Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1978, p. 16

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.P£AGE 16, WEtNESDAY,;APRIL 5, 1978, WHITB Y FkEE PRIB-SSý IFre I AUTOMOBILES FORSALE - 74 VOLVO 142 Automatic Trans. Excelldnt cond. certified $2,600. 72à-1819. March 22/78 1974 Plymouth Duster, VIS, auto $1700 certifiead. - Caii 655-4611, or 839-3025 îfter. 6 pm. 1974 Pinto, 3 dr, Runabout, 4 speed, 4 cyl, $1200. 668-9805' 1974 FORD MAVERICK, "Grabber" needs somne body work $800. '668-0511.- - March 8/78 73 SCORPIAN STINGARETTE, twin, low mileige,new trîck $800. * Ciii 65564616 after 4:30 p.m. March 22/78 1973 Plymouth Fury - P/S' P/B good cond. Will certify. $750. 668-5318 1973 Oodge Swinger - 318, A- ýCondition. $1500. or best.offer 683-8634 1972 Toyota, for parts,,angine. gcod running cond. $140. -or best offeor. Cen be seone t1087 Venus Cres: Oshawa ..r' 'ciii 579-4977' 72 FORD GALAXIE $700. un- certified, good running cond. Cal 655-4776. March 22/78 1972 Volkswigon Super Beetle - $700. certified, gis heater.and radio, rear window defogger. Cail 655-4611 between 8 end 7 p.m. 1971 Renault - good condition, $270. Caîl 668-0744. 69 CHEVELLE WAGON in rý_n~- ning cond. $300 as is. 655-4616 if tan4:30 p.m.' March 22/78 19069 Pontiac, 9 pîssenger wagon, V/8 auto., with options, fair «condition, as is .$300. 'Cl 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m'. 1969 Automatic VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE' Gis heter, rearwindow defogger, snow tires, $500. or" -best off er. 668-0981. March 8/78 1969 CHEVELLE 9 passenger wagon, V/8 automatic, 3(>7 motor with options. One owner, good running cond. OnIy 80,000 miles. As Is $375. Ciii 668-8675. ýApril 5/78- 1969 Chevy tationr Wagon '- PIS, P/B, 283 auto., crame rims, ex. cond., certif lad ,$500. Caiii655-3481 1969 Ford Galiexia - 2 dr. hrtp 302 motor, PIB, P/S, good body end triller'hitch. As hs $400. 69-40W9 1969 Buick Skylar k - gaod cond. weii kept, snows and ims in- ciudad, $850 or hast offer. Must sali. Caii.668-7028 1969 Ambassador - P/S P/B, motor & body in very good shape flot used for 2 years. $400 as is 728-0096 1969 Marcury Marquis BrougharnÃŽ Lic. No. BFJ 990, 8 cyl. SI in use. $250. Caii 655-4337 1969 Torino Conv., factoW mags, V/8 auto., good interior, radio, as is $300. Caii 655-4611 between 8a md 7 p.m.- 1968 Pontiac Pariesenne, new tireson front, snow tires'- gaod for 1parfts $200. 668,2677 1968 Ford Montego $275 or best offer. Must sali. Fair cond. 655-4726 1968 Ford Fetura 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto. radio, good conrd. $350 or hast of fer. Unoert. 655-4498 1966 Ford Galaxie, Engi condition. Bodyneiedsy certify if neoessmry. AsI or hast of fer. Cati March ln i la reat ,vork. Wl P)ress Em porium Gili .668-6111 ____ RETRAI0NAL VEIES S mail Trîvel Trailer, Sleeps 4 fulîy equipped 2,400 or best offer. 668-8432.1- - April 5/78 75 Mercury outboard 20 h.p. electric start, ail hook-ups, gis tank and battery $700. 668-2232 April 5/78 1972 - 398 Mgrcury Snowmobile good cond. electric start, $500. 