Whitby Free Press, 12 Jul 1978, p. 1

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Vol. 8, No. 28 Wednesday, july 12, 1978 iBrookin financial study I s proposed tu region îoday GREEN PEPPER PEOPLE A concrete sewer pipe provîdes a good play area for these memrbers of the Green Pepper Club, a children's playground program operated this surmer by the Whitby Recreation Departmnn and the Durhamn Region YMCA with the assistance of a grant from the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Sitting on top of the pipe are Dwzïyne Keys. Lauren Porteous, Debbie Bennett,. Anita Ytsma and Betheney Mfaheu. At each sîde of the pipe are Mfichael Bennet, Jefi Home. and Card-e Porteous. These childi-en are members of the program at Florence Heard School. çree Pres Photo by Brian Winter. WVindsor wins base bai lournament by six home runs, defeated the Leaside Maple Leafs 16-4 at Iroqucis Park Sunday to n the Ontario Basebail Association*s senior eimina- tion tournament- Thte Chiefs will proceed Zo represent Ontario al the Qanadian ClhampionstiPs in Regina. Aug. 8 ho M3 Windsor. which was uadafeated in tht regilar cemepetition. was defeated by Leaside 5-2 %lien tht heams nmet in the WI gaine 0thethournament Sunday. Loeside foughh fack frein a i-0 loss to Etobîioe un the second round and Windsor weW on ledefeat Conanna 7-3 to mor-e loo the fnal. Tht Whitbv Merchanbs Skiw spooeored thetmhomna- meat. wee$imiatiby Onm 1i" after beti Grilla majr 3, In the pin gaine c( the ueeted Grilla 84at - uosPattfiL be ea UDêdk toteta tht --là S-14It Iroquois Park July 5, even thougli Cambridge's pitcher struck out 16 batters. The same day ai Kinsmen Stadium la Oshawa St. Catherines squeezed a 4-3 in over the Scarborough Blue Jays. A special meeting of Regional Chairman Walter Beath, and ail members of the regional finance, works 'and planning and develop- ment committees is being held today to receive a report proposing a study of sewer and water ýservicing and financing in Brooklin. Thc report asks the com- mittees to recommend to council that the finance, works and planning and devclopment departments under the general direction of &le Chef Administrative Officer undertake a study concerning the financial impact that the provision of water and sanitary sewer service to Brooklin would have on- the region. The report also recom- mends the -adoption of a séries of terms-of reference, anid that the Town of Whitby receive the results of the study upon uts completion and apprmfa by regional council. two basic alternatives are to be examined by the study if it is approved: a no-growth situation which would provide services to the existing hamlet of Brooklin, and a growth proposal to a population of 10,000. Brooklin presently bas a population of 1,800. T2his proposaI is recom- mended by Whitby with respect 10 population, housing mix and develop- ment areas, as discussed ai public meetings during the past vear. It will be assumei that housing development will commence in 1980 and be carried out over a period of 10 years, according to the terms of reference of the proposed study. Three population alterna- tives would be explored, the report states: growth of Brooklin replacing growth in other parts of the region, growth in Brooklîn in addi- tion to growth in other parts of the region, or a 50-50 combination of the two. Among the items to be evaluated are the proposai by Consolidated Building Corporation to finance the construction of trunk water and sewer uines -to Brooklin, and the effect 0f front-ending development on mainten- ance costs. Requirements and timing for servicîng will be studied, and the effect of the proposaI on the region's capital budget. The fianl report will compare the no-growth and growth to 10,000 alternatives, and offer a series of recom- mendations to the regional committees. The region was recently requested by the Town of Whitby te undert.ake a financial analysis with respect to sewer and water costs reulting from the developmnent of Brooklin 10 a population of approximately 10,000. The request was referred to the finance, works and ÊÊan!ngandpieel et committees for a report. The study, if undertaken, will constitute one of the final inputs into the town's decision as 10, future develop- ment in Brooklin. Other input is being provided by the town's consultant, Donovan F. Pinker Consult- ants Ltd., and the.submis- sions received ai various public meetings. The proposai being presented today is that the staff of the finance, works and planning and develop- ment departmnents of the region be employed in the study, which wduld take three 10 four months to complete. Man drowns i Lake Scugog Larry Disney, owner of Disney Motors on Brock Str eet Northi, drowned in Lake Scugog, Sunday after- noon. Mr. Disney, 46, of 2(n Whiteoaks Court, was'swim- ming with another person near his power cruiser about 5:20 p.m. when lie 'Just went down," a Durhamn Regiona Police spokesmian said. Dr, R. C. Allun, coroner froin Port Perry conducted a post mortern Monday to determine the cause of dealli. A heart attack was a suspected cause, police saîid. A witness reported that Mr, Disney had been trying to help somneone in trouble in the water wben lie drowned. As the 16-team tournament proceeded Thursday, the W'hitbv M.Nerchants- lost 4-2 to Etobicoke. Fridav, Windsor defeated Ottawa ai Kinsmen Stadium by a score of 10-6 At Whitby. Little Britain Generals lost 14-7to Conna î1îants. Suspended sentence given for dangerous weapon charge A 28-year-old 'Wlhtby man estr-aniged w-ie, 1oiIowuig an vas given a suspended sen>- argument about ownership tence am provincial c*Ourt Lastof the ,car and furniture, tht m eek on a charge of posses- court was toki- sien of a dangef MIS weajxxx. The court was told the john William Kusiar was accused had fared the sho- a"s given a < con&xial cdis gan into the wails and furni- charge for kicking the wind- t cis hSnebeca use his shieldout a( his wfes car. wife had threateoed ho 'take wtich resulted in policehan for al lie had,- and lie laying a charge of misehwf wanted to make sure there Thetcourt was hoid tit vas W aS MehL Ethfor lMertO lKasiar bail fired several get. rowm& frein a sâxt-pai )(iar spnt 16days in àside bla resàdeooe an tht boffltal reaq>.rating from sigbt of Ap" 2& and had blt<c oeuind sWhm n the foot. Judge Donald Do"d The s-o ooeed cedrred m KMar a* to bave âatiIu s a Im ie<«W a"y fIWeMMui w «Ss amn the bmfle cd bu m for thetnon t». ytu. JUNIOIR FE FIGHTERS GRADUATE These happyý chidren are the memn bers of the f-irst gradua ting class of j w 8 for theWh i t b Junior F-îre-Departmet, %-ho reoeved their certifacates rom Mayor Jin GartLre July 7w Mayor Gartshore st-ands in the centre of the gremu.. and at lefi are stixieçt instruý,,ios Steve Du and MiA Macdocald.. and at right are instructors Leslie Cartwrîght and Stev mat ika. In the back row are: left to righti . Michael Buste. Gord Muscieti. Steplen Guy, BiliI Sueaxiky. Stephen Bekuwtrh Mike Laawsoe and Jet Muklay . In the tiack rom' are Bornit DeBettin. Julian Crabtroe..ian Burt. Keith Speck. thet mayor. Warren Clarke, Steve Noble and Darren Taylor.In the next row are Rolieri Lo. Aglea (Cîornisky Brenden Gleaies. Tim Natale. Jennifer 1ù*=azclauk. Julle Szkredka.. ami (bis Doetuà la theftet u* are Brian Clarke, Tracey Rogprs, Glem uu Sùnan Lisa Ratek. Jean Ifolm. aza scy lHawkins ami Tracey keude. Ieseare the (Irst of aboW »3WWhifby cd&= uato tafr',ÙtStJmuao e Flgbaer comethés nser. rpr pw ~Ph,,en 16 Pages R, EýlýlE P R E S ýSe

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