Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1978, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE. PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MA RCI 1 1, 1978, PAGE 5 Corridor Capers March is here. Rotary Club Snowarama The Rotary Club's Sriowaramna for Crippied Childr( raised almost $1 5,000. recently. The Corridor Area Rai payers participated by sponsoring Regional Councillor Ger Emm. Gerry covered the 100 mile course, accompaniedi1 son Michael. Gerry coliected piedges worth $745.00, tl highestamount raised by any of the participants. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION executive tobegin meetings on n srpis istweek For the past year they have faithfuiîy paid their water bis. For oniy two people, the bis seemed a bit steep. They.had their buis assessed and found that their suspicions were weli founded. The Piphers wili receive a refund of around $1 00.00 from the Region because of overcharges. Seemns it was an error made by the comlputer. If anyone has a suspicion that they might be overcharged, it would be well worth your whîle to have it checked out. Contact onie of your Council memrbers or just write a letter to the Region 'Dear Mr. Computer'. There may be more cases than the Piphers, but you will neyer know unless you 'n inquire. te- St. George's An2lican Church - Oshawa ry by he The first meeting of the ýiew executive witl be heid at the home of John i3uchanan, 108- Broadview Avenue, on March 16th, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. It is the policy of the Four Corridor Area 'young people were confirmed at St. George's An gican Church on Stinday. Our congratulations and best wishies go to Gordon Raitt, Kevin Kornic,,Susan Kornic and' Janda McEachern, who have been especially conscientiolis in ttheir Confirmation instructions. The Rt. Rev. William R. Coleman, M.A., D.D., frerythe Bishop of Kootenay anîîd presen tly Professor of Humanities at.York Unîversity conducted flic- service. WE~STMINSTER UNITED) CMIIRCHI KERYGMA will continue Wclinesdty, March 1, 2:00 & 7:30 p.m. Themne 3 God's People Think about lini - Mar. 1, 15 & 29 (two sessions on the absorbing topic, "T lw can God be both just and loving?"). -Themne 4 - God's People have Leaders - April 12, 26 and May 10.- OSHAWA PRESBYTERY - Festival of Faith - Apr. 7/8. Special Guest - Bob McChtire. Register now. Next Sunday Sermom: "The'Road to the Cross."' NORTHIUMBERLAND SKI RACING (Downhill) 1In a recent competition Bo-bBonehami placed 1 st and Bud Pipher placed third in the aduit slalom. Kevin Bonehamn piaced second in the -14 and under class. Congratulations to ail three Corridor resident s., Marion Buchanan will be writing the Column for the next three weeks. If you, have any news items, cati Marion at 579-0878 and she will relay it in her cDlumn. 1'1l think of you ail foridly while 1 arn basking in the sun. Have a good week. Se you in April. M. McEachern 725-8967 The mastery of nm'an, over, machine, is indeed a very self. satisfying triumph but flot one which I succeed in attaining very often. Drink machines can sense when 1 an about Lo put money in them and they quickly 'Change their circuitry so that 1 wind u p gettinga combination of coffee and tea instead of the hot chocolate i ordered. Luggage ýmachines at airports must 'instinctîvely know "me and hey automnatically send my iuggage to somne remote village in East Borneo instead of to my destination. Borrowed cars, w hile',being driven by me have been known t9o produce sounds heretofore unknownto man, thereby leaving a trail of puzzled mrechanics and, be- wildered car rentaI agents. 4 There is one machine in my home over which 1 féeeli have Ifinally triumphed but 1 am being very careful not to let the machine know, just in case. We have been adver- saris fr yars nd t.'Il started a few years, ago we pucaed at a second hand store, in Fenlon Falls an, old Îtreradletype sewing.machi ne. 1 got the bright idea one other time i Orillia 'of bùying a second hand rebuilt modern elec- tric sewing machine head and with a littie work installing iL in the treadle cabinet, thereby having the best 'of both worlds. I should have krown better. However, undaunted by previous bad luck, I sought out and eventually found a rebuilt machine which I figured Ask us Corne and tel' us what youre lookîng for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunîties and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on either side. We'Il be glad to talk. And we rnay have just what you're looking for. But you'il neyer know until you ask. Visit Our Mobile Recruitîng