Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1978, p. 15

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-WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNFSDAY, JUNE 14,1978, PAGE 15 Free Press ]Emporium2 ____ Cciii 8668M6-1 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AUTOMOBILE - FOR SALE 76 MUSTANG, ladies car, 20,000 miles, overhead cam. 4 cyi., 35 miles per gal, am,fm, radio, bucket seats, rear defogger, factory undler-coated must seil asking $3350. Certif led. Cati 668-1139, April 26, 78 74 volvo 142ý Automatic Trans. Excellent Cond. Certified $2,800. Cali 723-1819., March 22, 78 74 PLYMOUTH Duster, V-8, Auto, $1700. certfi ed. Cali 655-4611, or 839.3025 after 6 pm. 74 PINTO, 3 dr., Runabout, 4 speed, 4 cyl1. $1000. Cal 668-9805 Jan. 18, 78 73 PLYMOUJTH Fury, PS, PB, Good cond. Witt certify. $750. Cali668-5318. 73 DODGE Swinger, 318, A-i condition. $1500. or best offer. Cal683-8634. 72 FORD Galaxie $700. un- certif led, good runninig cond. Cali655-4776. March 22, 78 72 MAZDA $125. uncertified Cali668-9605. May 10,,78 72 ýVOLKSWAGEN Super Beetie, $700. certif led, gas heater and radio, rear window defogger. Cali 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 71ý RE NAU LT - good condition, $270. Cal 668-0744. 71 VLSWGN Super Beetle $600. Gas heater, -Am Radio, rear window defroster, radial tires, Cali 668-1564 evenings. April 19, 78 69 CHEVELLE 9 passenger wagon V-8 automnatic 307 motor wlth options. One owner good runnlng _cond. Low mileage. $300. Cali 668-8675. Ap' ,7 69 CHEVY Station Wagon, PS, PB, 283 auto., crome rims, ex. cond., certif led $500. Cal 655-3481. 69 FORD Galaxie, 2 dir. hrtp., 302 motor, PB, PS, goodl body and traiter hitch. As Is $400. Cal668-4009. 69 BUICK Skylark, good concL, well kept, snows andl rims, included, $850. or best offer. Must seli Cal 668-7028. 69 AUTOMATIC Volkswagen' Beette, Gis heater, rear -window, cdefogger,, snow tires, $500. or best off er. 668-0981. March 8t 78 69 MERCURY Marquis Brougham. Lic. No. BFJ 990, 8 cyi. still in use. $250. Cali 655-4337. 69 TORINO Conv., factory mags, V-8 auto,, good interior, radio, as s $300. Cal 655-4611 between 8 and 7 pm. 68 FORD Montego $275. or bes t offer. Must selI. Fair cond. 655-4726. 68 VOLKSWAGEN suitable for a Dune Buggy $200. Cal 983-9432 #A%#3IL78 1968 CAMARO, 327 m-illed heads, newa 750 Holley, 3 spee( trans. with shift kl end. P.S. P.S., ne% brakes, Air Shocks, Ameican mags, delux,.interior wlt gauges. AM/FM cassette in-dash ste $1700.00. Must sell stereo separately6 67 MUSTANG $20 offer. As is 289m rims. Cail 668-9507. 67 SUNBEAM AI miles, needs minor New brakes ail ar Body in good sl 668-9057. 66 RAMBLER ModE $100. as is. Cali 655 1966 MUSTANG, as good shape, neE CRA16 cassette dec 725-6955 iii the ever 64 PLYMOUTH, SI (economical) boc shape, new radial <est tati. $225. <uni best offer. Cali 66E 38 DODGE Coach, ras $650. as is. 839-3025 atter 6 p.i 0 ~REE 1974 YAMAHA7 mileage, with dua oul cooler, and mi the spring of 1975 best off er. Ask 668-3002 or 579-5l' SUZUKI, 350, ne, electrical systenr and amsk for Rob. 75 YAMA HA 40cc and MX equipme 655-4733. 48 INCH wide single snowmobil, Firm. Amphi-Ca' Vehicle $60. Cal BOAT CEDARS outboard Motor wire & boxes etc electric motor, vi $100. Dodge van $200. Cal 668-442: TRAIL STAR trî 2Y, stove, iceb portable tolpt &, track stereo, wall Otner extras. Mu $2100. Cali 668-11: 69 HALF Ton C Cali 579-6144. 63 INTERNATIOI Ton model No. 1. 