1972 - Sno-Prinoe 30 h.p. rebuiit engine $300. ciii 655-3245. FEb. 8 /78. Tee Pie tent trai ler, sleeps 4, good cond. Brand neW canopy & caver. $600. Cali 623-5715 1971 Skidoo Nordic, with new motor and new hood, $450. or best offer. 668-0723. F6b. 8/78 BOAT- CEDAR Strip $50. OId outboard Motor $75." Electric wire & boxes etc. $75. % h.p. electric, motor, variable speed $100. Dodge ,va n "hot running $200. 668-4423.' March 8/78 Utility Trailer, 4V/z x3Y'. Wood & matai sîdes, 21 " high ex. cond. $140. phonie 668-6768. Duneý Buggy - ru nning condition, fibre glass body, îsking $400. 655-4479, îsk for Henry. 1972 Honda CB '350Ã" - excellent condition, $550 certif ied, Must sali. Cali Peter 655-3253 îfter 4:30 p.m. 1 977 Yimahî '1 25YZ Motocross. Like,,new, used only two months. Must seli $900., 655-3022 Suzuki - 350 - new tires, new' electrical system. $400. Cali and ask for Rab.- 668-5432 1976- 20' PROWLER -Trîvel Trailer, fuily- equipped, 3 pce. bath, double axie, 12' canopy, towing pickets, brand new cand. $4,800 or best off er. Cai 668-6110 ' Feb. 8/78 69 Woods tent triller sîeep 4 wlth 655-461 6.AFTER 4:30ýp.m. March 22/78 1969 HALF TON Camper, $800, Caii 579-6144. March 22/78 1963 INTERNATIONAL ýTruck, 3 Ton modîl No., 150. $-350. Cii 65-476.March 22/78 1975 -Yamnaha 400cc Motocrosser and MX equipment. $850. Cai 655-4733. March 29/78 Snowtires - pair mountîd on rimi. Good cond. Dunlop f iberglass beited. G 78 15 $30. pr. ,Brookiin area. 655-4365 evenings 'oniy 14" rims, sume-r tires $6. aach 668-0427 if fer 6. '5-Dr-70-14 Generai Steel Radiait. Li ke new. Span e neveu' used. White raised latters. Mountad on sharp sport rias. $250. Caii if ter 6 p.m. 668-2455 318 motor, 18,000 miles & parts for 67 Plymouth Fury, $300. 576-6592 King ýîîzw.Reese-type trailer biteS,, heavy 6-35.duty-H frime goobd for 3500 29178 tbs. towving, wvili fit CoronZt and - Satellite f rom 68 and Up. 1 yr. r., engi ne old hsl1l78 & 2in hall, ach on 4611. or its .om inser..ng bar. $80. 668-6O6atev 5 P.m. 1 EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY ÉE ACCEPTEDW SUBJECtTO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: When the advertised item is soid, disposed of, or unavailibie for whatever riasan,thi item wiiI ha deemed ta have been soid and i comm.s sioný wilI1 ha charged based on THE ADVERTI SED PRI1CE' as iilustnited beiow, rîgardiîss if price is stated with 'hast offer'. If the itemis NOT SOLD,-or disposad of,,theid wiii ha runi for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUJM CHARGE of $3,00 wiii îpply. Ail advertisemints must ha piaced on an exclusive'basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atI hast ane, month if nat said. RATES if, article is soid>: 5% of advertised pa>nice up ta $400.00 2% of balanoe.over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertisid for $60.00 -commissioln due $3.00 <minimum charge is $3.00). Private advertising onlyl Phacse natjf y us if you f înd a retailer listed as a private advertisar. Plase notify the Whitby Free. Press immediateiy when item is soîd so that we may delete it from the foilowing issue-;. Ail îds not f itting the Emporium*'guideiinîs wili ha treated and charged peur week, as ragular classified.ads oni pre-'paid basis such, as: services, heip wanted, clothing, nu i estate, and personai message type ads, or ads flot quot 'ing price or quantity. Private cIassified ads may appeau' in the Emporium section, under appropniate headings. If in doubt, cmii 668-6111, MAILADS TO:. