Whitby Free Press, 6 Sep 1978, p. 5

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Corridor a Sumer vacation is over and it's b ack to Column'time again. Hope everyone enjoyed the fabulous summer. Congratulations to Pat & Lee Dooley onthe birth of their daughterLaura Marie July 25. B OY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE 'The Second Saturday in September wiIl be Boy Scout Paper Drive day. If the date lias changed, please let me know. CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE Friday, October 20 wilI be the vext 'Corrid or, Capers -at Heydenshore Pavillion. Tickets wiIl go' on sale earl'y in September. 'More details later. DR. ROB!. THORNTON SCHOOL The area, parenWsand children welcome the new princiapi, Bruce Church to our schooI. BACK'TO THE BUSES t must be getting close to election time again. Its baék to the buses. A bus service would be marvelous, However, getting down to the nitty-gritty, somewhere along the way, financing would have to be considered. Whitby is huge - Ashbuùrn, Myrtle, Brooklin the Corridor and Whitby ýproper, plus downtownà, - a great number of buses would bé required to successfully service ail areas. The exp erimental bus service, implemented a couple of years ago, was a total flop. Few people took a dvantage of the sevice. t has been argued that summer was flot the proper time to experiment. However, faîl or winter would probably have showin poorer results. People are used to comfort, and standing in the ramn or clodi to catch a bus is anything but comfortable. Far easier to obtain a more personnal transpor- tation or:stay at home. Bus'service would be great if it passed by every door. However, most Whitby roads are in such. a deplorable condition that buses wouldn't last more than twice around the block. Roads wouldeither have to be repaired or mechanics would berequired by the gross. To make a transportation service profitable passengers are needed to f ii the bus. Are there sufficient persons in Whîtby in dire need of public transportation to warrant sucli a service? A door-to-door can'Qas in ahl areas would deterin-e the nieed. Has this been done, or has any survey been taken? 0f ail the persons I have spoken with thissummer,, no. one has yet been asked if they wish a bus service. It's our money Council will be spending.. Maybe a plebiscite in the November election would help our elected members' to fulfili the wishes of the One of these days the middle fincome people, now financing the minority and at the same time providing the profit for the more fortunate, are goingto get fed ûp. After ail it's fot really fun rising at, 5:30 a.m.-each morning and working laIl day in, order to have the privilege 'of puyingfor a ýbus service for someone else's enjoyment. People can only be pushed so far andat some point they just may rebel. Persons, elderly or handicapped do, need some form of transportation. Would a public bus service be of any use to this segment" of our population? Senior 'citizens who are-now maintaining their own homes would find the extra tax burden extre.nely trying. Ashburn, Myrtle, Brooklin and the sur- rounding areas would also deserve a service as adequate as the downtown core. Being realistic, an adequate bus service for ahl Whitby could cost up to $8.00 per person per ride. Money IY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM13ER 6, 1978, PAGE 5 doesn't grown ontrees and even if iidia, we oa protuably have to 1import workers to "pick it. It's a grandiose idea and most people favour a bus service but no one wants to foot the fuI. Let's give more support ta the Handi Transit system, subsidized personal taxi service, Comimunity Care etc. Bus service will corne when the TOWN'S people are readyfor it. In t.he meantime, maybe we are better off just 'wanting'. At least we can look forward to a lively election campaign. The motherhood bus issue is good shaky. platform. Sec you next week. Cail 725-8967 with news items. M.McEachern PASSPO RT PICTU RES WHI LE YOU WAIT. "Your Travel is Our Business" AI & Russell Potte r Sam Moligi"an returns to gallery The Whîtby. Station Gallery enthusiastically welcomes the return of Sam Moigian, whose Sait Glaze Pottery