Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1978, p. 10

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S ave-10% off Ftegular priqed tenis with a miintmum puechase of $5.00 with Vour' baby bonus. Scfe'way Centre ()Pen DaîIy 9 te 6 if86 Brock St. S. Whitby Thurs & Fri 9 to 966-1s HOSpital budIget is np3.9% The0D. . O.Ruddy Genera1 Flospital has been given a 3.9 per cent budget in- crease for 1978, the Ontario- Ministry of Health announced recently. Hospital Administrator John Kunetsky says the hospi- tai can live with its budget of $3.1i million, and there should be no 'need te cut services or lay off staff, despite provincial restraints. TIhe liospital' treated 2,284 patients last year using 65 of its 100 beds. The beds were cut back in 1976 by provincial restraints. .Accommiodation fees will probably rise about 10 per cent titis year, says Mr. Kunet-, sky , but no decision has been made yet by the, hospital's board of governiors. The hospital's fuli-time staff of 125 includes 25 doctors. Last year the hospital handle'd 11,500 ernergency cails, 11, 000, physiotherapy visits and gaye 10,000 X"Rays. Library is- open Blender Mayonnaise Place 'ký teaspoon powdered mustard and '/2 teaspoon warmn water in containerof electrie blénder; jet sit for 10 minutes. Add 1 egg, 1 teaspçon sait and 1/2 teaspoon sugar; blend at mediumn speed 10 seconds '. With blender stili on,;slowly pour in 1-1/4 cups salad ol, blend ýintil mixture begins to thicken., Add 3 tablespoons lemon jt4ce; blend for 2 seconds. If mnayon- naise separates, slmply place afiother. egg, at rootn term-, perature, in clean blendér coh- tainer. Blend at nedlumn speed for- 10 seconds or until frothy. Slowly pour separated mnayon- naise int egg, blend until mix- ture thickens. for business again The Whitby Public Library opened for business March 13, after being closed titrée weeks for renovations. Although the, renovations wilià net bé'q9mpletely finish- cd until latex April,' services 1hàve resunied. Pàtrons of the Llbrary are asked te enter by thc t>undas Street door and procedd downstairs to the lob- by where they will be directed te the new areas of the ibrary., BUCKET CROSS WORD' -ýPl 1771 F ACROSS 1 -au lait 5 Outbreaks il Mad scientlst's assistant 12 Lustrous 13 pop star of the 1950's 14 Card combi- nation 15 Building extension 16 Make. lace 17 Eledge 20 Memorable period 21 Sallow 22 Sunday punch (sl.~ 23 Jalopy 25 Punkin covering 26In our Company 27 Hymn of praise 28 An ex- Sinatra tr 29 Mariner's reqwsite 1(2 wds.) 32 Littie Edward 33 Lily Dache creation ,,34 ViIn's 1 cry 35Clannlsh; kindred 37 Russian lake 38 J.ewish ascçtic 39 Spirit lamp .40 Whirled 41 Fish DOWN 1 liard or sweet beverage 2 Sprightly 3 Pipe drearm abound here (2 wds.) 4 Sea blrd 5 Revolve 6 Mountain cresi 7 Do wrong 8 Utopla (3 wds.) 9 Performers wago wo -duo" Omo am Sun ti-F-.IOWMbË non MMEIM 91mg-jm 91 z:oý Ë-71 w a n ÛOE WEW "nu ÎIWU dEombu MÊME mmfflumE n- 2ý>]u ýî9]mbn9 îlei1,81 le Pop star, Rod - 18 Roof covering 19 Noggin 22 Vlva voce 23 Babble 24, FoQtball V7 Resowided 29 Alan LI dd film 0 Mfrican nation 31 Dleter's lunch 38 - esprit 37 Ronm IT'S'SPRING CLEAN-UP TIME IN TH E GAR D'EN, l t hardly seems possible thati spring clean-up time is almost upon us. Seernisike il- was only a few weeks ago that!1 wrote on how to put the garden te- bed for winter.It-'s much teQ early to get out, the spade te dig but it isn't tee early to gel rid of the ýdebris of wintcr. Snow Damage 1 like te sce a good heavy blankçot of snew on the Iawns and gardens,' but unfortunalely ail sorts of debris seems te fal on the front lawn as weil., People who walk across the lawns can do a &rmat deal of, damage,. Some homeowners use Sait to rid the drivcways -of now and runoff hurts thé edges of lawns and flower beds, se for sure your lawn la geling to need a deéan-up. As soon as you can walk on, the lawn without Ieaving în- dentations, then l's considered >"okay" te atart your clean-up program. A soggy soil wiil cre ate problems. Wfth a spring or bamboo type rake, renmove ail debris and gently sweep thearea. Have a big garden bag handyte put the debris in. Theugh il may appear te be early, you can apply a geed fertilizer like Golden Vigoro te give your lawn the nu- trients necessary te stimulate.growth. l'Il talk more about fcrtilizing yeur lawn next month. Rock Gardens If snows were hcavy ini your area this past winter, check the rock gardenl. Somne plants may have hcaved eut of the ground. Push themn back down firmnly. It isn't tirne te fertilize the rockery ycl as spring flowering bulbs will just be coming along. These liny huibs plantcd last fail are popping their heads eut of the ground and seen the flewers wil corne along. Afler flowering, do net cut the foligce; lct the bulbs take back the food they preduced in the foliage. Then whcn thcy've turned brown, pull them. I like te add a littie Vigere Bone Meal se thc bulb ca have an erganic food later ini the season when il cornes eut of its dermancy. Il takes a long trne for bene meal, te break down and become available te the rmots cf thc plants. Teels Ame Important - If you fergoe te lake your lawnniower for service last fail, better get it tuncd, and blades sharpcncd. Did yeu have timne te dlean your garden tools? It'll scon be digging Urne and rusîy tools are net as effective as these that arec dean and well treated. Se for. Ihis carly time inithe season, let's get dcwn te Uthe basics of gardenmng: cleanng up, and checking your equip- ment. ll's a good idea, toc, te paint the handies cf yôur lools a brigbî coler. You'Il be able te spot the lochs faster in thc garden. If you have an>' questions, pjease %Tite to mne Lt the Garden infoirmatioir Centre, 165 Univerity A venue, Toronto, Ontarlo M51 3B8 endlosuga seIf-addpftmed çua»Cmv envelope. EIsao'a Chfldrens -Things Chiidrens Clothing ~Is kIddI.s Gro" Clotho$ lien Hendorson Speclol occasi dresses i pa ion And other fin. Canadien Monufoctured Clothlng Glfts for Babies COME- GARDENINO- with Do c Hartnol .i."

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