Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1978, p. 1

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F' P RE4 B3ro-oklin plan s dopt ed A final development plan Ashburn Road for develop- for Broqklin, wh hpmjects ment to, divert traffic away a poputatimof 10,000, bas froin an existing subdivision. been ;dopted by coumcl's Councilor TOM Edwards, admilstrative coxnmittee. committee chairman, said The plan cabi for 76 per the decision against addi- cent Mf new development to tional housing growth on the be single famifly homes, a western boundary of Brook- lower densty than orignally. lin would relieve the town of recammende by Donovan any obligation- to Markbor- F. Pinker Consultants Ltd. Ough Properties for expan- The reMaining 24 per cent sien oM an industrial Park would be cluster homes and east of Thickson Road. He garden apartmnents. said he wanted to contain the Tht committet also population of Brooklin at decided te, limit growth to the about 10,000 "more or less." east Lynde Creek watershed, Councillor Edwards said ta protect the water supply ta 10 out of 22 letters received adjaent farmlanda.- by thetotwn coundil oppose Consolidated Bilding Cor- growth of. Brooklin, and, poration, which owns most Mt some havie urged a Plebiscite the land surroumding Brook- On the issue. lin wanted more housing Hie predicted the consult- developinent permItted ants would submit a finan- along tht harnlet's western Cial impact study on tht cost boundary. of extendig services ta Councillo Gerry Emin Brook#nu, within six weeks, falled te get committee ap- now that the housing mix preval of a motion to optn report bas been received by about 150 acres along the the committee. uthe duwvntown Tht VAtby Central Busi- nam District Improvement Arm Committet wilil e hir- ing two students to work on vanious ceamap and mdn tenanceprojects in the down- town area during the sammer et 19M8 Tht Provincial Ministry of Housîng, Community Renewal Brandi, wUl 6e conabiUg 9Met the studmats' vages thrmagh their xp eu iemuce 78 1wmject. Iht object M tht pro- gramme is twoid; tao ffer euipàoymoet ta two studeuts, eith ersecoeadary or post- sePlof.a ry, for th suminer; sud to in4we the general appoýýi era ciofthet éawutown arm, that arum being esig- cated as vithiathe lxpee - Arumdefinmt- ed Iy the r sssuin of Apil 10, 19M1 A 1istfM . siessoeeligibltto partici- -at in t1is programmne may be 4btai1d t Pluasu lkowe Bwooma 135 Brick Stu" Smtti Wlutby. Thme po gramme villrun [rom puse mehants ut. are iste- mtd i sitlt srv e for any lugIh of time rr tbe anirmer ame askd t. 1mw a» jmfra t the native oM tbirdezu4ior im a1,- e j.jet, alaog villa th a aMdttome dtb the sudentts> ViO hO - eedat Pm ibEw B<uka. Sudemt.cm beho- - uedfur amy Iagh etM frm meèy te thet utÉe c ar la F r- jec. Ille umoreb" WBvEb. - fSor m ý1111 dub iut(s) m-mi m Io ti&e -br- Ibe W - Mi Il -vu "k nu I - imia S.u0mi respoasibility for thte ntire proJect Wil in e wultheh Improvement Ares Commit- tee. An>r students interested in takin part in the pro- gramme are invited ta, send handwritten or typed appli- cations te John Robierts,' Secretîry, Whithy Central Busines District Improve- ment Ares CÇimittoe, 15 Broek Street iââ ,Whitby, naro, UiN 4--A. Studegats will 6e assigned Wo specificclean ansd maitennceprojects as re- quested by indivibda mer- chants. Both malt and le- malt students ame invited to apply, the omly stipalatio beiag dut tht applicant mut 6e returnia to eitluns acel ini the t mn Mf1118. fademim for applicios n Jaune S, 11M& Phamseinchade the mmes oM at last two Thefts DUabound,. axe investîgatiiug a amne Md theffa whi «omra in Wbstby &wÉuuqtepae weaeL Police rpt thnt thievs entened the resÏdence et Robert UMonpetit. Lut 8. Coscession 