Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1978, p. 19

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)AY, APRIL 19, 1978, PAGE 19 SENIORS' ACTIVITIES At 7:30 p.m.,April 21, Dore- thea Johnson will présent a Travalogue Night at the Whit- by Seniors Activity Centre, Brock Street South. Plans and details of'an October trip to Florida wrn be icusd Last year 34 members went, and there are hopesthat 40 to 45 will sign up this year. An "'April Frolie"' dance wil be held at the seniors' centre April,22 at 73 ..~ihDJ music and entertalmëft. .April 2at 7:30 p.m., is filM nlght at the centre, featuring "Gigi," starring Maurice Che- valier. Upcomlng bus trips are May 24 to Niagara Falls and July 17 for a boat cruise from Peter- <borough. Registration, dates and coes will be announced later. HOME SHOW The Oshawa and Area Home Show wlll be held at the. Iroquois Park Arena April 27 to, 30, featuring nearly 80 different displays by1 region businesses. The home show will be open from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. April 27 and 28, noon to 10 p.m. April 29 and noon to 6 p.m. Apnil 30. DAIRY PRINCESS The Ontario Provincial Dairy Princess (Marie Booi) and Ontario County Dainy Princess (Kathy Robison) will be visting Whitby, Schools to speak to children from Kindergarten to Grade Six,,onnutrition,, milk and dairy farming. The Princesses wily be at. R. A. Hutchison School Apnil ý25 and Florence Heard and E. A. Fairman Schools April 26. RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE The Fifth Whitby Scouts wiil hold a rummage and bake sale at St. John's School on Giffard Street, April, 29 from 10 a.m, to 3 pam. The proceeds of the sale will be usdto purchase camping equlpment. DAFFODIL SHOW The Brooklin Horticul- tural Socety wil hold a Daffodil Show April .26. Featured also that evening wlll be a panel from the Civic Garden Club of Toronto. The subject: Iris, Dahlias and Peonies. Time: 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall, Brook- lin. SPRING BAZAAR St. Thov» m as Angtlican Soci on-I alil bers ask( 66& PL HISTORICAL TRIP present a plant demonstration 9:30 p.m. Appearing witIh lery until -April 30. by Mike Fern of Ajax, April'20 Kitty Wells will be JohnnY The artists participating in The Whitby Historical at 8 p.m. ini the parish hall. Wright, iobby Wrightt and the the exhibition are: Denis iety's bus tnîp to Niagara- Admission is free andtrefresh- Tenessee Mountain Boys. Cliff, Glen Elliott, Rie Evans, the-Lake June 3 is, open to ments will be served. Every- Ticket outiets- for this special Andy Germuska,Nancy Hazel- members and ýnon-mern- one is welcorne. counltry music show will be grove, John Howling, John S. Anyone wishing to go is announced soon. L-eonard, Jamie Lyons,Robert ,ed, to cali Erle Bond at KITTY WELLS'SHOW McNealy, -Sam, Pe repeikin,' 4318 for reservations. Kitty Weils, "The Queen of and Jaan Poldass. Country ui"adamme ART EXHIBITION The exhibition is co-ordin- of the Country Music Hall of A exhibition by 'Il ated -through the Axtist Co- &wrMnNSTRAP1ON vu....,_ ...m rînÉ!%d Toronto artists,, entitled operative of Toronto. St. Margaret's Guild of Al Saints' Anolican Church will Iroquois Park 'Arena May 18 for two shows. at 7:30 p.m. "'Aiternativcs,"is on view at the jWhitby.Arts Station Gal- Brookli'n Horticultural, Society* looks ba ck on past year< Members of Broolin Hor- sing the g ticultural Society spent a Peonies & I nostalgic evening on Wed- Memlbers nesday, Mark 22, viewing a come & briz slide presentation cle "lLooking Back". T w A review of activities, a-T w wards, speakers, workshops, flower shows, gardens & seeI flowers over the past few years was thoroughly enjoy- ed. 0f the 500 slides from bath The Town of the Society~s Film 'library tian departn and those loaned by mem- ham Family bers, the committee, corn-ig together prised of Grace Cee, Carolyn summer pîs Stevens & Ken Brown, sel- that was cul ected about 240. council Thanks , to Crace* Coe's The recre editing, the slides were an- and the Y hu ranged -inta, categories with tit o suitable titles, and her hu- nstyo morou comentar was creation ofC moros cmmenarywasgrant to run ably presented by Carolyn town Stevens. rpsd Many a giggle was heard anPrposd as members were reminded-adcat of all'the fun*& friendships enjoyed in building floats for VM the Brooklin Spring Fair, the YM ( County Town Carnival and international Ploughing Match Parades. prg Some looked very muddy as they did their civic plant- The Wb ings, including those at the Departmeii Ploughlng, Match, i the its prograin ramn, or tended hanging bas- to tû kets in a loaned Greenhouse. Family Memnbers recalled with Recreal pleasure such events as bus Wayne P trips & O.H.A. Conventions, change wi New members saw just what tration ami can be done ta create a which orgi beautiful garden, and many a member f elt a little surge af pride as a prize-winning boe, o areangeiet sows boeom t orrrnemtyfrsows was again seen, lfe size, on the screen. Thanks ta those who loaned slides and to the committev With full assurance that spring will corne, the Brook- 1'lie highes lin 'Horticultu2nal- Society is