Unit Canada Manpower Centre OSHAWA 15; 22, FER* & Iý MARCK 10:00 a.mn. - 3:-00 p.m. would easily adapt into the old treadie machine and set about making the tranisition which 1 have to say wcnt suspiciously sioothly. But somehlow the new head m-ust haVe decided thiat 1 coîild adalipt it to fit and old housing but 1 couldn't force it to sew and boy was it right!!!..' I tried al .methods to geL that machine to sew, asked everybody who even looked like they might know something about sewing machines including many of the manufactur- ers ' agencies and after each- visit to the sewing machine doctor, it would be pronounced fit and weil, but when 1 got home the stupid thing 'wouldn't sew. It would break needies, break thread and 'for a w1file threatened to break my sanity. It was -truly a battie of man against machine and the machine seemed to be winning. 1Then 1 changed my battie- tactics, and after having an unsuccessful bout with the machine would bundle it Up. in the corner and totally ignore iL for months at a timne. When company came and asked what the lump was in the corner I would announce in' a very loud voice that iL was a nice looking sewing machine but was worth virtually nothing- bé6cause it* wouidnt'tsew and that one day when I1 felt ambitious 1 wouid chuck iL in the garbage. This ploy-wont on for over a'year and stili, each ime 1 would drag the machine out and set it up, it would not sew. Sometimes it would go through the motions but in, the end when, I checked to see what I had sewn, the Lhread would fali limply to the floor and the.,machine, would make a littie sound which was suspiciously like the sound a machine would make if it- were laughing. L-ast week we had another tussie. 1 had a number of coats w ith zippers that were ffalling away, a pair of jeans that needed a seemnmended and a couple of shirts that also need- ed'attention. I steeled myseif Lo once again do bate with this obstinate sewing machine and fortîfied with a strong drink I dragged the machine out, plugged iL in and set every- thing up as I had so countless many times before. As usual it broke the Lhread before 1 had gone scarcely an inch but-I persisted. I became very angry but held myself from grabbing an GREAT WALL @ItNlS bCAAN IRESTAU tNT U.Tfll ~S-T»I FIEE DELUVITY DUSINESSHOMES Moa&Y - Tbuwsay ... ........._.. _...IIAu -I1u Fwldmy and Study ................I 11 . -3a.. »V M oetmysv axe and hacking the machine to a quick death. i checked Ithe needie, the thread, the tension, anýd.finally'iniseîted the material underneath'the, needie but instead of u'sing the power foot pedal 1 turned the machine by hand. First two stitches,then five. then a full inch and stîli no broken thread! i was amazed and'inspired to continue. I stitched the first piece by hand but on the second got brave and used the motor by pushing the foot pedal. StilI it worked. Now sewing to me is flot a great th.rill but can you imagine the heady feeling I was experiencIng a recent night when I* actually got ail the sewir'g done 1 intended to do and reaiized that for the first time ini years I had actuaily sub- dued and triumphed over a machine. Victory, (in the words of Jackie Gleason) HOW SWEET IT IS! 1 a Ét I YOU CAN NOW BOOK VOUR CHARTERS TO LUMII VI AMSTERDAM MANCH ESTER PRESTWICK' INI FIANKFU RI '1ZAGRED DUBROVNUKg Passport. Pictures Complimentary with Booking Contact RUSSELL TRAVEL 116 BROC!( ST. S, WHITBY, 668-5000, HOURS Mon. - Sat. 9-5 p.m. The Energy Savers sI~ "The Wood Misers", * 12 hours burning on one toad of wood * firebrick ined * 10 year guarantee * 5 models ta choose f rom (all on dsplayr Glass Doors After the tire goes out, glass doors make sure the heat doesn't a energy saving and sale * available ir> many inishes Io suit your decor 0 standard or custom ises Patenteci, controlled, -. - heat-circulating systern Mark 123C is both areal f îreplace and auxiliary heating systemn in one unit. can be ducted to help warm one or two rooms. Fan Kit Available. OVIN 25% EFFICIEN (Thisi will b. further increased wtth addition of SomR to b. avaïlable glass enclosure) VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TUES. - SAT. foDr a caonptete setecticof tsiovs. treplac.s. glaaa doors and accessoriet. SHUP &CURL'S <ý. PREMEASTER SPECIAL 20% OFF PERMS & COLOURS WUTH DONNA (New customers onIy) CALL 668-3061 Esa's Childes Thng Childrens Clothing & Wooden Toys Suoway Centre 668.41 33 Brock St. S. Whliby Order Vour Graduation,, Dress*Now!I We also have Dresses for Flower Girls and First Holy Communion. j

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