655-4776. - SMALL TRAVI SleepS 4 fully eqt or best off er. Cal 1211 ALUMINUM1 Viking motor ask 666-1836. PLYWOOD CAP#, framne, Siidinig *A screens (on sîde 579-9758. DUNE BUGGY condition, f ibre< *sklng $400. Cai f« HrIenry. - 7 bored out, vvalue job, -d turbo 400 it. posi rear .w mufflers, bail joints, headers, ith tack anc 8 track & &reo. Asking IL. Willlseil 668-2590. Msy 31, 78 00. or best Nith crome April 26, 78 pin, 56,000 body work. ound. $200. ;hape. Cati May 3, 78 e220, 6cy.1 5-3583. April 19, 78 sis, body in ,eds trans. k $100. Cali nings. June 7, 78 ant 6 engine iy in good 75 MERCI tor instal*ed electric si icertif led) or tank anc 8-1076. 668-2232. June 14, 78 2 dr., engine 655-4611, or UTILITY m. Tire modc - 668-4552. 1ATIONAI. IICLES 70, YAMi mites. As seen at Bi 750 very low Cmii 655-3é 31 disc brakes, ïore bought in 5 new $750. or 77YM for Bob at coYAM, June 14, 78 bars, neve Cali after w tires, new n. $400. Cali 668-5432. 74 250 Km! gret firsi :cMotocrosser Firm. Cal ent. $850. Cali Mardi 29, 78 OPTIMIS à avmie long, woc . Gavanzed mast & e trailer $150. Good st it Ail Terrain $300. fi rr Il 668-3523. May 10, 78 >trip $50. Old $75. Electric c$75. 4h.p. iariable speed n flot rmnîng 3. BRAND Mardi 8, 78 used, HOC mny AMC ailer opens to 725-5275. ox, furnace, shower. FM 8 1to wallshag. TIRES 2 îst self mskîng radial, plî 139. M40V" -t Aprîl 26, 78 Fits VVW amper, $0. Japanese pair. Cali Mardi 22, 78 TRUCK NAL Truck, 3 wil--le alui 150. 350. ali ft ,',r - 50. 350.Cmli 655 3006. March 22, 78 ONE 327 EL Tralier, engine c .uippedl $2,4W. trains. $1 Il 668-8432. manifold April 5, 78 carburatc Chev. $15 boat 3'..s h.p. ing $325. Cmii REESE April 19, 78 Custom fi or Wagon 668-5060 a Ail angle iron ovindows with es) $65. Cal PRO-STOI f ibregimss April 19, 78 Mustang 1 -runnîng ;iass body. 14" RIM, 655-4479, ask each Cali EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY tE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: When the advertised item is soid, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason,the item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged bmsed onTHEADVERTISED PRICE as iilustrated below, regardiess if price is stated with 'best offer' If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiil appiy. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis wiîth the WH ITBY FR EE PRESS and run at lemst one month if not soid. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $60.00 .-commission due $3.00 <minimum charge is $3,00) Private adtiertising onlyl Please notify us if you f ind a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it f rom the followiîng issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guideiines will be treated and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If in doubt, cali1668-6111 MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUVi P.0. Box 206, Whitby Li N 5SI1 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St. N. Whitby. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NODN. I URY outt ;art, ail hý ci battery rTRA îLE ll. Like nE ,HA 650, .king $50 rookiin C 3654. AHA YZ N ew er raced. 4 p.m. a Nwasaki FI ;tbike 420C Ifl 668-550'4 ST SAILIh oden hull. boom. i 'ble begi n. Phone AUTO N EW, i >KER HE CEngine. 2only - ýy 155-SR1 used 150< VRabbit e models I 725-5881 CAP mpp iniume *ide truc 1cubic complete ;150. One 1with ors f or 50. Cali 71 5-DR-70. board 20 h.p. Radiais. iook.ups, gas used. V $700. Cmii Mounted $250. CQ April 5, 78 668-2455. R Canadian 318 MO" ew $200. CallI parts.foi $300. Cal1 May 24, 78 1 - 12 BOL Oniy 8,000 fit- fuit si; 0. May be window1 :ycîe Ciinic. hung slic 728-2363. May 24, 78 April 125 D, A-i1 250 moi piston, transmisi Asking $850. ,uffer. 