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, 1 Li N 5S1.. OR DELI VER TO: 1z1 Brock St. N. -Whitby. MiE*DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NODN., 1 HOLLEY 735 (CFM),Dual- Feed Carburator, includad, Chromhe Feed Lines, Adapter for' Stock ùued Min ifold. $100. or best affer phone 668-4868. Feb,1/78 Traiter Hitch for VW Beetie- - $20 655-4995 390 Motor & transmission for sale 10,000 miles $150. or best offer 668-5432 îsk for Rab. Jary 25ÃŽ78 250 -Motor, compiete with trans- mission $100, or hast of fer.. 750 HoIie'y for sale, duai" pump, dual feed $75. or iiest offer. Wiiiing ta trade for smiller Holley. 668- 5432. As k for Rab. Mîrch 22/78 3 - 781 4's radial tires $25 ipiece, like new. Caii 655-3523. March 22/78 FORD 4 spd. transmission in- cludes, 1iiuminum bell housing, pressure plate, lin kige mnd'reverse lockout shiftèr $200. 668-2147. 'Feb., 15/78 2 BRAND NEW Tires, mounted on 14" rims, f its a chev. $50. for the pair cmii 668-1305.- Mîrch 8/78 4 - T - Slotted Aluminum Rims, and Shelby %legs $200. 579-7942. April 5/ 78 EPANCES 2 Wringer Wishers $60. Baby carrisge $30. Playpen $15. 2 Mag Type Hubcaps, Ex. Cond. 14" $25. cali 668-9519 îfter 2 p.m. March 8/78 Wningarwashar $33- cmii 668-7014.* Feb. 22/78 VÏiking Portable Dishwmshér, nëe mnotor $75. Double box spring & mattrass, goodl cond. $20. oeil -668-0584. Feb. 8/78 Electric Rangette '$600. Cai White McCimry 10 cu.- ft. fridgeý 4 yrs old $150. G.E. self cieaning aven, harvest goid $350. Generai freezer, 19 cu. fit., chest typeý 2 yrs. oid $220. Compector harvest goid $150. Cii 65 5-4871 Freezer, 22 cu. fi. Gibson chest type, $150. Ciii attar 7 p.m. 839-5944 1 Hroover washer,. spndry. 1 yr. oid $175. 579-6144. March 22/78 Corr*inalion Auîomnatic Floor Polisher and Sander. Brand new $50. Caii 655-4911. March 22178 Kenmore gis stave - 30" very goad cond. $95. Caii 728-8956 Westinghouse range 30" in gaod cond. range'hood fan $75. Fridgé Genenîl Electric Separate con .trai, l3cu ft. $50 in good cond. Lined drapes for living room, ta caver 18' wa lis. $75. 668-5068 af ter 6. April 5/78 White Viking stove 30"-suitîble for cottage $1 5. White McLeary fnidge tn gaod' cond. $75. Floor polisher $8. 'Lîundry tub pump $25. cati 655-4636. April 5/78 M USI A GALANTI X300, .1 yeîr aid, full console keyboards & flbar bass controls, magiecord & rhythm section, headphones,- stool and books. $700. 666-1372. Mîrch 8/78 Hi-Fi RCA good for Rec roomr or cottage $40. Caii 655-3607. March 22/78 ELECTRONIC Piano - as new, 5 full octaves, $500. or hast offeor. .White birch gis f ireplîce, lags, used o ne winter $80. or' hast off er. 66-6319 1 SNARE drum, stand, s ticks, brushes and key. Very good cond. $45. Caii Bruan M-341 1 Two pionear Speakers, $150. Pr. Concord 2/4 Channel 8 Track $75. Caii 655-3821. March 1/7à F.M. Stereo 8 track underdash mount oniy $30.00 U.H.F. Antenna $5.00. Mouided ski boots in size 6 onIy. $8.00 Portable A.M. radio record player $10.00 ,Caii 668-2478 after 6 p.m. MILCLLEOUS Black& White T V. - 33"' in good condition. $50. 