PXAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS- ]Free PessEmporïum ciii16 61 PORTABLE 14" E T.V. ln good cor 728-2280. ADMIRAL 21" BI T.V. Good corn 655-4974. 3ack & White rîd. $50. Cali March 15, 78 lack & White i. $75. Cali March 15, 78 41 x 6' brand new box trailer $249. 12 x 15.9 f t. (21 sq. yd.) brand new Harding spice tone carpet $175. 22 x 30" vanity $34.50. Viking vacuum broom $15. Electrlc f Ire log wlth motor $18. 2 lampshades $9.50. Coffee table $12. 2611 Inside door $5. 24" folding door $5. 48" louvre doors $9,50. Topcon Uni. mm. sur camera, built ln lght S meter $85. Cal 668-0592. May 17, 78 12"1 rotatIng fan, lke new $25. 20" statonary fan $10. Multlcoloured rug 50 x 80 $25. Electrlc base board heater wlth separate thermostat $35. Outdoor lounge, 6", pad $75. Inglis dryer, used 2 winters $175. 668-8903 June 21, 78 CHANDIELAIR $30, 2 large lamps & shades $15 pr., 3 drawer chest $15, electric pressing machine. Good cond. $25. 683-6638 June 21, 78 BABY CARRIAGES, $25 & $40. JoIly jumper $5. 2 Bath -.b-; $2. each, Bottle sterilizer $3. ti. in- ing chair $5. walker $5. Cal 683-8467. March 22 78 MATTRESS $15. High Chair $10. Cal 668-9817. Aprîl 19, 78 WEDDING DRESS size 17, excellent cond. $50. Cal 725-4646. March 22, 78 WEDDING DRESS for sale size 14-16, Long sleeves $40. Caîli655-4289. SOLID TEAK dining roomn table and four chairs. Ex. cond. $350. or best off er.Caîl 668-5396. June 14, 78 POOL TABLE Burrough & Watts, 41/2 x 8'. Cali 668-2425 before 12 noon. T.V. STAND that is in Ex. shape with Walnut finish. Black base for Den or Bedroom $30. Cal 668-3587. April 5, 78 HIKING BOOTS - mens size 10. Cascade by Raichle like new $35. 668-2291 May 17, 78 LADIES FALL or winter coat, green with fur trimi around - cuffs &collar, size 18.20, asking $35. or best offer. Chanfille bedspread, single, brand new, asking $12. Cal 725-6045. WEDDING DRESS, size 10, full lenght head piece, new $300. asking $100. Cal 668-0429. BLACK PERSIAN lamb coat, very good cond., size 36 $45. Caîl668-8747. SKI BOOTS, size lu, 1 yr. old, Dolomnitcs $25. Cal 705-357-3787 at ter 6 p. m. FOR SALE 3 long dresses neyer worn, size 18, $20. each. Red velvet coat, size 18, new W4. suede coat size 18, $30. Portable dishwasher $25. Body- shirts $5. ech size large. Cal 668-6078. March 22, 78 GIRLS BICYCLE. 20" wheel, 3 spd., bananna seat 125. Cal 668-3131. May 31, 78 One Set of Encyclopedia Bni -r tannica. L-ike new, 1973 JEdiý tîon. Ail Year Books and Inbdex included. $450.00. Phone 6"1()053. Jtib 7', la1 SET OF golfclubs, Wilson Meclalist 1 yr. old, 3 woods, 9 irons, head covers and bag. $150. Cali 666-1419. CANON 1218. 12 to 1 power zoom with slow motion. Movie camera and Eumig Auto. Load sound proiector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900 sewlng machine with deluxe cabinet and chair, hardly used $500. Cali 655-4871. SPANISH OAK Dining Room Ste. 901 table, six chairs, one captains buffet & hutch. Ex. Cord-. $1,050. Cali 668-3741. March 8, 78 LARGE TEAK desk for home or office use, hardly used $70. Cali 668-9746. April 12, 78 ANTIQUE ARMCHAIR and matching rocker over 100 yrs. -old asking $850. for the pair. 655-3523. LADIES 5 diamond wedding ring and eng. ring set. Exquis. ite sefting. Like new $250. Cali after 6 p.m. at 668-7436. April 26, 78 NEW PAPER log roller $6. Cal 668-9605. May 10, 78 BOYS COASTER bike for sale asking $40. Cali 668-2489. April 19, 78 KONIKA T3, last years model, 300 mm. telephoto, Hannimex Computer flash. 