Corrio Caper Having neyer done anything good eniougli, or bad enougli to get nmy naieý in 'print this is a -first, so I1liope you will excuse mly inexperience,. SKI CHAMPION Risto Santala of 301 Kendalwooij Road won a Governor General's award at the Canadian Ski.Marathon held in Ot- tawa recently. Mr. Santala won the award in the racing category, cross-country, by completing 80 miles in 9 hours SCOUT PAPER DRIVE This Saturday, Mardi 11, will, be the monthly Scout Paper Collection. Thé area to be .cçored is north of Hlgh- way 2, betwwen Elizabeth Crescent and the Whitby-Osliawa border. Many areas had aimost 100% participation. Keep u4p thie good work and,,make this Saturday better than eve r. Papers should be tied and at the road by 9 a.m., Do your bit to help the Scouts help themselves. PINEWOOD DERBY The Cliampionship car race was held at Camp Samac this weekend and l.2th Oshawa came off witli ail the speed awards but pur own 1Iith Oshawa was right in there to the end. Conigratulations to ahl. POWELL ROAD Repairg on Powell Road are to be'started immediately. Mr. Addvorandi, owner of the property east of Powell as- sured us> Friday the road would be fixed. Sure hope lie' means it!!! Let you know next week. FESTIVAL 0F FAITH WIIITIIY UREIIi PREMS, WEPNESDAY,, MARCH 8, 1978, PAGE 5 Osliw a IrcshYtcry: is sponsoring -a festival, of failli on. .56 minutes. ('onerzit4iItlnso our neighboui-. April 7 and 8. 'l'lie spccial guest speaker is Dr. Bob McClure. Therc is a, lirnitcd supply of tickets available. You can con- tact the writer for further information. WESTMINISTER UNITED) CHURCH' Sunday March 19 is Palm Sunday and it will be a service of Holy Communion. On March 26, Easter Sunday, there will be a 7:30 a.m. sunrise service and a breakfast following in the Church basemnent. At 11 am. is regular baster Worstiip That is ail for this week folks, and Mary, your re gular colunist did most of it. If you have any items l'cani use in next weeks column 1 would really appreciate the help. Marion Buchanan 579-0878. Reportfr Queen ' Park By iog dtMPP Durhsm Weil FIRST MINISTERS' CONFERkENCE The Province of Ontrio, and its people, have always had a strong commitment to Confederation . Ontario lias a long tradition of providing leadership in the national unity debate and it lias alw ays supported programs of industrial develop- ment 'and financial support for Canada's less -wealthy pro- vinces. Ontarlo has always recognized that a strong national economy is aý key, ingredient in the challenge to-Carwdian unity. This tradition lias-bcen caried out by the ten point, program outlined- by Premier William D)avis at the. recenft Federal-Provinical Conference ôf First Ministers in Ottawya.' The report that,-Premfier Davis , presented is designed 'to expand the privat e sector in Canada-,l-reate job's and ensure growth, with minimum outlay. of government funlds. laIn brief, the ten points are as follows: 1 . "Make a job-By Canadian":, -encourage Canadian consuniers to- buy Canadian-produced goods, w hen quality and pric e' are comparable, and to encourage Canadian industriesand governiments to do the same'. (Benefit - 170,000 jobs) 2. Job creatiorn for youth: a federal, youth employment program, ;which would use sorte of the 1.3 billion dollars that'now go1 into"UIC paYments to youth. (Benefit - 100,000 jobs) 3. Innovation i Cânadian industry: federal and provincial governments should allow ýa complete tax write-off to companies. that add more jobs in research andt develop- ment. (Benefit - 10,000 jobs) 4. Accelerated investment ini energy projects: remnove the obstacles that are presently slowing -down investment in the energy sector, in order to allow for the expansion of the energy inclustry. (B3enefit - 741,000 man years of work) 5. Automotive industry development: * eliminate the one' billion dollar deficit ini the' automotive industry by f irst of ail securing a fair share of the $50 billion for new in- vestments planned by the automobile manlifacturers: and secondly tlirough planned research and development. (Benefit - 32,500 jobs) 6. Improved r afilfacilities: speed up the current program to modernize rail transportation. A major objective should be 'a high-speed' passenger service between Quebec City and Windsor.' (Benefit - I ,200 jobs) 7Investment i the fishing industry: modernize, and ex- pand Canada's fishing fleets through prvate ,sector invest-,- men t, so- fhat Caà nadýians canbttrcmpete 'with foreign trawler's.. (Benefît - stabiization -of 15,000 shipyard jobs.) 8. ,Exyanded slip'buildinR facilities: expansion, of fresh- water shipbpilding and. slip repair facilities to meet the, increasing demand for large freigliters. Large'-scale dry dock facilities are 'required. on the Upper Great Lâkes. 