-3025 after 6 pra. 1974 Pinto, 3 dr, Runaboî 4 spead, 4 cyl1, $1200.- 668-980 1973 Plymouth Fury P/S Pi good cond. Witt certify. $75 6î&8-531 8 1973 Dodga Swingar'- 318, A <condition. $1500. or'best off 683-86334 1972 Toyota for ports, engit >good runining.cond. $140. - bast off er. Can ha seen at 10i <Venus Cras. Oshawa or ci 579-4977 1972 Volkswagon Super Beette $700.- cartified, gas heater ar radio, rear windoW dafogger. Ci 655-46 11 betwen 8 and 7 p.r 1971 Renault - good conditioi $270. CatI 668-0744. 1970 Maverick, good cond. ver economicât, new plates, must sE $509. or best offar 668-101, Fab. 22/78 1969 Mercury Marquis Broughanr Lic. No. BFJ 990, 8 cyL. stit ir use. $250. Cati 655-4=3 1969 Torino Conv., factory mags V/8 auto., good intarior, radio, as is $300. Cati 655-4611 batwaan 8 and 7 p.m. 1969 Mustang - mag wheets, 8 tires, f250. stereo. Naw brakes, body has just bean done. Must be sean to hatieve $950. or besi offer. 668-5432,. cati and ask foi Rob.' 1969 Pontiac, 9 passenger wagon, S V/8 auto., wîth options, fair condition, as is $300. Cali 6É5461l1 bauwean 8 a nd 7 p.m. 1969 Buick Skylark - good cond. well kapt, snows and rims, in- cluded, $850 or bast offar. Must sait. Cali 668-7028 1969 ýAmbassadIor- P/S P/B, motor & body in very good shape not usad for 2 yaars. $400 as is 728-0096 1969 DOIDGE CHARGER SE 383, 4 Barrai, 3 speed automatic, Newly rebuilt, Positnac, Good'foi ports. $225.or bast off er. Whitby 668-4468. March 1/78 1969 Chevy Station Wagon - P/S, P/B, 283 auto., crome rims, ex. cond., certif ied $500. Cati 655-3481 1969 Ford Gallaxia - 2 dr. hrtp. 302 mtor, P/B, P/S, good body And traiter hitch. As is $400. 888-4009l 1968 GMC Haîf ton pick-up. New cap, 283.' V/8 auto, $700 or best offer. Skidoo sleigh $50 Cali 576-8573 ýafter 6 p.m. al lod ito ut, 1B fer ine .or 87 3. n. fi i r E s el ai F si p i or 1' 6( Press IEmpoim Ccll6684111 oriu REEATIONAL Utitity Traiter., 4W 'x3Wý. W & matai sides, 21 " high ex. cor $140. phone 668-6768. 1976- 20' PROWLER Traý Traiter, futty equipped, 3 pt bathý, double axte, 1,2' canioi towing packets, brand -newV con $4,800. or best offer. c 668-611.. Fab. 8/78, 1972 - 398 Mercury Snowrnot good cond. etectric start, $5( 1972 - Sno-Prince 30 h.p. rebi engine $300. calil 655-3245. F Eb. 8 /78 Tee Pee tant trai ler, stleeps 4, go( cond., Brand new canopy & covi $600. Cati 623-57'15 1971 Skidoo Nordic,' with ne mnotor and new hood, $450.c best offer. 668-0723., Feb. 8/78 -1963 International truck, 3 tc modal No. 150. $350; 196 Nordic Skidoo, 1971 Skido. double traiter, $650. 655-47*X 1969 Haîf 'ton Camper, $800 eqlt 579-6144. 1970 Ski-route snowmobite S301 single. $250 or best offer Cali 655-3575 Suzuki Motorcycle - good corn 150 c.c. asklng $175. or bee offer. Cati, 655-3411 Dune Buggy - running ýconditior fibre glass body, asking $400 655-4479, ask for Henry. 1972 Honda CB 350 - axcetteni condition, $550 certified. Musi selI., Cati Peter 655-3253 after 4:30 p.m. 1977 Yamaha 1 2BYZ Motocross, .ike new, used onty two months. Must selI $900. 655-3022 Suzuki -* 350 .' new tires, nev alectrical systemn., $400. Cali nd ask for Rob. 668-5432 AUORTS FORD- 4 spd. transmissien in- Ildes, aluminum bell housing, )rassure plate, lin kaga and reverse ockout shifter $200. 668-2147. Feb. 15/78 1 HOLLEY, 735 (CFM) Dual- Feed Carburator, itpctuded., Chrome Feed Lines, Adapter for Stock Quaci Manifold. $100. or best offer phone 668-4868. - Feb. 1/78 ;nowtires - pair mounted on rims. 