750 t 655-4495. pur-ip, dt May 24, 78 offer. WA smailer1 11 Ex. Cond. for Rob. 0miles. $550. ý2. June 14, 78 2 BRANI on 14"1 rir MG dinghy, 81 the pair4 .Aluminium Boston saili. iinners boat 30MT 655-3700. 39 AT sale 10,00 -- offer Cali 289 MOT Valves &1 Flathemd never been engine nE .ADERS for truck eng -$150. Cmli chmssis $1 April 9, 78 ex. for Apnil 9, 78 655-3654. Steel belted 13 "semperit Imiles only. EDEL BI and some & carb. fc $45. for thie $250. Shoi 1. $325. Can May 31, 78 new $325. Drox. 5 x 8' ex. cond. f or SNOWTiI k $200. Cmli on rims. f iberglass May 31, 78 pr. Broc evenings inch Chevy - with auto. ealuminum 2-4 barre! i D-14 Ger .Like nev Nhite ra J on sharr :Ii affer ýTOR, 18, r 67 Pi' ll 576-6592 iLT pos-tra ze Chev.1 51 x 10,' iers 51 x 19, îTOR, cci sion $10 i Holley fi Jual feed Viiiing to Holley.6 D new Th ns, fits ac cati 668-1: 'OR & trai 00 miles1 I 66b-5432, TOR in head ref i 1V-8 $11 'ebuilt s$1 ;;me rebul ;100. and1 trailers. ROCK intz or 318 Chri Dp Crane, die Micrt î. Cati 725 RES, PAI 1Good cc sbelted.i oklin are on ly. APPLI 23-6451. May 10, 78 TRAILER hitch, 1t Vola re or Aspen ca r n. Like newv $35. Caîl after 5 p.m. )CK HOOD witti a sscoop f or 1967 - 68 $20. Cil 668-3438. May 3, 78 S, Sumnmer tires $6. f668-0427 af ter 6 p.m MOFFAT PRO range with cl rotisserie & brci cond. 30" white Si 668-2190. McCLARY EASY 20 cubic f f. 8 yrs. $160. Cmli 668-4750 SCENMORE GAS very good cOnd. 12eoff6. ?neral Steel v', Spare neyer 3sed letters. P sport rims. ,6 p.m. at ,000 miles 9 y'mouth fury, 2. 'c rear end to $85. 1 picture $85. 1 double K 31 $35. Cmli 78- impiete with 00. or best for sale, dual $75. or best 'o trade for 668-5432. Ask March 22, 78 ires mounted chev. $50. for t305. Mardi 8, 78 hsmIssion for $150:' or best ask for Rob. Jan. 25, 78 great cond. inished. $100. 100. 56 VW 00. 48 chev ilIt $100. 3 ton 1 ton chassis $1W. Cmli May 3, 78 iake manifold ysler Engine 31/2 ton jmck ,o-Wave oven 5-6618. April 19, 78 OR mounted :ond. Dunlop G 78 15 $30. 'e, 655-4365 :PANE gas iock, timer, iler in good 100 firm. Cali June 7, 78 rdeep f reeze. -old. Asking May 24, 78 stove - 30" OS5. Cali TWO BURNER, wood burning stove with white porcelain skiles. Ideal fora garage asking $100. Cali 983-9432. Apiril 19, 78 OLD FR IDGIE in working cond. -$25. Cali125-8872. March 8, 78 SECOND HAND stove. $50. Chair (professional) andr hair- dryer in ex. cond. $65. Cali 655-3009 after 6 p.m. May 10, 78 .HOOVER WASHER,,spindry. 1 yr. old $175. March 22, 78 WASHER AND Drye cond. $350. for the mediteranean sty.i Stereo. Ex. cond. $2 reasonable offer. 66 668-7408. FREEZER,22 cubli zhest type. $150.C p.m. 839-5944. APT. SIZE washE dryer in good, conc. cond. 5000 BTUS sa tricycle will suite 21t $10.1 - 8 track tape car neyer usedc asking $20. Cali 668 COMBINATION At Floor Polisher ai Brand new $50. Cal GAS STOVE in gooc Cali 668-2806. PORTABLE WASI cond. $70. Lawn n B.&W. T.V. $25. R Antenna $5. Calil661 WHITE McCLARY fridge 4 yrs. old $15( cleaning oven, ha $350. General freezei chest 'type, 2 yrs. Compactor baryest Cali655-4871. HOOVER UPRIGI cleaner with acce! good conci. $50. Cali and weekends at 66 BRAUN JUICER,s under warranty,% seliing for $5. Cali WESTINGHOUSEM yrs. old. Harvest cond. $195. Cali 623- 1 FRIG for sale fii $165. CAII 668-092. rer like new pair. 5 ft. le Walnut 250. or best 68-7225 and Mmy 10, 78> cf t. Gibson- Cail after 7 er &spin i. $40. 1 ai r isking $75. 