723-906 Colour T. V., Floor modal 26" Ex. cond. $200. 668-4932. Mardi 15/78 Portable 14" Black & White T. V. in good cond. $50. 728-2280 March 15/78 Admirai 21"Black & White T. V. Good Cond. $75. 655-4974. Mardi 15/78 R1k. & White 24" T. V. good cond. $50. Kitchen table $50 Refridgerator in good cond. $30. mattress and rughttabie $100. Freezer in good cond. $200. oel 668-2806. F eh. 15178 LADI ES fali or winter coat, green *with fur trim around cuifs & collar, size 18-20, asking $35. or- best off er. Chanilie bed- spread, single,, brand new, asking $12. 725-6045. WEDDING dress, size 10), full iength head piece, new $:300. asking $1'00. 668-0429 WEDDING dress for sale, size' 14-16. Long sleeves '$40. ,955-4289. BL.ACK persian lamb coat, very good cond., size 36 $45. Caii 668-8747. For sale - 3 long dresses neyer worn, size 18, $20. each.- Red velvet coat, size 18, new $45. suede 'coat, size 18, $30. Port- able dishwîsher $25. Bodyshirts $5.' each size large. Caii 668-6078. March 22/78 Wedding Dress Size 17, -excellent condition $50. Cali -725-4646. March :W78 LADIES cbat - black immitation seai, size 14-16, claaned as new. $45. or best offer. -CilI 668-0136 GI RLS coat'size 10-12, aqua blue wi th slheeps. wool trim, Worn twice. $60. 668-3101 SKI boots, size 10, 1 yr. old, .Dolomnitcs, $25. Ciii 705- 357-3787, after 6 p.m. Yaihî .Hi-Fiex, 1 90 centimeter- skiis, bindings, Hook Navîda Toes Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. 'March 1/78 1 SET of downhili skiis, bindings, and.pales, 6 ft., brand new, neyer used $50. Caii 676-8573 îfter 6 p.nl. 1 Pr. boys hockey skates, j1blinek size 9, ' $14. 1 Garrard'record player, with- speaker and.stand, $35. ,668-9771 MEN'S Lang buckle boots, size 6 .ad carrying rack, Arlberg 185 centimeters- skiis and Beesher bindings. $45. 728-1291. Sâkiis - Alberg Alpine with binidings, 72". Buckle Alberg Boots size 7 with carrying case'& pales. Mint cond. $75. complue cali 688-2183 ifir 4 p.m. Feb. 8/78 Bîby's change table with shelvi..î $20. Car' bedi new $12. Baby- lounging chir $8r. Old .fridge in working cond. $25. Cirpet 9 x il'$35. 725-8872. March 8/78 Carniage $35. Joly jumnper $10. >Carbed $5. Infant seat $1. Um- brella strollîr $10. ciiil 579-2791. FPeb. 15/78. Bicycle child carrier $7. new cond, oeil 668-9260. March 22/78 GENDRON - fold up strolier, with weatherguard, adj.. bock test & foot rest, used 1 mnth., wis $45 sking $30. 668-4631 BABY carniages, $25 & $40;- JolIy Jumper $5. 2 Bathtubs $2 esch; Bottie sterîlizer,$3; training chair $5; vwmiker $5; Cll 683847. Match 22/78 T. V. Stand that ies in Excellent, shape wlth Wainuat finish, Black Base for Den or Bedroom $30. 668-3587. Apnil 5/78 Living roomn drapes beige back- ground, ona set wiil cover a 15' vieil. Second set will caver 8# ivvail $45. Caii 668-5970. April 5/78 Pool table 4' x ir with snookar b alls and cuas. $1 20.00 579-3786 af ter 6 p.mn. Apr i 5178 KITCHEN SET like naw. -s $350 wviIi oeil for $150. 