9. Reduce MdI tape for btsiness: red tape affecting private, buûsiness must be cut by-'al levels of government. 1 OProvide a more effeçtive Manpower services:, manpower and job-creation programrs must be coordinated amôngý governmentsto make themn more efficient. Along with this ten point programn, Premier Davis also suggested the creation of a National. Council on the Economy, to act as a watdhdog' on Canada's economic per- formance and future possibilities. It is suggested that this Council be composed of federal and, provincial' finance ministers, along with business and labour representatives. The, leadership shown by Premier Davis in aIl of these recommendations reaffirms Ontario's commitment to Con- federation. Canada and its provinces must work together to overcome our nation's economic problems and assure'our national survival. BROCK THEATRE 668-3618 CHULDREN'S MATUNE SAT. 1:30 P.M. ALI SEATS $100 "'BLACK DEAUTY". EVENINGS THR U TUES. MARCH 14 'LOOKINO FOR MR. GOODIAR"# DIANE KEATON PLUS "AFRSI LOVE#* COMPLETE FROM 7:05 P.M. .. - 'Hospital elects'officersI The annual and general Trims; constitution and by- meeting of, the Dr. 'J. 0. laws, Ms, Judy Muskaluk; Ruddy Hospital Women's telephone, Mrs. Bernadette Auxiiîary was held recently .Robins; .public relations,, for the election of officers. Mrs. Penny Rostek; gift shop, The new slate of officers is Mrs. Pat Wilcox; social, Mrs. as follows; 'Past president, Eleanor Speck. Mrs. -Evelyn Bonnetta; presi- Mrs. Bart Boagy presented dent, Mrs. Claire Free; 1 st. Mrs. Evelyn Bonnetta with vice president, Mrs. Cathiylier'past president's pin. Mrs. Croudli; 2nd vice president, Bonnetta presented the execu- Mrs. Shelly Gresham; record- tive with a gavel with which ing secretary, Mrs' Lilian to Iiring. future meetings to Cork;, corresponding. secre-. order. tary- MIrs. Dorothy., Hall; The- next general meeting treasurerý, Mrsi Ann Davies; wili be the appreciation' lun- membership;- Mrs.,Fkan'Rich, dheon in May. ways and means, Mrs. Doris Former re ident .diesý vlie VioilaGoose*', a resî- dent of Whltby -for .25 years until 1969, died at York Central General 1 Hospital in Ridhmonýfd Hii, Feb.' 17, following a short illness.1t .Mrs. Goose, a. resident, of Elmwood -Manor Nursing Home,' Richmond .fi, was . 85 years old. She was born Oct. 30ï, 1892 at Utica,- .Ontario, a daugliter of the, late' James and Janet Bentley. Mrs. Goose was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcli, Whitby, and in 1954 she was Worthy Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 248. Her husband, Robert Wil- liam Goose, whom she mar- ied at Toronto in 1913, died in 1963. S Mrs. Goose.. is survived by thrçe, daugliters, Mrs. Lewis Moaseý (Bernice), Mrs. Leslie ro (Phyllis) and Miss- Muriel (Betty), Goose, alt of Toronto. Mrs. Goose is sur- vived, also by five grand- ,dhildren and one great grand- Two brotliers and four sisters predeceased her. The funeral was held Feb. 20 at W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, with Rev. W. J. S. McClure of St. Andrew's Churdli officiating. A special service for Mrs. Goose was held the previous day by the, Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 248. Interment followed in Mount Lawn Cemetery..ý CH EVETTES A~frhg SI M WALL UNITS AILLSIZES IN TEAK . OAK &ROSEWOOD SHOP LOCAL AND SAVE AK FURNUTURE WAREHfOUSE CENTRE ilAm ai4 II Port WhIthy 1614bUrIs St. De THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dwdos St. E. Whltby U68-7797 H-OURS Mon. - Sat. & Evenings 1U y Appointment OnIy