Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1978, p. 13

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WRITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24,1978, PAGE 13 A CONVERSATION PIECE Les Knight and Tom Ashby of the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre are not sure what the statute they are holding is, but decided to caUl it a c"convergation piece. " Moments after this peiture was taken at the centre's flea market, May 13, the conversation piece was sold. A large number of senior citizens turned out the the flea market, which offered a wide variety of goods for sale Wo rase funds for the centre. ~Free Press Photo Cont'd bay. (b) 'for a mechanical automnatic car wash where the automobile remain station- ary whîle hoing washed, a waiting line ot -a minimum of 5 spaces shalh ho provided at the place of ingress Wo each bay. (c), for an automatic tunnel car wash, a waiting line of a minimum of 25 spaces per bay shalho provided at the place of ingress to each bay' with a minimum of 5 spaces being in a single line at the place of ingress to the unit. (d) all waiting lines shah hoe clearly defined by painted markings or physical barriers. (6) That Section 20of By-law 2585 is hereby amended by: (1) Deleting subsection (3) therefrom and substituting the folowing therefore: (3) "AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION" means a building or place where motor vehicle fuel, oil, grease, and other related products are sold on a retail, basis, where minor repairs are made or 4 performed and where motor, vehicles may ho greased and oiled. (2) Adding the following subsection thereto: (8a) "CANOPY" means a unenclosed structure designed and located in a manner s0 as to provide shelter and protection over a pump lsland or group of pump islands (3) Adding the following subsection thereto: (24a) "IGAS BAR" means a building or structure or a group- of buildings or structures designed. and located in a manner so as te facIlitate the the dispensing of njotor vehicle fuel and other relatcd products and shaîl not include service bays or other facilities for the repalring of automobiles or the changing of où or the greasing of motor vehicles. (4) Adding the following subsection thereto: (32a)"KIOSK" means a building or structure heving a gross floor ares not in excess of 400 square feet and used for the housing of recording and supervisory equipment related te the operation of a gas bar, for the storing of products kept for sale relating te, a gas bar and for providing washroom facilities W o used in conjunction with a gas bar. (5) Deleting subsection (65) therefrom and sub- stituting the following therefore: (65) "PUBLIC GARAGE" means a building in which motor vehicles are repaired, main- tained, serviced, or equipped and wbere motor vehicle grease and other related products, except motor vehicle fuel, are sold or kept for sale, but does not include a car wash or an automobile sales establishment. (6) Adding the fellowing subsection thereto: (Sia) "WAITING SPACE" means an area of flot less than 160 square feet, exclusive of any aisles or ingress or egress lanes, having a minimum perpendicular width of 8 feet and a minimum perpendicular length of 20 feet, to ho used by motor vehicles awaiting access to a car wash. (7) That Section 16 of By-law 2585 is hereby amended by: (1) Deleting from subsection (b) of subsection (1) the words "an automobile service station". (2) Deleting f rom the second, third and fourth lune of subsection (b) of subsection (2) the words "4automobile service stations", and "and the portion of a Non-Residential use with pump islands for retail of gasoline". (3) Deleting from the fi-st three Ulnes of subsec- tien (c) of subsection (2) the werds 4"AUTOMOBILE. SERVICE STATIONS",-and "AND THE PORTION 0F A NON- - RESIDENTIAL USE WITH PUMP ISLANDS FOR RETAIL SALE 0F GASOLINE"'. Peter P'er May 31 is the deadline for sending i nominations for the Peter Perry Award for Whitby's outstanding citizen of 1977. Nominations are available at ail town banks, the municipal building, public library and Victoria and Grey Trust Company. Forms should ho filled out and mailed to the Chamber of Commerce office, Whitby Centennial Building, 416 Centre Street South. They must ho postmarked on or before May 31. Candidates for nomination must'ho residents or tax- payers of the, Town of Whitby, and no candidate shail ho disqualified by reason of his