'ood cond. Dunlop fibergass alted. G 78 15 $30. pr. rooktin area. 655-4365 evenings rily 4" rims, sumnmer tires $6.1 each 68-0427 after 6. ýDr-70-14 General Steel Radiais. te 6l p..66 -245 ýod nd. ival )ce. py, nd. :il 90. it )od ver. or rn 59 )o, d . s- r 1 1 t RI S. st, Frgi 8 E 3 A1 e 6 Fnr Mitl af te EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED' SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS >PLEASE READ: When the advertisedi item is sotd, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reasonthe item will be deemeci to have been soid and a commission witi ha chargaci based onTHEADVERTISED PRICE as ittustrateci haîow, regardtess if price is stated with %best off er'. If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad witi hae run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wilt_ apply. Alil advertisements must be piaced on.an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and'run at ieast one monthiîf fot sold.ý RATES (if article is sotd): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sotd item advertised for $60.00 -commission due $3.00 (minimum charge is $3.00) Private advertising ontyt Please notify us iîf you find a rataiter iistad as a private advertiser. ý Please notify the W.hitby Free Press immediately when item is sold«so that we may detete it from the foliowing issues. Alil ads flot f itting the Emnporium guidetines, will be treated andi charged par week as regular ctassified ads on a pre-pàid basis such as: services, help wanted, ciothing, reai estata, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section, underappropriata headings. If in doubt, catI 668-61,11 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby Li N SS1 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St. N.' Whitby., THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 390 Motor & transmission for sale. 10,000 miles $250. orhast offer. 668-5432' ask for Rob. EA :L N'CES Viking Portable Dishwâsher, new motor $75. Double box spring & mattress, good' cond. $20. catI 668-0584.- Feb. 8/78 Hi-Fi R.C.A. good for rec roomn or cottage $40.; brown patterned rug 10O'6" x 8'6" $35. 655-3607 iza oven Bakers Pride and iovel 21" x 211/2 x 17". $220 r best offer; Pine wash stand, P5.; Figura skates, girls size 13, lod cond. $5; garage door steel Yx8' $70. '655-4822 lectric Rangette $600. Cati i55-3768 uütomnaticwashing machine $150 îoom divider, brass & amber, )rand new, double size $35. reen living ror armchair $65. F25-1211 1 IEATALATOR new $45. Cali ;55-3476, tereo - Webcor, tape deck - arntable, A/M, F/M, - 20 w. 99.99 Cati 668-9108 ereo SItvertone FM AM $60. aii 668-4042 aeezer, 22 cu. ft'. Gibson chest ipe, $150. Cali after 7 p.m. 39-5944 yr. compact vacuum cleaner 50. Cati 683-0184 enmore gas stove - 30" very )od cond. $95. Cati i28-8956 naturat gas spooe heater - ,000 B.T.U.'s can ha converted propane $75.- 668-2528 668-1730. ectric Lawnmodwer' with grass tcher, hardty used. .$48. Cati i5-4627 after 7 p.m. -r conditioner G.S.W. 5,000 ru's used one summer $150 eizet - Generai Eiectric, harvest i colour, 11 cu. ft., tike brand Wv. $200. 668-3810 M. Stareo 8 track undardash >unt oniy $30.00 U.H.F. tanna $5-00. Mouided ski ots in size 5 onty. $8.00 fiable A.M. radio record player 0.00 Colt 668-2478 after ite chast freezer, 7.8 cubic 12 yrs. otd- Newvws $230 I sait for $185. Cati 668-5774 er 4 p.mn. Bta ck & White t.V. - 33" ï good condition. $50. 723-9061 White McClary 10 eu. ft. fridg 4 yrs. old $150. G. E. sel cteaning oven, harvest gotd -$35( Generat freezer, 19 cu. ft., chie type, 2 yrs. old $220. Compacto harvast gold $150. Cati 655-487 MISCELLANEOUS Yamaha Hi-Flex, 190 centimete skiis, bindings, Hook Navada Toe Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. March 1/78 FOR SALE: Waight set, 70 lbs of weights and 10 lb. bar $50 725-2243. Fab. 22/78 Btk. & White 24" T. V. g*o cond. $50. Kitchen tablé $51 Refridgerator in good cond. $30. Picnic table $J0. double bed with mattreas and nighttabte $100. Freezer in ,good cond. $200. call 668-2806. Feb. 15/78 Double bed $60. single bed- $10, tetephone table $10- highcha ir $8, coff ee table $15. 