66846919. Match 8/78 Boys bicycle, banainna set, kick stand $15. Saxophone -C' Melody with case $75. car dises, tires, whaaif riras $15. 668-3243. mrCII 22/78 1 Dresser $35. Wjcker chair $20. Oid Chair $20. 3 old fashioned stml chairs $30. Lamp $15. Caii 683-6638. March 29/78 ROLL TOP Deslc,SoliW Mahoganq Bird Eye, Maple Inlay, Walnut trim. Condition a new.$950. 668-56380. ' 'Feb. 22/78 POOL table - Burrough & Watts, 4ýý x 8'. Caii 668-2425 before 12 moon. CANON 1218. 12 to 1 power zoom with slow motion.Moe camera and Eumig Auto. Load sound projector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900 sewlng machine with deluxe cab- inetand chair, hardly used $500. 655-4871. Air conditioàer G.S.W. 5,000O B3TU*s used, one summer $150 Freezer - G3enerai Eiectric, harvest' gold. colour, 11 cu. ft.,Ilike brand new. $200.,6' 31 Eiectric Lawnmnower with ýgrass catch'er, hardly used. ý$48. Ciii 655-4627 after 7 p.m. SET of golfclubs, Wilson Medalist 1 yr. old., 3 woods, 9 'irons, head -covers and bag. $150. Cali 666-1419. 1 CANOPY, Green& White, 9# x 112'. 'Robé & Poles included $85. 3 Wooden Sohool Desks. $1'0. each 668-2422. March 8/78 Old Classic pinball machine works perfectly., Requiins'refinishing $250. Caîl 728-2484. March<22/78 FURNACE duct-work and. fit- tings for sale, 4 k 1 0'f loor defusers $1. each, 4 x Â-;10 angle fiooarjboots $.80 each, 5' Iength of B5" pipe $2. Each, side taàke off $.50.-46 degree elbôWs $.50 each, Gîlvanized chain-Iink fencing, 42" x 50' for '$10. 655-4423 Almost new paie green & pale yellow mixed shag, approx. lOx 1 2%, plus heavý) bub ble fam underpad. $190. 666-1851. Chest of drawvers inr good cond. $18. 53 Mad pocket books. $15. 65e-341 1. March 22/78 Heatalator New $45. Brown & Gold tweed living room chair $30. oell 725-0776. March 15/78 Doghouse suitable for a large dog. $35. Acuostic guitar with cas practicaly new $45. judo outfit size one $10. oeil 668-8961 after 4 p.m. March 22/78 1 natural gis space 'heater- 85,000 B.T.U.'s can be converted ta propane $75. 668-2528 or 668-1730. FOR SALE 1 Polîroid Square Shooter camera $15. 1 - 23 chan- nel Realistic rmobile CB -radio wth basa station accessories $95. or .best offer. Must seit 668-2314. TOP Quality Teak Dining Room Ste,, Dining table, 4 high back chairs, buffet'and hutch, owner miust sait due ta redecorating $1 ,000 or hast offar. Bella Vista by Collin coffie table & end table $75., or hast offer. calii Large & Smaii sized SPANISH pictres - $75. & $25. Spanîsb coffea table,& 2 end table <oid vvod) $375.00 oeil 666-1372. March 8/78 22 cu. f t. Atlas freezer 2A' yu-s. oid. Ex. working Ordmr $200 Buffet, fmdemdesign goci wth taak furniture 20 x 24 x 72 $100. Black leatherette arnxchar. swiwel rocker, needs siigt repewr on arrn. Was $140 new oeil for $30. Aduft skiis (Fisher) $10. Biendor $16. Colernan stove & lanter,> $30. Floor polisher $20- Kitchentable wvith leaf, arborite 36 x 58 $1!5. Owner mfov*.ig cai658-1473. mrcIi22171 e Coach, #à . 1 U o PlAUTO PARTS

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