Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1978, p. 5

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Rtepoýrt fu 1Quee n"'iiParlk By GeorgcAdqM.P.P. For some. time now there has been agitation fromn various sources for legisiationto protect the public from certain kinds of cuits and mind-bending organizations that are accused of exploiting the spirituial or emotional needs of their clients for financial gain. Some of these groups engage in practices that may' prove harmful to the mental health of a nyone who becomes involved in their activitie. I personally have talked with Iconstituents who are very anxious. about the powerful, and in their opinion negative, affects these practices have had on loved ones who have joined such an organization. corridor ~j:Capers It's that time of the year again. It's the tîme of year when you make sure you have paid William & Co. 44 per cent of the 36 per cent tax you paid Pierre and Co. It's the time of year that everyone detests Governments. To top it ahl off, you have only 23 hours in the day. How lucky can you get. WHITBY SR. LACROSSE CLUB. AWARDS NIGHT Friday May 12, the Whitby Sr. Lacrosse C.B.C. builders will hold their annual Banquet, Dance and Awards Night at the Heydenshore Pavilion. T he festivities begin with cocktails at 6 p.mt. dinner at 7 p.m. awards presentations followed by dancing. Many of the players are local Corridor atheletes, who began their career ini the Garrard.-Road League. Admission is $16 per couple and tickets may Pe obatined from Shirley White 725-9726 or Vie Sheffield 728-2327. It's a fun night for -ail and an open invitation is extended to anyone wishing to attend. Caîl Shirley or Vic to-day to arrange reservations. KEND ALWOOD ROAD Kendalwood Road in Whitby seems to be getting an excessive amount of traffic lately. Trucks, travelling to a subdivision site, have blocked residents in their driveways, broken water lines, leaving some people without water for the past 4 or 5 weeks, shorted out street lights and caused the road to be so tomn up its dangerous to pedestrians and motor vehicles. If it were kids causing all this damage, it could be labelled VANDALISM. However, if it's developers causing the damage the area residents are labelled 'selfish' if they complain. Selfish or not, the road is a mess. There must be some bylawy for the Town of Whitby that would prevent such deliverate destruction of public property. The Town appears to be condoning this type of destruction as they have flot even posted 'half-load restriction' signs. Talk about double stand- ards--- WHITBY SEA CADETS May 4, 5 and 6 will be the Annual Whitby Sea Cadet Tag Days. BIBLE SOCIETY BIKE,-ATHON* WALK-ATHON May 6, from- 9 a.m., starting from Ail Saints Church. Applications are available at Westminster United Church. AUCTION SALE Myrtle United Church Auction, Sale, Saturday May 6, beginning at 12 noon. Auctioneer - Earl Davis. Consignments These groups present society witb ýa dilemnma, because it is one thing to say that *such harinful practices sbould be o utlawed, but quite another thing to say how this can be done without'taking away froni individual freedon. For this very reason, the Government of Ontario does not have legislation even drafted on, this subject because we have been unable to determine how to, adopt laws that would- protect the public, and yet not infringe on the civil liberties of the people of Ontario. However,' some confusion has arisen because the Ontario Psychology Association has used the technique of submitting a report to the Min istry of Health, seeking the control of psychology in Ontario, which takes the forîn of "proposed legislation".- The press bas given considerble attention to this report, and I would like to clarify now that îwhen the media refers to "proposed legislation" on psychology, it is referring to the report of the OPA and not to draft legislation prepared by the Ministry of Health. I would also like to clarify that no Commission of Inquiry Into Religious Organizations has been established by the Provincial Governnent. Although there has been some talk of this, the Qovernment is not able to determine how terîns of reference could be set for 'such an inquiry that would not interfere with the freedom of choice by the BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE Saturday, May 13 the Whitby Boy Scouts will conduct a paper drive in the Corridor Area. Ahl residents north of No. 2 highway are asked to have their papers bundled, tied and at the road by 9.o'clock in the morning. Have a good week. NIP plan Whitby's Ash Creek Neigh- bourhood Improvement Area plan, entitled "A Piece of Green," has received council approval and a hearty vote thanks for parti- cipation by the citizens of the area. the plan calîs for $884,000 to be spent on improving the area bounded by Dundas, Brock and Garden Streets and the CPR tracks. The town will, pay $341,000; the federal government, $322,000; and the provincial govemnment, $221,000.< Four and a haîf acres of land fronting on Ash Street and one and a -haîf acres of town-owned land will pro- vide a six-acre neighbour- hood park. The total cost of acquisition and development of the property will be $380,000. Construction of the third phase of the Ash Creek en- closure will coincide with the development of the park. Lands presently zoned M.McEachern 725-8967 appnroved industrial will be redesîg- nated for residential uses, to reinforce and 'ensure the residential character of the neighbourhood." Citizens of the neighbour- hood planning area are en- couraged to become active in the Residential' Rehabilita- tion Assistance Program which will be carried out in the area. Steve Houghton, co-ordin- ator of the NIP program said the completion of the Ash Creek enclosure could result as early as 1979, and the town's share of the cost would be financed by de- velopment levies. The town's share of the park acquisition costs would corne froni. the parks reserve account, he said. A citizen's committee to- gether with town staff have worked intensively on the Neighbourhood Improve- ment Program for five months, starting last November. Phone 579-8202 P.O. BOX 800, OSHAWA, ONT. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3,1978, PAGE 5 citizens of our Province. We are still faced with the probleni of protecting the public from certain kinds 0f rnind-bending organizations. It has been suggested that specific academic or training qualifications sbould be laid down; in law, for tbose -who provide what might be called psychological service to others. Buyt there are many useful and legitimate self-help organizations, including those that are, church oriented, doing valuable work in our communities, who could flot meet such a test. No reasonable person would want to impede or prohibit such services. Another suggestion has been that certain organizations be prohibited by law according to the methods they use. This might be true in some casesi but there are huge grey areas -here that make legal definitions extreînely bard to apply. And the prospect of prosecution under such law becomes discouràgingly bleak when the apparent victim has entered into the process at his or bier own free will,a nd describes the whole thing as an enriching experience. One final recommendation is that the harînful mind- bending organizations could be put out of business if they were prohibited from charging money for their services. But anyone can forego fees and invite donations, and any group can declare itself a "church'". Obviously we could not consider a law prohibiting anyone froîn making a donation to the Cburch of his or bier choice. The Govemnment of Ontario is searching for a method to provide reasonable forms of control that would prevent or prohibit crimes against the human mmnd, without violating the individual's right, to, accept new ideas and new beliefs of his or her own choosing, and to explore the workings of his own mmnd and improve hiniself as lbe sees f it. We also do not wish to interfere with the activities of people who are really helping their fellow man. As I said at the outset, this is a dilemma and it is a serious one. De THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-7797 HOU RS Mon. -Sat. & EVenings By Appoiniment Only MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Ladies' Men"s und Children's Wear SYD SILVER FORMAL RENTALS LEVIS JEANS CORDS ETC. EXTRA LARGE MENS' SIZES JOHNNY CARSON CLOTHING 321 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PLAZA 668-3468 I M Deloitte, Haskins & SeiIs CHARTERED ACCOUNIANTS Off ïï es in i lfaItr Uiadiaii Cifles Bell Canada Building Oshawa Cenitre, Oshawa

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