Whitby Free Press, 13 Sep 1978, p. 10

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PAGE. lotWEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 13, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Seniors cetepasfutu re at meetingf Sept. 28g With the coming of fail, the programs of the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre are moving into high gear agaîn. On Sept. 28 at 4 p.m. there will be a general meeting of aIl the' members of the centre to plan future programs and hear ideas f rom the membership. Everyone is encouraged to attend. A dance party at the centre, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. will be a kickoff for the fun season ahead. The Seniors' Activity Centre Choir, under the direction of Mary Dean Samanski, Will resumne in September, with Ada Baxter as pianist. For further information' about joining the choir, phone Lynne Knight at 668-4575. On Aug. 24, James Smyth was appointed co-ordinator of games at the centre. Lew Sherlock was elected to convene billiards, snooker and pool. Competitionswili be run with handicaps and prizes, to be scheduied over three months. Richard England and James Smyth have been asked to decide on the handi- caps. AIl pool table games, darts and shuffleboard may be played *ail dGy Monday, Tuesday'and Thursday after- noons and ail day Friday except for lunch hour. Lessons" can be arranged with Lew- Sherlock. A small competition entryý charge will be announced later, to facilitate prizes. Conveners are stili needed for darts and shuffleboard. Anyone interested is asked to contact Bruce Browning at 668-1746. Possibilities of smail table games (dominoes, checkers, chess, backgammon and, cards) will be discussed at the general meeting-Sept. 28. Registrations will be taken Sept. il from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m '.to 4 p.m. at the centre for a bus tnip.to the Kitchener Farmners' Market. The bus will leaveý for. Kitehener Sept. 20 at 7:30 a.m. Cost is $6. For those who are going on the Florida -trip, tickets and insurance folders will be available at the centre from 10 a.rn. to noon Sept. 27. This will avoid going to Oshawa to pick up your tickets. Bus arrangements wili also be made to leave from the centre- to the Toronto airport Oct. 8 and return on Oct. 22. Square dancing classes at the centre resume on Sept. 27 at 2 p.mn., with Chuck and Gladys Cooper in charge. New members are encouraged to join. Creative workshops in macrameand weaving will be offered again in October,, on Wednesday mornings. Ceramnies'classes will begin Sept. 12 at 9:30. a.m. Pottery classes start Sept. 13 at 9:30 a.m. Registration for ail these classes and workshops wili be taken until Sept. 12 during FALL -CHECK-UP upto Ineludes $1 9qsOit AND FULTER M« Change oi (il quars 1 kO Instali new Motorcalt lter poInspeci f Eehaust System Shock Absoriers Steering nkg ¶ . Front and Rear Suseso Radialcor and Hea'en one Sallefy Cabies and Connections AilBoeis AlFlud Leveis Air Cleaner Finter Wndshieid Wîper Bades ýJ4 Lubricftte Hood itctr and hnges jTest ooonr H i te 6 Battery Spcrtc Gravity AU hghts and Signais Passenger Cars arid Lght Tucirt Men's Leagues Ladies Evening 1. Senior Citizenis office hours at the centre. A i10-w eek session costs $3. A new theatre arts group has been meeting over the summer, to set up a theatre program for' the activity centre. A ny members interested in joining this group arc asked to caîl Gwen Jenkins it 668-4908. Regular meetings and rehearsai times will be announeed later. Ladies Aftcrnoon Leagues ~eaguesMixed Leagues Youth Bowling Coliel age 5 yrs to 18 yrs Young Aduits age 18 yrs to 29 yrs Phone Coiinty Bowl 663-2651i OPEN 7DAYS AWEEK 12 ma to i. omn . bwm m week@.uior b The centre is nopig tw resume its drawing and painting program which was cancelled last year. Anyone interested in joining is asked to contactthe centre. The senior's activity centre ladies are attempting to make up a eook book of senior eitizen's recipies. Anyone with a recipie to submit should eall the centre. Photography club, begins on Sept. 18 The Whitby Photography Club will hold 4-~ inaugural meeting at 7 p.m., on Monday September 18, in the auditorium 0of the Whitby Public Library. The main feature of the evening wili be a programme on photo- graphie composition. This narrated slide presentation fromn Kodak will illustrate some important principies of photographie composition. Workshops on the photo- graphy of children, flash phentography, travel photo- graphy and siide presenta- tion by memnbers are amnong the activities lined up for the rail period. Meeting tirnes, at the Library, wii[ be every second Monday, commene- ing on September 18. The Club wiil be a forum for ail aspects of photo- graphie interests: colour, bckand white, slides, super 8, portrait, nature studies, scenies, stili life, exhibition of' prints, andso on. i As:a. centre for the- ex, change of information and' for creating opportunities for individuals to improvetheir photographie skiils, the Club wiil be an addition to recreational interest in the Town. Membership forms are availabie at the Information Desk at the Whitby Library or at Frame House Photo- graphies, 115 Brock Street South, Whitby (668-1941). For further inforamtion con- tact George Blake, 668-8097, or, come to the Library on September la and pick up tips on photographie composition along with your membership application. SteUel plant turns sod for- addition Last Thursday, Mayor Jim Gartshore turned the soid for a 10,000 square foot addition to the North Ameirican Steel Company's plant on Hopkins Street. lion Wilson, president o f the »company, which has been in Whitby, for»2o years, for new machinery and' a new produets plant. When the building is comnpleted'by the end 0f October, he said, the addition ýwill provide three to four newý jobs. The addition wiii be 28 feet high, compared to the 16-foot height of the existing 20,000 square foot plant. Besides building the addition to his plant, Mr. Wilson is having a new roof put on the old building and the 9ntire faeility supplied with a sprinkler system LITR OU Sfrii GO5s r TEYATREDECORATN OU kc~ TOP QUALUTY PAINT PLUS A FREE 1" Star 100% Nylon Brush' With Each -Quart 11/2 Star 100% Nylon Brush With Every Gai. This, Off er Expires Sept 20, 1978 VISIT WANDA &TONY MARTIN AT o THE COMPLUE HARDèWARE STORE DMON NARDWRÉ Co ZM3 19BFRO1C K'S T. S. 6 68 35 40 : GAIL DORFMAN SCHOOLOF BALLET.,7 15 slow open for regi1strati1on for 1978-79 classes and wll11 beofferirig: BALLET for children from 6years and for aduits. CECCHETTI SYLLABUS EXAMINATION CLASSES POINTE CHARACTE R folk dancing adapted ta the theatre TEACHER TRAIN ING DALCROZE EURTHYTIHMICS music through nfoveinent for 3 ta 5 ve.r ods. BO0YS' MOVEMENT CLASS Spectal class for boys interested in Dwmnastcs, sWaing, danice or body developsiitt FACULTY: GAIL >OORFMAN - former teocher ci the NationI alletschool JANE WAY - former <oncer of the National Ballet Coevpony CAROL. DAYNARO - Dokcroze Etrhyt$mics speciolist pOR FIJEHI IFOMATION OR APPLICATION FORM CALL 648&1143 or 668-1231 (WtNIT&Y> I LET S GO BOWLING COUNTY BOWL 118 Byron St., N. Whitby We stili have openings ti înany leagues for new members. To juin a league for fun & exercise please cail IlOw! Don't be too late! You niay joini anyone of, the foliowing leagues:

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