668-0776. Feb.1 /78 BLACK persian tami> coat in goodcond., plus small hat. $75. Please cati after 6 p.m. 576-0714 Feb. 1/78 Carniage $35. Jotly jumper $10. Car-bed $5. Infant seat $1. Um- bretta stroller $10. cati 579-2791. Feb. 15/78 ELECTRIC racing car set, made by Scalectric, lap counter, Chicaneset, straight & corners 2 cars many extras $14. firmn Cati after 5. 668-5060 STEREO AM FM reoeiver with matching speakers $60. Cati Greg 668-6790. GIRLS ringette CCM skates, size j4, worn '3 or 4 tims. $30. 668-9817 IFOR SALE: Neyer been useci! Bad Chesterfield $300., kitchen table & chairs $100., 3 living room chairs, $75. each Cati after 6 p.m. 668-3889. Feb. 22/78 ME N'S Lang buckie boots, size 6 and carrying rack, Arlberg 185 censimeters skiis and Beesher bindings. $45. 728-1291.- Baby bassinet, asking $20. Carbed naw $12, 1 old fridge in working coebd. $25. oeil 725-8872. Jan 11 /78 PIONEER OL-600A 4 channel decoder amp. $150. Two Pioneer Speakers $150/pr. Concord 214 Channel 8 Track $76. 655-3821. àA1rh1 P ini 38 0O. ISt i t - r 0. Fr - I. EL -fu1 off F L per $1 nel - wil or af i Wl 14- 65E LCi $4C TOI Ste. chai mus $1.( by( $75 683 LAC wvith colei or1 spre $12. DEL drun bois nevv 655. 81Kf Scaie $12.! MED dro'v 'à"-,ý GALANTII X300, 1 year old, fi console keyboards & f toor bi controts, magoc cord & rhyth section, haadphonas, stool ai bookds. $77&. ,666-1372. NEW brass bed -.,39", -$21 One four poster brass knob b mataI bed, 36", $120. 668-61 full )ass hm nd, 110. >ad 30 FOR sale - 3 long dresses neyer worn, size, 18, $20. each. Red velvet coat, size 18, new ff$4. Suede coat size 18, $30. Port- able dishwasher $25. Bodyshirts $5. each size iarge.. Cali 668-6078. White zig-zag' sewing machine - $70.- 1 fur fabric short jacket, size 12-14 $20. One f toor iength red raincoat size 12-14 $10. Dresses modle in Engtand, size 10, 12, 14, $3. each. 1 pr. black suede shoas size 7Y-8 $4. 1 pr. tan'leather & suede wedge heet shoas size 5 $10. One paie blue^ ski jacket size 10-12 $7. ale Ox m fit 25 :fi iv. 36 Je rn t. or e 0 le- fs k 2 MATCH 1ING Ecru head boards - 30" $7. eâch, 2' matching mattresses 30" $20. each, 1 white headboard, 39"- $5. 1 box spntng (tike new) 36" $5 1 box spring 39" $10. 1 foam nottress 4" deep 36" $15. 1 Hi Fcorner speaker $20. 1 Hi Fi Heathki, Amplifier $20.. Cati B68-8943 af ter 4 p.m. .LECTRONIC Piano - as new, 5 ill octaves $500. or best offer. White birch gas fireptace iogs, ad one winter $80. or hast ffer. 668-6319 JLL sized pin-bail machine in erfect working order. New 1800. asking $350. 728-2484. OR SALE 1 Polaroid Square hooter camera $15. 1 - 23 chan- il Realistic mobile CB radio ith base station accessories $95. habst offer. Must iâeiI 668-2314. ter 6 p.m. and osk for Scott. -Feb. 8/78 'EDDING dress for sale, size M16. Long steeves $40. 55-4289. ING suede winter coat, size 16 W- 668-3469. )P Quatity Teak Dining Room eDining tabla, 4 high back airs, buffet and hutch, owner ist sali due to redecorating 000 or hast offer. Balla Vista Collin coff ea table & end table 5. or best offar. CatI 3-7609.. Dl ES fanr or wiruer coat, green th fur trim around cuffs & ar, size 18-20, asking $35. hast offer. Chanile bed- eai, single, branci new, asking 2. 