Whitby Free Press, 8 Mar 1978, p. 14

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P'rAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8,1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Residents-- object to fair site The South Ontario Agricul- tural Society's bid to relocate the Oshawa Fair southeast of Brooklin bas run into difficul- ties. Adjacent property owners h;"ve filed ten objections to the relocation of the fair, with the Town of Whitby, and thev- must be passed on to - the Ontario Municipal Board'. -,Jnder the rules of proce- dure, t: rezoning bylaw for tI,ý-p4îperty optioned by the sc5ý.ty, has been c'irculated to nearby property owners,« and the subsequettobjec- tions have been referred to the town's adm inistrative committee. Property owners adjacent to the 66-acre site have ex- pressed conecrn about traf- fic; noise arid accumulation of garbage at the fair, but have agreed to meet wth the LOND ON AMSTERDAM MANCMfESTER PRESTWICK Passport directors of the fair board to hear their plans. Whitby council has passed a rezoning bylaw for the fair grounds, to bc known as Dur- jiamn Region Place, to permit year-round use of the site for administration and displa'y buildings, foodl dispensing out- lets and a midway. The fair, in its pealç years, attracted up to 40,000 spectators and exhibitors.: -Fair Bloard officials say the objections are without foun- dation, for the fair activities and buildings wifl bè lôcated in the centre of the site and will be properly supervised and maintàided so they will flot detract from surr'ounding properties. Barry Walters, 'a 1lawyer for the .neighboring homeowners says their basic obj;ý!ction is i'fear ot the unknown".Whitby 'Administrator Bill , Wallace hopes to caîl a meteting of the two sides to. resolve their différences. Apt aucetion is April 16 The second major Art Auction-of Piyah Chapter of Hadassah-Wizo will be held on April .16,19 78- at theý Genosha Hotel in Oshawa. Local a nd and Regional artists are of-, fering their works ini varlous, mnedia. FRANKFURT ZAGRED DU BROVNIK I ~ Pictures'Complimentary with Booking, Contact I I CORPORATION 0F ITHE CTOWN 0F'WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to stop up and close and seil to the adjoining owners those portions of Woodlawn Avenue and Applewood Crescent as hereinafter described, namely:.-- (1) That portion of Woodlawn Avenue shown on Registered Plan 709, designated as Parts, 7, 8 zmd 9 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. -40) as Plan 40-3308. (2) That portion of Applewood Crescent as shown on Registered Plan 709, designalted as Partsý 4, 5 and 6 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (o 40Y as Plan 4-03308. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Committçe of the Council of the Town of Whitby willat the hour of 7:30 p.m. on the 3rd day of April, 1978; in Committee Room No. 2 of the Municipal Building at 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontaro, hear in person or by his coun>el, soicitor or agent, any person who claims his land will be prejudicially affected by such by- law and who applies to be heard. DATED at Whitby,'Ontario this 3rd day of March, A.D., 1978. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk-Administrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rosand Road East, Hadassah-Wizo is a non- profit,,s'ocial service organiza-. tion I.recognized.and registered as a'Canadian Charitable OÃ"r- ganization by, the Federal Gov ernment. Ail proceeds go toý m 'edical, educational, and human-care services, fo r the needy, both in' Israël and locally. Programs are pro- vided which educate, enter- tain, and enlighten, such as Public Affairs Seminars to wïhich members and non- memnbers alike are invited*., Hadassah-Wizo publishes -a monthly magazine and con- ductsNational and Regional Conferenices to. keep its mem- bers informfed of 'current af- fairs. FROM TUE HEART FOR THE« HEART Denis O'Connor High Sehool Youth Corps leaders Mary Vas Hezewyk and Carloyn Rich presented a cheque for $103-52 to the Whitby Heart Fund recently. Receiving the cheque is Campaign Ço-ordinator Carolyn Smith (centre). The staff and students of Denis O'Connor raised the méney at a noon-hour bakze-sale, Feb. 17. Free Press Photo Lion .s Club, aids wih glasses Many Whitby citizens with eyesight problemns are 'aided by the Whitby Lions Club. A nine-year-old.Grade Four student fromha single parent DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 1 1, Dundas St. ,W. 668-16 Youl çanhave your own home That, home you dream about, is *now within your reach-all yours- to enjoy while its investment, value keepsgrowing over the years. Get it with the help of a Victoria and Grey mortgage- bulit to fit your need and your purse. Do it today at Victoria and Grey. f ServÃŽng maie and re ~ people snce 1889 TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEITH LAWES M<anager 308 I)undLis St. W.. - Whitby home was supposed to wear glasses, but ý the- ones she owned -were _,old fashioned and the frames were partially brokeny. The parent was having 'a difficult time-finan- cially and co uld flot1 afford the new glasses. The* Whitby Lions Club, provided this little girl with An-rew pair of eyeglasses. The Lions Club also spends, .$30 a month on taxicab fares to transport Whitby residents the CNIB meetings wýhich,,are heLçld in Oshawa. 'IThe club is currently ex- amfining a re quest .to assist a needy Whitby child who re- quires expensive surgery. Another project of this busy and active club was the presentation of toys'at Christ- mastime to the Durham Centre for the Developmental- ly Handicapped. These are only a few of the service projects currently be- ing carried on by the Whitby Lions Club,. WHITBY -DOMINION HARDWARI > ASVLN FUELI -ANNUAL MEETING FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES (Operated by the Children's Aid Society of the Durham Region) WEmzDNESDAY March 15th, 1978 8:00 p.m. Heydenshore Pavillon Water St., Whitby, Ontario Guest Speaker -. Judge Ross H. Fair Senior Provincial Judge Provincial Court, Family Division Judicial District of Waterloo. Nomination of members to stand for election to the Board of Directors must be made by mnembers of the Society in writing and must be in the hands of the Secretary of the Board (P.O. Box 321, Oshawa) seven days before the Annual Meeting. EVERVONE WELCOME -REFRESBMENTS YOU CAN NOW BO VOUR CHARTERS RUSSELL TRAVEL. 116 BROCK ST. S., WHITDY 668-5000O H OURS Mon. - Sat. 9-5 p.m. a 1

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