Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1978, p. 1

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A $~ Province pMY! 75%70of cost Dowutown trafi sudy is approved 20,200 traffie operations dertaken bý the 'staff of thé p study for downtown Whitby was approved by councîl Monday, and an agreement authroized with the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications to carry out the study. The Whitby engineering firmn of Totten Sims Hubieki Associates was hired by council to conduct the study. The Ministry of Transpor- tation is subsidizing the study,except for $1,500 which the town is payxng for a study of off-street parking within the study ara bounded by Mary, Centre, Ontario, Peel and Hickory Streets. The town council had ap- proved the recommnenda- tiens of a traffic report un- Region of Durham, Town of Whitby and Ministry of Transportation and Coin- mnunic-atiofs earier this year. One of the recomme nda- tions required that a further study be undertaken by a firm of transportation en- gineering consultants to evaluate the downtown area and develop a general cen- trai business district street system plan to handie exist- ing and projected traffie vol- urnes. A technical co-ordinating committee made Up of rep- resentatives of the MTC, Re- gion Of Durham and Town of Whitby, bas been estabiisbed to supervise the study. Energy seminar held About 35 representatives of industries in Whitby and Ajax attended an industrial energy-- managemenýt semi- nar at the Whitby Centennial Building April 6 -tu Iearn the Iatest methods of conserving energy - The semina was bosted by the Whitby Public Utilities Commission, Ajax Hydre Elettrie Commnission and Ontario Hydro. The five-hour seminar con- sisted of six presentations by experts in the flef eergy conservatio. Ite first ses- sion was an tuer&y update fram the pre-viu seminar in early 1276,*lm*cboutlind wbere Dataulo stands with respect ta energy supplies now and in the future. A paper was given on the elf-iency Mofeegy use in lm"ty, and etber tocs p4 were: rate strutures ahd biling methodology, how to calculate power factors, load control 'and various types of insulation. Durhamn Region Chairman Walter Beatb opened the seminar by welcoming the delegates, and told tbem a- bout Durbam's energy con- servation program wich was started tbree months ago, and featured on the cover ofMunicipal World magazine. He poented out that much et the material, such as paper bags that we throw away are a noedlesswaste, and we as consumers must do something about it- The seininar was designed for plant engîneers and tUme people mnvolved in impie meeting lud;UW energy conservation programs. SK-ATING STAR VLISWHITBy Scanga, Danny Ladoucer, [aura Thompson,Nieole Page, Victoria Cunningham, Catherie, and Hellen Collins. Mr. Taylor became the first skater ever te complete a tripe axel at the rment worl champiooshpin luOtawa. Premter Da vIs visits industrial sites Canadian figure skating star Vemn Taylor jomed tis group of Wbitby chidren at the Whitby Figure Skating Club's carnival at Iroquois Park Arena'April 9. ilie cbildren, dressed iii OW[ourfu costtumes are: Hleather Fleming, Lida ReMly, Uàsa Reilly, Dawn Goulen, Troy Ontario Premier Wiliam Davis made a briefvisit to WhÎtbY Tnesday at 5 pin. ta tour hue Osbawa-Whitby in- dubustaiarea east Metlbick- son Rond and south MoHlgh- way 401. ýFoeives of i.stny lu WivMdAax, Md tic gimf iammattend m Md,Éi e 1 i g nuei*methe Wiuby C*e euraDis oemim -om.ofthe wys of oew emome_-kft Io rw: Dit* Om&utret &ei !Dueumy% cawrxtî. imtu'ez k"b.Sdmtz. dWin gkrfer D"».a mmluia yWoePMVÎYW for byftryE_ 1 -oàa rkecw et di, tb;oR Eno~c..uuv*r»i.. C.ru le wcmas& e" ~oe MW rjîm me- Durham Region officiais Durham bas done witb the including RegionalChamir- 1,0-acre industral ares mmj Walter Beath, Director and the $1.7 miion loaned Mf Planning and Develop- by the province for roa&sand ment Bob Nicol, WhitbY servîcîng. Mayor Jim Gartshore and ActngMaMrofOshawa 22ehare Alan Pilkey accompanietj A WItby man was onetof Mr. Davis on bis visit. üre esosareteci During the visit, Mr. Davis Durhm Rgional Police unveiled a sign dedicating husdv nd Iarged in tâte.a tiuha instnall d- connection with a nmber oM tata, s tt aes s ~ thefts f rom autos. ýMr. Nicol said thtevimit was Police bave laid 2 charges an update for -Mr- Davis te ncuin Ut over and un- skwii hm w bat the Regi o f erS M a dpc î o Henry igh Shool getssecond place in drama festi'val Whtby's Heur)y Stt Hige Sdwd Draina Clu carme second oultcd aune en- tries in the (k*ario Colle- gâate Draina FesUvals Re- gfiukal ha.case al E&1ck ville 'fbursday- Tht, dud's pLyg. Ak pbyb4y GrnvîârCbàai the Durb nReglo Draina Festival in Oshrawa marcb 3 and von four a,»usd Thte adjundict ai Brock- ville gave Special mnilet. JudIhDvies- NmeUCatterai ami Lâsa &nys«-uho taad saualar parts M thtpbay. an praàrd tht sifremob « oreif 1v l in bx f After a short tour M( the indutial- ares, 1âr. Davis proceeded to Oshawa to ope the addition to tht MeLaugh- lin Public Library. for 3 men and under $200 Charged and scheduled to appear in Ajax court on Apfl 25 are Robert Maon, 2, of 514 Dundas StretEst, Whitby'; Barry Gibbons, 28 of 7556 Danfortb Ave- A$. 1, Toronto: and Glen Charles Burreli, 24 Mf91-3 Tanridge Cres. Rexdale. Police report that in mid March cars parked ah the blgh rise apartmients at West Lynade were brokeuu into, anud on April 2 four vehidles at 3M Gibb Stret. Osawa vere stripped of vahube. 'flmwsday nlgt« at FaRuy C«mwt AparteU i Ajax., a meberof cars vere braiem Ù"t and goods stolen- Pulire repet dunt an aleri cuhweuu - tidthroe ne steas1n in poerty <res a car an supets wre alutedin -a car on Harwo Avem. Police recoered CR r", tame r*. a , m0 R E PRIES i - 1- 1 1 J06

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