Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1978, p. 19

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WHIBY REL1? WEDNESDAYI APRIL 1,2, 1978., PAGE19 KI'ITY WELLS SHOW Kitty Wells, "The Queen'of Country Music" and a, mexnber of the Country Music Hait of Fame, will be' appearing at Iroquois Park Arena May 18 for two shows, at 7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Appearing with Kltty Wells will be Johnny Wright, Bobby Wright and the, Tenessee Mountain Boys. Ticket outiets for this special Country music show will be announced spoon. CREATIVE FUN On - April 13ý at the Whitby*Library at 7:30 p.mf., parents will be encouraged to- get involved. . .The owners of a local company "Creative Fun for Little Ones" will be doing finger Painting, box gluing,,'gooping', sewing neck- laces, playing with play dough and pasting. The idea behind doing a few of these activities is to help the parent have a better understanding of the enjoy- ment a child gets from things ike putting their fingers into 'gooey' finger paint and care- fully spreading it across the paper; back and forth, up and down and around,making designs and mi)dng colours. The organizers ýof this pro- ject, want parents to know that -these activities aren'tjust fun, but they also help in developing co-ordination, at- tentiioin span, dealing with <frustration and co-operation in working withothers. The, cost of this one-night Work- 4Jop is $1.00, to help- cover the cost of materials. PARENT PRESCHOOL PROGRAM Stan Shapiro, family coun- 'selor and consultant at the Adler Institute wil speak on "children . The Challenge-- Ideas in Discipline", at the next meetingý of the Parent Preschool Centre, April 27 at 8 p.m. in the Blue. Flame Room at' the Consumers Gas Building' l'O1 Consumers Drive. Admission is $1. Everyone is welcome. LIONS SPRING BALL The Whitby Lions Club will be, holding a Spring Bail at Iroquois Park Arean, May 13 from 8:30* p.m. to 1 a.m. Music will be provided by a 1 2-piece band, and door prizes are a 1978 Chevette automatic and a mink stole. Only 500 tickets are avail- able, by advance sale, fromn and Lions member or at the Bank of Montreal at Brock and Dundas Streets. BIBLE SOCIETY WALK-A-THON The Whitby braneh of the Canadian Bible Society will be sponsoring its annual wallc-a- tbon,bike-a-thon May 6, with proceeds to0 be used for child- ren*s scripture for Egypt. The goal for 1978is $3,»O. For furthr infomation, oeill Mary Dalgleish at 668-940or Rosa- lie Reynolds at 668-4343. ART AUCI'ION Piyah Chapter of Hadassah- Wizo is sponsoring an Art Auction or original Canadian works to be held on Sunday, April 16, in the Piccadilly Roomn of the Genosha Hotel, 70 KingStreet East, Oshawa. Many local 'and. regionai artists are participating. Some of them are: Maureen Remington of Orono, whose media is watercolours; silk- screen by John' Lander of Toronto; Claudette Boulanger of Brighton who works with crayon; Arie Dubi of Toronto whoôse media is acrylics; oil paintings by Jessie Siemon of Enniskillin;- Lauiine Sage and Janet McGhee, both of Oshawa, who work with water- colours; etchings and mono prints by Joan-Marie Dean ýof Oshawa;, drawings and etch- ings by Ron Eccles of Bow- manville; Linda Tanaka who is a weaver; Richard Tankaka who is a potter and sculptor; Wlma Foley of Peterborough whose media are watercolours and India Ink on rice paper. There will be a free preview from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the Auction will begin at 7:30 p.m. Adm-ission to the Auction is $2.50 per person, which in- cludes cake, coffee and door prizes. AGLO)W MEETING Rev. Stan Crookaîl, a Baptist* minister and former teacher at the Pine Ridge Correction Centre fof Boys will be the guest speaker ata meeting of. the Women's Aglow,,Fellowship, April 13 at the Consumners Gas Build- ing,' Hopkins'Street and Con- sumers Drive. Fcllowship and refreshments will be at 7:30 p.m., followed by prayer and worship at 8 p.m. MENTAL HEALTH MEETING The Annuai Meeting of Mental Health-Durhamn will be held April 18 at 8.p.m. at the UAW Hall, 44 Bond Street East, Oshawa. Guest speaker will be Dr. Howard Eisenberg, one of 'Canada's foremost authorities onparapsychology (psychic phenomena). Dr. Eisenberg will speak on the topics: "Close 'Encouniters With Your Own Mind," and "Clinical Applications of Parapsychology to Mental Health." RAG DRIVE The First Port . Whitby Scouts and Cubs will hold a rag drive in the sectioin of town from Burns Street south to