for childrei planning its flrst flower show 14yaso of the year at its next meet- 1 er lag on Wednesday, April 26. injuries are The ladoor plant section fic accident bas been enlarged for this always be show, and there wiIl be a new for childrei award for the best Foiage plant. Check yoursho book ochool zone for rules & entries. areas. Teaci A most interesting pro- fic ruIez. !N gramme bas alse been ar- auns ranged for this meeting with Ujfestyîe. a panel from the Civie Gar- dén Centre-Toronto, discus- De owing of Iris, tors ar e rnost welcomeé. AU- ahlias. meetings are held la Brook- areý urged to lin, United Church Hall at ga friend. Visi- 8:00 p.m. and DurhamYMCA Lplayground grant 10f Whitby recrea- ment and the, Dur- y YMCA are work- ta re-establish ie Rygraund program it from, this .year's 1.budget. eation departmnent iave applied ta the 1Culture and Re- )ntario ta obtain a ri a program in the parks. .activities are arts and music for ele- mentary school age children, and Disco dancing, gong shows, beach parties and other special events for high school students. A fee wiil be charged for the program, the amount'depend- ing on the size of the provin- cial . grant. The YMCA will be working out a prorani for pre-school childnen. Decisions on whethen the town and the Y will receive the needed grants will be an- nounced about May 1 ÀA takes o'ver town Ograms in Sehools hitby Recreatian soning progra:ms and wil it has turned over leave the recreation depart- ns held i chools ment more free ta work with he 'Durham community, graups. YMCA. The new,,program system tion' Director will permit a more expanded eVe liau e says O use of the town's grant ta the Iln elimiznat u- Y* and wili permit the Y to Loge tz n s t establish 'a firm er base lu ,anization iSspson- schaal programs in Whitby, sayts Mr. DeVeau. The recreatien department hopes ta concenbtrate more on programs held la its own facil- 1 OpccdJ ities, and work ta establish OPtf~ofl neighbourhood recreatien Wvt~k committees Who will eventual- 'y program, their owna needs at a lesser cost than the Y or recreation department. st accident rate -n is from 10 ta )f age, and most a resuit of traf- ts. When driving, on the alert n, especiaily in es and residential à them the traf- Wake safety con- a part of their >ELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS LIAITED. PARENT PRESCHOOL PROGRAM Stan Shapiro, famidly coun- seilor and consultant, at the Adler Institute, wifll speak. on "chil<lren .The, Challenge- Ideas. in Discipline", at the next- meeting of the Parent Preschool Centre, April 27 at 8 p.m. ini the Blue, Flame Room at the Consuniers Gas Building,1i lConsumners Drive. Admission is $1. Everyone is weicome. LIONS SPRING BALL The Whitby Lions Club will be holding a Spring Bail at Iroquois Park Arean, May 13 from 8:30 'p.m. to i -a.m. Music> will be provided by a i 2-piece band, and door prizes are a 1978 Chevette automa-tic and a mink stole. Only 500 tickets are avail- able, by advance sale;ý from and Lions member or at the Bank of Montreal at Brock and DundasStreets. BIBLE SOCIETY WALK-A-THON The Whitby branch of the Canadian Bible Society will be sponsoring its animal walk- thonblke-a-thon May 6, wîth proceeds to belused for child- ren's scriptures for Egypt. The goal for 1978iîs $3,000. For further infoz;ýmation, cali Mar Dalgleish at 668-924 or Rosa- lie -Reynolds at 668-434. CHILDREN'S PLAYS The students of Henry Street Hidh School's Theatre Arts'class wili present two play» for ebjîidren aged seveti to 15 at the high sehool cafetoriumn April 22 at 2 p.m. Ttckets are 50 * cents for aduits and 25 cents for child- ren., The plays are: a hill- billy melodrama called "Monster Soup,"1 and a drama about witchcraft cal- led "1%eunion at Gallows VAI'4DALISM PANEL The Oshawa-Whitby So- cial Planning Council will have a film and panel discus- sion on the causes and coste of vandalism April 25 at 8 p.m. at the Whitby Public Llbrary. Everyone is welcome to at- tend this evening, sponsored by the social planning coun- d'al Whitby Vandalism Pre- vention Project. Ask us about you corne and tell us what you're looking for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on either side. We'lI be glad to talk.,-And we may have just what youre looking for. But you'll neyer know until you ask. Visit Our Mobile Recrultlng Unit Canuda Maapower Centre OSHAWA April 12, Ï9, 26# 1978 10:00 n'Omo a 3:000 p.m. ARMUDM Witby Conimunity Bmgo 2-50 ~U ACKIPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Monday, Apri 24 1978 Lic. No.=43» FIBRST JACKPOT AT 511 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 56 NUMBERS PAINTING WORKSROP A workshop la realism painting, conducted by John Leonard, will be held at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery April 29 and 31) from iO*.m. to 5 o.m. each day. To 7:15 p.mi Trustes ifi DbgIkWp(CY Bol cum uà*wBn oim 4ntOdwNaM phooe 579= bdm A P.O.1 Nô ehildren under 16 admitted« I NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEYDENSHORE PAVI-LlONI irnenw Wat.er St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby)

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