Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1978, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17,1978, PAGE 9 Cont'd minum distance between the kiosk and any e lot uine shail be 35 feet. (7) Car Wash - Automobile Storage Areas Every car wash whether separate and distinct or ti conjunction with an Automobile Service Station or a Gasoline Bar shaîl provide waiting lines for the storage of vehicles in accordance with the following provisions: (a) for a manual car wash, a waiting Uine of a minimum of 3, spaces per bay shail be provided at the place of ingress to each bay; (b) for a mechanical automatie car wash where the automobile remains station- ary while being washed, (b) 'a waiting line of a minimum of 5 spaces shaîl be provided at the place of îngress to each bay; (c) for an automatic tunnel car wash, a waiting line of a minimum of 25 spaces per bay shaîl be provided at the place of ingress to each bay, with a minimum of 5 spaces being in a single line at the place of ingress to the unit; and, (d) ail waiting lines shaîl be clearly defined by painted markings or physical barriers. (6) That Section 2 of By-law '1784 is hereby arnended by: (1) Deleting subsection (n) therefrom and substituting the following therefore: (n) "GARAGE, PUBLIC" means a building in which motor vehicles are repaired, maintained, serviced, .or equipped and where motor vehicle grease and other related products, except -motor vehicle fuel, are sold or kept for sale, but does flot include a car wash or an automobile sales establishment. (2) Deleting subsection (zm) therefrom> and substi tuting the following therefore: (zm) "SERVICE STATION, AUTOMOBILE" means a building or place where motor vehicle fuel, oil, grease and other related products are sold on a retail basis, where mhinor repairs are made Qr performed and where motor vehicles may be greased and oiled. (3) Adding the following subsection thereto: (ba) "CANOPY" means an, unenclosed structure designed and'located in a manner so as to provide shelter and protection over a pump island or group of pump islands.- (4) Adding the following subsection thereto: (na) "GAS BAR"1 means a building or structureor a group of buildings or structures deined and located in a manner so as to facilitate the dispensing of motor vehicle fuel and other related products and shaîl not include sprvice bays of other facilities for the repairing of automobiles or the changing of oil or the greasing of motor vehicles. (5) Adding the following subsection thereto: (ua) "KIOSK" means a building or structure having a gross floor area not in excess of 400 square feet and us ed for the housing of recording and supervisory equipment related to the operation of a gas bar, for the storing of products kent for sale relating to a gas bar and for providing washroom facilities , to be used in conjunction with a gas bar. (6) Adding the following subsection thereto: (zua) "WAITING SPACE" means an area of not less than 160 square feet, exclusive of any aisles or ingress or egress lanes, having a minimum perpendicular width of 8 feet and a minimum perpendicular by: (i) Deleting the words 'automobile service station and' from Column 2, Linos 7 and B. (12) That Schedule "B" to By-law Number 1784 is hereby amnended by changing the zone designations to "AS" and "IGB"I of the lands 50 marked on Sehedule, "A-i1" annexed to this By-Iaw. (13) This By-law - shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Town of Whithy, subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ) A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME, AND FINALLED PASSEI) THIS 24THI DAY 0F APRIL, Wm. L WlaooJ. G. Gartshorc d.RK-AlMNIRiAM>I&... - ,- -i YO 1' Whitby goes to Longueuil for lOth year on June 23 to,25 June 23 to 25 will be the dates of this year's twinning activities with Longueuil, Quebec. Twinning Committee Chairman Tom Edwards an- - Also Lampe - Coffee Tables - Occ. Chairs SHOP LOCAL AND SAVE TEAK FURNITURE WAREHOUSE CENTRE IPort Whltby 1614 Charles St. 668-1611 Joi Base Lino M ~MB I I-m 4 cylinder mo 'Replace -w Adjust >,o Check EUP flot more than 6 cylinder $44951 8 cylinder Spark Plugs with new Autolite plugs Ignition points Condenser, Rotor with new Motocraft parts timing,.,carburetor and beits DPistributo'r cap, cooling system hoses spark plug wires, col PCV Valve airfilter and ga*soline filter Includos Iight trucks and imports Special prico on cars with el.ectronlc Ignition and Econohies Parts and labour includod Any additional parts or service wiII be quotea nef are work is started. S15KUING ST. W. OSHAWA 576&1800 Trhis is Sciiedule "A-1- to by-icrw No. 690-78, pased b>, the Council the. Tdwn of Whitby on ApI24th, 19 . À SCHEDULE A-I, EXPLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 690-78 The purpose and effect of By-law Number 690-78 is: to establish within Restricted Area By-law 1784 an Automobile Service Station (AS) Zone, a Gasoline Bar (GB) Zone and a Car Wash (CW) Zone and to permit within the particular zone the use of the ]and and the structure for an automobile service station, a gasoline bar or a car wash; (ii) to establish new provisions reiating to set- barks, lot size, parking, landscaping, waiting spaces, etc., for each of the new zones; <Îiii t(y rezone the sites, the locations of which are shown on Schedule 'A-I' fromh a C-2, Highway Commnercial Zone to either an Automobile -Service Station Zone or a Gasoline gar Zone: aan,id ( iv) t renmove automnobile service stations and the provisions relat ing to same -from the C-2, llighway Commercial Zone, the M-1, flestricted Industrial Zonie and the A-1, 1',igrieultural Service Zone of Restricted Area SCALE*16400'* (i) TU. nounced the dates last week and expressed the hope that as many Whitby residents 4s possible wii become in- volved in the twinnhng activities. This year wiIl be the loth year'of twinning with Lon- gueuil, on the soutb shore of the St. Lawrence River near Montreal, and it is Whitby's turn in 1978 to visit the Quebec city. French lessons for those interested in attending, wil be held 'at the municipal office, May 4 and 18 and June 4 and 18 at 7:30 p.m. Councillor Edwards brought to the attention of council that Jean Pieree Cote, a former Member of PO'rhiament for Longueil, who took part in the twinning in 1970, was recently appoint- ed Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec. Wo-men 's In stitute oficers elected Mrs. Walter Campbell was re-elected President of the Whi'by Women's Institute ai. its election meeting in April. Officers for 1978 include: Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. R. A. Smith; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. William Hewis; First Vice-Presi- dent; Mrs. Lincoln Gregor; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Kay Hepburn; Public Rela- tions Officer, Mrs. R. A. Smith; District Director, Mrs. Bessie Acton; Alter- nate, Mrs. Lincoln Gregor; Press Reporter, Mrs. Earl Ward; Card Convener, Mrs. Gordon Noble. Conveners of standing cormiîttees are: Agriculture ,and Canadian Industries, Mrs. William Hewis;, Citizen- ship and world affairs, Mrs. Earl Ward; family and con- sumer affairs,, Mrs. - Glen Carr; education and cultural activities, Mrs. Bessie Acton; Curator, Mrs. Kay Hepburn; and resolutions,, Mrs. Lincoln Gregor. Delegates to district an- nual meeting are Mrs. R. A. Smith, Mrs. Walter Camp- bell and Mrs. Bessie Acton.

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