office, employ-. ment, business or associa- lion with the Chamber of Commerce. The aWard may ho made posthumously. Mere numbers of nomina- tions for any candidate will (3) That Section 17 of By-law 2585 is hereby amended by: (1) Deleting from subsection <a) of subsection (1) the words "an automobile service station or". (2) Deleting from subsection (b) of subsection (1) the words "an automobile service station". (3) Deleting from the second, third-and fourth line of subsection 'b) of subsection <2) the words <"automobile service stations", and "and the portion of a Non-Residential use with pump islands for retail or gasoline". (4) Deleting from the first three lines of subsec-. tion (c) of, subsection (2) the words - "AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATIONS", and "AND THE PORTION 0F A NON- RESIDENTIAL USE WITH PUMP ISLANDS FOR RETAIL-SALE 0F GASOLINE" (9) That Section 18A of By-law 2585 is hereby amended. by deleting from suosection (b) of subsection (1) thereof the following words, namely - "an automo- bile service station, or a public gafage. or a car washing establishment if accessory and incidental to a new car showroom and dealership establishment" and substituting therefore the f ullowing words, namely ."a public garage". (10) That Schedule "lA" to By-law Number 2585 is hereby amended by changing the zone designations to "AS" of the lands so marked on Sehedule "A-1" annexed to this By-law. (11) This By-law shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Town of Whitby, subject to the approval of The. Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24TH DAY 0F APRIL, A. D., 1978. Wm. H. Wallace J.G. Gartshore CLERK-ADMINISTRATOR MAYOR SCHcO-ULE A-1I ho 01 "iT od)f '.nAq"24*, TO BY-LAW N? 69-72 'ry deadij not influence the decision of the judges. The Peter Perry Award will ho presented at the official opening of the Counity Town Carnival July 26 at mie Ma 1 eydenshore Pavilion. The iee of the evening will h ie Golden Annlversary of ie Whitby Chamber of rnmerce, which sponsors ýe Peter Perry Award. Camp X study by fali A financial feasibility study of the proposed Camp X museum project is expeet- ed Wo ho completed by the fal of 1978, when a major fund- raising drive 'will be launched, says Alderman Alan Dewar of Oshawa. Four students have been hired under a Canada Works grant of $6,900 for the sum- mer to prepare displays and printed material on the plan- ned $3 million project.' Throughout the summer they will prepare a portable display of the Camp X plan as well as a pamphlet and periodical for quartéerly dis- tribution to mernhers of the newly formed Camp X Society. Memhorship in the Camp X Society can ho obtained by writing Camp X, Box 23.1t, Oshawa, L1H 7V5. Mr. Dewar. would like to see $500,000. raised through public subseription, and have the first phase of the museumn complex open to the public by the summer of 1979. He hopes the private cor- poration for. the Camp X project will receive its charter this week, and that Wintario will fund the entire cost of the $12,000 feasibility study. WIN OUR MONEY TREE To qual'ify open a ne~w savings or criequing accoun't during May, 1978 6SAVINOS (Non-Chequing) minimum 110Ã".00 deposit qualifies 4% CEUN (No Service Charges) minimum 150.00 deposit qualifies. For full detailIs drop into our office at L~VICTORIA end GRIEV TRUST KEITH IAWES Manager 308 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-9324 EXPLANAT0RY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LA-W NUMBER 689-78 The purpose and effeet of By-law Number 689-78 is: Wo establish within Restricted Area By-law 2585 an Automobile Service Station (AS) Zone, a Gasoline Bar (GB) Zone and a Car Wash (CW) Zone and Wo permit witbi the particular zone the use of the land and the structure for an automobile service station, a gasoline bar or a car wash; (ii) Wo establish new provisions relating to, set- backs, lot size, parking, landscaping, waiting spaces, etc., for each of the new zones; (iii) to rezone the sites, the locations of which are sbown on Scbedule 'A-l' from a C-3, Central Commercial Zone Wo an As, Automobile Service Station Zone; and, (iv) W -remnove automobile ser vice stations and the provisons relating Wo same from the C-Z, Highway Commercia Zone, the C-3, Central Commercial Zone, and the MiA, Select Iustrial Zone of Restricted Area By-law v ~1 , 4ý m c - r - ekee

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