PAGE 8. WEDNESDAY, JUNE .14, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRES IMPORTANT 1ANNOUNCEMENT FROM: HOWAà RD TRAVEL BUREAU LTD., As we enter our 2Oth year in business we perceive a marked change in travel &,holidaY trends-and perhaps now is the time for us to re-dedicate ourseives to the principles which, made us loader in Travel in Durhamn County., To this end we would state that our fully trained, competant and courteous staff-wiii1 continue to strive to help you receive, top value for your travel dollar; To offer you the benefit of our wide experienoe, and above ail, show you how to make your trip worthwhile. We are fully appointed by ail leading airlines (tickets issued on the spot); cruise & steamship lines; major tour operators; Canadian & Foreign railways - in fact ail companies offering transportation & holidays. Finally -. TRAVEL US OUR ONLY BUSINESS! Contact, us for, vour f uture requirements - we make time to plan youirholiday to every last detail. HOWARD TRAVEL BUREAU LTD., AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 683 -6690 For Tour Couvenlonce Open Soturdays 9.. -1ipmn Monduy Thru Fridoy 9o, - 6pm * DISCOVER THE GREAT' i. CUTLASS FEELING * 553435Chevrolt - Oldsmnoblle SU5-4811 Hwy. No. 7 KInsale 555-3210 * <4 mg« sEset 01ronum> Man kilifed Sunday, on .Victoria S. 51 earoldTorntoman by a dar on Victoria Street Street West. die i' he-Osaw Gnealwest, of Gordon Street t Durham Regional police di a î arly Ohw Generalmidight Saturday. said zur. Thompsofl was Hosi ~i ~r1y Sunay Dead is Robert Bryce walking along Victoria morni Ig afWe being struck Thompson of 1241 King Street when he was struck by a car driven by William- NOW OPEN SUNDAYS VanWinleof 1613 Dufferin 1Nl0: 00 arn. - 6:00 p.m. have been laid. chre Cable'TV features energy . pro grams Pine Ridge Cable Tele- vision is starting a- new series of. eight programns entitled the "Energy Con- servation Centre Report".- the first program, was shown at 6 p.m. on June 13. The show was a debate between Whitby and Oshawa High School students on the question Il"Nuclear Power - Is It A Waste of lime and Money?" "The Solar Alternative" is the subjeet of the second program which wiIl be shown at 4: 30 p.m. on Thurs- day June the 15. The guest speakers for this program are Gordon MeCrae from Durham College and Bull O'Brien of the Oshawa Energy Conservation Office. Surprise Dad on hisd ay! FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL $6 BIJCKET Finger tkkin" good Kerntucky Fried Chicken is a great favorite with everyone - especial ly -Dads. Celebrate and save this Father's Day with our Father's Day Bucket Special. A bucket contains 15 pieces of deliclous Kentucky Fried Chicken. K reflecky Colonel Sanders' boys andgirls make il "linger liokin' good.'. LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO -SEEVOUR PHONF, 800K FOR THE ONE NIARIS *ANTIQUES a FURNITURE e SILVER Coopers Flop, Market 123, Brock St. S., Whitby