Workshop has become an annual event at the gallery. Sam conducts numerous workshops throughout Ontario, in a rather.unique manner. He travels in a specially designed truck with pottery studio equip- ment, including a largç,kiln, as well as living quarters. The session this Septem- ber promises to be as popular and successful as those held in the past three yeafs. The workshop wil consist- of demonstrations, instruction, and discussions covering: studio equipment, kiln design, throwing and hand-building techniques, glazing and saît glaze firing. A number of potters wheels wil be provided, and the fee includes ahl supplies. Both beginners and advanced studehts are encouraged to paricipate in this exciting workshop. The programme continues for two week,s Monday, September 11 to Fridav. NDP picnic There will be lots of NDP celebrities such as Ed Broadbent, Mike Breaugh, and Fred McLaughlin present at the NDP Annual Picnic, Sept. 9 at the Knights of Columbus Park, Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa. The fun starts at 2 p.m. The poliicians will be too busy to make 'speeches because they will be handing out tickets, steering your car to the parking lot, leading the sing-along, umpiring softball games, etc. Hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob and pop will be sold. There will be races and games for young and old with interesting prizes. Don't forget, admission is free. In case of rain the picnic wil be cancelled. Ramn or shine, though, the Area Council Meeting will take place as planned at 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 9 at the same location as the pucnîc - the Knights of Columbus Park, to discuss the NDP's lnvohiemnent ini the comlng September 15, and Monday, September 18 to Friday September 22. There will be two groups, with on in the af ternoon from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and one un the evening, from 7 p. m. to 10 p.m. t is advisable, for those wishing to participate, to take the complete session of two consecutive weeks (either in the 'afternoon or evening) so as to produce a number of works for the two f irings. We advise those interested to register as soon as possible, for there are a limited number of places available. The cost is $65.00 for members, $70.00 for non- members for both weeks (70 hours); and $35.00 members, $40.00 non-member, for either week No.. 1 or week No. 2 (15 hours). For further information caîl Linda Paulocik at WHITBY BRASS BAND BEGINNERS CLASS Commences . September i 2th, 1978 Enroilment 7 pm. to 8:30 pxn. * at HEYDENSHORE PAVILLION QuaIifiod tuition. ad intstruments providod FREEI Everybody wolcomel Corne along and join our happy.group GUARANTEED 90IMYS OR 4-U- BEAUTI FUL cuts, perms, ime! g*ay Add bounce, curi and direction to straight hair with, a permanent or eut your hair in one of the new geometrie styles. LA CONTESSA* 1BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green St., Whitby TUNE-UP $2671 4 cylinder $32 14 6 cytînder $3791 8 cylinder MIO Replace Spark Plugs with new Autolite pugs Ignition points Condenser. Rotor with new Motorcraft parts MO Adjust timing, carburetor and beits Ji#' Check Distributor cap, cookng systern hoses spark plug wres. cod. PCV Valve air filler and gasotîne fiter Includes lîght trucks and imports Special prîce on cars witlh electronîc ignition and Econotînes Pars andi labour încluded Any addrtianal pans ai serv.ce «sll De Qij<jei beftei woork 's slarted 4 LIftCOLN MERCURY SALES LiMITED 1120 DUNDAS ST. EAST - P.O. BOX 538 - WHITBY - LIN 5V3 PUINE 68.S~3FMOil POINTMIN -- - -am-pi RUSSELL TRAVEL 116 BROCK ST, S., WHUTBY668-5000 - HOURS Mon -Fri 9 -5 pm,St 9 -12 668-9262 FALL CHECK-UP $1 69 Includes ~'i.ageot 4 urt( OI AND FILTER >0 Instal new Motorcraft fiter po Inspect: Ehaust System Shock Absofbers Steering Linkage Front and Rear Suspension Radiatoi and (teater Halses Battery Cabes and Connecteons AUt Bets Ait Fuid Levels Air Cleaner Fitter WndshWed Wiper Stades MO Lubrcate NHood latch and hnges Deck Lid (lnges J' est Coolant Wo Temperature o BAtterhghts a SGai M attryanSpif rty Passenger Cars and Ligh Trucks MERCURY 04: à

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