3 different lense caps. Hannimex heavy duty tripod. Leather carrying case. Ail kins of extras $350. Must seil going Ouf wesf. 668-1722. April 19, 78 1- 4 SPD. bike 125. 1 AM FM receiver stereo with 1 BSR turnfable, 1 8 frack tape player asking $55. Train layout wifh access. $165. Cali 668-6744. May 17, 78 2 DOZ. Wine boffles $2. per doz. 2 kitchen chairs $3. portable sewing machine, not worklng $3. Hanging lamp, brand new, brass $5. Hockey equipment, for small1 boy $10. Antique wood highchair $20. Hairdresser chair $10. Round table cloth wifh 4 cushions and a valance f0 match $10. for the set. Antique grandfathers chair f0 be caned $20. 3 Carpet ends 75 cents each. Encylob~edîa $30. Old fashioned meat grinder $2. Antique wooden pedestal table 25 x 261/41, $35. Cali 725-1211. April 19, 78 1 AXMINSTER rug 9 x 12 in good cond. Wine & beige colours $75. Cali 725-9946. Apnil 19, 78 COFFEE TABLE & end tables $100. in very good cond. Two Tiffany styîed lamps. Rusf coloured, crushed velvef. $60. Cali728-9017. April 19, 78 COMPACT VACUUM cleaner, Ex. cond. less than 1 yr. old $300. or beSt offer. Sears portable hair dryer $25. or besf off er. Cali 668-5356. April 19, 78 LADIES COAT, black immifa. 1 tien seal, sizel14 -16, cleane<Jas new. $45. or best offer. Cali 668-0136. GIRLS COAT suze 10- 12, aqua blue with sheeps wool frim. Worn twice. $60. 668-3101. 1 CANOPY. Green & White, 9 x 12. Robe & Potes included $85. 3 Wooden School1 DeSks. $10. eaCh. 668-24» RAWLEIGN BICYt blue, in qood shi 294 1383 March , 78 CLIE. 3 spd lape. 45. JuMu 28. 180 G.M. INFANT Bucket, new foulet 'raining chair, joIly jumper $35. 8 mm movie camera, light bar, splicer, screen, polaroid square shooter camera $30. 2.- 14" wheel rims $10. Cail 576-6479. April 26, 78 YAMAHA HI-FLEX 190 centimeter skils, bindings, Hook Navada Toes Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. Marc1b1, 78 1 SET of downhill skiis, bind- ings, and poles, 6 ft., brand new, neyer used $50. Cail 576-8573 atter 6 p.m. MENIS LANG buckle boots, size 6 and carrying rack, Arl. berg 185 centimeters r kils and Beesher bindings $45. Caîl 728-1291. 1 GOLD 12' x 241 rul 10 spdl. bike $45.1 snowtires F-78-14 1 y antiue packing trur 666-1634. 36 INCH wooden bed end. $8. Single bq springs. Solid meta woodgrain pattern, refrugerator good fo $25. Treddle sewin5 $20. Wooden desk 34' Wooden swivel anr casters. $15. CalI 57, -j CLASSIFIED AD4 HOMART PISTON pump suit- able for cottage $75. Coleman space heater, sultable for cot- tage $50. Funnel top sprayer 31/2 gallon capacity $10. 668-3823 June 14, 78 2 CHI LDRE NS 141, bicycle wlth or without training wheeîs $10. each. 1 childs large tricycle $10. 1 gallon wlne bottîes 25 cents each. Cali 683-1602. June 28, 78 81 METAL garage door with track $70 Cali 655-4990. June 14, 78 FOR SALE 1 portable toilet suitable for cottage or trailer ïg $75. 1 red* $50. Kitchen sinks & taps $25. two dunlop Bath tub & taps plus shower r. 01<1 $20. 1 nozzle also sunks and taps ik $25. Caîl $125.00 1 propane cook stove 4 burner «.100. 1 propane space May 10, 78 hoaMnr $100. 1 pair 14"1 Snow j r .s on rims reasonable $20. A quantity of copper piping and continental f ittungs, haIt pruce $20. Apply704 ed frame & burns ý t. W., Whifby or Cal I enci with *668 ' r 76-1392, $15. Used June 14, 78 xr camping .