1 to 5 year old e player for cost $49.95 8-1013. April 19, 78 UTOMATIC nd Sander. ill 655-4917. ~arch 22, 78 )d rond. $65. May 3, 78 HER good rnower $10. Rabbit Ear 8-8178. June 14, 78 (10 Cu. ft. 0. G.E. self 3rvest gold ýold $220. tgoid $150. 4T vacuum essorles, in af ter 5p. m. 68-9849. May 10, 78 still in box, worth $75. 1 579-8151. April 19, 78 30" Stove, 4 gcid. ex. 1-5715. April 19, 78 good cond. June 14, 78 FM STEREO 8 track under- dash mount only $30. U.H.F. Antenna $5. Moulded ski boots in size 5 only $8. Portable AM Radio record player $10. Cmi 668-2478 mfter 6 p.m. GUITAR, A-1 cond, with carry- ig case, $50. f irm. Cali 725-2544 April 19, 78 TWO PIONEER speakers $150. pr. Concord 2-4 Channel 8 track $75. Cali 655-3821. March 1, 78 GALANTI X300, 1 yr. old, full donsile keybcmrds & f 10cr bass controls, magic cord & rhythm section, hemdphones, stool mnd books. $700. Cmli 666-1372. March 8, 78 ELECTRONIC PIANO - as new, 5 fu 11 oc ta bes $500. or best offer. White birch gas f ireplace logs, used one wlnter $00. or bet offer. 66U-6319. 1 SNARE drum, stand, sticks, burshes and key. Very good cond. $45. Caîl Brian 655-3411. 8 TRACK stereo, with metrlcs, 4 channel, pioneer dual cone speakers $70. 725-6955 in the evenîngs. June 7, 78 HI-Fl RCA good for Rec Roomn or cottage $40. Caîl 655-3607. March 22, 78 HIKING BOOTS - mens & Cascade by Raichie like $35. Back pack '-'ie Manjaro. Good cond.. $9. 668-2291. new Kili Cali May 17, 78 1- 4 SPD. bike 125. 1 AM FM receiver, stereo wlth 1 BSR turntable, 1 8 track tape player asking $55. Train layout wlth access.,$165. Cali 668-6744. Mmy 17, 78 ROOM DIVIDER, brass and amber $35. 4 leather bags, for sale 2 for $10 each. 2 for $2. each. 10 yds. of materlal $1.00 each. 6 indloor plants 50 cents each. 2 used fuse boxes $1.00 each. Desk, $45. Boys & Girls skates $5. a pr. Men's bîke $10. Louvre door, brand new haîf price $20. Love seat $35. Arm- chair $10.,3 Mintplants 50 cents each. Small boys hockey equip- ment $10. Cali 725-1211. --May 24, 78 WINDOW $40. 1 door $15. Cali 725-7081 or 725-1057. May 17, 78 OLD CLASSIC pinball machine works perfectiy. Requires refinishing $250. Cali 728-2484. March 22, 78 BABY CARRIAGE $30. 2 Mag type Hubcaps, Ex. cond. 1411 $25. Cali 668-9519 after 2 p.m. Mîrch 8, 78 LARGE& Small sized Spanish pictures, $75. & $25. Spanish coffee table & 2 end tables (sol id wood) $375. Cali 666-1372. March 8 78 FURNACE DUCTWORK and fittings for sale, 4 X_ 10 f loor defusers $1. each, 4 x 10 angle f loor boots 80 cents emch. 51 length of 51, pipe $2. each, sie take off 50 cents each. 45 degree elbows 50 cents each. Galvanizeci chain Iink fenclng, 4211 x 50W for $10. Cml 655-4423. ALMOST NEW pale green* & pale yellow mlxed shmg, approx. 10 x 12/, plus hemvy bubble foam uniderpad. $180. Cali666-1851. CIIEST 0F drawers ln good cond. $18. 53 Mmd picket bocks. $15. 655-3411. Mardi 22, 78 HEATALATOR NEW $4.5. Brown & Goid tweed living room chair $30. Cali 725-0776. Mardi 15, 18 DOGHOUSE SUITABLE for a large dog $35. Acoustic guitar with case practicaly new $45. ,LVdO Ouffit size one $10. Cali 668-8961 affer 4 p.m. March 22, 78 TOP QUAL.ITY Teak Dining Roomn Ste. Dining Table, 4 high bmck chairs, buffet and hutch, owner mnust seli due to re- deccrating $1000. or best offer. Bella Vista by Collin coffee table & end table $7,5. or best offer. Calil 683-7609. 2 A78-13 TIRES mountied, $15. emch, 3 wmy carniage $35. high chair - table $25., crib with mmttress $30. 2 btan bags. $15. Cali 661-8780. May ai, 78 ne lllmmâmmmmmmr__

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