Lake Ontario, April 29. Residents of, this- area are asked to leave rags bundled in plastic bags at the end of their driveways, for pick-up between 9:30 am. and noon. Ail types of rags will be ac- cepted,- with proceeds from the rag drive to assist Scout- ing activities. SPRINGBAZAAR AND RUMMAGE SALE The Hope Centre, which assists residents of the Whitby and Oshawa . area- who have emotional, difficulties, is hold- ing a sprinig bazaar and rum- mage sale at the centre April 14 from il a.m. to 4 p.m. The Hope centre ,is,1ocrted at 45 Queen Street, Oshawa, in the Arts Resource Centre (the old Oshawa police station be hind the city hall). THEATRE PRODUCTION The» Whitby Theatre Com- pany will present a comedy by Neil Simon, entitled "God's Favorite" at the Whitby Centennial Building April 13 to 15 at 8 p.m. A free show for senior citizens will be held April 12 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the regular performances, are available al, Middleton'1s Book Store, Dundas Street West. VANDALISM PANL The Oshawa-Whitby So- cial Planning Council will have a film and panel discus- sion on the causes and costs of vandalism April.25 at 8 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library. Everyone is welcome to at- tend this evening, sponsored by the Èocial planning coun- cil's Whitby Vandalism Pre- vention Projeet. SPRING, BAZAAR St., Thomas Anglican Chureh at Brooklin will hold a Spring Bazaar and Tea April 22 from 2 p.m. to 4p.m. In the chureh hall. Home baking, crafts, plants, white elephant Items and tea tables will' be featured. Ail are welcome. ART EXHIBITION An exhibition by il Toronto artists, entitled "Alternatives,"is on view at the Whitby Arts Station Gai- Also Lumpsr Coffee Tables - Occ. Chairs SHOP LOCAL AND SAVE TEAK FURNITURE WAREHOUSE CENTRE 6; 401 Fort Whltby 1614 Chumis St. 668~161 I lery until April 30.- day, April 14 at Sunderland The artists participating in Town Hall and on Friday the exhibition are: Denis April 21 at Claremont Town Cliff, Glen Elliott, Ric Evans, Hall at 8:15 p.m. Addmnission Andy Germuska,Nancy Flazel-. is Adults $1 .50 Children grove, John Flowling, John (Public School age) 75 cents. Leonard, Jamie Lyons,Robert proceeds are going to the McNealy, Sam Pe repelkin, Central Seven Association for and Jaan Poldass. the Mentally Retarded. The exhibition is co-ordin-, Tickets are available at the ated -through the, Artist Co- door. operatiye of Toronto. JUNIOR FARMERS O -ntarlo County Junior Farmers will present their Annual Variety Show on Fni- H ISTORICAL TRIP Members of the Whitby Historical Society who wish to go on a bus trip to Niagara-on- Îhe-Lk ô June, 3 are asked to cal Earle Bond at 668-43 18 iefore April 15 to make reser- vations. GARDENING FILMS A series of gardening films will 'be presented at :*the Whitby Public Library April 19 at 2:30 p.m. and 7 p.rn. Amont& the topics to be covered are: control of un- wanted vege tation indoor and outdoor house plants, organic gardening, mulch gardens, and the world of roses. The, films are free of charge at the ibrary auditorium. Whiby ommunity Bingo 12$500 JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT,' Monday, April 17 "1978 Lic. No. 235432 FIRST JACKPOT AT' 50 NUMBE1IS SECOND JACKPOT AT .55 NUMBERS 7:15 p.m. < NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEYDENSHORE PAVILION (corner Water Si. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby) HAVE YOU'CONS'IDERED 1978 Firebird- With 305, V8, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Steel Belted Radial Whitewalls, Defroster, Floor Mats, Sport Mirrors, Body Side Moldings, AM Radio, Rally Wheels, and Floor Console. 3MoitiNatLess a monthly charge of $1 60.00 plus tax 19 4' a kilomneter over 70,000 kilomneters 0 customer to provide insurance, maintenance and, replacement license plates. W.e SUPpy ffrnoerty cars for a#l l.asod cars* Çall: Rusa Slugg 0 No children. under 16 adniitted TOWN 0F WHITBY 1978 INTERUM TAX NOTICE SECOND INSTALMENT The second instalment of taxes for 1978 is due and payable April 14, 1978. if paymrent is flot received by the due date, penalty at the rate of 1% per mon th will be charged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby Bank and the Whitby or Brooklin Branches of the Manchester Credit Union wlthout bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Gail Empey, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby., :I Base Lin. mammow FIREE P

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