-- _______ ig machine 11x 601,$65. rnchair on 6-136d. 45 GAL, DRUM $7. White baby crib and mattress with bumper pads $35. 15 unused drainage files $10. Caîl 668-8408. WOODGRAIN VIIN board bookcase head Ivory & white Dama 2 pairs, one 10'plea one 16' pleated wi 576-4993 BIRD CAGE and sI Ten gallon aquariun accessories $25. Can vacuum cleaner, ex. new $50. 5'5" height x double gîazed wood fi dow, brand new3 668-1874 Ji MYL cup- I board $10. 3sk drapes, ted widlth, idth $75 June 7, 78 tand $25. 'n with ail ister style f cond., like K 3'V' widit lune 21, 78 1920 CIRCA,waln!ut dining room suite, complefe. Table is refinished, good cond. $700. 579-4904 af fer 5 p.m. June 7, 78 TOP QUALITY Teak Dining Roomn Ste. Dining Table, 4 high back chairs, buffet and hutch, owner must seil due to re. decorating $1000. or best offer. Bella Vista by Collin coffee table & end table $75. or best offer. Cali 683-7609. CHILDi'S MASONITE play- house approx. 4' x 4' x 4' $15. Electric f loor polisher $10. Hoover uprighf vacuum wifh atfachmenfs $15. Cali668-1921. May 31, 78 1 oiç1 chair $10. 2 plastic green chairs $10. Crown sealers 1 qt. 50 cents per doz. (2 1V4 doz.) old kitchen table and 2 chairs $20. Electric f lonr pol isher $15. Cal 725-6849. May 10, 78 CUSTOM MADE Pine fables-1 x 2-' with matchung corner L. .ch, which seats 5 and 2 -tirs, with outlets on bench. * ing $300. Inquire at 105 C. aydori Rd. Apt. 9 or Cali -646,3. May 24, 78 WINDOW DOUBLE mulîron 5'7- x 4'2- vwood aluminum btorm windows and screens $75. Cali 668»8534. JuIy 5, 78 10 SPEED super cycle, extras included $100, like new, used tt.e. )ihing room table four chairS, like new $5 d6u 5764 Jutte 21, la GREY ARBORITE kitchen table 36 x 72"1 $50. Hanging amp, brass finish $10. Yogurt maker, new, makes one quart $6. Hockey equipment for small boys, pants, gloves, helmet $10. Stainless steel single bowl kitchen sink $10. 725-8812 CRAFTSM lawnmower rug 8 x 9 $3C unit $20. E ctîinet 72"1 coloured s viilourizer s$ d,-yer $6. Cal LARGE AN Spanish picti Spanish coffi tables (soli Dainty Ele4 would suit F or Mediterrar cond. $300. If, f0 be a ppreciî June 21, 78 AN ELECTRIC $55. White shag 0. Walnut shelving Buffet or stereo long Salem maple 70. Cold mist ý6. Hood type hair. Il 668-1473. June 7, 78 ID SMALL sized ures, $75. and $25. ýee table & 2 end id wood) $350. ctrohome sfereo, French Provincial nean, in very good rems must be seen ated. Call 666-1372. March 8, 78 1 Reg. Paint FiIly. 9 mths old $190. quiet. Caîl 655-4541. MALE AFGHANE, 9mfhs. old. Black face wifh apricof colour. Reg. wifh papers. AIl shofs, good show dog. $200. or b,-sf offer. Cali 655-8017 atter 9 p.m. May 31, 78 1 pair of mafed Budgîes. Larger size, blue & yellow wifh or without fwo young ones price $45. for allfour or $30. for the parents. Cali668-2461. March 1, 78 Irish Setter, MaIe, R eg., Tatooed and shots $150. Cali affer 6 p.m. 683-1410. Aquariumn, 15 gai. wifh stand" Iights and f ilfer $45. Cali 668- 4495. March 22, 78 1 mîilkung goaf$150.calII983-9432 May 3, 78 26" PANASONIC colour conole in ex. tond. Alost en-w $M0.orwbest olîcr Cal6M8 6261. 15FT. STARCRAFT 40 h.p. electric start with trailer $600. Caîli668-5478. WASHER & DRYER (hot- point) 8 months old, excellent working condition, new over $700. asking $500. caîl 668-1781. GAS REFRIGERATOR $400. Gas Stove $40. Oul Stove $15. 