Whitby Free Press, 1 Mar 1978, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEBDNESDAY, MARCIH 1, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS m - gM NDP support teache.rs JAME PRENTICE, oPTuN 400-A DUNDAS ST. (AT KENT) WHITBV 666--1646 OFFICE HOURS Momday - Friday 9 .m - . Spm. Soturday 9S mm. - 5 p.m. Fashionable Frame Shàpes are designed with varied facial structures in mnd Eyewear colours create a smart, stj'ish lookc SAVE ON BEAUTIFUL ÎYEWEAR matter that in areas of declin- ing enrolmenit such as Metro Toronto, niany excellent teachers may be come surplus but that those experlenced teachers couic! fot be hired, in D~urham. The executive was instrue- ted by the niembership to write to ail Durham Board of Education trustees servlng the Durham 'West area to advise them of the riding associa- tion's support of the teachers and to ask for an explanation from each of the trustees why they supported the guidelines. Wýohi'tby PC A ssociaotion Elects New- Executive At the February 20 meet- ing of the Durham West NDP riding association, a motion was passed unanimously sup- porting teachers of the Dur- ham Board in their fight a- gainst the hiring guidelines recently adopted by The Durham Board of Education. Past President, Velma Cornish, of Pickering, expres- sed disbelief that the Board would introduce sucli a policy. Mrs. Comish feels thatthis is a backward step lu labour're- lations. 1The new executive was shocked by a statement made by the chairman of the Boardý which suggested that if ex- perienced teachers wished to return to teaching that t hey should accept a starting teacher's salary. This conçept is c- ontrary ,to everythinïg which collective bargaining stands for and cannot be, tolerated by the N.D.P., the executive stated. 1.The' memrbelrship of- the riding association wants, to ensure, that the schools -of Durham are. able to hire the bèst teachers available to pro- vide the highest quality of education. It was pointed out during 'he lengthy discussion on the Cox,> Claie Kidd, Chuis Caton; Rich Bagg, Harry. Cockburn, Pam Chisholm, Bill Hoffman, Ed Robson, Ted Munus, Gail Aggett, Bill 'Nurse,, Casey Hiliard,' Bill Morrison, Jake Boss,, I-arry Jermyn, Shirley. WYhite, Marg Taylor, Pat Neal, Edith, Beclj, Judy and Jerry Moskaluk, Tomand Mildred Hensock Mu~ayand Phylis Beadle,, John and Marlon, Goodwin and Alice and Jack Whiting. The Whitby PC Association currently lias more than 450 members. - Whiby Kiutoeis tins weat :The Whitby Kiwanis Club lias" got into the 'twinning spirit and has been Iinked up with the Transcona Kiwanis Club li Winnipeg.- The Transc'ona Club is a small one, with 12, mhembersÉ, and the two clubs.wiIl start off their, twiniîng arrange- ments 'by exchanging bul1e-ý tins. The twinning is part of a programn encouraged by the >eastern Canada and Caribbean district of Kiwanis to liik up with clubs inWestern Canada. WE.:N<:.> andeSa s Reipe Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it "finger liokin' good.'-' REGU'.LAR $45 MSVE 80< CORPORATION 0F THE' TOWN,'QF WHITBY, 1978 ELDERLY PENSIONERS' TAX ASSISTANCE PIROGRAMME (Homne-Owners in the Town of Whitby OnIy) To provide financial assistance to elderly homne-owners, Town Council. has authorized the Town Treasurer toallowcertain owners of residential property a credit of $100.00 against the 1978 taxes imposed on such real property subject to the following qualifications: TO QUALIFY, THE -OWNER OR SPOUSE 0F THE OWNER MUJST: A. Be 65 years of age or more by March 31, 1978, which is the last day for fillng applications: B. Be li receipt ofthe nionthly GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT provided under the Old Age Security Act (Canada): C. Occupy the property on whlch the municipal taxes are imposed and: D. Have been continously assessed as the owner of residential real property in the Town of Whitby for flot less than Syeaisirnmediately precedlng March 31, 1978. If you qualify for this assistance and have not received an application form, TELEPHONE THE TREASURER'S OFFICE AT 668-6803, and an application formn will be mailed to you. Application must lie made each year for this assistance. This credit. where allowed, wil bc an out- right grant made by the Town an'd wilI flot entai]lrepaymnent of any kind. For futher information or assistance, telephone 668-5803. Gai] Empey, E ric, Laycock recently succeeded Bob White as Presi- dent of, the Whitby Progres- sive Conservative Association .Mr. White had served as pres!- dent for the past two 7yýfars. John 'Pisani, treasurer of the Durham West'PC Associa- tion was elected first vice- president;- Clare Hewson, second vice-president; and Larry Dunlop, third vice-pres- Pat Allen was elected recording secretary; -Sheila Camnplin, corresponding secretary;. and Pat Johnston, treasurer. Directors for 1978 are:, John Frost, Joyce andGerry rý iJ IN ",;,-7ý4 - e

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