Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1978, p. 3

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The Whitby Public Library lias announced that during the Iibrary closing from' Pebruary 20, to March 11, somne services to the public will be continued - namnely: 1 . Interliary boans '- special requesîs for books and other material- through Inter- library loans will continue. Borrowers may phone in requests and books may be picked up from the office area. (Entrance by East) door.) Construction of the On- tario Liquor Control Board Warehouse at Whitby lias been delayed until early 1979, says a spokesman' for the Ministry of Consumner and Corporate Relations.- The spokesman "said the project is stil in t he design stage, and these designs'must be competed before tenders are cailed,. The tentative completion date for the ware- bouse is mid-1980."' The LOBO announced last 2. Special reserved books - Patrons requesting these books will be phoned whien they are available and bor- rowers may pick tlicmi up ini the office. 3. 'Photocopier service wilI be available in flic office areu., 4.- Brookliin BraniicliwiIl be open - 1-ours:- 2 pm.- 9 p.1ii. Mon. - Fr1.. atd 10 - 4 p.m. Sat. Books maîyble borrowed froil therc on your Whiùtby Library card. spring it would* buy 51 acres of land in the Thickson Road industrial park, and a' $1 .7 million' interest-free loan was provided by Queen's Park to ýhelp the region provideroad access and other services to- the site., The, 600,000 square-foot warehouse wil eventually emn- ploy 300 workers and accom- modate three million cases of wine, spirits and imported beer. Brock St. underpaSs on irack f or April Construction of the Brock Street, CPR, underpass will begin about'the end of April, according to town officiais. Some prelîminary work has already begun at the site, and once the major part of the construction begins, it is expected to take about 18 months to complete. Land acquisition and wea- the r conditions have delayed the start of construction, says Deputy Public Works Director Sarj Matharu. .The federal govemment is contributi ng about $1 .9 mil-, lio 1n' towards the project, the. Ontario Go6vernmient about $900,000 and CP Rail about $621500.- .The' railway -and Bell Canada have already begun relocating tele communications lunes at the site., Plans caîl for detouring traffic about 100 féeet east'of the present level' crossing .duringconstruction. Last summer Brock Street was widened to four lanes from Mary Street, to the' underpass site. New Administrator 5. Alprograms scheduled for February and Mardi will be held as usual. 6. Microfilm reader-printer will' be available in- the offi*ceý area. 7. Film service will be The Whitby' Jaycettes are sponsoring an "Easter Baby Photo Contest, 'as a ways and means project for the organi- zation. OnIy. the first 50 photos, 3") x 5", taken after Septem- ber 1977 will, be accepted. Babies under 3 years by Jan. lst, 1978.,are eligible. .Entry forms can'be picked up at most of the Whitby banks and at MBM. Publish-, available.' Entrance for ail these ser- ,vices is through the east door' into the office area.' Office Hours 9-5 Mon.,- Fr1. during closing period. ing, 121 Brock St. N. Whitby. A display will be set up at the Whitby Mail from March 8th to the 22nd. Photos of each child will be displayed togeth- er with containers in which people'place their votes - ica. equals i vote. The top three, babies will be presented with bank savings certificates. Proceeds will assist the Jaycettes 1in community service' .projects. WHMTY FRBE-PRESS, WEDNESDAýY, MARCH 1, 1978, PAGE 3 I SELIT, MAD OET, BOLER & HAAR Charter'ed Accountants W.A.D.Selby C.A*,.C.A.B.V. B.K.Madgtt. c.A. A.D.Chapman cA Offices 171 King Street East, Oshawa 18 Walton Street Sheridan Mall, Pickering Larry Chapin, who bas administrator for 18 months been, assistant administrator at Dr. MacKinnon Phillips /R1PI of the Dir. MacKinnon Phillips Hospital. Psychiatric Hospital in Owen Sound since 1969, is the new Whl:bY. Mail, Hwy. 2 and assistant administrator at the Thlckson Road, WIltby Whtby Psychiatric Hospital. 0 <Mr. Chapin has 18 years of experience with the-Ontario Ministry of Health, and exten- sive experience working in psychiatric hospitals. PHONE 723-8124 Before going to Owen Sound, Mr. Chapin worked at WI 17TY. ONTARIO: Whltby Mail. p.o. Box 241. LON 581 Lakeshore and Queen Street hospitals. Before coming to Whitby Mr. Chapin was acting No Advance .Cookies e.. Say Guides No advance order for Girl Guide cookies will be taken mn Wlutby tlus year,say Guide ayumi ibciq tJb r«stm kâe officiais W. . IbUbkq t'1h1Giinl s bu Instead, Brownîes and sur 'Yeu Corud D A Bit Winns r Dnuw.' Guides will be sellng cookies For the convenience of our customers, we are seuing asicle door-to-door and ini the plazas Mon. Tues. and Wed.evenlflg appflmments in our off ice or at on April 29. orhre IAlso Lamps- CoU..e Tables - Occ. Chairs I SHO0P LOCAL AND SAVE ITEAKýu FURNITURE WRIEHOUSE CENTRE Fort Wbltby 1614 Charloi St* DEALERSH>,IF Opportunity MUR.RAI! ECH Iawn and, gardon oquipummnt Cainsaws Her's yow fr ope lmtytogetinto tW» prOW fftal of ouldoor P»«e eaPent wMt two leaIng Une. F. Manty Crpoai fflâ rs&» ou a tromndouS proftopportnhty and f1h kndustys bostdea flergwnms. lisreem#ajmsfewl ohighav""eboqualfyindsalr: à--8 Intrstfms wtueoImaI financlg (Murray only> Pr.pald fr.Ight on bookigorders *Product svalabllfty- Toronto *Véry compotiiv prie.. pn eoru JVhi"tby Library Continues Services. Jayce ttes 'Sponsor, baby photo contest, Booze building temporarily hungover R.W..Boler C.A. C.W.Marlowc CEA. T.HiaarC Telephones 579-5531 8'85-'2335 839-0153 WHITBY JAYCETTES ""EASTER BABY" PHOTO CONTEST The First 50 photos, 3" x.5" (taken afler September I 977), wiIl bc accepte&. Babies under 3 ycars of age, as of Jainuary 1, 1978, arc elilc Voting stand and Picture display wilI be set up in the iHIbTBY MALL frorn March 8,1978 to March 22, 1978. The Public will vote during tii. Mail houri, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 1 cent equals 1 vote. Winner will be declared week after Easter. Keep above for your information. ENTRY FORM - To be post marked no laterthan March4. 1978. A $ 1.00 lentry fec must acconipany the entry forni. If the photo is to be returned plea se send a self-addressed envelope. Baby's Name.................. ...................... Birth Date.>......<........................ Sex .......... Parent's Name ....................................... Address (Street) ...... ...............Tow ....... Phone Numbr.......... ...... ........ .......... Mai] to: Whitby Jaycettes, Baby Photo Contest, Mrs. M. Burgess P. 0. Box 43,, WHITBY, Ontario Proceeds wiil assist Whitby Jaycettes wlth their Community Service Projects.

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