Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1978, p. 14

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pA.lA Wr~iPnFqnT&Y-MuÂIW129.~1978. WHITBY FR~EERESS -Dayton Tire seeks Uts 1978 truclk hero A reward of $200.00 will rnoninates the wlnner of the Hero Award. Now in its 23td gram which,over the years, bas abou niet hc eb-hl nTrnoiiNvm be paid to the person who of the 1978 National Truck year, the Award, which is en- allowed us to give public lieves to be worthy of recog- 1978. ciar.qAd hv the Canada Safety recognition to many- truck nition;"9 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION cSTHTE CoRP'ORTIO OF 1IE TOWN0RWIT To dispense. with a vote of the electors respecting reconstruction of 'Garrard Road, and certain work on Forest Road. Take notice that:- teoh ono (1) The Council ofth Corporation o h ono Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Munici- pal Board' for approval of the reconstruction of Garrarçl Road from Eastwood Road to Rôssland Road East,including granular base, storm sewers, curb and 'gutter, hot mix asphait, and the con- struction of curbs and gutters on Forest Road fromi Garrard Road to Meadow Roaciý at an estimated cost of Two hundred and Thirty-two Thousand D3ollars ($232,000.00), and that the sum of One Hundred and Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($1 17,000.00) shall be raised'by the sale of debertures payable on the General Rate over a period flot exceeding 10 years. (2) 'Application will be made to The Ontario Munici- pa Board for an Ordefr-ïo Dispense withi the Assent of' the Electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayers mnay within 21 days after the first publication of this notice send by post prepaid to the Clerk-Administrator of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. (3) The Ontario Municipal Board may order, pur- suant to the statutes that' the assent of the electors shail not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so, it may >appointatimne and place for a public hearing when aniy objection will be considered. Dated at the A.D., 1978. Town of WhItby this 2211d day of March, Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk-AdministratçQr,, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East,' Whitby, Ontarlo Councl, is presented annually to a professionail truck driver who bas perforrned an act of bravery above and beyond the line of duty. In announcii'g the start of the search for this year's'Hero, J. Grant Hart, President of Dayton Tire Canada Ltd., the sponsor of the Award, said that the Award seeks to en- courage highe'r standards of safety by ail road uisers, by focusing public attention on incidents involving professional road users, namnely truck drivers. "We are very pleased to be associated with a national pro- and initiative might other- wise bave -passed unnoticed," said Hart. "Although most nominations are related to road accidents, incidents whlch are, not- directly related to vehicle accidents, but in which truck drivers have played sig- nificant roles in either saving life or averting more serious situations are. valid nomina- tions. This year we have dis- stributed severai thousand posters drawing attention to the Award, but the successof the program frnaily depends upon the man in, the street coming forward and telling.us, WHITBY PARKS,*% ~ND RECREATION DEPARTMENT- SPRING SLIM & SWIM PROGRAMMES The Recreation, Department is' leSwed to raunes.the commen cemnent of their Spring Slim n wmPrgams A fitness'and exercise programme followedby a swim & sauna. ql-Conr>fHey& REGISTRIATION - Iroquois Po -CrnrofHnr0 Victoria St. Monday to Saturday'-7:00 p.mn, - 9: 00 pm REGISTRATION FEE - $1 5.00 DAYTIME SLIM & SIM - 20 Lessons - Twice Weekly Tuesday & Thursday - 2:00 Op .m. - 3:-.00 p. m. Commencing Tuesday March 28. EVENING SLIM & SWIM - 10 Lessons - Once Weekly. -'Morday - 7:00 p.m.- -8:30 p.m. 8:00 pm 9:30 p.m. Comm-encinigMonday April10.' Wediesday - 8:00 p.mn. - 9;30 p.mn. Commenciflg Wednesday April 12. EdtreQuote ,Book ln making our, de- cusion, 'we, must use the brains that God lias given us. But we must also use, our hearts which lie also gatve us. Fuit onOuse wurk ceive a personal trophy, a $ 1,000 cash award, a V.I.P. ai-expenses-paid week-end for Lwo in Toronto and an in- scribed Rolex watch. Ail entries will be avaluated' Lby a panel of judges consisting, of: Philip J. Farmer, Executive Director, Canada Safety Coun- cil;1 Frank S. Hammrond,' Public Relations Officer, Min- istry of Transportation and communications: J. Grant Hart, President, Dayton Tire Canada Ltd. Nominations, acoompanied by. a newspaper, ciipping, a, wiitnesss statement or other corroborating evidence, should be sent to': Dayton National Truck Hero Award Conim ittee, C/O Canada Safety Council, 1765 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario, KI G 3V4. The act of bravery must have been,performed during the year ending September 3Oth, 1978,,and nominations must be rece 'ived by October 7th, 1978. >The Award will be presente« at the Ontario Trucking As- sociation Convention to be Evenings,&, Niglit Repr&s1leup0,.m. m W-eather,, Sports and News JR-Si 00 MARK Il A MIFM STEREO RECEIVER 20 watts RMS per chaninel. 2AaC-SaOUNO ý-LAtr2tcreunbi SPEND 15 MINUTES. WITH US TOMORROW. AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOLNG ON IlN DURBAM!e TOWN 0F WHITBY 1978 DOG LICENCES The Town of Whitby is pleased to announced that 197 8 dôg licences will be sold in a door-to-door campaign by the Whitby Boy Scouts. TIhe Boy Scouts have undertaken this responsibility on behaîf of the Town of Whitby as a commuiiity service. " A Boy Scout representative will be calling at your door offering dog licences for sale at the following rates: Maie aid femnale, neutered or spayed $ 10.00 each Maie and femnale $15.00 each It is the respýonsibility' of the dog oxynetospl prtoof of qualification for the lower licence fée. Dog licences are also available at the foliowing locations: Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. MacKay Animal Çlinic, 421 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario. Brooklln Veteriîary Hospital,ý Winchester Road, Brooklin, Ontario. Ontario Humane Socie ty,Thickson Road North, Whitby, Ontario. R. A. CLARINGBOLD, Deputy Treasurer, Town of Whitby. N-ooni er bylaw passed Council has passed a bylaw authorizing .the, reconstruction of Garrard Road from West- wood Road'to Rossiand Road, and the improvement of Forest Road from -Garrard Road to MeadowRond. The bykaw requires Ontario Muaicipal Boaro Approvai ror the' debenturing of $117 ,000 over 10 years as the town's share of this project. 1The work wiil conaplete the reconstruction of. Garrard Rond fromn Dundas Street to Rossland Rond, whi.çh was started severai years ago.

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