Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1978, p. 7

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Brian Winter's H@ist orji ' Whil'tby Continuing 'Our series of articles on former Whitby res- idents who went on to considerable fame outside our cornrunity, we look this week at the remarkable carter of Arma Beecroft Briggs. Anna Beecroft was a sister of the late Frank Lloyd Beecroft, whomn many readers will ýremember kept a lumber yard in Whtby and served for 1 5 years on the town's Board of Ed ucation . Anna Beecroft was born at Greenbank in Reach Townlship In 1860 and spent her childhood days in the nearby village of Saintfield. Lilçe manyof the Beecrofts, she had -musical, talents, and accompanied a Professor Wyatt of Brooklin on tours of- the district with this music teacher's singing schools. Miss Beecroft herseif decided to becomne a music teacher. At the age,,of 19, Miss Beecroft married D.L. Briggs, e Blmnes Hello Again!, 'Ladies Take A Break' will be b'eginning their third session on March 8 and will run tili May 3rd. Their meetings are held at the Brooklin United Church, and run from 9:30 a.ml., to 11: 30 a.rn. While y ou enjoy outings, discus- sions and demonstrations your children will be'enjoying their own program in the lower hall. Some of the interesting things that have been programed are -a visit to Mary Lisco's the Happy Co oker, on April 12, A visit from Carol M4illigan, the Durham Region Nutritionist. She will be talking on 'Family Nutrition'. These are just soîne of the treats in store for you. The YMbCA is o ffe ring, Creative Crafts on Thursday and Friday afternoons after school beginning March 9 and 10 at the aedowcrest Public" School. Badminton is being offered in the school gym, on Friday afternoons -at 4 p.m. The badminton, starts March 10, new players are most welcome.' A tournament is being planned.. On Saturday March il, Kindergym, for the pre-schoolers starting ýat 9:30 a.m. and finishing at 10: 15. lmîmediately following Kindergym, Kiddycraft ýwill take place, and -will finish at il1;15 a.m. A spec'ial:rate is available for children going to both Kindergym and Kiddycraft. For you boys, on Saturday mornings, floor hockey begins at 10: 20, starting on March 11. Each session the teamn is involved in a tournament, competing against other "Y" teams such as; Blackstock,Port Perry, Ajax and Whitby. The Broryk-lin boys are to be congratulated on being the senior winners at the floor hockey tournaments held last Satilrday, February 18 at West Lynn Public School. AIl the above mentioned programs are offered by the Durham Region YMCA, and are for 8 weeks. Attention! Girls twelve years and over, interested in laking a Babysitting course, will be pleased to hear that one will be offered at the Brooklin Commnunity Centre. It will start the week of March 5 and mun for 10 weeks. Watch the mnail for the fMer. FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized AMANA Dernier Save energy with high efficienicy centr aal ai§coni>ioning-ales--Ad Repairs to Ail MakIrîs Freezers - Refrigerators- Air ChfIIr We Recharge Autorm'bîilf Air Coltini.eînîîînq! . cal For further information on the programis mentioned please cail the "Y" office at 668-6868. A little note froiin the Brooklin Cubs 'and Scouts, they are having their Paper Drive on Saturday March I11. Further details next week. Remember to keep your papers. Also Marchi 6 is the date to remember, for Group '74's regular meeting held at the Brooklin Community Centre,. starting at 8 p.m. sharp. On Monday Mardi 13,' the Kinsmen will hold. their regular meeting. Be sure to be on time. Yet another meeting,the Rebeccas, onTuesday, Mardi 14. Be sure to be on time for ail your meetings. Remeniber promptness is progress. If you are on time things get done faster. 1 thlnk that maybe, just maybe, this is the end of winter, Mardi 21, is the. first day of spring, but if it stays like it was this past weekend", spring is here now. Since 1 have room Ieft over I will put in another poem. This is what there is in MY Town. Taîl people, short people Thin people, fat Lady s0 dainty Wearing a hat Straight people, dunipy people, Men dressed in brown Baby in a buggy, These niake my town. 1 hope that every one has received their entry forms for the Brooklin Spring Fair. If flot you can contact Mrs. Crawford, the F air Board's secretary. Happenings! Monday March 6 - 8 p.m.