725-6045. LUXE Co-ronet drum set, 5 ras, throne, highhat, 2 sym- son stands, ex. conci., value v$550., novw asking $250. î-3540, E tires -26" x1/a", $1each lectrix racing set, mnany extras .50 Cati 668-5060 DIUM Oak desk - 1 Jazy boy 2 NIGHT tables (flot matching) $10 .aach; ,1. mansblue, suit size 42 (new) $35; 11 pr. new ladies shoes size 15% $8; tabla modal hairdryer $18; ladies suede jacket size 14 $8; mans home- made puilover sweater size L $20 homemade afghans $25. each., 683-9048 OFF' white rug 17' x 15' (approx.) $200; coffee table & end tables arborite toppeci, trira- med with brass .$100.* Colt anytime' 729-9017. BABY carrnages, $25. & $40; Baby swing, .$1 2; .iotly Jumper $5; High chair $7;- 2 bathtubs $2 each; -bottle stenilizer, $3; training chair $5; waiker $5. Cati 683-8467. LARGE & smolt sizecj sponish pictures -.$75. & $25. Spanish coffea table & 2 end tables (soi) wood> $450. Cati 666-1372. ROLL TOP Desk,Sotîd Mahogany Bird Eye, Mapte Inlay, Watnut trim. Condition a new.$950. 668-5680. Feb. 22/78 G.M. Infant Car Seat, used 1 year. excellent condition $20. cati 668-566 SOLID mapte chest of drawers $55- 'Cati afternoons and even- ings. 668-7415 0OIL SPACE heater 36 x 22 x 39" high $35. Coli 683-6516. Feb. 8/78 POOL table - -Burrough & Watts,' 4Y3 x 8'. Glt 668-2425 iamnond engagemnent ring, 18 kt. Yettow golci ring. in 14 kt,. white gotd setting. ex. cond. $150. or best offer. Colt 668-6426. SKI boots, size 10, 1 yr. old, Ootomnitcs $25. Colt 705- 357-3787 after 6 p.m. BURMA teak bdrm, suite <head- board with attacheci night tables). Nine krawer chest with mirror, 5 drawver tait boy. Was $900. wvitt acoept $350. f irm. 668-3876. CANON 1218. 12 ta 1 power zoom with slow moStion. Movie *camnera andi Eumig Auto. Load sounci projector super 8, $1600. value, $8W0. Siner FP.aÊMn w anq Atmost new pale green & Pa yetiow mixed shag, approx. 1C 12Y2a, plus heavy bubbie foai underpad. $190. 666-1851. Wedding drass,' size 17, exceller condition $75. Baby buggy $2 Cati 725-4646 LADIES co'at - black immitatic seat, sizeý 14-16, ctaanad as neA $45. or best offar. Cati 668-013 GI RILS coat size 1 0-12,aqua blu with sheeps wool trim. Wo 'twice. $60. 668-3101 FURNACE duct-work' and fil tings for sale, 4 x 10 fio< def users $1. each, 4 x 11 angle f loor boots $.80, each, E langth of 5" pipe $2. Each, sicý take off $..50. 45 degre abowy $.50 each, Gatvanized chain-linf fencing, 42" x 50' for $10 655-4423 1 1 Pr. boys hockey skates, Jelinek size 9, $14. 1 Garrard record player with speaker and stand, $35., 668-9771 WEDDING dress, size 10. full iength haad piece, new "$300. asking $100. 668-0429 HOT WhOels Track, ovar 15V' plus accessories $8.' Chast of dravýers" sui table for childs-room $18. Also many assorted jigsaw puzzles, 60c each. 655-3411. 1 SNARE drum, stand, sticks, brushes and kay. Vary good cond. $45. Cati Brian d-341 i STEEL.,hampstar cage exercise wheel & drinking boutie, $7,60. Boy's bicycle good cond. $30. Cali Brian 655-3411. Skiis- Albarg Alpine withi bindings, 72", Buckle Alberg Boots size 7 with carrying case & polas. Mint cond. $75. completa Cai 1668-2183 af ter 4 p. m. Feb. 8/78 9 pce. antique solid walnu *t din- ing room suite, very good cond. $950. or best off er. White baby crib $50. Stroller $10. Baby' clothing size 12 mnths., size 2., Royal blue snowsuit size 2, $8. 668-9739 PIANO, Mason & Risch - upright, with mirror inset, price $650. Phone betwaen 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. 668-1045 BABY changing table with drawers $157 High chair $15. ,vary good cond. tg. rocking horse. $15. 655-4917 Baby Carniage fotds into car bad ex. cond.. $30.< Baby Stroller, Lloyds $10. High Chair, colonial ex. cond. $15. Exarcise bika $40. 7 doz. gray cotoured bricks 8Y"x 4" $9. 668-8408. Feb. 22/78 ,--z Ui fflffl

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