Whitby Free Press, 16 Aug 1978, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16,1978, PAGE 7 JOHN BATEMAN One of Whitby's outstanding political figures of haif a century ago was John Wllis Bateman, a man who will be remembered by many Whitby citizens even now, 30 years after his.death. Mr. Batemnan, the son of pioneer settiers, Charles William Bateman and Jane Willis, was born at Corbett's Point in June 1862. Corbett's point, on Lake Ontario et the end of Thickson Road, was a popular picnic spot in the l9th and early 2th Howdy! The Booklin Libmary is having a 'teen movie' on Wednesday August 16, from 7 to 8 p.m. It is a great movie. The film is Elvis Presley in 'Blue Hawaii'. If you girls are Elvis fans, this is a movie not to miss. It's Elivs at his best. The movie is in colour. Don't miss it! It's a movie you'hl always remember. On Monday August 21 and Friday August 25 the library wil hi. sponsoring string art classes. To register, caîl the library at 655-3191. They willibe able to give you ail the information and details on the classes. Thc Bmooklin Senior-Citizens Club is dhartering a bus to the Exhibition on Wcdnesday August 23. Anyone in, tIccommunity wishing to go please contact Levi C. Arskey at 655-4236. Brookin's 'Green Pepper Club' is looking for new members! !!. The club,*sponsored by both the Durham REgion FAmily YMCý&. pd the. Whitbyv Recreation Department, lihas ,recentlyv century. Mr. Bateman later moved with his family to Hopkins Street, south of Highway 2, where lie farmed for many years. One of the houses he lived in is believed to lie the oldest in Whitby. John Bateman was a community-minded individual who was involved in many aspect of life in Whitby. He became a member of the Town Council in 1910, serving as a councillor in 1910-12, 1915-17, and 1925. In 1913 and 1914 at the time Mayor J. E. Willis was installing sewers in the Town of Whitby, Mr. BAteman served as Reeve. He was also Reeve for three months in 1919. The construction of sewers in Whitby was an important development at that time, for Whitby was one of the first communities in Ontario to have a modern sewer system. Mr. Batemnan served as Mayor of Whitby from 1926 to 1928, during the time that the Whitby Street Fair, the Royal Canadian Legion and the Whitby chamber of Commerce were founded in the town. .After his retirement, fromn municipal politics in 1929, Mr. Batemnan served for a time on the public utilities commission. A very active member of the Whitby Baptist Church, Mm. dhanged it's Brooklin Location. l'le Brooklin Community Centre now houses, the summer club. Preschool children (ages 3-5) attend the program'fmom 9:30 to il :30 each day while older children (ages 6-10) attend the afternoon pogram from 1:15 to 3:15. Both groups are treated to a variety of craft and athietie activities, yet, despite the ciub's active prograrn it is suffering from a lack of num1bers. For registration information, contact the Durham REgion Fmily YMCA at 668-6868. This. week's word is:, CAUSTIC adjective capable of corroding or earting away tissues, burning corrosive. 2) sarcastic biting wit. The giml's emnark was meant to hurt, she was caustie. Since some may not know sarcastie, 1 will give the meaning for that as well. an adjective, samcastic means: characterized by or of the nature of sarcasm taunting, given to the use. of sarcasmn. Sarcasm- noun. an ironical or scornful substance. contemptuous and taunting language. If you have any words that you -want -to know about. Drop them in the drop-off box at Brown's. I will select one or two each week. If the response is great and there is room, I wilI try to do more. Words cut more than swords Marie 655-3061 Bmown's drop off (befome 2 Sat.). VITAMIND Vitamin D, which is found in Vitamin D fortificd milk, is also present in butter and fish liver oil. Summer sun- shine helps the body manufacture its own. Bateman was church clerk for 25 years and a lite deacon oi the Baptist Church. He was also a member of the British and Foreign Bible Society. another major interest of Mr. Bateman was the Masonic Lodge. làe was master of Composite Lodge in Whitby in 1918, and was Principal of Keystone Chapter, Royal Arch Masons in 1924._He served Composite Lodge as secretary for 20 years. In 188, Mr. Bateman marmied Elizabeth Tasker who was born in England in 1864 and came to Whitby At the age of seven. On Nov. 11, 1948, Mr. Bateman, at the age of -86, was asked by the pastor of the Baptist Church to lay a wreath on the cenotaph for Remebrance Day. He was cautioned flot to march in the parade, howevet; but lie did and died of a heart attack during the parade. In December they were to have celebrated their 6th anniversary, but the sudden death of Mr. Bateman p)ut an end to the celebration plans. Mrs. BAteman died on Nov. 16, 1956 At the age of 93. They liad two sons and two grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman, being of English parentage, were members of the Sons and Daughters'0f England, a fratemnal society which existed in the town until after the Second World War. Mr. Bateman was well respected in Whitby, and only a short time before his death, Mayor Williàm Davidson paid tribute to him for his long service to the community. - AUI FRAMINO DUNE ON PREMISES - LARGE SELECTION 0OF MATS - CROUP FRAMNG PHO TOGRAPHICS ' EO CR EATIVE PHOTOGRAPHV sy 115 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-1941 ROOFING - SHINGLES &FLAT DECKS A Good Job for My Good Company Established in 1941 Bonded with Consumer's Protection Bureau General Home Repeiring Service FREE ESTIMATES Prop. G.A. White - RR1 Brooklin 655-4741 Mention-This Ad for 10% OFF Russell Watson, 1749 Dundas Highway, Mississauga (centre) was the lucky winner of a trip for two to Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas and $500 spending money in U.S. cash, last week. Mr. Watson, a superintendent at the Pickering Nulear Plant, won the prize in a draw held by royal Canadian Legion Branch 112 Aug. 7 in connection with the County Town Carnival. Taking part in the presentation of the trip are Legion President Henrtv Perrv (left) and Arche Gilles (right) the seller of the winning ticket. Free Press Photo PC barbequ-e ii is August 30 Local Lurnam area Con- servatives have set aside Wednesday, August 30 for their summertime Bar-B-Q and get-together and wheels are in motion to make it one of the more memorable of c b t . thtse annual events. In addition to local MPPs George Ashe and Agricul- ture Mînister Bill Newman, DECKING federal Ontario Rîing nomne ScttFenel wllAND also head the list of Conser- vative Party notables andS otiier celebrities who plan to E C T H Th vn Wbe beld at FNESAN Heber Down Conservation FOR WOODEN ROOUS 8,PO CIS, Area on Whitby's fifth concession wich is easily PATIO AND FINCIS reached from ail local dîreètionsi. Admission $1&.99 Gallon charges are nominal and hamburgers, corn and sof U cftL U TE drinks will be free. A large attendance to thela 1978 renewal of tis annualIOO IJ Conservative event is 654i expected. Newcomers to the ares will be especlally

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