- Broolin Community Centre. Group '74 regular meeting. Wednesday March 8, 9.30 a.rn. in the Brooklin Com-, munity Centre -Ladies Take a Break starts their 3rd'session. Thursday March 9 - Meadoworest Sehool Creative Crafts starts thair programn after sehool. Friday March 10 - also Creative Crafts. Friday Mardi 10'- 4 p.m. - Meadowcrest Sehool Gym- Badminton. Saturday March Il - 9:30 p.m. -pre-sehooler - Kindergym followed by Kiddycraft at 10: 15. LIFE SAVERi IL a a -'I .00 Fre &Smobke Detector Several Types în Stock F1111m e .ste $39050 MITCHfELL BROTER the store keeper at Myrtle,ý The Briggs fami1y,--early Myrtle settlers, .becaipe prcninent in hbuiesworld hoh the Steele Briggs SeedCompany. A few years iifter their marriage, D. L. and Anna Briggs moved to Toronto where Mr. Briggs' older brother was the senior. partner in the seed company, and'Anna's husband joined the company's staff. About this time a tragic event occurred. in Anna Briggs' life. She lost lier hearing, which would be a disaster for any mùsic teacher, but she learnied to read lips, and went on to a career of writing. For the sake'of lier health, Mrs. Briggs moved to Cali- fornia, and-her husband later joined her and started a seed business in Los Angeles. Mrs. Briggs' writing.career began before the turn, of the century when she was editor of the -Canadian Ladies' Home Journal and a, contributor of poetry -and articles to varous other magazines. After moving to Los Angeles about 1914, she joined the California Women's Press Club and won the club's con- test for the best one-act play thre'e years1 in succession. 1Mrs. Briggs' plays becamne one of lier chef means of persuing lier other major interests, prison reform and cri me detection. Long before the lie,.detector wàs officially recognized she, advocated its usér in her favorite play "Heart Beats." Several prominent Hollywood actors got their start because of roles in this play. JResides advocating the use of scientific met hods ini Saturday Mardi I11 -'10:20 - Floor Hockey for the boys. Week ofMarci 5 - Babysitting Course -Girls 12 and over. Saturday, Mardi il - Scouts and Cubs Paper Drive. ModyMarch 13- Kinsmen regular meeting, New members always welcome! Tuesday March 14 - Rebeccas regular meeting. Wine is like~ a turncoat, first a ffiend, then an enemy Marie 655-3061 Brown's - Red & White (for news drop-off) BROO:KLIN ýT.V. "N" f RADIO SERVICE. NOWý OPENI TO SERVE BROOKLUN & SURROUNDING AREA 22- YEARS IN TV SERVICE 655-8021 LOCAT'ED IN R, HERON'S FORMER PREMISES 9CAMPBEILL ST. BEAUTI FUL culs, perms, sets, eve ryt i me! Ad4 bounce, curi, and direction to straight hair with a permanent or eut your hair in one of the newgeometric styles. LA CO'#NTErLSSA BEAUTY LOUNGE [ITBY FREBE PR~ESS, WRDNESDAY, MARCH 1,-1 978ý,,PAGE 7 criffne detection.-Mrs. Brigg§ was àa4iaii4ion of tËe rightebf ,prisoners, an'dsheassistè*d ma*y piionefYt and their families. She w'as instrumental ini get'tiDng reprieves and even pardons for prisoners, and was especially interested in those whomn she considered innocent or victims of circumstance. She was a prolific letter writer, -and her letters appeared in many neWspapers. Her correspondents included state governors and pa.st presidents of the United States, in- cfuding Woodrow Wilson. .On a tour- of'Europe, Mrs. Briggs met many famous <people in the arts iniclu.ding Bernard IShaw. When- she died in September- 1949 at'the *age of 89, Mrs., Briggs was one of the most Ibeloved- writers of Hollywood, and lier obituary was published in "Hollywood Life" magazine. She was su rvived. by one son, one daugiter, 13 grand- children and eight great grandchildren. .When she died she asked- that no flowers be sent, but * instead, donations be made to a clinic for the deaf. The Beecrofts were a long lîved family. Mrs. Briggs was 89 when she died, she had a sister who lived to'be over 85, and lier brother, Frank Lloyd Beecroft, lived to be 95. Mr. Beecroft c'ame to Whitby in- 1918 from Toronto and lived in- the Grange on Pine Street. He. was very much involved in the work of the Board of Education and the Unitedl Churcli and was one of the men who laid the corner stone 'for Henry Street Hligh School in 1954. MOP ik t

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