7, RE i (*av*. MWday and stie Pva l » as.rint tnt M flu»six lumild ý c' ffime je the Uitby UMel Arts schoed msd ab8ut $U m Th sme day. e-cp aî& a *4oMmr'p- ade va hscm i thet3M EU sbem - mi i~ Ab -Lm Tbesscaitaifftookpai n the formation et Wlatby's ftrst Don Masters K K-0 Club for pastKiaismen at tht Legfio hall on Byron Street Kinmen Club South, may 16i. From kef-te right art: John Failgatter, Mf WUi Davidson, Bakersfied, Califcrias Active 2>-3o club, a world councilMasterson are -viitur; Gary Harding, Presideuat oMthe Kinsmen Club of 'Whty; Murray saver, >residnt oM tht Whitby K-40 Club; 1(-40 Cluib charte red On May 16 at the Legion Rall on,Byroea Street South, Witbyr sà K4 Club vas oulfi $'c sitiut«i s yresetd with ils charter. About 30 pmt members aM the Kinsne CluboM Whtby were inducted as members of the K-» Club, which is a social club fer former Kins- mes; and an auxiliary te the immen Club. ,scet Mthe K-0D Club are: President, Murray Silver; Vice--President, Gord Hawes; Secretary-Treasur- er, JianRoss; and Directors, Harold Hughes and George damr. Don Masterson, Nafional Presidet Mthe Association et Kismen Clu", presented tht Whitby 1K-0 Clubs charter to Murray Silve, and! WIII Davidson, Deputy Gon"et mZoe 1. instaIW Higher fines abmÊ dop rnmg bot am b«est1 town, pSc cS effils contra. Îi operans cOUMItteto ole go ua the Durtham ai Begion&aarh c Mf the mtario HUmm crimimil Ssciety lastweck teexam à We I tSe1t ' l m .lau and Brarwdi Preà! -Mke vay an~ Bfflss tohidthtemumarittees 1mpliie. tht ayert. éags nhmug WVr. I Imm is àfineof upto $100-ut eoeup »-dtecwzd ia* thte limme buamsc«eNy t. uixinlake f c m s a &g c kmbuîz Mcifrthet t bs ut 6e vaubd ed tht tL couccank.me"thet pqM ww19à iim d w»Shd for mm* 6et imft. ho " Mr. 111 imd &e bu- le riý M m mey hm m mIVs ~amcoutrol tks, m- COeU emce fàr Pb&umpAax ami tht dia »Éb, d tuy aawfe au- M"a~w in 1h ce, National Presndent Mf the Associatiofc iB; Chuck Hughes, X-40 project chaîrm»and 1Deputy Govern of Zone I. Mr. Siver and Mr. eholding the Whitby K-40 Chib's charter. Fret Pres Photo by Bian Whater the executive. Tht K-40 Club of Ajax presented Mr. Siver wÎth a gave. Gary Harding, Profidnt cfM the Kinsmen Club of Whitby, preseted each et tht K-40 menabers with a certificate, pinandx naine badge. A specialvisitor rom the woeld coundil was John Fail- gatter, cf the aesfed California Active 20-30Clb Ssuggested amm soeiety said the la-u. 0w proMum in animal tokj,é1 îs that Wardeuni a*- for sum mto ixivate PrOpeRIY Fiit.c p a dogas tlntis Provin red thefituierthe penaty1 bve toaWbidby the biMun d 'vs caut seS any dUtMm. mand ift" sii Mr. la w vill ' lirklarid statedal Wob ea tw!dby the society is tdut polic are - L-to lui- stray di~egcsin .ma vW"la chaes WIli thers gm mpies.- secuxtg cd the if ml th NS mi fimm the m- CiOmnan ïe Bb arsS md me-m ty d.g p 9 "l n an Vice-I a ooo in Bundmil;1 1 *e yMktBd to conl eBrocom nrenidant F cxni $5,00ifMW wâla lulimit th to $» sad !Clerk- irt . WU" (insmen wi me« once a moeth, Wa datesMd a lo aft "a , n y«t beendodd. Tht IWclu as offl to ail prSom wowet Clus,"hibhave manage restrictid cfuwS 0 for mfn ChhetM Witby vas repoiNwMefor afraqgu* t6e foruat" i Oe tam1, trol dogs texunour àJo txpmo - read oncem about pubbe aUides - "thgcii catchas," amiMr. Lraaud naid me vnou spit inthe wive he kockM m ber Lad Wby tht committes fIr fhltowmil d 1, alUo- Ificers elected unManning, 'O e mps ?i"of à Ward amd rokF moùim's 1ý rApil 27 >residen ssf l ,ecetay.Betty Tgmr; -Flmi, Robrt Akmander mglm Akm sand Rager id A resohatim wman - at Ilb 1mm metig tma lebeh sent te Cmes Adm tiw w oeî CluigiastmE*wmda, - ùfngth - mM tthe asmatàu eg - em ing, -U" d-m j r by jî

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