Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1978, p. 17

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FOR SALE 0 SODYSHOP Wl large brick hor Highway 12, pri PRINCIPALS 655-4492. "PR IVATI Lake Scugog, tm ishedl cottage on lot. Aluminum pce. bathroom, g ren playhouse. 6 Port Perry. 1i n session. Cai ~zzt~SERVICES. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMEN'rg ýî METRO Lic. No. B-2554, Kitchens, Ceramie Tiing, Drywali, Rec.' Rooms, Cedar ]Deéks and fatio Doors.' FREE ESTIMA-TES Çali 668-46&.6 NiHyfEn, PRICES Pld for GoId' and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, %eweIry, 4Isbes, furnitu!e, crocks,'og paintinp and Frienclly Fe Morkett 725-9783 23,.Kina West., Orhâwaý BRANTON -CuS REC. ROOMS, ADDITI JIM BRAI 668-76, PLANS ESTIMATED WITI Ontaro Govrn TENDE] GENERAL CONTI 1. Replace doors and frames Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby, On TENDER # LIN-78-044 - P67282 2. Floor repairs to Pot Toom ar, Kitchen #1, Psychiatrie Hospital TENDER # LIN-78045 - P67288 SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEAI received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL COMB114ED TENDERS WILL N Tender Documents may be obta Ministry of Government Servi( Office, 322 Kent Street West, P, Ontario. NOTE: For furtber informatioi Tenders, please ealt Mrs. EX? address. Telephone: 705-324-MU The lowest or any Tender not ne Minîsti Gover Servio TH 2 acres. Mu Ex. cond. ivate through ONLY CaiI E SALE" ovo bdrm. furn. one third acre isîding, three garage & child- 5miles forth of rmediate Pos- 68-54-07 QCUAY 1~ 'edroom home & garage on a klin, $70,000. ack Grant at 8-7944. PAINTING, inside - Outside For free estîmates cati Von at 683-7722 or Mike at 668-0827 Si. ROCCA CERAMIC TI LE AND MOSAIC FLOOR OR WALL AIL TYPE 0F WORK 20 YRS.,0F EXPERrENCE 11 AUCTIrON SALE Sat. June 24th, il a.m. Property of Mr. Frank Webb Concession 4 Pickering Town- ship, Westney Rd., south of Hwy, #7. Household furniture, tractor& equipment, old trucks, large amount of scrap iron, a number of cases Of glass, a number of crates, oid car parts, numerous other articles. Terms cash, no reserve, property sold. Earl Gaustin, Auctioneer. BARN SALE I VERY MON. TifRU SAT. ,Furniture, Toys, Lamps, Nie Nacs and oddities etc. Baseline south of 401, kj st West of Thickson Rd. TOM HOM ES IONS, SHINGLING' MION 129 'HOUT OBLIGATION ýR rRACTORS iat ]Recreation Building, itarîo. nd Dishwashing Roomn in l, Whitby, Ontario. MED TENDERS will be STIME, JULY 11, 1978. NOT BE AcCEPTED. lained from the- Ontario ces, Lindsay Regional '.0. Bbx 70M0,Lindsay, mn regarding the above à. Neale at the above 88. ecessarily accepted. ry of nment os DOLLARSenSE Plan wo buy'a home? Beware of hidden costs By Warren Adamson, CA, SOLARCENTURY POOLS 53, Big Red AVe. Agincourt. lntroduces a new concept in pools for our northern cliamte. The Ai-Aluminum "Trolan" Pool has Iwo Inches of ridged insulation built Into Its wails to extend vçour swî «mmlflg season, lfetim warranty on walls, coping, liner. in and above grounds. Free pool tender with every Trojan Pool; thInk 0f it no more vacumming. Aiso - availabie pools on rentai basis. Cati Collect 11416-292 9400. Carrying costs, for example, can g reatly exoeed your expectations. Ask the real estate agent for detailed information on taxes, heating and 'utility bis and any other ongoing expenses. If they greatly exceed one per cent of the purchase prioe per month, find out .why -- it could mean 'inefficient heating, lIack of insulation or deter- iorated plumbing. If.You're buying a new bouse with new appliances, you can expect to be charged the seven per cent retail sales tax on the appliances. And you may also have to pay about $75 for installing a waîer meter. If the builder/vendor has pre-paid some morîgage interest to a financial institution, you mnay be liable for that. You may as id a mortgage insur- St. George's Big BINGO Every Mon. at ZOLLIE'S FORUM Oshawa Centre 7:30 P M. It's Air Conditioned! Lic. No. 238399 BANKS-OVERSEAS Canadian banks maintain about 280 offices in more than 40 foreign countries, the Canadian Bankers' As- sociation says. It should be obvious that the incidentaI costs of buying a home -- quite aside from the cosis of financing, -- can be con- sidé rable, and you shouid be aware of ail of them before you sign your name to a contract. While buying a house of your own is undoubtedly one of the best investments you will ever make , your enjo yment of both the bhouse itself and the financial benefits can be severely impaired if you don't take the time to find out exactly what you're getting imb. .Mr. Adamson is with Camnpbell Sharp, Toronto. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21.1978. PAGE 17 Ontarîo GIU[eUS e nt IIpTend1Ime[ . ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER GENERAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for restorations 10 the upper storcw, of a house located at 938 Jodrel Road, Squîres Beach, Pickering. Proceed south on Brock Road fromn Highway 401 East. East on Montgomery Park Road following detourý to Jodrel Road. South on Jodrel Road to second bouse on the west side. AIl work must becompleted in accordance with the provisions of the tender documents. This propertyrmay be viewed from 10:0Oa.m. to 3:00 p.m., Friday June 23, 1978, when a representative of~ the Minis ty of Government Services will1 be in attendance. Tender documents mav he obtained fromn the represent- ative on this date or from: Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room ,MI-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1N3 T elephone .(416), 965-1152 Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m., Friday, June 30,1978, at which time they will be opened in public. Tender closing in Toronto, Please quote F il eNo,. M767-,52. Cracked foundations, corroded plumbing, 'faulty electrical wiring or inad- equate, insulation are not the only things that can cause headaches; and un- wanted additional expense for the unwary homebuyer. Whîle physical defects in the house itself are cert- ainly things you should look ance premium of about one per cent of the mortgage principal either payable in cash or added to the mnort- gage itself. And you mighî be billed $75 - $100 for registering the bouse with the home warranty pro- gram of HUDAC, the Housing and Urban Devel- opment Association of Canada., If you require a second mortgage for any reason, there wîll almost certainly be an appraisal fee of $300 - $400. , - 11 Your lawyer's fée for cqrlducting a title searcb, inspecting your documents and -meeting a variety of statutory requirements on your behalf may be as much as one per cent of the pur- chase price'of the bouse -- and remember-, too, that if your lawyer is called upon 10 find you a mortgage, he is entitled to charge you another fee equal to- the first. Certain dishursements youir iawyer. will make on your behaîf nmust also be repaid by you. These will include an Ontario Land Transfer Tax (about $345 on a $75,000 bouse) and the costs of registering the deed, obtaining a realty ax certificate and so forth -. an additional $50 - $100. 1. If your African violet doesn't bloomn, you should (a) throw it out (b) stop watering it (c) make sure it's -getting enough. food? 3. If your begonia's leaves turn yellow and drop, you might have (a) whîteflies (b) crusty beeties (c) spotty lemurs? 2. If youtre shining your ficus with a heavy oul base leaf spray you are (a) killing it (b) doing nothing for it (c) making it healthy? S4. If your coleus has brown leaf tips, you should (a) increase humidity (b) leave it in the sun (c) put it in a closet? ,Iuaîd aqI punoiu i!e aq o l Xlpwnq eppa siqI 'lSortw îdail uauM lueîd aïp iapun guàl aqI ul al!nalwlaA JO iagl v a utlnd 49a» Sns sliadxa juiad iXdduq. sliaîd asnoq ailew o l Xlplwnq lq»noueawcAq ;uop sawoq jsoj#q (a) *î s-oldîna aqI Ili la» noS ains aalieux olsusoloq pua sdoi Laids pua - s;uîd asnoiq îoj Laids pasui asodind-Ille ua esn i'ueqI lwuo oj ;jsow îej siaÂol tuaîd Lumu sload aa S !jal!iqM (le) ,C sajod Su!M8op >Inoip!Am-ieAa U84 aIp i!Is ioor sluvid mnoL a l1 Ipmil ;anpiedns art;Iv ' Ludiqp uo u 1l<1o a tqm ulooIg uI asnoH twoij auil aim 1li'a'4 ;ujd au; 1 j âd 9sawrp ssot jUa'J mou anbîun e s.aiaql ;ng -aqleaîq sluiqd qm Mqftoîql iJuinado Socp sarem ro (a) *Z» alt ueo!.qy toj apemui Llepadsa s!i lqI pooj iunTd ~ leql!h ;!paej noS ains a4un (:) -tr-SZSî NOTE: Collins, On tari o, D.W. Mc WAN i Client wants 3 b -: wth dining roorn large lot in Broc range. Cali Ja 668-5868 R es. 66& TOWN 0F WHITBY 1978 AllER INTERIM TAX NOTICE THIRD INSTALMENT The third instalment of taxes for 1978 is due and payable June 29, 1978. If payment is flot received by the due date,, penalty at the rate of 1% per month will be cbarged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby Bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Gail Empey, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. General finajicial advice by members -of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. are shocked to discover that the incidentai expenses incurred at or shortlY after the time of purchase can run into ý thousands of dollars, imposing a finan- cial strain that can last for years. For further. information please contact, Mrs. P. Ministry of Government Services, Toronto, Telephone (416) 965-2040, for and take into account before you buy, you should also be aware of the many other hidden costs --' some of them bidden in the fine print of contracts -- that can ruin your enjoymenî of your new home. Many first-time home-buyers, particularly, Tlhe* lowest or any trand.pr fot necessarily accepted. O Minîstry of -Govarnment Services Ontario QNCK 0hZ- Are your ferns frazzled? Do your begonias bemnoan their fate? Is your ficus finished? Why not take this House In Bloom quiz and see if your plant know-how needs to grow?

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