Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1978, p. 17

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WHlTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26,1978, PAGE 7A TRADE FAIIR This year, the Whitby County Town Carnivaý salutes the golden anniver- sary 0f the Whitby Chmber of Commerce, and agin the Chamber is. offering its annual trade fairt i the' iroquois Park Arena.' The trade fair is open frdin 6:30 p.m. te 10:30 p.m. July Si. Aug. 1, and Aug. t, witb 4#N'e admiss ion. July 31 fromn 6:30 p.m. tii Io: 30 p.m. therg will be a dog obedience show by the UOshawa Obedience Associa- tion. In addition, from7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. there will be a Karate demonstration sponsored, by -the Durba#i' Region Family YMCA. *Apg. . thçre will be the innùal pe and mât shô'w foe *lie chilciren atth trade fafrl, *sîîd at 7:30I.kn. the .MMCA ,,- bold its tricycle decorat- îng and bike relay contesta. Aug. 2, visitors to the trade i;i j will ha entertained by ilie music of the ýWhitby. jirasà Band. In this 5tb year of service by the Whitby Chaber of Commerce, "the tr.de, fair stands, out as a prime «xample of the Champber's fiinction 'tW promobe, the buainéis'conmunity 0of Wbitby. SIDEWALK SALE A sidewalk sale by the Whitby Downtown Business and Profèssional Associa- tion will be one of the features of this year's Whitby Cpunty Town Carnîval. The sidewalk sale, in which about 30 to 35 merchants will be participat- ing, wilbe held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 2 to 5, with extended hours to 9 pjn. -on Friday Aug. 4., Distinctive Sidewalk Sale posters will be displayed in the windows of participating merchants' stores. Each participating merchant will have a ballot box for a prize trip with spending money, to b1,e announced. A purchase of goods from a, participating merchant willmake a shopper eligible for the txip. LIONS lENT The Vhitby Lions Club wiîî be preé>enting its Bavarian Beer Garden. at Iroquois >Park,- again during this year's Whitby County Town Carnival. The beer tent 18 open from noon to1 a.rm. Aug. 4, 5 and 7. Fromn non to i a.m. the Lions train will be operating every hour on the hour between the Four Corners and Iroquois Park, on the dates that the tent Is open. SENIORS' ACTIVITIES A number of activities. for senior citizens will -,be featured during this year's County Town Carnival, which have not been included in the printed pro- gramn. Today at 7:30 p.m. there will be euchre at the Seniors Activity Centre, with admic sion set at 50 cents. Thursday, there is Bingo at the activity centre at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at 7:30 p.rn. there is a dance at the CONSULTANTS 1,CHEVROLET 655-4811 activity centre. There is no charge, and, refreshments will be served. Aug. 2 at i p.m. there wl be Bingo at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock Street North. Admission is 50 cents. The same day at 7:30 p.m. there wil be euchre at the seniors activity centre, Brock and Pitt Streets. Aug. 3 at 7:30 p.m. there will be Bingo at the seniors activity .centre. PROGRAM CHA NGES Those attending the County Town Carnival are reininded of a few program changes which came to our attention this week. The Whitby Jaycees corn roasts for July 29 at Brooklin Community Park and Aug. 5 at Kinsmen Park have been cancelled due to the lack of availability of corn. An item left out of the program, which sbould be- remembered by all those initerested,is the slalom race and driving skill test, July 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in" theIroquois Park parking lots. Carnival-ggers are also reminded that the YMCA disco dance at Iroquois Park arena Aug. 4 is open to ahi ages and not restricted to 18 and over, as stated inthe program. 8ÉST'WISHES FROM totten sims hubicki associatos Iimited 1500 HOPKINS STREET. LIN 2C3 WHITRY ONTARIO. (416)668 9363 - OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS SALES - SERVICE - LEASING 683-4091 (Toronto) WBITBY ARTS Whitby Art' Station Gallery at Victoria and Henry Streets will be a busy spot.duruwg the County Todwn Carnival. July 29 from 8:30 p.m. toi1 a.m. Whitby Arts wihI be holding its annual Las Vegas Night at the Station. Admis- sion is $1, restricted to age 18 and over. Aug. 5 and 6 from noon to 5 p.m., Whitby'kts is holding iti*ý*Fifth Annual >tdoor Arts Fair, with area artists displaying and seiling arts 'and craf ts. Refreshments 'will be served on the lawn at the station. Througbout the County Town'CArnival, the Station will- be holding open bouse from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., to 9 p.m. Tbe- annual jur ied,,'and fnon-juried membeirs' exhibition will be featured. July 29 and 30 the exhibition will be open only from. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Aug. 5 it will l ke open from noon to 5 p.m. The dates of the Open House are July -4» until Aug. 5 and 6, the dates of the Outdoor Artà& Fàr. DUNK THE CELEBRITY Once' again this year, Wbitby residents will have >a chance ýo dunk tlieïr favorite celebrities, thanks to the '>ptilst Clu.'i The (Optimigt Club will be settlng up #sa dunking tank at Iroquois Park durlng the County Town Carnival, Aug. 3 to7. Times are 7,30 p.m. to 9 p.mi. Aug. 3, 6:30'p.m. to 10: 30 p.m. Aug. 4 and ail day, Aug. 5, 6 an d 7. This popular event itivolves throwlng balis at a target and if you bit the target, the celebrlty of the day is dropped into a tank of wa ter. Proceeds from "Dunt- Celebrity" wlllgou Wwarcts< thp ýOptimist Clubls youth work. UROYAL BANK the hepful bank W.lcom. t. Whltby's Comuty Town CammIvaI Dundas& Anderson St. <Whitby 666-1542 307 Broc k St. S. Whitby 668-9358 M 1h. Town ofWulb fro.' Lofthouse amrou 310 Hopkins 668m4951 s s' Io *0m TOMu Of Whtb ils OUAS mTWiST jf&ooL LIN'COLN MERCLIRY SALES LIMWED lb Whitby (416) 66-5893 * 'Toronto (416) 368-648 *Oshawa (416) 723-0661 :VaIIe'sOpen -Fruit, Msrket GIIOCERIES, FREIN FRuVIT & VECETAULES 655-3867 %ox endlPotted'Plants Ne. 12 Hfwy, 3 Miles N. of Whitby COUNTY TOWN CARNIVAL Hrnurd's Taxi % a u . 1 91 0 150 Perry St. 668m3732 con gratulations fi . Whitby Publie Uffities W.Ico.e to the, WHITIY COUNTY TOWN CARNIVAL HOO0KER & SONS LTD. Highway #7 (4 mlles west of Brooklin) KINSALE - ONTARIO

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