2 Wagon Wheels $12. each. 200 Bricks, Gas Refrigerator $175. Cali668-6457. WHITE WEDDING dress, size 7-9, long train, camelot head piece, f loor length veil, like new $75. Light green formai size 11-12. Cali 668-5612. COUCH & CHAIR good cond. $60. Table & chairs $25. 'Cali 655-3126. Swimming Pools - Leading swimming pool manufacturer must itispose of brand new 1978 models. Fully wvarranted, -ompiete with pu!Mp, m rotor, f ilter, fencing, val karound arnd * dock. Suggested meail price, $2350. Available at pre-season special of $1322. Cali now for early installation. Long termn f lnancing avaiIable, Cali Toîl .f ree anyti me 1 -800-268-1944, Swimming Pools to. 4i- Will lease and instaîl for homo- owners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meating.,all fencing regulations on a one, two, or three Vear rentaI besis yvith . option to own. Try before you buyl**Caîl Toit Frea HAY FOR SALE 75 CENTS A BALE PHONE 655-3582 COTTAGE 4 sale. Kawartha Lakes. Caîl 666-1470. 76 YAMAHA Gt 80 enduro, A-i condition, New back nobby tires and has hadd a tune-up. Asking $350. or best offer, caîl affer 4 p.m. and ask for WNTED HELP HELP We need help, sales help, t0 service new and old accounts, due f0 expansion. In Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Stouffvilleand Uxbridge areas. Applicant must be bondable, with car. Field and office training provided. For personal interview cati 723-4163 REAL -ESTATE SALESPEOPLE For new modern off ice,v offer you: LOCATION - Whitby Mal of parking for staff & c excellent exposure. COMMISSION - We belle% commîssion split is as co itive as any, in additio have a very attractive1 system. GUIDANCE - Our office. up to fuli caparty Wîll4t sales people, a flowing the, er time to give his per attention to al hîs staff. If ySu are thinlcîng of a cÀ in Real Estate, or thinkl an off ice change, %*il Ei De H4art fW- a CoWtdo CAMIDGE Any information about the Camidge family that lived ln Whitby ln the 1890's would be appreciated. I arn trying te get information about my grand. Parents. He was church organist, had children, Mina, Rose, Edith, Jennie and Charles Lewis John, known as Johnnie (my father. Write jBox 206, Whitby Free Press. FOR RENT I ndustrialCommercial.Office Space. Up f0 20,000 sq. ft., sprinklered. Hopkins St. Cail collect Toronto 633-1615. Apartment for rent above Submarine Machine in Whitby Occupancy after July 16. For more information cal: 668-6668 SPACIOUS DUPLEX $325. mthly. plus hydro. Fenced, parking, heat, water, pet& children welcome. Caîl 668-9010 i2 CH(EV IMPEj77air cond ition Caî11 Andy a t668-0316. CERAMIC TILE' AND MOSAIC FLOOR OR WALL ALL TYPE 0F WORK 20 YRS. 0F EXPERIENCE 655-453; PAINTING & WALLPAPER HANGING lnside&outsidework. 42years experience. For free estimates phone 985-8677 & 579-5010 TRAVEL - anywhere in the world through WESLEY'S WORLD 0F TRAVEL INC. 668-7955. Paid- for GoId and Silver. ýco* , old guns, docks, jeweIry, dishes, furnft -, crocks, oâ paintiop .W4d sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9781' .23 King West, Qshaim The famnily of BÎiI and Jackie - fGuthrie wouid like to extend # an invitation to fniendi and irelatives to help celebrate the 25th Wedding Anniversary of their parents on Saturday, we can tJuIy 15, 1978, from 2 to 5 fp.m., et the Masonic TemIple ill, lots j Cochrane Street, Whitby. Best :Iients, wvishes onîy. eve.aur ompet- on we bonus HOME REPAI 'ave» 7 IPOE ET *bro- M g rO c. No. B-2554 careeir M m. Rc oiî lng « eaich a 1 Fuitia FIE SMAII8,- ÇM I64 -mm 1 'OISERVIC7ES